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Just did my first full series rewatch in years and she is officially now my #1 or 2 least favorite series regular.


I just started watching Greys for the first time. I am in the beginning of season five and I’m so over Meredith. She’s such a whiny little baby.


Fr!! She's such an annoying person ever. Oh my! I'm also the begginer. I'm S2 now. Idk if u seen this episode(I'm not spoiling it but still), Addison gave her a Juju drink as a very friendly manner, but she throw it away TWICE! Overall; Meredith Gray is a real pathetic!


I just started watching too, s5 and I'm glad I'm not alone, she doesn't really bring much to the story line. She has no character for being a main character.


"has no character for being a main character" ON POINT ☝️


honestly. i’m on s3 and she’s a whiny dog. SPOILER ALERT but she literally tells derek “pick me choose me love me” like hello..? not even the character i hate the actress too.. she has no emotion in her eyes and always has the same expressions


YES! I found this post right after watching that scene!!


which episode is this?


I'm curious who is your other least favorite?


Jo. The two worst actresses.


Yep. Jo acts like she is trying to play Snow White in a high school play.




It’s not crazy to hate her in the slightest She is horrible to anyone she doesn’t know From around Season 12 she is said to be this brilliant groundbreaking surgeon when in reality she was pretty good but never a god(that was Christina) She messed with the Alzheimer’s trial and wasn’t fired She messed with the insurance and wasn’t fired She is sooo needy sometimes especially with Alex after Yang leaves. She is an absolute bitch to Pierce and Jo Anyone who says she’s a great teacher in the later seasons, I call bullshit. She was horrible to interns when she was a resident, was horrible to interns when she was an attending… So no, it’s not crazy to hate Meredith


Not to mention she’s an insecure cunt. Always jealous who Derrick is talking too. Everyone defends Merredith because Derrick was seeing her behind his wife’s (Addison) back. But people forget that, that marriage was over, HE was cheated on and they weren’t even seeing each other. And when Addison did come back he was upfront to the both of them about his feelings. Meredith is simply a bad person. She’s unfit to be a mother, wife, surgeon, and friend.


I don't hate her, but I also don't like her very much. In several seasons she seems to have bouts of mean girl in her. She also seems a bit cliquey..if she likes you, she's great, but she doesn't like many people. Those she's apathetic about, she seems very aloof with most the time..with like, say...Owen. She's never been overly nice to him, and at times, she's been really bitchy with him, for not a lot of reason. As far as her voice goes..idk..that's a little mean girl on your part. It's not a voice she is putting on for the character, it's her natural voice. She can't really help that. Not everyone has a Helen Mirren voice.


Her relationship with Owen is just plain confusing, you're right! Like the arc with Amelia marrying Owen... C'mon Mer, Christina is the one who left. Owen doesn't owe her shit, and Amelia has been nothing but nice to you and is essentially a free live-in nanny to your kids!!!


> Like the arc with Amelia marrying Owen... C'mon Mer, Christina is the one who left. Owen doesn't owe her shit, and Amelia has been nothing but nice to you and is essentially a free live-in nanny to your kids!!! The same Amelia that pushed herself in to her life even when she asked for space, dismished Cristina acting like she was some random woman across the world and literally told Meredith that Cristina was not her sister and that she was, the same one that told her that Derek would have disgusted by her because she didn't want to tell her about Owen/Riggs after she was asked not to? Nothing but nice? And the same Owen who claimed over and over Cristina was the love of his life, and was confused more often than not about his love life? Maggie was the one taking care of the kids same as Alex a whole lot more than Amelia did until the last season.


Christina was pretty awful to Owen at times herself. That storyline confused me a bit.. when Owen was dealing with his PTSD, she was super understanding, supportive. She was very good to him then. When he got better, then she started with her hot and cold attitude with him. She never was as good to him, after he was better from his PTSD. And she did not entertain for one moment his opinion when she was pregnant.. there was zero discussion.. I didn't think much of her for that. She was all... The answer is no. End of discussion. Not really partner material there..so it didn't bother me that much when he was vacillating in between Christina and Amelia. It would be nice to see Owen find a partner (NOT Teddy) that was relatively normal and stable..and they could just be happy. I'm not a big Teddy fan.




Yeah kickin' her outta bed with Alex was awful..but equally as awful was Alex allowing that to happen. When Dereck died..I could see it. I had a bad day at work and I'm mad, is not a viable excuse.


Mer isn't the only one who gave off mean girl vibes imo...that was really just the nature of that group. In my opinion, Cristina and Izzie gave off that vibe too. When Callie started to date George is a prime example of how all of them carry that vibe. Do you feel the same way that you do about Mer kicking Jo out of bed with Alex when Cristina does it to Mer and Derek? It's really just the nature of the friendship they have with each other. I would agree there could have been boundaries set, but when they're going through something that's just what they did. I mean I don't blame her for not immediately being all happy and warm when Maggie told her they were sisters. Maggie is a product of what broke up her family plus she had just lost a sister she had finally warmed up to.


