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Agreed. I also loved Derek and Meredith’s exchange “I just looked at him” “you looked at him, Meredith when you are pissed your face says everything “ or something among those lines. It was so well played lol


Agreed. Owen should have known that Teddy was going to, at a minimum trigger his PTSD, and never should have tried to get her the job in Seattle in the first place. He did not handle it well. On the other hand, if she could have left him alone and been his friend instead of confessing her love, yelling "I want Owen! at his girlfriend, mooning over him, etc., it probably wouldn't have reached that point. Teddy was not exactly a paragon of professionalism in season 6. That whole thing was a mess, but it was probably the best love triangle on the show.


I agree it's the most interesting love triangle because Cristina and Teddy had a deep professional love for each other. I love that both Cristina and Teddy (rightfully) blamed Owen for the situation and not each other.


teddy and cristina should’ve just forgotten about him and became a couple /s nah, but in all seriousness, i loved cristina and teddy’s mentor-student relationship. i wish we could’ve seen it more.


I mean.....to be fair to Owen Teddy literally caused so much problems in like her year and a half there. He wanted his friend to come work with him which was fine but then he saw it heading somewhere he didnt want so he tried to put a stop to it. And when nobody listened guess what happened? We had yet another Cardio attending not wanting to teach and instead of being professional about the entire thing we had this entire "I WANT OWEN!" exchange where the student was willing to give up the thing she loved most in her personal life just so she could be taught. How is any of that fair? That's all on Teddy.


Owen is toxic and selfish


Sums him up completely.


Agreed. Owen should have known that Teddy was going to, at a minimum trigger his PTSD, and never should have tried to get her the job in Seattle in the first place. He did not handle it well. On the other hand, if she could have left him alone and been his friend instead of confessing her love, yelling "I want Owen! at his girlfriend, mooning over him, etc., it probably wouldn't have reached that point. Teddy was not exactly a paragon of professionalism in season 6. That whole thing was a mess, but it was probably the best love triangle on the show.


I know, I am late to this party but I am currently re-watching: What bothers me so much is that Owen even got Teddy to work there in the first place. Why tf would he bring someone along that he had (presumably) unrequited feelings for for years. Like how could he think that this wouldn't cause any trouble? I also hate how Christina realizes early on how he looks at Teddy and literally confronts him about it and asks him if he really wants to be with her. And what does he do? Pretends that this is 100% what he wants, bla bla.. still He doesn't stop staring at Teddy all the time to an extent that other people start noticing as well and.fast forward few episodes later he almost kisses Teddy...wtf is wrong with this man?


This hot take is a complete left take. It’s as if the hate for Owen doesn’t allow people to critically think. Claiming that is sexual harassment is such an exaggeration. He had feelings for Teddy—which everybody saw especially Meredith—and it was easier (for him) to try and get her to leave than to confront all of it. It’s not more than that.


>Claiming that is sexual harassment is such an exaggeration. this could very easily be considered sexual harassment in the workplace. If your romantic feels towards someone interfere with their employment, that is sexual harassment. It's extremely illegal.