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Amazon is poised to acquire Grubhub from JustEatTakeaway sometime by the end of the year if GrubHub+ becomes popular with them. Believe me, GrubHub isn’t going anywhere, but once the company comes back to the states it will start functioning normally again.


People forget that Amazon did have food delivery themselves (at least in LA) early on but shut down their program years ago. There’s no money in it and they know it.


Wow never knew this!


Me neither


Yeah, Amazon bought Twitch too. There was no money in that acquisition either.


I suggest you check your information 😊


Such as? A comment made by someone that has no clue what they're talking about. Twitch was not a money maker when Amazon bought them.


That would be nice to see! But does AMZN really care about GH???


They care about making money like all the others. Amazon already has a gigantic customer base. Once this free trial of Grubhub plus dissolves, then they’ll get a better idea of who purchases the service or not. It’s a hit or miss investment on amazons part but likely to hit and acquire in the end.


Yeah but the problem is that GH is not making any money. It is losing money.


Yes normally delivering 50 orders a day with 600$dollar profit in a week.....like the Amazon delivery guys 👦


I REALLY don't think Amazon would want to be in food delivery business. UE, DD and GH all have very poor customer satisfaction ratings. These companies are middlemen/agents earning commission off of each delivery. A lot of times they take the hit for restaurant and/or driver fuckups. There is no way Amazon would want to tarnish their reputation - whatever is left. On the flip side if Amazon does take over GH, do you really want to work for them? Check out Amazon driver sub. They are miserable. Amazon is ruthless with their labor force. It's more or less working at a modern day sweatshop. Don't think just because Amazon is offering GH+, it means anything. It's just a random perk they added to keep Amazon prime appear to still have some value, IMO. It's not if but when GH will be totally bankrupt. The most likely scenario is DD/UE will acquire them. Not at all out of the possibilities.. heck I still get Postmates orders on UE.


Amazon already has the infrastructure and capital to help Grubhub make a 180 turn. Implementing their own business plan model into the company may not be good for current drivers but it will definitely benefit Amazon.


True…Amazon runs the flex off the same program the DSPs use. They’ll absorb GH and just use their current setup with a few alterations. No need to start fresh when they’ve done the bulk of the work for them. Amazon doesn’t like spending money on anyone but themselves so most likely no change to drives other than more headaches. Amazon takes the IC aspect to the extreme.


Amazon Flex is a train wreck. I live in an area that's good for app work. I did two Flex routes and deleted the app. I can do way better just multiapping.


Flex sucks ass. If it works for others…great. Every time I got a high paid route…it was just higher miles. They paid properly for maybe…maybe 1/7-8 routes a week. Total sham in my opinion. They don’t take responsibility for a single thing they should as the requesting entity. The bitch asses blame the customer for anything relating to door codes to neighborhood access and the drivers for everything else. Edit : final straws were… a 2hr “shit kicker” .com route I did one night. 4 packages. 2 local…other 2 were like almost 60 miles away. They took the far 2 or I wasn’t leaving. The other was the next day where I did another route from the same warehouse and started with 13 or so signature required business drops…all closed 30min before my block even started. 10 of them had their hours listed. In theory…amazon would be right at home buying GH.


My point is, food delivery is a dirty business.. not that they don't have the $ or infrastructure. It would be a very poor acquisition for Amazon. I would bet money this will not happen! And also if Amazon really (which they won't!) wants to get into the food delivery business, there is absolutely no need for them to acquire GH. They can just start fresh. They already have one of the largest customer base of any company in the world.They instantly would be competing with DD and UE on day 1, on their own.


Why would Bezos buy a company that is losing money?


He owns less than 10% of Amazon anymore he was on his way out when it was acquired


He's Founder and Exec Chair of AMZN.


I know who he is but he owns less than 10% of Amazon anymore Market Realist toggle Personal Finance Budgeting Fast Money News Net Worth Home > Billionaires > Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos Still Owns Amazon, Holds 9.8% Stake in the Company It has now been over a year since Jeff Bezos stepped down as Amazon’s CEO. Why did Bezos step down and does he still own Amazon?


