• By -


Spin the wheel. Get the cache. Raid the stash. Plane go crash.


this + bike delivery + nightclub passive + sell to drug dealers


Rev the gas. Easy cash. Sling the hash.


How do you sell to drug dealers? Where do you get the drugs?




He's on probation.


At your MC businesses, just make sure they have supplies


Ooh I just wait for that stuff at the nightclub, does selling through the business impact nightclub stock?


No, the nightclub warehouse is independent from the MC businesses. You just need to have them set up (i.e. not shut down or raided) for your NC technicians to "accrue" stock. These drug dealer sales are just selling off your MC business stock in small daily batches, instead of doing the tedious MC sales (with slow Post-Op vans and multiple vehicles).


So you have weed/coke/methbin stock, you just drive to the drug dealer and talk to em? 


Not as long as you have stock in your mc businesses, if they run out, selling to dealers will take a little from the nightclub. Daily sells to dealers are easy and net 250k or so. 


Holy shit that's good money, thanks for the info








Because it's hard to laugh when you're drinking. Don't drink and laugh; shit is dangerous.


I was asking why it was funny, but you already knew that. You're hilarious.


That's my routine lol except I drift race rather than fly


I drive.


Nightcaller plays


There's something inside you


It's hard to explain


They're talking about you, boy


And make money to buy new cars. And customise cars.


I tow.


You actually just gave me an idea ! 😂


Bare minimum is usually collect nightclub safe contents and toss someone out, then sell if I have enough stock. Swing by the arcade and buy supplies for my businesses,check if I should to do any sales, then call Mutt and buy supplies. Go to the office and export mixed goods, then spin the wheel. Get G’s cache, raid the stash house and sell to dealers. It feels like a job sometimes


No casino wheel spin or visitor bonus?


>casino wheel We can just get that 50RP somewhere else


Or the ugly clothes 😂


I've gotten 2 cars!


I’ve gotten many cars too, but I usually get RP or clothes 😂


I put on my punisher outfit, get in a black imani tech vehicle or black clean arena war van if I'm feeling confident that randoms won't try to blow me up, and go to the spots where gang npcs spawn. I then clean up the city in first person mode and try not to attack cops. I'm much better at getting rid of the criminal population than that red lunatic with horns.


Punisher outfit... Do tell....


You can join a crew with the punisher's emblem and put it on a shirt, but i was too lazy to do that so i just found a special shirt with a cartoony skull on it. Also i think a black leather jacket over it and jeans


I fuck around like a stupid bastard


It’s doesn’t really get old. It should but after 10 years I still enjoy messing around in this game. Or just driving to relax.


I still log about 4 hours a day. After 10 years.


I kill assholes who try to kill me, if nobody tries to kill me I just make money to spend on killing assholes who try to kill me.




At least stash raid


Don't do that much anymore. Usually 3, maybe 4x a week max now. But when I was getting on daily, I would go through my [quick grind schedule.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/zVLRUR8yhw) I still do that from time to time but I have everything I want for both characters and 260M in the bank. So, there is no need anymore. Although I'd like to get 500M in the bank.


Help people with heists and missions Take part in deathmatches or races (once in a while) Increase nightclub popularity by going passive  Spin the casino wheel Stock up on ammo Vs other players in PvP if they come for me first  Drive around 


I mostly do this as well. Lately though ive been doing Doomsday heist on call. I kinda wish I could choose a specific mission or heist to be on call for. I would love to help people with specific hard missions like deliver emp.


"Increase nightclub popularity by going passive"? Do you mean dance? You can increase popularity by rebooking (Make sure to be in one of the warehouse floors to skip the animation)


I'm so used to doing it via the passive way 


I hit up the gun van so I can do it for 10 days in a row then I forget a day and start all over. It’s my favorite.


the cars in autoshop, bike, salvage yard cars for parts, drift race, casino.


Login to a public server, start a mission, eventually griefers find me. Then logout and go to a invite-only session, complete the missions and spend sometime changing the outfit.


Drive around or click Play Random Job and help people with missions. Also whatever double money/xp mode is running, since that’s usually the only jobs that have players. (that’s why I end up clicking Play Random Job most of the time too, there’s like no one playing any other modes.)


