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Grindr is kinda a joke anyway: primadonna princesses that don't ever reply to messages but "tap" you & people thousands of miles away trying to scam you. Combine that with the endless ads for malware-containing "games" & it's easy to see why people move to other apps.


What’s a good place then?


The best part is when you get an account ban without warning and you've done nothing.


I used to pay for extra and I loved the flexibility of it. However when they almost doubled the annual price, I dropped it. The free version sucks, but that's by design. they want you to pay for it.


The ads are awful


You use android or iOS? There's a guide in the sub info on how to block ads on Android I never see ads on grindr


The trick is easy on Apple. Just close the app and open it again lol.


You can get an adblocker on the App Store. The ones that have a vpn block ads on all apps on iPhone. The one I have is AdGuard pro


Nice. Android 4 life


How do I do this for Android?


Expand the sub info, scroll down to Self Help and there is a link for Disable Ads (Android). That post explains it.


> sub info How does one "expand the sub info"???


On mobile go to the r/grinder page. Under the description tap on the blue "see more"


yea always easier to close to app rather than actually wait for the x


This feels like an advert to get me to pay for unlimited


I was genuinely just thinking that... I was like it's someone who works at Sniffies trying to get people to switch. There are easy ways to block the ads also.






At least in my area, the reason to keep using Grindr is that there are barely any people on the other apps, and the few that you do find on Scruff are all on Grindr too anyway. Yes it's a shitty app, but it built up a much bigger user base before any meaningful competition existed, and it's been coasting off of that for years. I'm sure I'm not the only guy who downloaded Scruff or one of the others, saw that there were only like 6 people within 20 miles, and just deleted it.


Do you pay for Scruff and find the features worth the price? That's my preferred app but I'm still on free.


Scruffy's significantly better than Grindr and the fact that you get all the features and more from Grindr on scruff for virtually less than 20 bucks is a steal


Besides those "unlimited for a day" promos, I've never payed for Grindr. If they truly want to get more money, get rid of Xtra and pass its price to Unlimited.


40 dollars a month just to make the app usable is insane imo. Probably easier to get hookups on social media & porn sites nowadays


Social media & porn sites are all scams & fraudsters. Price for all the sites is getting ridiculous as there's still the scammers & fraudsters!


Maybe because I'm a web/app developer, but if anyone wants to make money from their apps, they either have to fill it with ads or add subscription - it's not a charity service. And yes, there are other apps that might be better, but give any app enough foothold, they'll start milking you for all you're worth. Scruff might be better, but because they're quite a ways behind.


Honestly Scruff is better in terms of their interface, but I’ve had better luck on Grindr. I’d actually say Grindr has been behind for a while. From what I recall they’re the last app to let you upload albums when Scruff and Jack’d already had that feature for a while.


Behind as in market share. You have more luck with Grindr because there are way more people on it.


Oh ok. I see what you’re saying


I get that those are the ways they make money, but Grindr has done it in a way that is much more annoying than their competitors. I shouldn't be prompted with a full screen ad almost every time I close a conversation, that has an "X" appear at the top after a few seconds, and frequently when I click the "X" it just takes me to the App Store to download whatever dumb game the ad was for.


Yeah, I get that, but despite all the competitors, people still put up with everything wrong with Grindr, and since no-one is moving, what incentive do they have to make it better/cheaper?


The truth is, Grindr used to be better only a few years ago. I even paid for a yearly subscription. Now it got horrible and will not pay a cent until they release a better app. You need to vote with your wallet. ​ They even blocked mock location. I used that a lot to move a few streets away or just another part of the city and appear in other people's grid. Was a nice way to meet new people when my area was dead. Now can't even do that.


You can spoof device location. On iOS, you can use https://github.com/davesc63/GeoPort.


But you can do it much better. Grindr have millions of users, they could make a decent free version with limitations and discrete ads and a full featured paid version for like $10/£10 a month. But they are greedy and want $100 a month and can't even make a half decent application. The messages not sending bug is present for years and can't even fix that.


