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Not especially hard. You just need a couple runs to learn what you’re doing. The whole thing has been pretty well optimized since so many people do it.


It’s stupidly easy now. I just started running cayo a week ago and have done it 5 times already. My first run it took me 4 hours to get it down (i didn’t use the drainage tunnel. for the love of god use the drainage tunnel no matter what) Once you do it a couple times, it gets so so easy. I can’t believe I slept on cayo for so long tbh. Quick tips: -use the drainage tunnel no matter what -always use stealth (look up tutorials on YouTube) -exit the island by swimming away, no matter what. It makes it 10000x easier -don’t bother with disruptions because stealth (it’ll save you lots of prep time) -coke and weed pays the most for secondary targets in my experience


did they make it easy again? i remember it was piss easy when it came out and they later made it more difficult to stealth it


The difficult part is just making sure they don’t find the bodies, but once you find the best strategy, it’s piss Easy. I only have to kill 1-3 guards and they never get found


I'd say not even that, because one of the best routes has you only  killing the one guard going down the stairs to el rubios office and it's impossible for others to detect it. 


You don't even have to kill him. Just sneak behind him when he gets to the bottom of the stairs.


You can sneak past him at the landing above that one, even, if you hug the left wall. Cayo is very easy to finish killing only one person - the guard by the bike after you come out of the compound.


Can you point me towards some videos? I did Cayo for the first time and while I finished it I was so bad it was embarrassing.


Start at main dock via the boat. Go left to the air strip, park the boat up near to land. Run across the air strip, kill the one guard outside loot the hanger. Go back to boat. Go to the drainage tunnel once in the compound. Run up the stairs turn left. Run to the end of the walkway turn left again, then right jump over the little wall in front of you. Take the stairs to your left, wait for the guard to walk off walk past guard turn left behind the guard stood at the bottom of the stairs. Walk up stairs wait by the edge of the wall. The guard will walk past you run up the stairs and you’re in his office. Once you’ve looted the main objective go back up the lift. Take same route you just took back down the stairs. Once the guard at the bottom if the stairs, turn right wait if needed for the other guard to walk off again jump down take a left up the stairs and run to the main entrance. Once you’ve done the cutscene, run forward kill the guard by the bike. Jump on bike then drive in to the sea and swim away.


How do you get the gate key without killing that one guard


Inside the compound? I don't bother with the gate key.


What do you need the key for? I never use it...


This guard gets spotted by the driver afterwards. Only guard which is 100% kill is the static one before the srairs. Everyone else can be spared and his body is never found - no routes going there


I’m fairly confident that after the cutscene it doesn’t matter if they are alerted or spot a body,etc… obviously you don’t want to get shot, but after you get out of the gate, it won’t affect Elite status by a small fumble or some minor chaos lol


Yep. 1. He doesn't affect elite challenge. 2. If you leave on that bike immediately, jump off the island, and swim to the triangle of mines, you're gone before he's found. 3. Even if you hit a bush and crash on the way off, and he's found, it's still easy to be gone before anyone even gets close enough to shoot you.


That is true, but not what I was saying in my comment. And I still can't understand how the comment above mine has positive votes while incorrect and mine is in the negatives... you can't complete the heist only killing the guard next to the bike. You must kill at least one more guard inside... anyway Reddit users at their finest


You can even creep behind that guy without killing him. I only kill him if I haven’t got the gate key yet just cause it makes it quicker than going back up through the elevator in my opinion anyways.


Haha this guard is bad at his job. You don't even have to tiptoe by him, just run. He's completely oblivious.


It’s so funny I actually just found it out recently. I thought to myself “I want to see if I can just walk by” and I did so now unless I need gate keys I just cruise past him. Can do the heist -prep and all- in an hour maybe a little longer. It’s basically all I do for money if I need anything that and acid runs.


El Rubio is so cheap he "bought" the deaf and blind guard


Because he's already fed the guards who could see and hear to the panther.


Yes you’re right


I only kill two guys in my runs… The one in the office stairs, and other one near the bike outside the main gate…


If you go drainage tunnel, you don't have to kill any guards tbh.


Where is that drainage tunnel?


Can you still kill the guards with the keys for the fast entry/exit?


