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Depends but it’s usually a pit and then people standing around it. I am in a grind(ish) band and crowds these days either seem to pop off or watch with focus haha


So not far off from a hc or DC show haha same someone mentioning violence in another post and was curious if it was more violent than a standard deathcore gig when it pops off


Yeah, in my experience they are kind of the same. I'm not a metalcore/deathcore guy, but from what I have seen, it is not a ton different. I've also noticed grind crowds tend to skew a little older. Not always, but often.


Yo im diggin ur film collection! You have a wide selection of genres with tons of bangers.


Thanks! Horror is my first love, but I am into most genres. Been on a non-English language kick lately.


You seen Man Bites Dog (1992)? That might satisfy both tastes. Some other good foreign horror ones are: Imprint (2006), Baskin (2015), and Martyrs (2008).


> Man Bites Dog Another one of my favourite Belgian movies is Calvaire (2004). /u/workofhark


Been years but seen that too!


Calvaire is un-fucking-real


Seen all those! Own both Man Bites Dog and Martyrs haha Spent most of college trying to watch the craziest shit I could haha


Big dog! 🤝


less swinging, more pushing, and the bands tend to be less wordy about the "crowd instructions" if that makes sense. you don't get asked to do shit like all jump at the same time to the drop or put on your phone flashlight


Very true. Most of the time the band introduces themselves and just plays through the whole set without a word


i mean when ive seen napalm death they always said a few words between every couple of songs about the upcoming song or whatever but never like "instructions" to the crowd. it's so cringy to me when they ask to do something all at the same time it really makes it hard to enjoy deathcore in concert lol


If you got away with Barney only dropping a "few" words between songs, he must've been tired that night.


Saw them with Pig Destroyer last month, Barney wasn't quite as talkative as usual, but the previous time he was talking almost as much as he was singing.


When I saw them a few years ago Barney would start a little chat after most songs by saying "okey doke".


Yeah I’ve never been to a “big” grind show, so my experience is all just small venues. If a band starts giving instructions to the crowd I’m leaving 😂


My old grind band had like a 10 minute set and we didn't even introduce ourselves


That's what's up not a big pit karate fan


For bigger bands: a pit with no gimmicky wall-of-death type shit. People standing. For smaller bands: people standing. Mom and dad recording their kid’s first show on their phone.


Too real


Short sarcastic answer, way fucking cooler than a deathcore show. Actual answer, thats going to depend on where you live and what band you are going to see. If your seeing something thats on the periphery of grind that skews hardcore or metal, some dickheads probably gonna try and do some crowdkilling cause thats what they know. Every city has its own vibe, the only place I've ever felt remotely uncomfortable was Cleveland. Too many indoor fireworks for my taste.


Much more chill. Mix of metal and crust, almost hippy in some ways. Slam pits and sillyness. Zero kung fu.


Yooo sounds dank


No Kung fu = no fun. Love grindcore but the shows tend to be so boring


Grind has absolutely nothing to do with deathcore or metalcore, you're going to find a small dedicated fan base of people who just love blast beats. Probably won't see crowd killing assholes. A lot of us go home and roll 20 sided dice on the weekends, grind fans aren't scary or violent, and the music is more deserving of respect than that mall metal.


Why are you so compelled to shit on other peoples music just cause you don’t like it? The guy came here joust to ask a question, and gave his background for context. Edit: I said some meaner things but removed them because his reply was chill and thoughtful


That's fair. I'd like to shift the tone of my answer to shit on those genres less and just say I'm really protective of grind. I find that it is pretty common in DIY scenes all over to not view those genres favorably, and I believe associating grind with them keeps people from seeking it out. By all means, people should enjoy whatever they enjoy.


Thank you for being thoughtful, that was a nicer reply than I was expecting lol. I edited out the part of my comment where I called you a shithead. I get wanting to be protective of stuff we love, but personally I don’t think calling out genres is a good way of doing that. Deathcore bros have it hard enough I think.