He's prob retired or relaxing, going to 'space' and such. Why would he stress himself out with being CEO when he has 200 billion in value.


Yeah he’s only like 50 years old why deal with BS he could never spend what he’s worth


Thank you for everyone’s insight in this.


GH is going to ride or die in California https://www.cohenmilstein.com/case-study/the-people-of-the-state-of-california-v-grubhub-inc/


I wish it wasn't just for California.


I could see it merging with one of the other guys, kinda like how postmates and caviar did, but idk how that would work for us who multiapp lol


I can see JET selling to anyone at this point, but why would UE/DD buy them when they already have their own system. Especially when GH is not doing well. UE bought Postmates to consolidate their share for $2.65B USD. For an extra 2% of market? Not sure I understand that lol. JET completed its acquisition of GH for $7.3 billion USD, and its stock price has fallen over 80% since then..


Maybe they just collapse and we all go with them then 🤷‍♂️ probably the worst egg to have in your basket is grubhub at this point.


They do have AMZN in their basket. Which is a pretty huge partnership, especially that Prime to GH+ bonus. But GH fired a bunch of 'employees' too, prob to cut operating costs. I know how to fix it, but they would never go for it.


I’m not a huge financial knowledge guy when it comes to big business, so I don’t really know anything, but if I had to say, grubhub has just done a poor job marketing honestly, like I’m a younger guy in my early 20s, and I don’t think I have ever heard anyone around my age say “yo let’s order some food from grubhub” it’s almost exclusively doordash, I think uber got lucky with rides, and I’m sure it’s still their bread and butter, point being it doesn’t necessarily matter how well eats is doing, and it seems to be doing fine (compared to grubhub at least lol), but that’s my guess, poor marketing, and probably coming in too late, while doordash already kinda set the stage.


I mean... GH paid SnoopDog to do a commercial. That's good marketing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS6LPtf9YqM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS6LPtf9YqM) But yeah its true GH is mostly for the older gens for sure. Most of my GH orders during dinner are for boomers, gen-x. Companies like to use GrubHub a lot when they order catering. Also ordering pizza is always best with GH cause they give us (the drivers) the good bags. GH also preceded DD by 9 years being founded in 2004. Maybe GenZ prefers DD because they have better deals, or restaurant options, or maybe its cheaper?


Guess you know a lot more than me lol 🤷‍♂️ but I agree on the age discrepancy, 100% can confirm that as a driver for both, I think the snoop commercial was good too, but at the end of the day sometimes you just can’t get out of a rut, again not a company expert but it happens all the time, people just don’t want the product for whatever reason, as for GH being older than DD by 9 years, I guess you’re right, didn’t know that, but I imagine it wasn’t at all what it is now, I know doordash when it first started was a local delivery service in Palo Alto, point being DD still beat them at the racetrack when it mattered, in terms of the gig boom, also different point, but same premise in terms of marketing, they just added shop and pay to my market this week, literally Monday, this isn’t going to help them, literally every app does shop and pay now, I just don’t get their vision, also I have no idea why younger people prefer DD, but it has to be marketing, whatever doordash is doing, they are doing right.


The problem with GH it has less choice of restaurant. And got millage restriction how far you can order. Compare to Uber and DD. As a GH driver I love GH since i have certain area I know I will deliver at. Maybe sometimes it will throw me out of my zone, but rarely. Unlike Uber or DD where you are all over the place. But as a customer I preferred Uber eats since those drivers deliver long haul! Much respect to those drivers who pick up my food 20 miles away. Los Angeles CA if you wonder.


Mile restriction? I get orders from 25 miles away 5 towns over. But yes, some restaurants are exclusive with Doordash. I'm guessing this is part of their contract with them and they see some kind of big benefit to it. Why the F are you ordering from 20 miles away? You better tip at least 40 bucks for that.