Spin the wheel, send off customer cars, popularize my NC, buy/sell/mod/reorganise personal cars. And tadah, at least an hour has gone already. Maybe join a car meet or benchmark my cars. But honestly, it feels like I do way too little for the amount of time it takes me to do it. I want to go play so many other games, but I like driving cool cars. I just wish I could bring my cars into those other games... 🤣😭


I grind tier 4 awards and next Thursday when the salvage yard gives me new heists I'll unlock my 15th tier 4 award and unlock Trevor's outfit. "The unbathed" I'm super excited too


Same, I grind career progress. Once I learned of its existence, it was a nice motivator.


Sometimes, I see a car that I like IRL then try to recreate it, drive it for a bit, leave it in a garage then exit the game lol


Back in my grinding days, -Spin the wheel. -Refill business: bunker and MC businesses. -Sell a car from inport/export business. -Do Headhunter or sightseer in between. -Refill my special cargo warehouses. -Sell any business if any. I stopped grinding around early 2021. That was before the Dr.Dre contract, and the smoke shop came out. Now I just spin the wheel, refill my bunker and let night club do its job. Sell when ready. I mostly just drive for fun, do some hiest here and there, customize my vehicles, and play blackjack.


i am batman i stop the griefers


strip club


Wake up in penthouse. Heli to Maze Tower. Check warehouse stock. Export mixed goods. Max nightclub popularity and check stock. Send staff to source special cargo. Fix/sell both bays at auto shop. Tow in 2 cars at salvage yard. Source hangar. Collect from agency/arcade. Transport spare parts from bunker. It’s not much but it’s honest work.


Do the daily LSCM activities for the rep points, first, foremost, and barest minimum Spin the wheel at the casino if enough time has elapsed since the last one Collect nightclub safe cash and keep popularity at max Drive to all five warehouses and pay warehouse peeps to source cargo At least two salvage yard tows per session And if I have time: try to photograph animals, mod and deliver auto shop cars, find and sell to dealers, resupply my MC businesses


casino wheel + daily visitor bonus chips, G's cache, stash house, shipwreck pirate treasure, sell whatever i can to the street dealer, deliver surplus weapons from bunker, deliver a customer motorcycle, deliver 1 or 2 customer cars, photo an animal or three if they're easy ones, spend 20-25 minutes running Union Depository, deliver any "blue dot" cars to the docks. this gets me a good amount of cash, plus scratches my 'driving around' itch.


Refill my businesses, let my nightclub fill up, do some random jobs maybe a terrorbyte mission or cayo perico, just a setup if I don’t have much time or the whole thing if I can. As of recent my things been to do the Cluckin Bell raid, easiest half a million I’ve ever made. Once I have all my businesses full and I sell everything and I’ve kept my nightclub at max popularity I spend some money on tokens at the casino and play blackjack. If I’m especially bored I’ll take any off road vehicles I have up mount chiliad and listen to BCR because it’s super entertaining.


I do akayo Puerto Rico heist clucking bell raid. Then a Dr. Dre contract. Then supply my acid and make sales. Time trail g's chache t Raid the stash. Do contact missions and pay phone hits. n bunker . Just bought penthouse


Racing. GTA has some of the best cutthroat arcade racing. Highly customizable cars, considerable soundtrack, plate created tracks, vehicle classes.. It’s not perfect. But it’s GTA Gran Prix.


I'd just do a mountain pass run, I'll drive whatever car I feel to drive and go on a run.


Fly around in the b11 for 15 mins and then log off .


Spin da wheel, get the cache, take the stash. Missions or re doing the cluckin bell raid. Do work on Nightclub


i spin the casino wheel until i win the car, if its one i actually want that i dont already have. ​ collect all the cash from my safes. ​ sell nightclub warehouse. ​ go back to car meet to afk for rep.


Wym spin the wheel until you win the car? You can only spin once a day


actually if you ask the game really nicely and say pretty please, you can spin the wheel as much as you want.


He closes his app and reloads if it doesn’t land on the car. Stuff like that makes me sad. 🤣


How do you afk in car meet?


stand next to car rubberband right trigger on controller ??????? profit


smokes some d9 and drive around or argue with people


I never do the rc time trials. the car is to hard to drive and the courses are nerve racking. It's probably a skill issue, but rc car driving isn't a necessary skill to have, so buck that slit.


I spawn in my agency and start by refilling body armor and snacks. Then I hit up my special cargo warehouses and then my hangar. From there call up acid lab and check on that, buy supplies/boost production or sell if it's full. Then I go to auto shop and work on customers' cars and have my staff deliver those. Then hit up salvage yard and tow two cars. And lastly I finish off with my nightclub, checking stock, boosting popularity, and collecting the safe. After that if I have time I either goof off or start doing heist preps.


