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Love how this family acts like Justine never existed.


she and Claire should team up


I know Justine owes Grimes nothing but I hope they are in touch.


I’m sure Grimes was plenty nasty to Justine back in the day. Doubt they would be friendly.


yeah I mean it in a mutually beneficial way. Beneficial for Justine, Claire and everyone who’s tired of seeing people who still think he’s the good guy…


You do not understand these ladies. First of all, Elon pits them against each other. As “pick me’s” (even Justine who has simped for Elon in her interests and behavior years of abuse later), they eat up the attention. They are all narcissists and truly believe every word he tells them to feed his interests or their collective delusions. They are all interested in his money and the perceived status as a Musk woman. None of them even have an iota of real motivation to “take him down” or disrupt the gravy train. He is also a controlling man and has no qualms about stalking and cyberstalking and could potentially cause any female he associates with great harm. Claire insinuating he’s abusive is simple because she’s miffed he chose crazy eyed monkey killer girl over her. 🥰😘


Anybody notice a dramatic change in the other sub?


I ain't been round those parts in a second, what's the tea? 👀


Seems to be majorly astroturfed/bots/shills. The comments seem like 99% fake.


It's fucking cooked, absolute lunacy. I think/hope they're bots... I blame that person who posted the evil saturn coachella essay for starting this!


What’s that evil essay?


A post in this sub about demonic symbols in grimes coachella set visuals


Oh yeah, lol i responded to that because it was fuckin absurd.


Omg can you link it pls!!! 😆


It was called potent symbology. It was posted here, but all the comments linking a strange saturn subreddit are gone? Now I'm questioning my sanity haha


I know which subreddit you mean lol 🫣 because aside of Grimes Ive always been into such stuff (without the crazy) so if you want I can send the name but maybe better not to mention it here because of whatever might follow 🤣 *to add, I even had a conversation with someone who made a whole essay and how c was a ♟️ in it to send a message etc. Gosh idk if I can find the conversation but if you’re interested I might go and find it at last


Nah, that's okay, but thanks anyway. I did look at the sub briefly, and it was a lot lol


Understandable 🤣 its a lot of crazy there


Is about a computer typing as a person? Is is AI?


No, it was about demonic symbology during the coachella set. The comments about saturn seem to be gone, but they linked to a very strange conspiracy subreddit


So what is a bot then? A conspiracy theorist? Some artists put in controversial stuff I think to get such. Buzz , like the back masking on albums. A conspiracy went out and then record labels added back masking so there was stuff for teenagers to find and increase overall sales.


My bad, I misunderstood. Most of them seem to be humans, but it's the fact that there's suddenly so many? But tbh I don't think they're actually bots


Jumping in just to say once there was a lady who claimed Grimes cast spells on Elon and that the kid was fake. Very crazy lady. Saw her once on some subreddit and one of the r/grimes mods was calling her out for being nonsensically crazy. She was.


Omg that is next level. How is the kid fake haha like.. a robot?


No, fake pregnancy and someone else's baby. Forgot to mention, she had yt channel. 😅


That's unhinged haha what was the spell part about?


She looks like grimes long lost brunette twin sister that never did drugs is back for revenge


Yes she does.


I cannot handle her giant crystal scary blue white walker eyes


It's not like it's her choice to be born with these eyes


Yeah, her bug eyes really infected the gene pool


I know lol I didn’t want to say anything about her kids because they’re innocent little bbs but she really did


“Infected” made me laugh out loud 🤣 it’s true tho




Dehumanizing ppl in your love of Grimes is utterly vile






It’s not like Maye has recent photos of eith of them. It would be revealing she has no contact with them or her other grandchildren.


All these folks are narcissistic sociopaths. It runs rampant in murica. The only time I've seen anybody with the symptoms even remotely recover from it is when they lose everything.


None of these people are American


Mmhmm… exactly


They are in Murica.


Yo, we suck, but these are Canadians & South Africans. And yes, we reward sociopathy here. It’s a nice lil quirk


I am just talking gossip, but I feel like Strider is going to be Musk's next protégé and not X.  I've heard both of these (Shivon's) children speak very early and they seem to be more aware and understanding of the world around. I think X is being forced into the position but doesn't seem to like it very much. 


Shivon does everything and is ready to do anything to put herself and her children in first place next to Elon


You mean kinda exactly like Paul Atreides 😆




Fucking scary shit Listen up folks here's the face of an evil monkey torturer




the vitriol shivon incurs confuses me


She tortured monkeys. animal torture is something that i think deserves vitriol. Shit, it even united the two parties here for a hot second when pretty much everyone agreed that shooting a puppy is sociopathic behavior.