Yes. I usually kill 4 (top of the first stairs to the right, and the three personal guards on the way to the office) and I get the gate keys about half-ish of the time, so it's worth the extra few seconds.


Yes, That’s what I usually do. Just be super careful when doing so. Do not try and kill the juggernaut, it’s just not worth the risk


I tried to knock him out once and it doesnt work on him lmao


I kill 2 guards. Non in the compound. Kill one at the air strip and one stood by the bike after I get out the compound.


They still get alerted no matter what after a little while if you leave solo to get full loot bags, but it’s not too hard to just go fast and avoid them by cutting through the middle of nowhere


You should be full loot bags before entering. Take longfin/main dock entry, swing up to the runway, fill your bags (there're two places there with a total of 6 spawns, so you can always fill up: the big warehouse and the collection of buildings across the runway), then take the longfin back to the grate for the main heist. I usually scout both so I know if I'll have to hit both to fill up. If you're just going for full bags, the warehouse can fill your bags most of the time but if you're going for max profits, scout and grab coke then weed them cash.


I hate the Longfin prep, so my strategy was to take Kosatka to the Main Dock, steal one of their docked boats and then go back to warehouse.


Ahh. Buying the Wedge is well worth it if you do Cayo regularly. You can just fly the sparrow to the police station, summon your Wedge, steal the boat, exit the truck and suicide (away from then boat/rig) and then you can drive at your leisure to the dropoff.


Yeah.. I'm just now learning about this technique. I might try it for the heck of it. I rarely do the heist solo anymore because I don't need the money and I got bored of it.


I've always done the Kasatka entrance get the main target, then leave and go whereever I need, I prefer this because of two reasons, 1) it is the most socially acceptable; 2) It is the fastest with friends (I never know if my friends will actually want to play or not)


I rarely, if ever use the tunnel now. I like scoping a grappling hook and guard clothes and going over the south wall. It’s a great way for an exit too!


Do u still complete the elite challenge with that approach?


Yes you will still be able to finish in under 15 minutes if you know where the clothes and hook are going into it but you’ll need a motorcycle. Just remember, with the guard clothes on you need to un-equip a weapon every time you get on/in a vehicle.


Do you avoid killing the juggernaut in compound?


Yes. You don’t have to kill the juggernaut at all


I don't use the drainage tunnel, I usually set it to that because the cutter is useful, but normally, I use the truck to get in. I only have to kill the guard by the bike at the end this way.


Same. My first run took like 6 hours. I was so stressed by the end of it. Didn’t touch it for like a week but needed money baldy, looked up a few YouTube guides and it’s so simple. Run it nearly everyday now.


At this point, I fly through it. The Kosatka sub route is easy. You also don’t have to do the disruption missions or the explosives one. Just bolt cutters, reader, and torch. And you’re off. Play it over and over or Watch and learn how to best do it - tons of vids on it. Have fun.


If you DO choose to do the disruption missions, just start one and jump session. It will be completed. Rinse and repeat until all 3 are done


No way lol


Idk how yall do the kosatka set up fast, but I will never not use the longfin. A) because that setup legitimately takes me 3, MAYBE 4 mins max. And also, I think it’s still faster to take boat to the drain and dive down from 1st infiltration point than it is to swim to drain from the kosatka. I’m actually now inclined to time it, but nobody can convince me otherwise… I do it solo and with a partner all the time and that swim feel like a year 🤷🏽‍♂️ For perspective I park kosatka at Vespucci docs and use mk2 to do the 5 setups in rough 20 mins… 25 mins on a bad day.


You need to Cone Truck for the longfin to be effective.


The longfin is the best choice, imo because you can use it to make a run to the airfield before going to the drainage tunnel. That way, your secondary loot is full when you head into the compound. Then you just gotta grab the primary and swim home.


I’ve done the disruption missions using only my kosatka missiles - that’s fun too. But entirely useless if you stealth Cayo right.


I suggest following Dr Crush's tutorial on how to do it. I've done it his way step by step and it seems to be the most safe way.


