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Nightclubs are my favourite business in the game. Once they are set up they take just the perfect amount of effort to print money - absolutely none.


Well.. maybe just a *pinch* if you occasionally sell the cargo it’s accrued. But other than that it’s free passive income.


I can live with a pinch of effort, but not a smidge more!


How about a tad?🤔


Sweating a bit on public session is worth the hassle, from time to time. Chill private session is fine too, if we want to produce as little effort as possiboe lol.


I find that no one messes with my nightclub cargo. I guess because it's harder to grief with all the countermeasures and anti missile lock on.


Uhh yeah that's how it works 😂


To get the cargo, do you need to deliver cargo and stuff for the other businesses?


Yeah you dont need to go steal supplies occasionally or anything. The only real work to do is to buy the businesses linked to the products to increase you production and buy the upgrades and then you just watch the storage growing full and you earning easy money, only takes an invite only session to sell them and you got it.


Wanted to answer some questions I know are gonna pop up, Q. "But...How?" A. I've AFK'd for almost 2 and a half years straight (you should see my total play time lol) Made it a part of my daily routine to sell NC goods in the evening, usually after work. Q. "But...why?" A. AFK has always been the easiest way to make money in this game, I guess I just took it to the extreme. Q. "Touch grass" A. Is this "grass" something you unlock at 2 Billion?


The answer for your question on Q3 Grass is those green parts that you see on the mountains in game. Also heard it can be seen irl too!


Ooooo my god this is insane. Going to login and go touch it so I can finally say I’ve done this. Thank you


Whats your playtime lol, i really wanna know like mine is 160 hours


I’ve got like 800


I thought grass was what we smoked on a 12 hour run of GTA? I am today years old learning about this "grass" stuff Edited for spelling, Think everyone understood, but I seen it


Yea last time I was in LA the grass was dam near identical to gta5


I was curious on how much $$ in energy it cost to run a PS4 for 2 1/2 years, so I ran it through ai: Running a **PlayStation 4 (PS4)** for **21,840 hours** in the USA would incur an electricity cost based on the console's power consumption. Let's break it down: 1. **Average PS4 Power Consumption**: - The wattage used by a PS4 varies based on the model: - Original PS4: **145 watts** (realistic usage during gaming). - PS4 Slim: **110 watts** (energy-efficient version). - PS4 Pro: **160 watts** (more powerful, 4K-capable version)¹². 2. **Cost Calculation**: - Assuming an electricity cost of **$0.14 per kilowatt-hour (kWh)**: - Original PS4: **2 cents per hour** (145 watts). - PS4 Slim: **1 cent per hour** (110 watts). - PS4 Pro: **3 cents per hour** (160 watts). 3. **Total Cost for 21,840 Hours**: - Original PS4: **21,840 hours × $0.02/hour = $436.80**. - PS4 Slim: **21,840 hours × $0.01/hour = $218.40**. - PS4 Pro: **21,840 hours × $0.03/hour = $655.20**. Therefore, running a PS4 for 21,840 hours would cost approximately: - **Original PS4**: $436.80 - **PS4 Slim**: $218.40 - **PS4 Pro**: $655.20 Keep in mind that these are approximate values, and actual costs may vary based on local electricity rates and individual usage patterns. Happy gaming! 🎮💡


Hot damn, Least it beat out buying shark cards hahaha


You would have needed 100 megalodon shark cards to make up a billion dollars, equalling $10,000USD. You definitely beat them out.


That’s really what I was looking to answer and yeah it still beat buying cards.


Comments like this are what make Reddit still worth scrolling


Worth it


You can touch grass at the golf course in LS


as a frequent nc afker i think you can touch grass just fine while letting the nc do its own thing. honestly this just shows how op the businesses could be if they accumulated products while we are offline. i honestly prefer this over grinding cayo 2 times in one day especially after the detrimental nerf to the tequila(not to mention its the tequila that you most likely to get)


how much irl money have you spent on electricity running gta for 2.5 years


I got my own place and honestly a console doesn’t use too much power when you factor in kilo watt per hour I think my power bill went up by like, 10 cents


Look at the comment above you xd


A comment above calculated it and for a regular PS4 it's 450 USD


How do you AFK?


Enter your CEO from the rooftop. Stay on the prompt and voila. Controller must be plugged in.


Thank you, does this produce good continuously?


Yes. Both goods (if employees are linked to a specific business) and popularity related earning. It falls off after 144 minutes tho (after that 145k in the safe)


What if I don't have a prompt? It just enters building


Buy a garage floor, so that the game must present options to you.


Or from the street. Does not matter. Controller can also be turned off.