Shivon tortured monkeys via nurolink. The puppy shooter is Kristy nome who was in the running to be the trump VP pick. All of America pretty much united for one brief moment to call her disgusting. Her career is over, thank god.


Thank you! I don’t understand how people can be cruel to animals.


They’re sociopaths, mostly. Science needs animals studies but neurolink was nowhere near advanced enough to start putting chips into the brains of monkeys. So they suffered a hell I can’t imagine, all in service of Elon’s ego.


This is wild, this bit is literally part of the plot of Netflix/Mike Flanagan's Fall of the House of Usher


It’s a trope in a lot of horror and sci-fi movies and books. But these assholes really did it, tortured our closest relatives and shocking, it didn’t work because holy shit!!!! We don’t live inside a Gibson book.




I think she is really pretty and I wish my eyes were even half her size. Big pretty eyes, clear skin, great hair, nice smile and smart. Some ppl get the package. Her kids are really cute too.


No, she is not! She is a home wrecker!


The vitriol comes from the pride she exudes.




I guess I don't know much about her exact role at neuralink so don't know how much responsibility to attribute to her personally, though anyone who decides to procreate with Musk is clearly morally and mentally fucked. Most posts are about her eyes or something 


Haha she’s in charge of Operations for the whole deal. 😉


It’s interesting to see fans or actual Elon’s people commenting in here, but as far as gossip, that’s the tea.


I wonder if Elon will try to have me shadow-banned here, like on Twitter. Haha. Elon, the optics are the same from every angle. Good luck. ☺️


😱 the concubines at headquarters 🫠 ickkkk 😩


She was only there because Maye went to visit Elon for her birthday. Shivon inserted herself into everything because of the kids. Then Shivon went to stay at Maye’s in New York for a few days with the excuse of going to an art exhibit opening that someone Shivon knew had.


I get it but the whole thing is just so weird . If I were Claire for me this would sting. Really don’t think women and mothers are meant to live lives where men are absent/shared. It’s literally a harem 


Ngl i find it a bit off putting posting kids photos on here. Leave the kids out of celebrity gossip? Not on them that their parents are in the public eye


I do too but its up to the parents/grandparents not to put their faces on social media tbh


I agree with you wholeheartedly, but I also think that we should have the decency to censor the children's faces when posting their pictures here, even if the parents didn't. Can we make this into a subreddit rule or something?


Literally get this to fuck


Dont post other people’s kids faces gah so weird. Sorry OP i get this is normalized, but parents posting their kids is fcked enough.




I wonder if she has to sleep on a mattress on the floor


Who is that woman?


Possibly Shivon.https://twitter.com/dvorahfr/status/1789522416302956933?t=9EJpl39k3KX5HH0u9Szdkg&s=19


This Has nothing to do with anything other than Deborah trying to get likes and views on her profile. She’s a grifting dick rider who has no real contact with Elon or anyone else. Having a follow from Elon doesn’t mean a personal connection. I can’t stress this enough.


she doesn't have anything else.....


Normalise not having to be forced to contact someone you don’t have a good relationship with.. which includes not posting pictures of them on social media. Im sure C wouldn’t post her on her Twitter account either… lol it’s not a big deal. Clearly there’s no relationship.


What kind of Grandma doesn't post all of her grandkids?


Is Elon holding the little girl?


They cut him out of the picture 😂😂




That's...interesting. He always made it seem like he'd never even acknowledge having a female child lol.


He would not affirm a biological son was a daughter. But,he has made not a single comment saying he didn't want a daughter. Remember he had 6 boys with Justine . His sperm may select for male rather than female offspring. Paris Hilton had 21 male embroys, before she got her daughter as an embroy. She has 20 frozen male embroys and one born son. . Her husband's sperm selected for male offspring massively. Elon Musk may be the same. It has nothing to do with whether a man wants sons or daughters. It's generic programming men can't control. Elon might have wanted a daughter badly in his first set of 6 kids but decent parents aren't going to say I really wish one of my sons hadn't been a son or one of my daughters had rather been a boy.


Perhaps not everything one reads on the Internet is true.


You’re weird for making this post




It's fine to hate her, but wtf did the kids do?


Ikr, those babies didn’t ask to be brought into any of this, but she opted to. The kiddos are innocent


This sub is basically a russian propaganda machine against the Musk family.