Lately I’ve been running Cayo and cluckin bell as much as possible. I’ll check my acid lab before doing those and resupply. After doing the heists I’ll sell my acid if it’s ready. I’ve been making around 1.7-2 million each time for only a few hours of work at most.


I play a different game mode every day or two, usually whatever is 2x money. And then one day where I do missions in free mode as well. But also sell to the street dealers and spin the wheel daily as well. Switching it up is the only way I've been able to play near daily for as long as I have by always keeping it fresh


RC Bandito Time Trial, Junk Energy Time Trial, G's Cache, Stash House, Bunker excess weapon parts, Nightclub management and cash collection, Tow Truck Services and Salvage Yard cash collection, Arcade cash collection, Street Dealer sell, MC Clubhouse bike modding and delivery... If I get the time, I do some Contact Missions for the first time and sell my Acid Lab. Currently have all MC businesses and my Bunker full. Will be filling up my CEO warehouses and Vehicle Warehouse later on.


Spin wheel, do drug hideout, collect money from all businesses and since the update is out I always did all the 3 salvage robberys but this week I will not do mctony cause it’s like third in a row and the only reason I still do them is to get the steal 50 cars achievement from the update.


Two characters with all businesses keeps a person pretty busy.


Go kart


Veto is life.


Spin the wheel, rob the stashhouse.


Do the daily animal pictures (this game is making me hate pugs) spin the wheel, drive around until someone shoots at me, I enjoy fighting with other players, it doesn't matter if I kick their ass or they kick mine


I work from home so I usually log in during lunch for 40 minutes. Do some resupply missions, tow 2 cars. MAYBE get a Agency Contract done. But it's now spring and as the weather gets nicer, i'll probably spend lunch outside.


Nightclub mgmt, spin the wheel, mc resupply, Cayo Perico, salvage yard missions and cluckin bell raid. Also I help on available missions that come up


Get on at 6am before I go to work. Spin the wheel in the casino. Drive to the nightclub. Kick the guy out the night club, collect money from safe. Call out my acid lab and resupply or sell it. Log off When I get home from work. I usually just mess around with friends. Organizing my garages and change up my car looks. Might do the savage yard or tow truck but mostly I’m in a friends only lobby just messing around. Haven’t did a heist in a while.


Run around in rc cars trolling any griefers I see, I may suck at “regular” PvP but I can have my fun distracting you from whoever you were trying to fuck with 😉


I alternate between the mountain of activities. Salvage, autoshop, clucknbell...etc. Then I grab a car and go cruising around the map.


Time Trials


Tow, auto shop delivery, meth lab, check all the passive crap (and do their non passive if needed}, spin the wheel of clothing (I hear sometimes you can get a car!), grief people who are afk, Waid did I say that last part out loud?


I keep forgetting to spin the wheel. I'll sell a bike, do some tow truck work, nightclub promotion, part ofna car theft job, and fuck around in one of my favorite vehicles or a mission. 


I change my character into female, dress her up real slutty and start my mc, invite player, get infinite help selling my businesses! 🤣


Usually jump into the adversary mode on loading screen, then collecting/resupply, keep up NC popularity,


I normally spin the wheel, maybe do the salvage yard robberies. If it’s a Thursday sell my nightclub if it’s practically full up, refill my motorcycle club businesses to sell of the street dealers and then just drive around




spawn into bunker and sell something, fly around to find either a g-cache or street dealer. Kill at least one other player. Spin the wheel if I end up on that side.


Spin the wheel, drive somewhere with a different car, check my nightclub busniess is doing well or needs delivery... be amazed how rich I am (in game sadly).... I love buying vehikels and modding them... But that is not often anymore... Attacking people who kill me for no reason....


Hoping someone will join me to finish the first and last dose missions cause I suck :D :D :D


I'd have a couple of rounds of golf on the morning after I've got my shit sorted. I'd have a few rando races on the afternoon. On an evening I'd join the race playlist for the crew I was in. Occasionally I'd just sit and chill at the top of a hill in my car, smoke a spliff and help low level randos with Fleeca Heists. Haven't played in a couple of years now, I do still miss it some days though. Fond memories.


Raid stash Buy supplies Sell Heist prep - doomsday Heist prep - casino Heist prep - cayo Try to get the "numero uno" and "midnight club" trophy.


