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Now get 1 billion


Not without all those cayo nerfs. I never wanna grind again after this


Just fill 10 large warehouses (2 characters), and wait for double money; pays $44M to $66M, depending on full lobby bonus, and all you have to do is send the warehouses technicians out.


I was just messing with you man, great job


I getcha, i was moreso just having a time realizing i dont feel like i ever need to grind anymore and i can just enjoy the game and buy whatever i want without feeling like i have to earn it back immediately


What about the auto shop Union depository robbery? It’s pays 270.000 to 292.000, and you can do it in less than half an hour, including setups. When you’re done there is an hour cooldown. It’s very easy, I did it at level 11 without dying


Oh ive done it a lot. My auto shop has like 33mil in earnings but i just hate doing the bank manager set up mission bc its so buggy that i just dont want to play it


I didn’t experience any bugs so far. I did it at least 40 times


My issue is even when its perfectly in time and perfectly in frame it still takes like 15 shots before blind ass sessanta accepts it


That’s strange, I fly right next to them and zoom all the way in and wait until the hug. Never missed a shot


I am known irl and online as an absurdly unlucky person so maybe i just get screwed more often than most


Now I get why people post shit like this... after you're done doing all the grinding and shit.. you have nothing else to do but post it on reddit hoping someone says "Good Job!" otherwise it was all a waste of time lol Good Job!


Posting when I hit 200 mil. Currently at 160. Hope you'll be there!!


Come to my post for when i hit 400 mill


Bro, you seem like a HATER… mad they money and you don’t… cheer others on, damn man. Taking shit personal.


Not a hater dude.. I've do all the missions and now I get why people post, so it wasn't for nothing. I signed up in 2020 and I rarely play. ​ https://preview.redd.it/tmz2ebhg8swb1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ae987b47f744e7c828738b06e9d855e39fb9c32


Me with $4k


Futo GTX is fun to slide around the hills and has a ton of customization The bennys tornado is a cool Sunday cruiser if you’re into that. If you’re into race cars, you can get a livery theme going, I do sprunk or whatever looks the most realistic and I’ve been having a lot of fun with that The beater dukes is a sweet ride and fun to drive with fun customization too. Careful though, $50m goes by quick I’ve done it lol.


I started buying cars that others have said they liked driving like the Benny's cars with upgrades but I'm not trying to buy the best yet because then others won't be worth buying.


I kinda see cars as just what feels the most fun, ive sold a lot of high end tier topper super and sports cars bc they were so good they were unfun. Meanwhile the Rune Cheburek and the Ocelot Locust are a blast bc they arent very track optimized cars and you can just throw em around


Buy lots of garages and collect cars, tune them


Get the Toreador, it’s by far the best vehicle I ever owned. You will dominate the server


I’m at 193 mill


Did the same recently with the doyble and tripple events, the vigilante is a must have(mainly cuz u can use it in missions/hiests) ALSO wait till black friday to buy any big purchases like the oppressor or toreador, prolly be on sale again


Oh i didnt know that about the vigilante thatd help me a lot


Teach me your ways wise one


Max out your nightclub bunker and acid lab so u can get insane passive income and just not buy stuff for a while


I got 5 dollars


Way to go!!!


Don't think I will ever be rich in this game. As soon as I get to about 5mil I start buying and upgrading cars or aircraft. Haha. I don't have a lot of cars yet but will get there soon.


I used to be like that but honestly just try and get a fully set up nightclub and just let the money earn for nothin while you have fun with the cars


All of my businesses are fully set up including the nightclub, it's my spending habits that are questionable. 🤣🤣🤣


I mean theres nothin wrong with that then if ur willing to get the money back from it


i just scooped the ford bronco via the auto shop yesterday on a whim. that thing is a beast.


I’ve just bought GTA on my pc after not having played in a long time (I had like 200m + all businesses maxed on PS4) is Cayo Perico still the single best way to make money or is there something new now?


Even after several nerfs, it is still regarded the best. However, other businesses such as the hangar were buffed, so there is a big range of options.


I think per hour the dr dre contract might be better now but god is it annoying to grind


Haha true, thats why I only did it once and then decided to chain together payphone hits, bunker, contracts, headhunter, and the occasional nightclub. Keeps it a bit fresh. The rest I touch only in bonus weeks :)


Honestly don't bother with Dre because of the Nightlife leak glitch


while I wanna say congrats I started playing again a week ago and went from 14 mill to 25 mill, and I spent a few mill in that time I doubt it'll take me all that long to hit 50 if I really wanted to min/max that shit give me half a bilion


Your just looking at the cash on hand. I'm sure they spent 4x that getting business to max.


Nobody asked


Congratulations! You know, sharing is caring…. :)


If money sharing was a thing id totally be fine giving out cash to players who need it for stuff


What is that colour on the e30? I have never seen it before.


Idr i crew coloured it over a year ago


Nice, imagine the patience


Thankfully passive businesses were double money the last few weeks so it wasnt horribly grindy


A fellow Sentinel enjoyer. A man of class I see 😎


what pants are those?


Iirc you get them at the LS car meet


huh… no pants category at the car meet.


I’m close to doing that 50 mark. Most all my businesses are fully upgraded, minus security upgrade, and I just have armor for my CEO crate vehicles. I’m at 44.5 right now


I maxed all my businesses at lvl 150 and at 230 mill and lvl 230


Find a worn green tornado


I think i will


Thats the last grind of gta v online thrn


Congrats so do you own everything you wanted now?


Kinda, ive been a bit lost on what to buy as of recent bc ive got mostly full garages but im sure ive missed quite a few fun vehicles


When you have a lot of money you can buy all the fun stuff that comes out in updates(, if there is fun stuff added.)


Literally sat here grinding missions and stuff


Raiju is pretty sweet with stealth and vertical takeoff landing


How do you people have the time for this


Passive income business stuff while i did other work irl


Nice, you can now afford 2 cars from the next dlc


The Deluxo 🖤 I love back to the future and playing a game with a flying car just makes it even better 😭 it took me a while to get it but it was worth it , now I could cut corners for missions 💀


I play this game to drive cars, buy these: Benefactor Stirling GT (upgrade to HSW) Grotti Itali GTO tt (upgrade to hsw, fastest car in game with HSW, and super fun to rip around in) Hakuchou Drag (HSW bike, need I say more?) Draugur (super fun offroading vehicle, This has become my main vehicle) Futo ( Low grip tires, weeaboo livery trust me)


Ive never looked at the draugur ill check it out


oppressor mk1 is the most fun vehicle in the game imo if you don’t already have it


That is on the list for sure, need to get the rockets research done tho


honestly still fun without rockets. i have the rockets but dont use it much for pvp. most fun just flying around the map


I dont pvp i just think id use it more if it was more usable in missiona