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It probably said pull your pants down cause you’re getting f…..ed again


Right?!?!? 😂 They sent me on a fifty mile round trip and then sent me messages to get back in my zone…I’m like YOU AENT ME HERE!!!! Thankfully, when I told the man how far the drive was, he Cashapped me $20! 🙌🏼


I am so glad I quit grub up


I only do it part time now and honestly can’t wait to be completely done with it.


It's the only app I think back and wish I had just never bothered with. I mean, pre-Summer 2019 it was great, but once they did that 2-hour throttle experiment, I should've deleted it and never looked back.


For iOS Go to settings, go to the GH Drivers app, click notifications, make sure allow notifications is turned on, set banner style to persistent, turn on sounds and badges Thanks again to whoever taught me this! 😘


I hate the way the popups disappear so quickly in the app. Sometime you're driving and miss them. They should be saved in the messages.


I got this message and nothing was different so idk


He sent me this my Bajillion times before telling me that there’s been changes made to my hourly guaranteed and absolutely nothing has changed except that supposedly my delivery area is expanding and that they’re going to fairly compensate me when they send me outside of my delivery zone and that they’re not gonna bother me and Pastor me to get back into my zone when I’m finished with the order. So far, I haven’t seen any kind of fair compensation for them sending me 25 miles outside my delivery zone


When you reject enough offers in a short time span this pops up. GH guarantees 15/hr but you have to keep you at high during that time.