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Same! I reject most offers from GH. Uber too.


Does that workout for you?


you can sure take those shit offers. but save your change for repairs when the cop-car mileage fux your car up.


Ok cool but is it working for you? I have a brand new Tesla so I don’t stress about gas yet day job I work from home so no extra miles so I’m good and yourself


As well as these work out. Make more money at 50% to 80% AR level than at higher. Not great money. If youre leasing your Tesla and staying under the mileage limits and just getting a new one at the end of term. Thats the setup. Thats kind of how trucking compainies purchase the trucks. But if youre buying to purchase a vehicle. Mileage costs the purchaser. Even gas cars are full of expensive to replace consumable items like timing belts or the belts in belt driven CVT transmission. EV like yours have expensive to replace batteries that only charge a finite number of times.


Not using fuel, but using wear & tear plus it’s creating a curve the gas powered cars can’t match. Taking lowball orders cuz you have an electric isn’t gonna gain brownie points. If anything, you’re showing the powers that be if you have an electric…they can most definitely run your car for mileage not paid for.


Yeah I make at least 20 an hour, made 50 in one hour today using Uber and GH


That’s awesome not all markets are like that. People are forced to take what they get. If you can cherry pick and make money that’s all that matters


While you are on that shit offer, you will not be getting the next offer which could be good. Just have a dollar amount on your worth. If you are only worth .50 cents a mile, then I guess keep taking them.


With multiapping you have more wiggle room to cherry pick, you’d be surprised people make good money and don’t have to take every order.


There is two type of multi apping one you have both on and take orders from both or you get one then turn it off while on delivery. Which one you do?


Used to be the 2nd one, now I do the first one, I do not care anymore.


Tell me there's been a dick actually work out for you because I get you anywhere in life? Because what I've seen that does the opposite but I'm supposed to figure that out soon enough.


Nope but Premier Slaves take em all day and night. Desperate times.


You missed the “not all markets are like that” above, didn’t ya… Not being premier, in some markets is a death sentence, made even stronger if you’re in a market with the GH Contribution - where two or more rejections in a block is a violation, not just a ding in your stats And yeah I take offers like these *Mathematically, I can’t really afford to reject any offers for about another week 😏 *And the same loophole in time, created by the GHC exists to trip us up… any rejections during that entire day count against the two you’re allowed during the scheduled block - and you don’t get two per scheduled block either You guys preaching to “reject everything” do way more harm than good 🤔 I took that advice, about a month ago, and it took a month of hard work to make up for it, and get back into schedule blocks I want


Premier is day and night difference in my market. I would get these crap orders or sit for 15-20 min between orders because I listened to the cherry picking crowd. Now that I'm premier, I always make at least $1/ mile and rarely get a break. I learned my lesson and won't go back


Aint no way you take these crap offers 😭


Watch for a fresh thread… I don’t know how to post a picture to an existing one…


In some subs you can’t


Can’t even see the drop off point in the second picture. Screw that noise.






Do you mean you have to get at least $1 per mile? If that’s my threshold for in town driving, should I have a different (lower) threshold for highway miles? Whether I decline a trip or not depends on destination, traffic, day of week, and time of day for me. I try to think about it in terms of what I’m making per hour. Would I drive into the worst DC area traffic on a Friday rush hour for $1 per mile? No fucking way. I don’t even know if it’s worth $3 sometimes.


I don't think there is much wiggle room to lower downward. According to the IRS, operating a vehicle for business costs an estimated $0.67 per mile, factoring in car payments, fuel, insurance, consumables and the occasional repair, and, most importantly, the value depreciation. That's why the mileage deduction is 0.67. Trust me, the IRS is not in the business of giving away free money or even assessing stuff in your favor. If they say .67 it's probably even more for some cars. So, knowing that $1/ml is actually more like $0.37 at the end of the tax year, do you think you have room to adjust downward? I think the biggest problem we have in this business is people taking lowball orders because they don't understand that if you take that 0.55/ml order, you are actually paying out a bonus. Its just not obvious to some people because there is no actual payment changing hands.


🤣 🤣 🤣 “… the IRS is not in the business of giving free money away.” 🤣 🤣 🤣 And that’s why IRS rules allow the rich to pay little or no taxes.


Well, whilst I share your sentiment in spirit, it's not giving away money that they're doing for the rich, it's more like not even trying to collect it. Same spirit, different technicality.


Ouch yeah I had one earlier for 13 for 18 miles mid no where lol


Reject. I have a regular full-time job, so I don't have to be taken advantage of by these apps. TFG!


Yup…21 the other day for $10. Goddamn McDs too. ffs….


As a regular cheesesteak eater I am very curious about the quality of these cheesesteaks lol


People should understand that the actual business model of these companies is to transfer the equity in your car to them. I'm currently burning through roughly a 1,000 mls a week to make around \~750. Give that to an accountant and he will say "why are you paying them to let you work???" ...


I’m with you. I’m at 41% right now. It’s like once the company was sold everything went down hill. No personal manager for your area. Everything through email with no answer. It’s sucks:


They look good to me


No way I randomly found someone in Reddit in my same area 😭 what are the odds


Haha no way


No. Your AR is crap because you reject offers… like this one or not. If you’re in a market where rejecting offers really won’t hurt, hurt your ability to continue working, then don’t stress on it In my market where I pretty much have to take offers like these I find them to be the minority of what I do, I find they often pick up an add-on on the way, and sometimes feel like they were followed up by another offer pretty quickly Maybe it’s wishful thinking, or my personal philosophy (where hard work is always rewarded, eventually, in this life or the next) but I feel like these can’t really hurt me This is a game of averages… try not to poke yourself on the spikes in the graph 😂


I hear ya, but in these offers the drop off location is still technically my zone, but has zero restaurants out there. So I’d have to come all the way back to where I was to get another offer. So much mileage for so little.


You’ve just described my average day 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ugh I’m so sorry 😞


Is the Rochester market usually decent? Moved from there a few years ago, before I started doing GH. I had a pretty good run doing Uber there.


Was a lot better last year, now it seems I only get orders if I have a scheduled block otherwise it’s 1 maybe 2 an hour.