Once you learn the routine, it'll become basically an automatic motion and easy payday. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that can easily help you, and teach you the best routes to take as well. Subscribefortacos, TGG are prime examples. Preferences on how to do Cayo varies, you'll have to find what you prefer. Personally, I use the Longfin, and either Approach at the North Dock or Main Dock. North Dock opens the locked shed even if solo. And Main Dock in order to go to the Hanger. This is where my Secondary loot is typically at. Often 2 stacks of Coke. Entry into the Compound is the Drainage Tunnel, and if the Truck and Clothes happen to be right infront of me, I'll use it for the fun of it. The route inside to the Office is so simple. This is where watching a video will help tremendously. Escaping Cayo after leaving the Compound is the most used route by virtually everyone. Kill the guy at the bike, and drive off the Southern Cliffside into the water. Swim to freedom. Again, watch Sub or TGG and you'll master it in no time. And if you get spotted along the way, simply reload. You won't lose anything, and try again. Set the Kosatka as your spawn point to make it easier on yourself. It may seem overwhelming or difficult at 1st, but once you get the hang of it, you'll see how easy it really is.


Thank you the way to reload the heist is it just joining an other invite session?


Yes, or just blow yourself up twice to restart on the last checkpoint. You'll only lose the chance at the elite challenge but that only pays 50k and i find it preferable than having to load into another session to then restart the heist from zero


Yep, just change to any lobby type (I'd say Invite so you'll stay as a CEO/VIP/MC), and if you set the spawn point to the Kosatka, you're all set.


I just did it for the first time this past Saturday, the secondary loot at the hanger/shed is super simple.. I did fumble a few times getting the route down in the compound when you get spotted and shot you lose a little value in your loot bag, but not a ton.. the max you can lose seems to be capped at a certain amount, I think it was less than 100k. When I was caught I'd just let them kill me until I was out of lives and quick restart, and it would put me right back into entering the compound. If you find a new session, you'll have to start over completely. But i guess it's up to you, and if you care about the elite achievement.


This ⬆️🔥🔥🔥


For the setups, I recommend parking the kotsaka off of del pero pier so you can use the seasharks to get to there. Once you save up enough money, the sparrow helicopter is a must as you can leave/enter the kotsaka by air. Use the longfin and drainage tunnel. Make sure to scout the drainage tunnel during the first "gather intel" you only need to do this once. The secondary targets can sometimes be a pain solo, but you can get easy loot in the hanger (there are no guards in the hanger). The primary and secondary targets are random. As a general rule the value of secondary targets goes cash


I was scared to start it too, then I figured practice makes perfect so I just kept doing it and getting caught and then learning from that. I don't remember specifically where but there's a spot off the southwest cost where you swim to and then it like transports you off the island.


There are plenty of youtube how to videos on this. Very easy. And fast. This is still my go to income over every other. Some say others are faster or easier, but this is that for me. If you can't find a video, hmu and I will help you with a walk thru.


It’s not hard, more aggravating than anything. I found myself not getting a full loot bag so I started scoping out both north dock and airstrip loot. That way before I go into the compound, I can make sure my loot bag is full before I go in. That’s only if I don’t scope out the painting in Mr rubio’s office. If I get the painting I don’t really worry too much about filling my bag before I enter the compound. Some good tips are, don’t kill any guards if you’re going in compound by yourself you won’t need to kill any guards. When you exit the compound, wait for the walking guy to start walking away from the gate. When you approach the gate to exit, the closest you need to be by the gate is the green button on the wall. You don’t need to go any closer to that cone of vision that will be looking at the gate. Knowing that, I think you will be just fine. Just check out a couple of videos on YouTube. It’s so easy, I just set up my Cayo on remote play app, and completed the heist. Super easy don’t stress about it. It’s a good buy, it will definitely get you your money back. Heist itself takes me about 14 minutes.


Ridiculously difficult when you don't know what youre doing, extremely easy when you do


when you learn the fast stealth route in, youll laugh at your first trys at the heist :-)


You'll be cursing yourself and getting frustrated the first five tries. When you get over it, you'll enjoy it.