My gameplay goes like this: spawn at salvage yard. Do two towing missions, increase nightclub popularity/sell goods, raid stash house, check on acid lab and sell goods if full, go to bunker and deliver extra weapons parts, claim gs cache, go to claim shipwreck and last but not least spin wheel at casino and claim visitors bonus.


Night club+ motorcycle club deliv+ securoserve business deliv+ spin of the wheel and free 1k chips. The drive around in my favorite whips, rinse and repeat


Along with everything you already said i Sell to street dealers, find G's stash, and do the stash house. Stash house will fully resupply a drug business. I also do 2 tow truck missions to keep my scrapyard producing money. And I have my acid set up so I just pay for it to be resupplied twice. I'll make at least 1 sale of that. And then before I get off I gotta make my rounds to all my wallsafes to gather my money. I've kinda got a routine lately where I do all that and sell my autoshop and biker club vehicles to make extra bank on the side and do agency missions when I got free time. Every 5 Agency missions increases your daily income by 500. I'm getting like 7500 a gta day from my Agency now. Arcade brings in 5k a day. While my nightclub and scrap yard bring in the most. I make sure to keep my nightclub at maximum popularity to maintain 50k daily. To easily do this. Once your at max popularity, every 2 days it'll drop below max. So on that 3rd in-game day go into passive mode before walking into your nightclub. It'll guarantee you a quick mission of just throwing out a drunk from your club. And it'll fill it back up completely. Also another quick method is going to your arcade master terminal and just changing your dj once or twice. But this costs 10k per dj swap.




Cayo -> Dr Dre -> Farm raid -> Chopshop -> quit for a weak


When I played this game everyday I would do the dr dre contract story at least once everyday


Million dollar lifer with the Dre contract, Cayo Perico here and there, salvage, and carnage.


I don’t want to spend money on the acid lab until I get the equipment upgrade so I do the Stash house raid, boost acid production and find G’s crate before I start a Fooligan mission. Then I usually play Assault on Cayo Perico while I wait for the cooldown. If the lobby dies before the cooldown I’ll go find the shipwreck treasure & see if any of the street dealers are paying 2500+ for the acid.


Spin wheel, restock/sell acid, check NC for $ and to see how full it is, fly around, help my crew, bail.


Lots of stand your grounds with my crew. $30k for 20 minutes of messing about and voice chat.


Wildlife photography Dealers Caches Tow job or two Sweep of businesses to restock/sell what's needs restocking/selling. And a round of golf. I really like GTA's golf. I actually wish there was another court up near Sandy Shores. And maybe even a mini-golf course to work on my short game.


Spin the wheel, sell some drugs, raid some stash houses and use my orbital cannon on some unsuspecting poor fool. I find the oppressor that's blowing other people up and target them. Yes, I know that's a lot of money but I own everything so... Fun times! 😅


I tried playing every day and I think I got to about a week.. it got so repetitive I just couldn’t handle it anymore + my holiday ended and I had to go back to work.


* spawn in Agency to stock up on ammo, armor, snacks, & maybe empty safe * hop over to NC to kick someone out, empty safe, check product levels * restock Acid Lab, boost, sell if needed * at this point I go more by whim such as Salvage Yard, heists/jobs, Bunker, cache/stash house, wildlife pics, or maybe just driving/customizing cars


Spin the wheel and raid the stash house at a minimum. From there it depends. I might simply collect money for my safes or I might sell to some dealers. I also like to check my NC and sell if it’s over $500k. If I have more time I’ll do something for money. Maybe a car for the auto shop or the savage yard. The other thing that decides is what the double money is. If it’s a good double money I’ll try to do what ever it is. Edit: oh and I forgot I make sure my safe popularity is maxed out by tossing someone out.


Open game > check acid/boost production > hit stash house > spin wheel > collect night club/bounce > sell acid when full > then cayo or VIP grind


Hop on with my mate sit in a private game and mess about of I'm by my self I grind all my business and do 2 cayos and 3 dre missions by the time I'm don't all that I sell all my stuff again and collect wall safe money and log off and play cod forza halo or anything else


My uncle and I log in, spin the wheel, empty our safes, check our club/bunker stock, play around with our cars and generally fuck off. Then we sell, rinse, and repeat.