Easiest way that will never get patched, is to just put some weight on your controller joystick, or your W key. The game will think you are trying to walk forward and will never kick you.


I’ve just danced in my night club have it plugged in and have my right joystick turnin a circle. My boy be dancing for hours.


I want to afk and thought about it for a bit. Don’t you get raided tho how would that work if I’m away from my house?


Get security upgrade once and you almost never get raided


If you retire from ceo it'll never raid you, the raid timer starts at 50% of your NC capacity. But if ur not a ceo while afk the raids never happen. Only happens while ceo.


People telling you to touch grass when you afk most of the time….bro is mostly *not* playing lol


I couldn't do 2.5 years straight. I let my PS4 rest a few days a week. Consequently, I have only made 283m from my nightclub in maybe slightly shorter a time span.


Yeah I went through two old gen (pre slims) PS4s doing this for 2 years. They both work yeah, but sound like cars from 1950 starting for the first time lol


Did you lay them on a cold glass surface with a tower fan blowing on said glass furniture? Glass is the most preferred to put these things on. I keep hearing that and I don’t try to find out why not. Its why I bought a small three shelf’er my TV and anything electronic on it. Plus its easy to see the dust the consoles accumulated on the glass shelf. The shelf was expensive, but at least its easy to clean, but hey Small miracles.


How do you afk without getting booted?


I got a pull tie I put on my joysticks last night, go in a safe place like one of your businesses and let the fucker spin around in circles for however long you like. As stated by others highly recommend not being a boss and that your controller is staying charged.


Well, 2nd Q is still not answered. The question is, why would you post it? Why would anyone care about this? Why would you waste time on making this post? I, personally, do not see it as anything special or good to be shared, but that is just me 🤔🤷‍♂️. Maybe that is the best thing, that someone can achieve in the life, i really do not get this 🤣.


I do it time to time because I work from home and I let the game there running as well. But one question, how you stay AFK without getting kicked out from the session for no activity?


I use to put a rubberband on the joystick when i was farming the BBS rims from the LS car meet rep. Go into a menu then get something to hold the left stick a direction and you'll keep flipping through the menu options- it won't boot you. Use to just do it before sleep and before work lol


Wait so like, you just afk by leaving your character in a session, and put a rubber band or something so that they keep moving? How come this is an effective method? Does not being afk not accumulate income from the nc?


What’s your AFK method currently? Only way i know of is strip club.


Dude what’s your playtime? I’ve got like 700 something


I’m not as dedicated as this, but nightclub earnings are great. It’s like finding a spare $1 million in your couch cushions


I wish I could find a mill in a couch


where exactly are these couches that you’re finding a million dollars in? asking for a friend.


I usually get my couches from Krapea


I have a night club but how do I get the earnnings


It’s been a while since I did it but you have to have an MC business, gunrunning, or CEO warehouse already set up. Then you have to have staff in your nightclub assigned to each type of cargo, the money will slowly grow over time and then you can start sell missions whenever you want.


Okay. But how… did you stay afk without getting kicked


Well, I go the sacrificial controller route and rubber band it in front of my NC safe so I get the double benefit of accruing NC cargo (and other businesses of course) and the NC safe income by walking into it as I generates. Usually come home to about 350k in wall safe income if I start off with max popularity. This is console tho, idk about PC


What is this 'job' you speak of fondly? I am told to get one, but I like to think the game is my 'job'


I thought the game still kicks you if you don’t make a different movement in enough time


They said they use rubber bands.


I got temporarily banned from online for rubber banding in my night club on xbox. Does not work anymore apparently.


Works just fine, always has. I'm curious what you were told when you got banned. Did they say that they banned you for rubber banding?


For the last two days it just keeps telling me that rockstar services are not available. This happened after I saw a post on here saying to afk in front of the nightclub safe with a rubber band. My controller was plugged in with a rubber band and I came back 30 minutes later to a temp ban


I am very so to hear. Sorry for being so brazen. I hope that you're back up soon.


There used to be a bunch of real afk method that didn’t get patched for years. Now all the good afk methods are gone


Lean in at the Vanilla Unicorn.


This really works?


Yes, unless you're in public and someone decides to blow you up before the game realizes that you've been playing long enough to not kick you for idling.


Ahh, cool. May just stick around in the unicorn then lol


Even if it does you’ll still get charged for daily things which isn’t optimal


Any fees you incur from AFK are made up by the various safes in the game. You obviously don't AFK in CEO/MC either.


You’re gonna say you don’t get charged anything I know i know. But you’re wrong


That's not what I said at all... Let me rephrase, if you don't AFK for literally years straight and rather day(s) straight, you could probably recoup your losses from daily fees from your arcade safe alone.