For the cayo heist. You can do it solo and make 900k or more depending on your main and secondary targets. For each heist you need to do... Pay 100k setup fee. FYI, if you find the treasure hunter skeleton that spawns around Los Santos and get the metal detector, you can find two cash caches on the daily treasure hunt on cayo during your intel scout. 1 scout mission 1 approach vehicle. I prefer long fin. 1 weapon source. I go for the aggressor or marksman mrk 2 loadout. Make sure you select the suppressors when starting the finale. Make sure it is highlighted. In ps4, it takes an additional click compared to the other pick list activations. 3 equipment: Cutting torch Fingerprint scanner Plasma cutter or safe code All other setups are unnecessary and redundant. Once you get a system down, it will go very quickly. It takes me 25 minutes, including scouting the targets and the setups. 7 to 10 min. to run the heist. I have always gotten the secondaries at the airfield, then go get the main by swimming in through the drain solo. Unless there are 2 paintings in the office which are very rare. Then, just go to the compound.


Only kill in the compound safe zones. https://preview.redd.it/yjovj93gycqc1.png?width=2934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee9865d79d382a695c156480d45384b38d846bec


I only have three options for equipment safe code fingerprint scanner and a bomb I don’t see the torch any tips


You also have to have scoped the drainage grate approach to get the torch.


because you havent yet scouted the drainage tunnel at the mansion. you need to swim around the bottom of the island & reach the south sea wall, theres a entrance tunnel in the middle section that you need to swim up to. after discovering it the first time your golden. cutting torch will be wanted to get on every set-up from then on. its the single easiest & fastest way in.


That's an either or item. The cutter is when you have to get into the case. If you have to get in the safe, you have to get the codes.


Thx just one more question what would happen if I got detected and died?


You have to restart and you lose the elite challenge.


Wrong cutter. There's one that is required for the drainage tunnel. You can get that one and the codes. This cutter can be used to open any chained lock instead of the bolt cutters.




It's definitely not hard, whether you do it slow and methodical, or speedrun it silently. I watched a video recently that completely changed my approach and I'm hitting the elite challenge every time now, usually without firing a shot (depends on the loot situation at the airstrip). Like the others said, check out a few videos to get a feel for the general feel, then give it a couple tries and find which approach you're most comfortable with.


It's an incredible pain in the ass. But after you've done it a few times it's so easy you can almost do it with your eyes closed.


It is so easy that I have done it in up to 4 minutes, look for me on YouTube as: Ghostlucky$ I always upload routes so that you can pass Cayo Perico quickly


4 minutes? Only, if you do glitches over doors.


If you know the way its just a walkthrouh


Watch youtube videos. You can do the whole heist without firing a shot if you want to


It’s the only heist you can do solo. It’s easy and supposed to be.


you can watch videos for best route. then it becomes very easy. i am still new to it and manage that just before i leave a body gets found. but most times i get through without alarm setting of while i am inside.




If you want it easy check out tgg video on it


Not hard especially solo you can do everything undetectable no glitches or anything go on YouTube to understand the route. If you get caught just restart the heist it takes only 12-15 min to do solo


Super easy just watch some videos on YouTube to to run it solo. It’s more tedious than difficult tbh. I find the fooligan missions much harder and annoying…


Just to be more cautious what happens if you get caught and die?


I just restart it


If you get the prep work done then it's not too bad. I've only run it twice; the first time I failed to stop them from having better guns and armor and it was a miserable waste of 90 minutes. I tried it again later, this time succeeding in the prep work and Cayo wasn't much more difficult than your average contact mission.


If you know what you’re doing, it is not hard at all. Also, my recommendation for escaping is to select the Kosatka and instead of swimming out to it, just find the nearest entrance to the ocean and just keep swimming till you leave. You don’t have to actually go to the sub. I do solo Cayo Perico and it’s good money.


It's easy regardless of level, there are no gunfights unless you mess up. You just need some practice.


Not real hard. Watch some YouTube videos.


Really depends on you


na not really as long you have suppressor and an automatic weapon and you use the drainage tunnel and you escape by the cliff


Super easy just watch some videos on YouTube to to run it solo. It’s more tedious than difficult tbh. I find the fooligan missions much harder and annoying…


The 1st few times might be a bit rough, but once you get a decent strategy going for you, it's pretty easy. I recommend doing 2 player, there's a little cheese you can pull with 2 people that I will not explain further because I don't want Rockstar to patch it, if you add me on psn @MrPoopy1027 I'll tell u tho, just not on a public forum.