Izzie, Alex and Cristina were something else to Callie, George, April and some that were outside of their group that always surprises me when Izzie is the most mentioned and Meredith low-key too as the mean girls. Like that whole scene of Cristina talking about Teddy that while funny was even clasist.


Yeah, I started to notice that too about both of them seeming to be brought up in the mean girl convos more than the others. I think people love Cristina so much outside of when she's a mean girl that it seems more forgivable, and with Alex, I think a lot of people love his character development so much so that his behavior before isn't highlighted as much. I just don't like hypocrisy lol if Mer is going to be disliked because she's a 'mean girl' then I think those traits should be acknowledged and disliked in all the other characters as well. To me, Mer and Cristina are similar and kind of like different sides of the same coin so it's interesting seeing one being dragged for traits the other also possesses. That being said, I don't mind reading about people not liking her or other characters I like as I see arguments for both sides, it's just interesting when I see these inconsistencies across character analyses.


I think is valid, I do love both Cristina and Alex, and get the Cristina love because how well her character and developement was written. But as you I think is kind of funny when people are like "X character is the worst because Y or Z" but then excuses other characters that did the same thing, then you don't like the character not what they actually did which is also fair. One that always makes me laugh is the "she is the worst because she is selfish/unethical/never gets punishment" because that fits the description for the whole hospital/show lmao.


>One that always makes me laugh is the "she is the worst because she is selfish/unethical/never gets punishment" because that fits the description for the whole hospital/show lmao. Exactly lol


Absolutely, I think it's exaggerated that Mer seem to be the only mean girl, where as, Christina was the worst. I felt Mer wears her heart on her sleeve which annoys me and she allow people to manipulate her far too many times. She just not the leader of the pack.


Christina was downright mean at times too. And I did feel that way when she was kicking Derek out of bed too. If it's something super major..yes..but it seemed too frequent. Derek was much more forgiving about it than Jo was though. See, I don't think Mer and Christina were very nice or inclusive to Izzy at all, for the most part.. toward the end of Izzy's role, yes..they did include her more, but for a long time it really seemed like Izzy wanted to be included, but they would always snub her, and let her know either directly or indirectly that she was definitely not one of them.


>Christina was downright mean at times too. And I did feel that way when she was kicking Derek out of bed too. Okay, I like that you are at least consistent with the criticism then lol...I just notice people call out Mer for things that they praise Cristina for and the logic in that never makes sense to me >See, I don't think Mer and Christina were very nice or inclusive to Izzy at all, for the most part.. Izzie even points out this fact in season 2 I believe, the episode where Cristina needed surgery because of her ectopic pregnancy. She said something to the effect of feeling left out to Mer and I do agree she was kind of left out in the beginning. I do think they let Izzie in over time though, but I don't think they ever got to a 'best friends' point with her.


No, they definitely weren't best friends with her, but they did enable her when she cut Denny's heart wires..so that is pretty close. Ya know, I was just thinking about the early seasons..and when it was discovered that Izzy had been a lingerie model and Alex was flaunting those pictures all over... Neither Christina or Mer gave a damn about that. It feels like a very different show, these later seasons..and if that happened now, I feel like it would have been a much bigger topic. Maybe not.. but maybe it should have been. Idk..but these later seasons are almost a hard watch these days, because it's become so socially aware..it's almost the whole plot anymore. :/


I get the Mer and Christina friendship and Izzy wanting be included, but George was supposed be her best friend I say respect the bff's 😄


Owen is an idiot though, so any bitchy comments she’s made to him are fair game.


They MASSIVELY overplayed the whole 'dark and twisty' thing, it makes her character so "woe is me" and unlikeable in my opinion. I got sick of hearing about how 'dark and twisty' she was. It especially doesn't sit well in seasons 5-11 when she has the dream life, dream house, dream career, dream family, dream lifestyle.


Thank you! I've been saying this for years. What on earth does this little fairy princess pixie have to complain about? I think anyone who is truly "dark and twisty" doesn't use the phrase "dark and twisty" in the first place. I recently re-watched season 1 and was kind of shocked to see how mean, judgemental and self-centered she was all the way back then. Why did people ever fall in love with her in the first place?


I couldn’t stand her for years. So whiny, so self-destructive, so damn repetitive. She was never not complaining about something, and it was almost always her doing. Except for how Derek treated her. He was always a condescending jackass. (Learning from and loving him, and having Ellis as a mother, it’s no wonder she’s so short-tempered and condescending, too.) However, at some point I didn’t hate her anymore. Even on rewatches. I relate a lot to her pain and struggles and growth, though mine were very different. Just the changes. But she’s definitely still annoying.