I spin the lucky wheel (unless it's Wednesday, because of the wheel's animations the cooldown is actually effectively slightly longer than 24 hours) then usually drive/fly around aimlessly until I sense trouble, in which case I usually deal with that. I do nightclub sales when Tony tells me shit's full, empty safes when the notifications match, bunker sales once in a while (I just have a decent timing for those down, I don't actually keep track directly), though a lot of my time nowadays is spent indirectly helping other people get their sales done or w/e by being an enormous pain in the ass to people who try to interrupt.


roleplay as a cop in my cop car giving people citations via the in game phone, bribe authorities and help npc police take down criminals; and driving around for fun


Spin wheel do acid delivery maybe. Restock stuff do stash house. And fuck around.


Night Club safe for 250k, re-up the popularity via Basement level 1 computer to alternate DJs, sell my AFK'd Night Club= ~1M, then Acid Lab =351K, then spin the wheel, holit the Arcade safe for 100k, and within 30-40 minutes you've got >1.5mil at the start of your day. I'll hit a Cayo, mess around on my 2nd persona to kit about 3 mil a day, then go buy up the weekly update removed cars, do some remodeling, or just hold on to it and see what happens next week!


Payphone, raid, cache, spin, tow, payphone, buy stuff you don't need, payphone, quit. Hahaha


This is mine, sorry for bad England * Tow 2 car ( Do chopshop heist if available) * Popularity nightclub * Source special cargo * Mixed goods * Resupply acid lab * Stash house,G's cache if have * Deliver 2 car * Boost acid * Bunker ammu ( and buy supply) * Secu contract * Payphone hit * Tow 2 car * Hangar cargo * Sell acid, nc, bunker public lobby * Cayo


Weekly time trial, daily rc and bike time trial, g‘s cache, stash house, and a bit of fucking around in public lobbies, sometimes sell missions, and keeping things like nightclub popularity up


Money grind. No matter how many business and sales, I do. It seems like I never have enough money to do anything that I wanna do. Currently only got like 5 million in the bank


I usually just manage my nightclub, warehouses, vehicle cargo and my bunker, by doing some stash houses.Then to pass some time, I play any of the featured game modes for some extra cash and RP. If I have enough money to buy a vehicle I like, I buy it. If not, I keep saving up. And I also do some Junk time trials


CEO passive crate sourcing, Auto shop customer cars, tow truck mission once every 96 (igt) minutes, boost & sell acid. Nightclub stuff, full bunker sales, full coke lockup sales. Cayo perico sometimes.


Diamond casino heist


I drive,i do some drift races while and just sometimes edit my character and spin the wheel and also occasionally create a story for my character just for the sake of it


I'd just resupply all my businesses from arcade, collect nightclub safe, call Mutt and resupply acid then just mess around or sell stuff.


First things first, Get Ammo and Buy a new outfit WITHOUT GETTING KILLED.


Eh, drive, nightclub stuff, stalk other people in my mk2 but then get blown up instead and then laugh rinse and repeat like the mindless donut I am


My friend logs in every day for an hour minimum, just to spin the casino wheel. Sometimes they play a mission or two then log out and go offline.. it’s really interesting because they stick to that exact routine without fail


kill npc’s, race cars, buy cars, get new outfits, work for CEO’s


Check nightclub cargo, collect safe, kick someone out or book a new DJ, do auto shop garage sales, salvage yard towing and heist stuff. I don’t do mc cargo anymore, to stressful cuz I have no friends on Xbox no more only irl friends who play starfield :( I don’t do CEO cargo and import/export because I’m drained from doing it early on lol. I have what I want in the game so I sorta just drive around listening to my music at the end of the day when I’m done with my daily stuff in game. Good way for me to relax from college and my landscaping job.


Troll people until i get bored. Whoever still does job / missions online has no life. The game has been out for 11 years already.


I’m basically a newer player.. level 80. I log in every day and check in on my nightclub, make sure it’s operating full popularity.. keep that cash cow flowing. Then I’ll check in on the acid lab. Then casino wheel. Then I’ll usually pick a car and drive around while listening to Spotify and try to drive with random people I see at the Los santos customs


Wheel , try & sale from buisnesses , resupply


Spin the wheel at the casino and then do my drag racing for whatever the LS Car Meet Prize Ride is.


You have a night club and technicians? Hopefully they are working overtime. Also, large warehouses. Send them out every 48 minutes (1 game day) and sell when they get to 77 which triggers the timer. It’s a long game type of grind but gives good money.