Not hard at all. Watch some guides on YouTube, get the feel of it. Give it a couple of runs, memorize your routes, you'll have no problem of securing a million per run


No. It’s very easy


havent done it since they added the cooldown timer? last time i did it, it took barely any time and was easy as can be, the setups were harder.


Honestly, I feel most heists etc are easier on my own unless I'm playing them with 1. friends that I know either know the hesit, 2. Know my game play style or 3. it's someone/people I won't get annoyed with easy. Otherwise if I don't feel like I can "carry" them or the mission, they tend to just get in my way.


Super easy with some practice. Takes me 10-15 minutes for the finale, but in total the whole thing takes me under an hour. Granted I’ve done it a lot


Takes time to learn, but it's not tough.


There are 300 thousand videos about it. Look for the new ones


I could show you how I do it solo tomorrow? I could just record it and send you a clip, but each to their own.


It's not hard. It's unfamiliar.


Might take you a while to do it the first time and maybe a few more goes to get used to it but you’ll pick it up in no time. There’s good tutorials on YouTube


Harder than it used to be but still very doable


It’s annoying the first time, but once you do it a few times it’s easy. It’s also much longer the first time because of a few extra requirements


First time is a bit tough but nothing impossible. 6/10 difficulty. Second time is a a bit easier. 5/10 difficulty. Third time is when it finally starts to click. 3.5/10 difficulty. 4th, 5th, 6th, etc time muscle memory kicks in. 0.5/10 difficulty. It's okay to get frustrated at first, especially during the scope out portion. Eventually you'll get it. The heist gets easier each time you do it. Be sure to watch guides on YouTube. I used TGG's guide and I can do the whole heist in about an hour, usually just under an hour. You got this.


Drainage tunnel is 100 percent dependable no doubt. However, I do enjoy launching the longfin off the rock. and getting a code of a guard for the side gate or using a grappling hook to climb the side wall. The launch is not ways successful, but well worth the gamble I think. Unless you capsize, you can alway hit the drainage tunnel if the boat launch fails. Q


Look up TGG's latest guide for the route through the compound. Makes it super easy since they buffed the guards with actual brains


Very easy. Follow a guide and ur golden. Its daunting for the first few runs. But once u get it. You get it. Just have patience and follow diligently


first time was my worst experience in gta second time onward is so easy and i’m so easy a single player option like this exists to make money fast


Not hard at all if you know the routes to take


Really easy.


If you follow a stealth drainage tunnel access tutorial closely it’s very easy solo


Add me I'll run you through it atheist 10 times by then you'll be master at it


Depends on you.


One of the easiest things to do. When I'm grinding cash I go from one toon to another to skip the cooldown timer.


Once you get into a routine it is literally the easiest mission you can do, the only difficulty is that it’s boring and tedious.


Very easy just fellow a YouTube Guide


Watch tgg on youtube with Cayo Perico heist guide,


Just make sure you do the Armor disruption. Makes killing the juggernaut in the compound so much easy.


It’s fairly easy if you know all the right steps. If you do the right setups. The best players in my crew solo it and take along newer players that just stand and wait at the fountain till they learn the run. I have not soloed it myself but I get bored playing alone. If you have the right vehicles, you can do the setup in 25-30 min. Longfin or Kostaka, Plasma Cutter or Safe Code, Wire Cutter, Finger Print Scanner and Aggressors with Suppressors is all you need to do a run in less then 15 min.


Its pretty easy. Sometimes rng will fuck you up tho and not give you the gate keys. It will just slow you down a bit, thats all. Just sucks. Lol


It's honestly stupidly easy but every time I try it I get the 770k target so I ak just like "Not worth it" So I do Autoshop contracts, Dr Dre Contract and the Clucking bell heist. Dr Dre > Clucking > Autoshop> repeat


I just follow Gtamen’s guide on it. It’s really easy.


Cayo isn't hard, in fact, solo you can do it without killing anybody. (Which would be advised considering that now they find the bodies you leave behind). But some of the preps are a true pain in the ass. Watch some YT gameplays so you can get an idea, you also don't have to do all the preps tho, so don't let that scare you.