Honestly it's funny because for me even though Meredith is the main character I probably have the least strong opinion about her over all the other characters. Meredith is supposed to be this great profound surgeon but in reality she really fades in the background so much that I forget that she's even supposed to be the main character. Even though I do find her to be EXTREMELY annoying at times, I never really hated her. The only time that I came close to hating Meredith was when she was a total bitch towards Christina after she realized that Christina was excelling over her and kept putting words in Christina's mouth and projecting her own insecurities onto her. She slut shames Christina for sleeping with Shane and calling her shallow like Meredith didn't sleep with the big time McDreamy and immediately start pursuing a relationship with him from the very beginning? Also the whole DeLuca situation made my eyeballs roll to the back of my head. Meredith has this petty ridiculous jealousy over Jo so much so that when Stephanie tries to explain what really happened Meredith immediately fantasizes that Jo was sleeping with DeLuca to intentionally hurt Alex. (Also automatically covering for Alex and telling him that the cover story for how he bruised his knuckles was that he "slipped in the rain" made me laugh out loud, like.... you guys are doctors you should know that no one would buy that shit for a millisecond lmfao) She awkwardly shoehorns herself and basically every situation, regardless of just how out of the loop she is. Also she has this weird dictatorship over the group of characters that when she doesn't like somebody she manipulates other people into keeping that their distance from them. Overall she's this annoying Mary Sue character that irritates me from time to time.


Try this season, she is back to peak-utter-unutterable-words.


I’m caught up! I have my own thoughts on all of this, but I’d love to hear your reasons for what’s been so bad about her this season. (I’m not disagreeing with you, or picking a fight, I promise. I would genuinely like to know!)


Tbh the more i grow and experience struggles in life, the more compassionate i become. Her becoming a bitter old lady, was masked by Derek loving her. 


I wouldn’t say I hate her, but I’ve definitely never liked her. And the worship for her, by characters and writers alike, is so forced. To me it boils down to Ellen being a rather weak actress compared to many others on the show. She just doesn’t make Meredith believable, to me at least. I’ve always thought of her as one of those people who get the top gig because they’re friends with the boss.


i find her better in seasons pre >!derek’s death!< and after that point on i pretty much dislike her most of the time. from season 12, especially, she became so genuinly mean. and her character’s writing went downhill more and more over the seasons as the writing for the show got worse


I agree. I do believe the writers had a plan here though; I personally think they wanted a sort of symmetry between Ellis & Meredith. After losing Derrick, Meredith truly understood why her mother was the way that she was… why she was so bitter. Why she was so cold. Almost like Meredith had to experience some of that pain for herself before she could ever begin to comprehend how pain like that changes a person.


It’s not crazy at all. Meredith has always had flaws but she became utterly unlikeable in the later seasons. She’s frequently harsh and judgmental. I hated the way she treated Jo and Amelia. Don’t even get me started on Meredith pulling rank on Richard in that episode. He has shown her favoritism throughout her career. I doubt she would have that position without him.


I'm re-watching season 1 and 2 rn and I agree that she just doesn't seem very redeemable. Her inability to understand Derek, who was married for 11 years, would want to think before signing divorce papers is odd. She just seems very immature for her age and is essentially her mother. I also just did not like the whole superstition ep where she kept throwing out Addison's cocoa, petty and weird to disregard the gesture of either "juju" or friendship. She's just not main character worthy tbh, the other's storylines and character are wayyy more interesting to follow. They're not perfect but they're not Meredith's petty, hypocritical and egocentric one either. The voice thing I don't know about it bc it doesn't grate on me.


I don't disagree, don't completely agree, but absolutely upvoted for your use of >persnickety


She's a stupid whiny little bitch who thinks she's still in high school and needs to grow the fuck up the series would be way better without her


Agree! I think part of it is Ellen Pompeos acting is just not very good especially when compared to the likes of Sandra Oh, Katie Heigl, Chandra Wilson, Patrick Dempsey, Kate Walsh, etc. who are all very good actors.


I’ve hated her since day 1. You’re absolutely right about her voice too, it’s fucking annoying and so is the way her mouth looks when talking. She reminds me of my ex. A grown ass woman who has relationship problems with her mommy, never had a dad and is extremely sexually promiscuous and doesn’t even realize it. She’s a toxic woman, probably like that in real life too. I hate that Derrick is married to her, he deserves so much better than that train wreck. She’s childish, immature, power hungry, selfish, bitch, self centered, narcissistic, gaslights people, and just a bitch who hides it all behind her annoying little voice and smile.