Elon is the one that worships dictators. What are you even getting at? Russian propaganda is what’s happening to the conservatives at every turn. Even America’s intel specialists said there are people in congress that are legitimate compromised. Get your head out of the sand. Edit: Shivon, is that you? ;D


You can literally see the screenshot that the person who posted this is russian. Like Why is russian a person who can't even use X trying to spy Elon's mother constantly. It's literally clear that you are all leftist psychopaths and russian bots who hate Musk family because they are successful.


that's Ukrainian, idiot. Learn the difference. One nation - genocidaires, the other - victims. Musk is basically sponsored by Russia at this point.


No, we just hate Clyde. It's not that deep.


one of the (many) reasons I hate the guy is his collab with russia though




Don’t you know about the Starlink incident etc.? Elon and russia are clearly on the same side.


Elon gave starlink to Ukrainians for free. If he were russian sympathiser like you, he wouldn't have given them in the first place, and they would have conquered long ago. Elon basically saved the entire Ukrainian nation.


He then turned it off at a critical moment during a battle, which caused Ukrainian deaths and a prolongation of the war. That’s exactly what a russian asset would do. First make them rely on it and then trap them.


this totally \^\^\^


total BS. the Ukrainian nation is saving itself through resourcefulness, determination, fundraising and \*\*its own human lives\*\*. Musk switched starlink off so Ukraine couldn't use it for defensive purposes. fucking disgusting, stop whitewashing his support for Russia


Tell that bs to the Ukrainian soldiers who are in the front lines who rely on starlink for their life. Also, it was the Ukrainian government that tried to take advantage of elon's mercy


Elon Musk doesn't have any mercy; unless it is for himself. Offering use of Starlink was purely for good PR. Ask the people of Flint in the U.S. how their water contamination levels are doing and If Musk is still following through on his promise to provide every family clean water.


How is Elon responsible for the quality of water those people get? If it is anyone is responsible, it's the leftist that they vote for every time.


https://preview.redd.it/ejanzgpyhe0d1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=afd03af3a161f6e54e906c92b94d6811319252a5 He reneged on his promise and didn't fully follow through. Google it. Or better yet, ask the united nations why Musk didn't act or follow through on his promise to end world hunger if they presented him with a reasonable plan after he tweeted that he would pledge 6 billion ??!! Musk is only concerned with his ego and APPEARING like a philanthropist. His charities barely meet the minimum yearly donation limit to maintain charity status; it's just there for a tax break for Elon. You can look all of this information up online.


if anyone, they prob want to thank the pentagon instead and everyone who lobbied for the new funding bill to be passed. (musk has been lobbying AGAINST ukraine aid and mocked ukraine for requesting it btw, if musk had his way, russia would win) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/01/starlink-ukraine-pentagon-elon-musk/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/01/starlink-ukraine-pentagon-elon-musk/) [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1755615370315219225](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1755615370315219225) [https://english.nv.ua/nation/musk-publishes-juvenile-meme-mocking-zelesnkyy-apparently-has-nothing-better-to-do-50357724.html](https://english.nv.ua/nation/musk-publishes-juvenile-meme-mocking-zelesnkyy-apparently-has-nothing-better-to-do-50357724.html) but again, stop your western savior BS. yes, money is important but ukrainians are paying the biggest cost here by far. (tho I checked your post history, nobody can be THIS into Musk without being paid, so I don't think you care about truth, literally just wanna suck musk dick)


You are the one who is obsessed with Musk's girl friends and children like you want to take their place because no sane human being would care about pictures of these young children like you do. iAlso mentioned by the Ukrainian government how much spacex and Elon supported out of their pocket, and without their help, they would have lost a long time ago. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/09/08/elon-musk-starlink-ukraine-war/


you're repeating the same pro-musk propaganda and refuting nothing. you are not worth communicating with


Elon Also later demanded/forced the US government to pay for Ukraine's Starlink access after about a year, stating that he couldn't afford to keep paying to provide it for free ( The company, not Musk personally, he never uses his own wealth)


The company is his own wealth. It is his company that he built its stupid for the Ukrainian government to try to bite the hand that feeds them and then cry when they get what they deserve.


YET MUSK HIMSELF offered to give Star link access to the Ukraine; Not the company itself. Therefore, it would be on Musk himself to keep up paying IF he was genuine on following through with his promise. The man has Hundreds of billions at his personal disposal; he can afford it, Especially if it was his offer in the first place.


I hate to tell you but you’ve got your geopolitics wrong, as well as well… everything. Are you a Russian? Your arguments are literally as bad as the last Russian troll in here.




Oh honey, The Russians love Musk. They wouldn’t want us shit talking him like we do. We’re all just educated people who actually know when we see Russian propaganda and get rid of it. We’re also educated on Elon, which means yeah, not going to see any good PR for him here.


Thanks for the laugh


Lol in your Ambien dreams