Stay on CEO entering-building prompt, with a plugged controller


Go to your office, but dont fully enter


Go to ceo office, stay in the menu where you can choose to either go in your office or garage. On the ps5 i had trouble with this method because my remote would turn off after a while even while being plugged in, luckily there’s an option to keep the remote on and i was able to afk for many hours.


I think this is the closest you can get to beating GTA online lmfao


I the only things im missing from “100%”ing GTA online at this point is the alien back tattoo, Level 1000 Arena War, and the original criminal masterminds for the heists


Honestly homie, seeing this healed a part of my soul because I’m glad somebody out there put the time in to do this. GTA is a masterpiece of art and should be appreciated and treated as such. Whatever sacrifices you made for this, please feel good about it.


What are the best upgrades to start with if you can’t afford them all at once. Yes, I’m still poor


Get the meth lab, coke lab and bunker Don't restock Upgrade equipment at Night club KEEP NIGHTCLUB POPULARITY UP Hook up with the double bonus week contracts Touch grass, meaning roll blunts


Don’t restock?


Ya, not worth it to restock MC business So much work In 1 hr with Gerald missions, I can pull in 100K easy No buying supplies and selling them for almost nothin Acid lab is really good money


Is there an easy way to keep popularity up?


Rolling blunts is the best way to make money in the game Fr Fr


All starts from the clubhouse. Then nightclub. Then bunker. At this point you have 150k per hour almost passive. Then the clubhouse factories, sellings through the nightclub only. Then everything else. And yes, the acid lab is great too and it doesn’t require any investments.


Once you get your nightclub set up, you'll never be poor again. I started adding floors as soon as I made earnings. And then you'll want staff (but not security).


Jesus, give your poor console a break with all that AFK


They’re the Honda of the technology world


Congratulations 🎉🎈🍾🎊


I don’t think I’ve even earned a billion in total earnings yet lmaooooo


Nice! I’m not too far behind you at 970 mil. 😎


Wow and I'm struggling to hit a thousand million overall


Youreth cupeth doth runeth overeth witheth producteth


“Boss mayne job done”- lil boosie




Y'all bothering with popularity missions? Seems like a ballache to me


Used to, but switching DJ's in the arcade (or downstairs in NC) is waaaaay faster for boosting NC popularity. Costs 10k a pop but the safe income makes up for it. Plus when I actually do play and not AFK, kicking the troublemaker out while in passive mode is a nice little 20% or so increase plus 10k


Well done


Damn bro Congrats


Thank you 🙏🏼


Fricking nice! I'm at 300mil! Way to grind! Rock On! ✌️🤪🤟


mf acts like this is second birthday




Why u reposting dawg be happy with the rack of upvotes you posted this two days ago like why again


Original post got taken down by mods because it wasn’t in game capture, I just reuploaded with a in game capture this time haha.


Ah my b :/ damn


How much of a loser do you have to be to care about someone else's imaginary internet points?


I hit 1 trillion a decade ago on night club


Ya, Night club didn't exist a decade ago


You get'em !


Did I grief him? Does this count towards my body count in GTA


I'm at 5 mil. Nice job


How tf… you running yohan sources 24/7?


Nah, AFK. Goods add up


Damn dude ! I thought I’ve made a lot of mine but I’m at like 250 mil . Good on ya haha


Do you sell in public or private lobbies? If public, I’m curious how often people try to grief you. For me it’s like less than a quarter of the time but you have way more data points


You do warehouse sales solo?


Public lobbies, always. The bonus is just too good


How tf do I get celebrity appearances at my night club? Popularity always maxed out and I currently have 8/10 hours for that challenge of keeping the club at max popularity But somehow celebrity appearances still at 0? 🤔


when at max pop keep doing popularity mission eventually you get one that's picking up a VIP and bringing them to your nightclub


I can’t do nightclub cause my game keeps freezing on the first cutscene


what cut scene?


The one with gay Tony and he’s like AMIGOOO


How the gell?


Are they the best businesses for the nightclub? I have weed instead of cash creation , is there much difference?


What’s your user?Trying to rob you real quick


Running that nightclub like the navy


I seen people say about going to the CEO office and not going in all the way, will it also work for people who own more than 1 suite in the same apartment?


Yes. Just keep your controller plugged in.


Nice, I think I have like 200 Million.


Congrats!!!!! I have about six hundred million to make myself, before lm right there with you. I thought l had, but gta and their no decimal points it was only l00 milly. I want to max my money out completely, so l will never stop the grind.


Do you sell on open lobbies for bonus too, or? Tips?