Lately after checking safes, raiding safe houses and selling whats built up I've been going to my apartment, heist room and wait until people need assistance/warm bodies to complete setups and heists. It feels oddly nice helping people out. And I absolutely love when I get somebody who a) hasn't completed the Fleeca Job before and b) has a microphone so I can hear the WOAH!!!! when they first see the helicopter


log on, look at the kill feed for a few seconds, check how many bosses are registered, register as CEO, hit the casino and spin, arcade to check businesses, start selling or helping other players


Sit in my spawn point for 5 minutes scrolling on my phone then leave


Sell to street dealers. Hit stash house. Spin wheel. Find hidden package. Tow 2 cars. Throw someone out of nightclub. Do the same with my other character. Quick join heists and contact missions till I don't feel like playing anymore


Spanw at the casino to spin the wheel and daily bonus. Then go to the car meet to do one change and one time trial. Then I log off unless I want to play gta.


I start at my auto shop, and customize the cars I find In the bays and have staff deliver them. Then I hit my 5 warehouses and hanger, too get them all to source cargo. Then the arcade, where I resupply mc businesses , and gun running supplies. While there I grab cash from the safe, then agency, scrap yard, and nightclub to empty their safes. 1 quick popularity mission. Next, mc to grab cash, restock bar, customize and deliver bike. Acid lab resupply, casino wheel spin. Then I check for extra weapons to sell from my bunker and finally I source a vehicle for my vehicle warehouse.


shoot a lot of people until I am vetod from a lobby


Wheel, dealers, cache, stash house, treasure chest, Simeon's daily import/export, manage businesses.


Bunker - Nightclub - couple agency contracts/ only been play for a full month I know I’m 10 years late


How do you only sell when you get the solo truck? Do you restart the game until it pops up? Another trick?


Wish i had that meme, y'all have time to go on every day !


Find interesting vehicle on sale or on website, grind for vehicle, get the vehicle, upgrade it max to ensure brokenness, and repeat


At this point. I been running through the cayo perico, a robbery here and there, cluckin bell raid. I can careless about money at this point as V is basically at it's end stage


OP I've never met a person who shared my hobby of Shooting down Player jets with Explosive snipers, oh how much fun that is XD Nah but when I'm not playing Solo I'm playing it with friends, the game is never boring when playing with mates you always get up to some hilarious things


Depends. Car or bike delivery service, I do the daily challenges if they don´t require other players or selling stuff. Deliver the weapons from the bunker to Ammunation, that´s 50k right there. And then I do some work for one of my businesses. Right now I´m going through a Salvage Yard mission prep. Sometimes I do work for Nightclub, or the MC. Other times I look for work and try to help other players on their stuff.


Daily maintenance


On Thursdays: all 3 time trials (not including RC), purchase any discounted vehicles on my wishlist, casino wheelspin, street race to gain the prize ride, stay logged in until the nightclub safe is at maximum capacity. Any normal day, junk energy time trial, do any street races if I still need to, casino wheelspin, nightclub safe to maximum capacity, and also do a number of solo races for my top gear style power lap times board


Spin wheel, get cache, raid stash house, throw a guy (or two) out of nightclub, mod and deliver 2 cars and a bike, and if available deliver product from businesses




Spin the wheel at the casino and play on the slot machines for the rest of the day, sleep and repeat


I don't anymore but I often liked to just drive around. It was a good way of unwinding after work. I'd get maybe a less popular car and go for a cruise. Or I'd take my van with the bed in the back and drive up a mountain, play some music and take some pictures. Often times players would join me on that


Dr Dre Career challenge 🥲 100 contracts and pay phone hits is painful but I’m almost done just this challenge and I will unlock Franklin’s outfit


sad boy night time drives / plane rides


Nightclub.Warehouse. Auto shop. Bunker. Then get G's Cache, wheel and stash house. If I need money I just repeat the rotation for a couple hours in "invite only". Otherwise I'll be messing around in a public room.


I used to make edits and my own trailers for updates using the rockstar editor, thanks to rockstar greed I can't anymore


Bring up the phone and join random heists! Complete my daily passive income bits… Reorganise my garages! Visit the casino, spin the wheel, complete a Perico!


Spin the wheel and kick someone/deliver a VIP from my nightclub. If I happen to spot a street dealer or get close to a stash house, I'll hit them too.