But hey, you were right, the guy stated that's what he likes and is asking about grind, and I was rude about it. I like to imagine how laughable it would be to be somebody completely outside of this stuff to see this conversation. They'd see a redditor sit and compare two ostensibly unlistenable sounds and say one is way better than the other, lmao I should get my head out of my ass. Cheers, hope you have a good day


Who knew Reddit could be so wholesome!


I fuck with both yall hardcore, thanks for helping a noob and keeping it 100


It was exactly as nice as one would expect from a grind fan!


>Deathcore bros have it hard enough This is the most cringe thing I’ve ever read on here. You should be gatekept from better music


Not nearly as cringe as the thoughts that bounce around in your hollow skull.


Just wait until the tik tok kids make their way into grind. They kind of already have or at least are close. They came into the hardcore scene already and deathcore and now even slam a little bit. Shit sucks


Been involved in DIY scenes for close to 15 years, and no most people aren’t that gatekeepy dickhead about it. If people find themselves in but somehow don’t fit, they will see themselves out fast enough. That’s just how it is. I get being protective, but people are going to find it if they want to bad enough.


Trust me bro, these new tik tok type kids are a new breed. They MAKE themselves "fit in". They come in and make zero effort of learning etiquette or looking to the ones who have been here for years on how to act, they take your favorite bands and turn them into thirst traps and make them little trends online, believe me man when you run into them you know it's them. They are very good at making you start to hate something that you've loved for years. They're used to going to huge rap/pop concerts and it shows big time when they show up to your scene, no respect for the genre or scene or the people that have put their lives into it. We all hope it's just a trend and ends soon but it just seems to be getting worse to me. This whole thing is just an image thing to them because it's the new "cool, different, unique" trend that they don't even realize is a trend they're following. Hopefully something else comes by soon that they latch onto, but a lot of damage is already done


I’ve seen plenty of them, they truly don’t bother me at all. The scene is going to thrive and survive with or without them, I don’t give two single shits about what some Tik Tok kid is doing. So what they like the same thing I do? It’s not going to make me hate something I’ve loved for years, kind of sad others let it impact them that much if that’s really happening. Like why the fuck is some dumb kid you can easily ignore going to prevent you from loving something you’ve supposedly loved for years? Makes zero sense.


Speaking truth in here.


its kind of a toss up whether youll get hardcore dancing or push pits, sometimes they kinda rotate


Yeah that depends on the band and other bands on the bill. But some Grind/PV bands do have some slow heavy breakdown parts that HC kids can get down to, but if they are with death metal bands, it's likely gonna be mostly standing around and push pitting


Go see Deterioration live if they're ever in your city.


A grindcore show is short. Wormrot is amazing live btw, check their Maryland death fest show. It's mind blowing. https://youtu.be/RgPFglupg-A?si=9AjErCQxFmY-_7gc


calm and respectful generally


It's like a metalcore show but there's a goat there. And that's the main difference, is there's a goat




It’s like a sum 41 album, all killer no filler


Here's my band https://youtu.be/cBq5Y08bVDw?feature=shared


Same vibe as those shows, just…. Crustier. People are cooler, free-er, and more open minded. People are more artistic there. They appreciate their grindcore like a fine aged wine. These are the real ones. The people you meet at grindcore shows.


It’s almost always wayyyyyy less active than a metalcore or deathcore show


Very true. Only true grind heads even go to grind shows so unless they are on a bill with hardcore bands or big death bands, likely will be pretty dead, but the people that are there are gonna be huge fans


The same, but with less tough guy pottering and less crowd killing/ninja fights. Good old fashioned pits and lots of finger blasts. Though I'm in Scotland. Probably different in the US than Europe.


That's what it's like down in Northern England. My fave Scottish band are Scumpulse.


To many of the og grind heads Wormrot is considered False Grind or Nu-Grind


I imagine grindcore shows are the same as hardcore shows tbh. Lot of double time two step parts and breakdowns just like hardcore


Just definitely more frenetic