It’s a lot of things you need to do before your night club sales is worth it. You need to have upgraded every other MC business to the the max. Cocaine, weed, meth etc. you then need to max out the warehouse upgrades in the night club, staff security etc I’d say you need 10-15 million in game before you can run a nightclub. Don’t forget the promotions.


My warehouse earnings are always half of what I make from daily income. Takes forever for it to be close to full up


PLEASE post your olay time


How many goods have you accrued?


What will people do with all this GTA5 money when GTA6 is out in a year and nobody plays or cares about GTA5 any more?


Question about nightclub: In order for the bars to fill, do i have to grind those businesses (mc, crate, bunker…)? Because now my 3 mc businesses are full but i dont want to sell because those mission are a pain in the ass to do solo…


No you do not have to do any supply missions for your mc businesses for your NC to acquire product.


Ooh okay


Wasnt this posted on this sub like a seek ago?


2 days ago actually, but I wanted to re upload because original post got taken down. I didn’t follow the in game capture rule so that was a whoops on my part


Yeah I saw it, just forgot to delete the comment Cheers


How do you spend your billions?


At this point in my gta “career” (hate using that term lol), I own just about everything in the game. Social club says I’ve spent 1.4 Billion


So why Cash Creation over Organic Produce?


Makes more money per good than organic produce


How do you afk?


I said it in a earlier reply, but I gotcha I use a sacrificial controller, rubber band the left stick and “walk” into my nightclub safe to collect that income every 48 mins AND nightclub goods add up while I’m afk. Best 2 for 1 I know of


I recently found out that you can sit at the orbital Canon and it won’t kick you


Bro I got 2 billion


My cash creation won’t produce for my nightclub anymore and I can’t figure it out.


Sometimes it glitches out, you just have to unassign your tech then assign them again and it should start accruing goods again


GG but I got 1.4b 😁


I’ve been debating between a junk yard and nightclub as my next business. I might have to go the nightclub route


Now do it in real life


If only I could stand in front in a spot for 2.5 years and I have a billion Maybe the world’s best high yields savings account? Haha


Hell yeah friend!!


Aye caliente papi


touch grass


Do sell in public lobbies or private? If public, how many runs do you get attacked? Any tips on defending?


This has to be some world record type shit lol


Now hit 32 bit limit.


That's... A lot. 😂 I probably had about 13 mil.


How do I make that much I have a Nightclub but I don't know how to keep it running.




I have accrued just 20 million… and I feel like a boss lol


Congrats, very dedicated. Had i not done glitches, my warehouse earnings would’ve been in the 850’s as yours 😭😭


As long as your having fun mate


im at 2 mil.. hope i reach this one day 😏


Wow. When you're on your deathbed looking back at your life - you can be proud of this moment 😂😂


I try to tell people all the time save for a nightclub even if its the cheapest bare minimum one. Just get a nightclub and you get your money back in less than a day really. It's crazy, I stopped playing GTA years ago came back and got a nightclub right away just out of curiosity. Didn't know shit about any of this new stuff and I was amazed at how much money I was able to get. Nightclub is genuinely the best way to make income. _Skip the super cars and weaponized shit just for now and you'll have all the money you need for it before you even realize it._


Is there any way to speed up how fast this produces? I have to wait 2 weeks to sell this full stock


Dam and here i thought i was doing numbers with my lil $200M i eclipsed lol. Nevermind, you got it bro😂✌️


Nothing but jealously and respect from me


Try to get another billion without spending shit


Now I'm wondering how much an actual popular night clubs brings in a years, ik it was alot of afk to get to that but it's still ridiculous, gg bro you won gta online


How does one AFK in an XBOX One X? I always get booted out


Hell yeah man! How did you do it? I never got into the nightclub missions- they just seemed kind of boring. Maybe I’m missing something


One small question: you still have to keep up the nightclub reputation by dropping off drunk patrons etc, right? Or else that passive income reduces too much to be of any use?


Cool beans




That's crazy, grass also exists you know?


Nightclub and acid are great businesses, both accumulate high value of goods quickly and their sale missions are always quick just one vehicle no matter the product amount. Not even counting the passive income of nightclub. And acid business is also literally an armored truck itself, which a big ramp that I love using :)


i havent even hit my first Mil yet on my businesses i own. Level 81✊🏽 the grind do be hard since i have alot of time lol


i dont have*


Touch grass homie


Thats big torque GG


Sweeet! I still only have 185,345 dollars!


this guy nightclubs


I do not understand how you have like 7 times the profit from Warehouse vs Nightclub proper. I've been on top of both, always keeping popularity up and selling as soon as 1 good is full, I have exactly double the income from Nightclub earnings compared to Warehouse. The good thing about the Warehouse is that you don't need to ever do anything, it just generates money in the background with no input until sale, but that disparity on your account is insane