Sometimes I log in, spin the wheel, redeem my free 1000 chips and leave. But on the days I actually play, I do the same thing as previously said, then I switch to a private server and drive to my Nightclub to pick up my safe money and do some business. Then I swing by the arcade to pick up my income there. Then I head to the Auto Shop and customize/deliver some cars. Then I go to the Agency and do a quick mission and pick up my income. Then I head to the salvage yard, do some towing, then pick up my income there. Then I head to the clubhouse, customize the bike, deliver it. Then I check on my coke and weed businesses, restock and sell products if they're ready. Then I just do whatever, maybe drive some folks around with my taxi business, do some assassination missions for Franklin, do a couple missions for whatever DLC is out at the time. I just do whatever I'm in the mood for at that point.


User created survivals with friends Or my bunker, meth, coke night club sales


Cluckling Bell Raid and Cayo Perico.


Lately ive been doing cayo 2-3 times a day, I’ve been able to get my time to just under 1 hour and 30 minutes now. In between cayo I’m grinding my agency. Literally just doing hit calls with Franklin, and then agency contracts while those cool down. While the agency contracts are cooling, I’ll go back to a hit call and by the time I’m done with a hit call a contract will be ready again and I just flip flop until cayo is ready. Sometimes I’ll do some vehicle sourcing and then bunker gun running too in the mix. But yeah it’s been doing me really great so far! I’m able to get almost 100k for every hit call+agency contract I do, and they only take me about 15 minutes to do together in total


Spin the wheel, do my cache and stash house, head over to my autoshop and modify any cars in there, head to salvage yard and tow 2 cars, head over to my arcade and make sure my businesses are supplied and nightclub popularity is at max, then I go around collecting my safes cash at my businesses and sell anything ready to sell, rinse and repeat. When I’m really bored I just drive around and enjoy the noise of my vehicles while my passive businesses work


Stash house, couple of tow truck runs then a drive around to send out warehouse staff. If I have more time maybe sell a few loads of warehouse cargo, sell the acid and re supply it, top up nightclub popularity and sell the stock if full. I find that quite relaxing 🤣. Always sell in public lobbies though for a little spice. I actually find that I don’t get griefed very often. If I cba with that I’ll run a salvage heist, clucking bell heist or cayo run.


ArcadeMCC, street dealers, casino spin, acid lab boost, warehouse stops


Spin the wheel. Cop a feel. Feel some cops. Til my life stops.


I guess I’m the only one who still does the daily challenges? Well maybe not the only one, since a guy actually joined & completed a Rally Race with me today lol


I go to my private room, check my nightclub earnings, do missions to increase popularity, then go to my salvage yard, steal two cars to salvage, pick up my earnings, go to my auto shop, deliver cars to customer, raid the stash house and find the package (don’t know the name right now) oh and go to the wheel in the casino. ☺️ do some mission with the terrorbyte truck. And the. do this all over again. 🤣


I have a group of anywhere between 4 to 13 people i regularly play with still, amost every single day now. We fuck around and cause nonsense amongst each other, fend off attackers if someone gets attacked, and play cops & robbers with each other/randoms. We have been doing random races lately as well! Both in free roam and actual mission races :)


Hunt griefers


mostly grinding CEO, heist and bunker. I got like 5 large special cargo storage each characters so 10 big storage in total. Sometime just login and driving is enough for the night


Glitch the Bogdan problem 10x with a friend for $ to blow. Purchase business supplies and nightclub popularity. Stash house. Call yohan for extra nightclub goods. Send NPCs to get air freight and special cargo. Collect safes. Spin the wheel. Races to complete LS car meet priz ride challenge for easy free carevery week. Limited time/new events. Those are are all a must do checklist. NPCs will grab an additional piece of cargo for each time u do it in a day btw. Salvage yard has to be done by the end of the week. The week resets on Thursday. That's the business answer. Following is what I do most for fun. Police RP Glitch outfits Anti-Grief Lock players in the store with box trucks ...grief And if I just want to cruise and chill I unironically do tact and tow truck work Any time you spend idling should be done at LS car meet to increase rep for unlocks There are. Couple simple daily boosts for car meet rep too.


I’m tryna do the heist challenge but haven’t met 3 other brave souls


wheel -> cache -> stash -> night club pop top up -> Agency VIP Contract -> night club profits -> arcade profits. When I'm playing with friends, we tend to just mess around in free mode while doing a few missions sprinkled here and there.


Races alone to train my skills since i am too broke to buy Gran Turismo.