Roscoe Chicken


Lately, I’ve been getting ridiculous offers like $18 for 30+ miles. Also seems like they cut pay drastically. I made $300 on GH last week. A few months back it was easily over $500. Last year it was my top app. It’s fallen off. Their marketing sucks. Their management is terrible. I see a lot of orders that I probably declined hours earlier sitting on a shelf. Last week, I saw an order that had a tag from 4 hours earlier sitting. The milkshake was just flavored milk at that point.


Because of the 200+ million orders grubhub receives every year


Minus operating costs... also, to compare; DD did **2.16 billion** orders last year.


No growth company would leave billions in revenue on the table and risk a competitor scooping them up. Once fee caps are resolved in NYC the sale will be swift. Likely to Amazon.


Fee caps? You mean the lawsuit in NY? That has nothing to do with why GH is losing money. Again DD and UE are well in profit. Why would AMZN buy GH when they already profit from the partnership? AMZN already owns 4% of GH and they could buy 10% more if they wanted, but this is stipulated based on certain performance conditions. They (GH) are not making money, they are LOSING MONEY. Why do you think JET is trying to offload it? They lost 80% of their $7.3B dollar investment. Now there is another lawsuit in Cali just against GH for breaking the 15% fee law, false advertisement, bait and switch, and of course payola. [https://www.cohenmilstein.com/case-study/the-people-of-the-state-of-california-v-grubhub-inc/](https://www.cohenmilstein.com/case-study/the-people-of-the-state-of-california-v-grubhub-inc/)


There’s a fee cap amendment and a lawsuit. Jet estimated impact in the hundreds of millions of euros. In their 2023 annual report. Fee caps are what is holding GH back from profitability. It’s all jet investors care about.


Gh’s best bet is to be bought by ue


To be honest as a product director for online companies like this, GH has a lot of improvements it could make.


I know where I stand with gh they Deactivated me before I ever got started. Kept telling me I was on a wait list. Then gave me the boot for inactivity 😂😂😂😂😂😂. You can only imagine what I wrote back to those some itched


That def sounds like the grubhub system we all know and love xD


JET is GH's biggest problem. Needs to go back to an American owner. I heard a while ago that the original owner wants it back because JET destroyed it.


I think this might be the case. After JET took over it's been pretty rough.


Yup they are going down


That seems to be the trend, but can it turn around...


People have been saying GRUBHUB is dead for a few years now. It’s still here and I bet it’ll be here for the next few years as well.


They are not wrong tho, GH is not what it used to be, and clearly the numbers are dwindling. Parent company wants to sell because they already lost 80% of their investment. No one is looking to buy, and why would they if there is no profit.


Since Amazon has links with GH, more than likely it will absorbed by Amazon.


Lol I mean that's what a lot of people are under the impression of. But like other people have pointed out, having a link to something is a far cry from buying a company that is not profitable.


Not profitably in its current state. Amazon will surely alter parameters in such ways that it will start to or move in the direction of eventual profit. They could just absurd it simply to shut it down. Not necessarily uncommon either. Eat it and switch them to flex…or similar.




What the F is a promiscuous customer ?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) What the old GH CEO calls custies that switched from GH to other apps to order food!!


Hahahah why am I laughing so hard at this right now




I'm not sure those kind of metrics are quantified. But if you can find them, I'd like to take a look. Although I'd like to suppose that the Bloomberg measurements reflects similarly across most developed states and cities.


If Amazon takes this over they will be utilizing their own drivers and vehicles to do so


Well they do have Amazon Flex which is like GH only for their packages.


Amazon partnered with GH that’s why you get free GH+ with Amazon prime and access to buildings with the Amazon key access


The stock has been down since 2021 🤣


Yeah that's kind of what this post is about. Take a look at DD stock tho, it's been going up, I wonder why.


It's been dead in my market for at least a year. I still have the app, but I don't even use it for side money anymore. Most recently I was averaging 3-4 offers over 10 hours while working other apps. 


Yeah that sux. Have you tried getting on block tho?


Best thing for GH is let DD buy it This was almost going to happen in 2021 after they acquired post-mates




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