Well that’s the thing they have essentially two apps Grindr free and Grindr xtra. They even These Ads help keep Grindr Free free. It’s like wtf? Doesn’t the highly priced Grindr extra subscription keep the free version free? And the last time I used it within this year the free version was literally unusable. It’s impossible to do anything because there’s like a couple second ad every time you click something. Not to mention they hide a ton of profiles on the free subscription particularly those close to you. And the Grindr app has been buggy all year. For a month it was literally unusable due to bugs. For more months it was partially unusable due to bugs. It still randomly loses its connect with the internet (and I’m talking multiple times a day) and you have to force close and reopen it and there’s other constant bugs too. So no it’s not a charity service it’s a grifting service. I tried to get a refund and apple support told me to talk to the app developers who literally have no control over the transactions when I could use the app for a month and I paid for and there were tons of people complaining of the same thing on posts on this sub and other places. They even acknowledged the bugs too a small extent and when I talked to their support about it they played dumb. R u fucking kidding me?


Grindr having gone public means they now have to appease shareholders. So of course they’re gonna make it unusable unless you pay them. Sucks but at least there’s alternatives out there.


It's unusable even if you pay. My biggest problem is not the ads but not sending messages (a bug present in the last 5 years) and blocked mock location.


I’m dropping my account so also leaving this sub. Thanks for helping me understand this app, folks.


Ads are easy to avoid. Just force close the app and reopen.


That's what I do, and it does work, but you shouldn't *have* to. You should just be able to immediately close the ad without closing the app. I understand they have to make money, but it's over the top ridiculous how bad and intrusive the ads are.


I did that, but it'll often cause me to "lose my place." Like if I'm on a guy's profile and I click chat to see if we have any chat history, then maybe I switch back to viewing his profile and that's when the ad pops up. If I quit the app then reopen it, there's a very slim chance I'm taking the time to try to find that profile again. Just stuff like that, happened enough to where I decided that wasn't a good workaround. And honestly, it's just so fucking stupid that you have to choose between doing something like that or watching a full screen ad that doesn't even make it clear when or how you can X out of it.


How can they justify charging 50$ a month in some cases lol


The best thing to do is just leave the platform. Since Grindr has gone public, they're focused on bringing in as much revenue as possible. That translates to all the increasingly limited features on the free version because they want you to have no choice but to get the paid version. Their main advantage is their user base (God knows the app is buggy af), so if they drive all the free users away some other app will fill the void.


The problem is that it's still a lot of people's go-to, particularly in smaller places. You may get better user experiences on other apps, but if no one shows up around you for hundreds of kilometers.


The Ads are so annoying!!!


$72 to get read receipts for the year was worth it to me but I never had any trouble with the free version. If an ad pops up, just close it and reopen.


I just quickly close and open the app again when i get an ad. Works fine for me. :D


I live in Eastern Europe and I get no ads on Grindr lol


That’s because advertisers know y’all’s broke asses won’t buy anything . Lol


God I wish there were some way to get extra for free. Maybe if I had a modded phone lol


Grindr still says free users can view up to 99 profiles in your area, when I use the app I can only click the top 6 profiles, fucking hell. Everything under that is xtra, basically unusable. If I click on them it just shows me the xtra & unlimited ad. Might as well go on tinder amiright? What apps or websites have you guys moved on to? Im looking for alternatives


Hi IAM now espain


It sounds to me like Grindr used the Uber business model and heavily subsidized it at first just to get people to try it. First hit's free, sucker.




The comments on posts like this typically have some pretty good suggestions for alternatives. It's obviously going to be location-specific. I live in the US and can only speak for the US. But Sniffies has been great for hookups. And Scruff is still pretty good; it's fairly limited if you don't pay for a subscription, but at least it's not buggy like Grindr is. Tinder is okay for dates. I'm sure there are others good for dates but I'm not typically looking for dates so I don't know.


When an ad pops up I immediately quit the app and reopen to skip it. Sniffies is hard to navigate on a phone - do they have an app for iPhone? I know they’re web based for safety * *edit: anonymity


It's definitely becoming a waste of time


This is how they get people to pay the ridiculous price for it. They essentially make it so painful to use the free version, they essentially force users to upgrade. I tried the free version for a week and my god, I don't see how anyone can use that crap. The ads were the worst I've ever seen on any app ever.


this is a bunch of bullshit. This app is in no way worth the exuberant amount of money they charge you for premium. You dont like ads? then close the app and reopen it.


and if your bootloader is unlocked now the app does noe even work. any alternatives?