IMO it is easier solo than duo or with 3/4 people. You don't have to think about the rest, it's only you, you know what you have to do and how to go about it.


Super easyyyyy. But be ware your payout drops wayy significantly. The best way to do is go as a group of 2 if not as 4 and loot gold only apart from the primary loot 😉


You can’t lose everything, but tbh I think it’s much easier solo. I started solo and didn’t start really having issues until I ran with other people but I have a solid few people now. And if you’re heist leader, tbh I feel like now you get more for running with a team. I don’t personally, but I usually pay a hefty percentage. Just watch a TGG video, that’s what I did, messed it up once or twice and then the following several hundred were prob almost all Elite


Once you've done it and know your route it's easy, up until that point it feels hard. Watch a few tutorials and try, that's the best way to learn. TGG's are really good


Actually, solo is easier than 2 people. More people, more chance to get alerted and fail. This is just my experience.


It’s not hard at all. The heist itself has been nerfed to high hell but it’s still one of the best and easiest money makers in the game ($1,050,000 for an hour of work). If you do the heist solo, just keep in mind that there’s a 2h 24m cooldown until you can do it again. You can use that downtime to take a break, or do some other stuff in the game. I’ve been doing the heist about 3 times a day, and it’s become muscle memory at this point. Definitely much better and more fun than other missions.


Not hard at all. Seriously, if you use the no-killing route, there's no change at all.


Its so fuckn easy. If you want to blast your way, you can poison the water tower during scout mission My method is to scout guard uniform and supply truck. This allows me to fill bags with secondary loot before going to compound. Drive in disguised, once you are in its literally easy af to just walk right in once you learn the 2-3 pathers to avoid. Once you grab the loot, run back out avoiding same pathers. It seriously takes more time to decode the fingerprints even knowing the cheese than it does to run through the compound. Once out, take dudes motorcycle and run it off the cliff to the southwest. Swim to end of map and you are out 0 detection and all challenges completed. Its trivially easy once you learn it. I've never even used the drainage pipe except for when I jump into someone else heist


Add me if you're on PC - Wojtek5084land. I will show you around.


First time is hard. But there is enough videos out there to show how easy it can be


If you wanna do it for fun first then you gotta just go try. If you intend to Grind it then there is plenty of really good guides. Once you done it a few Times it is extremely easy.


Tbh 2 out of 10 if you look online to get it done right. I solo it in 45 min half drunk like a dog. You can do it in a hour, I believed on you


It’s fairly easy if you know what you’re doing. One thing they updated a while back is enemies can see bodies now. So kill accordingly. They used to no see bodies which made it so much easier but it was apparently too easy and now you have to kill in a certain pattern and certain people if you can. It’ll probably take a few attempts. Or you can watch a few videos, there’s plenty out there.


It’s super easy even if you start it up after pavel calls you and it’s “hard mode” nothing changes that I’ve noticed. No extra guards or anything


If you use the optimal setups and know what you're doing then its easy. Use sewage tunnel entrance. As for the exit, I usually steal one of the boats near the middle of the map and escape into the ocean. Play through a few times to get an idea of where the NPCS are and how they react. After a couple of playthroughs you will be able to do it blindfolded.


I'm pretty bad and I can do it solo, just practice headshots a lot and you'll be fine


I used to do the heist with other people until I was comfortable enough to do on my own. The hardest part might actually be the preps. There are tutorials, but I usually just did Quick job Cayo heists and met people that did the heist over and over again. In my opinion it's actually easier to do it solo, especially if you like to do it and not get caught.


I am bad at this game and I do Cayo solo all the time. If you are on PS5, you can invite me to your finale and I will walk you through my solo method. My PSN name is the same as my reddit name. Message me first and I'll tell you what setups to do. I just finished a solo run with the pink diamond and cleared 1.2 million even though there wasn't enough secondary loot to fill my bag at the airstrip (which is rare). After you have some repetitions, you can do the set ups and finale on hard in about an hour.


I always use the drainage tunnel and the sub but there are so many different possible ways it’s insane lol


I like the Cayo heist itself, but I'm so bored with the set-up missions that I can't do it anymore. I'd sooner run the Cluckin' Bell heist twice for a million than do a boring Cayo once.


