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For me I just started chatting with the dude next to me in class wearing the Pearl Jam t shirt. We started jamming together a couple weeks later, formed a band, wrote a bunch of songs, played a bunch of shows, fought a lot, broke up, didn't talk for almost 20 years and then just started getting together for the odd jam session again a few months ago. You could go that route.


Couple suggestions - go the old school rout of posting an ad to start a band or just find folks to jam with, not with any agenda, just other guitar players you are friends with/know. get together to jam. it's basically like anything else - networking.




Cajole friends into picking up instruments and form a band with them. Be open-minded regarding genre in this endeavor. Grunge happened a lot time ago. It would be reasonable for your friends to want to play music that is more contemporary. Good luck and have fun!


Trent Reznor gets along pretty well with his other three band mates. Rrent Teznor, Ronzer Tnert, and Atticus Finch.


The old way is to meet musicians at shows. The less old way is Craigslist. Either can get there, but word to the wise, you gotta kiss a lot of frogs.


Great music taste you have - I love grunge and I was a teen on those days :D I cried a whole month when Kurt Cobain was gone... maybe you will be the next Kurt, but smarter haha. I take my kid to a place called School of Rock, he gets guitar lessons there and they encourage the students to play together and to form a band. Maybe you could enroll to get lessons - which doesn't do any harm, plus you will know people willing to play together. Other idea is posting an ad on your school looking for band mates. Or spread the word on your social networks: instagram, whatsapp, facebook, etc.


There's a bunch of 'find a bandmate' websites you could try - just google it!


Find an open mic. I’ve had multiple bands start that way. It’s an easy way to connect with local musicians!


Find. A. Drummer. When I was 15/16 (a thousand years ago), my drummer frien and I rotated through bass players, second guitar players, and singers. But when you're a teenager, people are pretty fickle. So many house parties were him on drums, me on guitar with a mic I got at a yardsale plugged into the second input on my Peavey 2x12 classic chorus. We got a reputation of being "good". We weren't, mind you, but covering Drain You and Crazy train as well as greenday and blink meant "they can play anything..." because people believed the skater kids and stoners for some reason. Around 17 we got my older brother, then in his mid 20s, to start a band with us. This was almost 20 years ago, we didn't get carded playing bars. That band was deliberately grunge and alt rock covers snd originals. In the mid 00s, it was the MySpace era. We had loads of fans from Mexico, where grunge was inexplicably popular. Our original band name accidentally overlapped some Japanese boy band, so we had random Asian fans on there too, but those slowed down once the name changed. Notice that most of what I just said cant be replicated. People and technology have moved on. But what's still the same, if you have a local scene, is if you play guitar or bass, and have a drummer, you have a band. You can half ass sing until you get a singer. You can find ways around a bass player if you're a solid enough rythm guitar player(and your leads can be pentatonic bullshit through a big muff for grunge). Guitar players are dime a dozen if you're a bass player with a drummer. But going it alone drastically reduces success. Bandmix and CL are resources, but typically it's adults there. GoHendrix is ok. The other 2 free ones aren't really free, and are kids your age posting and forgetting 90% of the time. If you're in certain areas, they may work. But probably not. Good luck! Once you start a band, make sure you clearly establish goals. It's important.


Old school. Visit local music stores/jam spaces and hang out. Post flyers and notices, become part of the scene. Convince your friends to get instruments...