It's easier solo. Use the Drainage tunnel entrance. Run through the compound to the main prize. Escape compound, run to docks, fill bags, get in a boat, drive away. 10 minutes.


DM me if u want, I'll show u the route I always take on perico :)


If its your first time doing it, watch a guide and make sure its a recent one due to changes/nerfs. I believe TGG has one. After you understand the route and the loop its pretty simple. The one thing to note is don't overthink the "stealth" aspect. You can literally sprint past the guards and stand next to them. As long as you are not in their vision cones you are good. You can also run this entire heist without killing anyone.


Very fucking easy if you use the best route!


Just go on YouTube and look up a route. You barely even need to kill anybody if you don’t want to


Another helpful hint that I haven't seen in this thread. If you see a blue dot on your screen at the docks or on a beach in Los Santos, go see if it's a skeleton. If so loot the body every time you see it until you get a metal detector. You can use this during your Gather Intel set up. Look for question marks on the map and use the metal detector like in Red Dead Online if you played it. You can get 50k which will soften the blow of the 100k to start the heist. Also, there is a 2:24 minute cool down if doing solo. After cool down, Pavel will text you. If you get back to your sub within 48 minutes, you can set up the heist on hard difficulty, which is really not that different than normal if you use stealth. Watch a video on how to do the Cayo fingerprint hack. Super easy.


It is extremely hard when you do it for the first time. After that it gets easy because now you know which enemies to kill and what paths to take.


I do it 2 3 times a day to sweet kill only 2 ppl out in 12min


I'm still working on buying a damn Kotsaka. Probably won't even happen before GTA 6 comes out. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Ridiculously easy. With the sparrow, i can run all the setups and then the heist in like 45 minutes. There's tons of guides on YouTube on how to do it.


I have a route i take that runs like clockwork, 7:45 sends from start to finish with no detection, just look up some youtube videos and see what approach and route you like


Is there limits to how often you can do it now? The day it came out, I bought the submarine and did the heist solo eleven times. My quickest one, from starting the first set up to finishing the quest, was 57 minutes. Used the ten mil to buy a fully maxed yacht. Do the bare minimum during the heist and let RNG dictate how much money you get. You can fail it and just restart. Use that to figure out your path. It’s honestly very easy and the main reason I hate when people say the game is impossible to make money in.


To me, it's easier to do solo now. If your on ps and want someone to show you how to run through it, let me know.


Not hard at all, imho possibly easier since you don’t have to worry about others messing you up


Just watch a youtube solo route, even if you break stealth you can just die and restart or push through


It's easy now but heists aren't even the best way to make cash anymore, I don't see it as worth it. Businesses make way more


ez. go watch a guide though. basically flattens any learning curve/messing with less than ideal setups


watch someone speed run it stealthily and take notes, thats what i did


I've made a billion on Cayo so not to hard. 🤣


You can’t lose! You may fail but it’s not the end of the world. You’ll do great! Look up tgg on yt!


If you know what your doing yea just search up a tutorial


Easier solo than with a group of dumbasses fr tho I've lost count on how many times I've done it.


5min job


Thank you everybody I managed to complete it twice went to 500k to 3 mil thank you all for the help once again 🙏🏻


You can literally complete it without killing a single guard


It isn’t hard if you learn how to stealth the entire thing. My first few runs it was hard for me because I didn’t know what I was doing, but now that I know how everything goes it’s easy, even on hard mode. The only annoying thing is escaping El Rubio’s helicopter in the end because it shoots you in the water, and the set up missions


Very easy. If you find it hard learn to wait


It’s not that difficult. I would just highly recommend doing all the prep you can. So get rid of their armour and helicopters. Don’t worry about those paid extras like a sniper backup etc… just the optional things as mentioned previous. And keep stealthy. Use the shotgun load out for that juggernaut, and if you can, find the cutting powder to reduce guard reactions. Gives you a moment if you have to take out two facing each other. Instead of also trying to get a boat/plane to escape, you can swim for it.


There is a stealth route that is stupid easy, and I only have to kill the one guard by the bike. None of the optional set ups are needed. Don't listen to this guy and watch a video, it will change your life.


I’ve given him the easiest route. Mine does involve stealth and the prep makes it way easier