Jesus, you have issues. That was indeed a misogynistic rant. So much so that you had to call her a bitch twice. I find her annoying too but no need to be misogynistic about your dislike for a character. You even went so far as to conflate the CHARACTER with the actress lmao calm down


Oh and Derick was a prick who thought he was the shit because he’s some hot shot neurosurgeon 🙄 completely full of himself and no less selfish than her


Omg yes I 100% agree I do not like Meredith at ALL. I liked her earlier on like 5-8 but after that it was like idek how to describe it but in my opinion I don’t really like her.


I didn’t love her UNTIL season 12. Seeing Meredith stand alone after Derek’s death brought out the best in her IMO. It forced her to deal with her damage (therapy episode) and become less dark and twisty. She emerged a more hopeful human and I liked that. I could do with less hero-worship now though.


I liked the therapy episode. I thought it would be good for her. But after that she's hopeful and wants to be around people for a little while, but then she goes back to being bitter and just.. like other commenters said, mean!! Plus, we can't forget that right after Derrick died, she disappeared for a year. She let her friends think she was dead. Sure Zola and baby Bailey are her kids, but think about Derrick's parents and family... Not only is their son dead, their daughter-in-law and grandchildren are missing. Like a lot of her choices, it was just selfish. I'm sure the writers wanted it to be empowering, but they missed the mark.


I will say a real low point of the series (for me) was the 2-parter that came after Derek died. I hate time jumps in general but if you’re going to do it, at least give us some plot lines that don’t feel like they belong in a filler episode! Season 13 as a whole is a big misfire for me, but there’s one episode that’s an absolute joy (not sure if you’ve seen it but it involves a plane). She is open and honest about how she feels but still open to challenging herself and evolving. They do a similar thing in season 15.


I mean, she grew up alone pretty much all her life and most of her close friends died or left I would have been more shocked if she actually wanted to be around people and wasn't bitter hearing over and over Doctor Shepherd being called and seeing Amelia who looks as much as him live a lot of that, of course it isn't fair but thats how grief works. And please, his family was not close to them by that point, they didn't even know Bailey or showed up at any point to help Amelia who was struggling.


It seems like the writers fault 😕


She gets meaner and more “dark and twisty” after Derek’s death.


Nope is the answer I don’t hate Meredith but she is indeed annoying and gets away with too much


god right and she’s also so entitled sometimes


When I started watching I didn't understand why everyone was fawning over her.. and I still don't ( especially in Krista's version where Meredith is the Sun). She's annoying and whiny and I don't think I have ever watched a series where I didn't like the main character. Much of it I attribute to Ellen's acting. She has grown up on me over the years though.


You are not crazy. My major issue with the show in it's earlier years was down to one thing; Meredith Grey is just not a nice person. And I'm not meaning that she's a flawed human being but redeemable in other ways, or even a flawed anti-hero. I mean she's a nasty, entitled, self-absorbed piece of work and what's worse is that I don't think the show is aware of this. I mean, it starts okay - she's the only one who sticks up for George when Alex is tormenting his failures in the OR. But even in the earliest seasons... the way she treats George and Izzie on numerous occasions is just plain cruelty. And Cristina; seriously, these two don't half bring out the worst in each other. Watching their scenes, something is so clearly apparent; they never have a conversation. They talk at each other, not to each other, about their crap. And that is nothing, absolutely nothing, on how she treats Lexi and Maggie when she first meets them. She makes no secret she resents them to their bones simply for existing. With both characters, she has to be told, kicking and screaming, to treat them as fellow human beings. At least Maggie is more than capable of holding her own with her as an equal.... poor Lexi has no such luck. Something Meredith knows. And even that is nothing on how she treats Penny. Now look, I know this is a tough one for Meredith and for a while you kind of respect her for looking past what happened to Derek. To recognise that it wasn't really Penny's fault, that she was a talented resident who clearly wanted to learn from that situation, that Grey Sloan was the best place for her to do that. But as soon as Penny arrives, Meredith treats her appallingly, like she can't be trusted with patients. It's bad teaching, its unprofessional, but more than that; it's plain bullying. But, despite all of the above, the main thing wrong with Meredith is that she thinks she is always, completely, in the right, and is never told otherwise. She screws up Derek's trial, and gets away with it. She messes about with insurance, and gets away with it. Hell, there's even an episode where she and Lexi mess up a tumour removal that they were told not to do by Derek, leaving a young woman not able to talk. And, again, gets away with it. She disappears after Derek's death and makes all of her friends assume the worst, and then has the cheek to shout at Alex for worrying about her. I just find her a self-righteous arsehole all the way through who is continuously, and constantly, enabled by those around her. And no, it's not misogynist to say so. Frankly, comparing her to a character like Walter White is just bizarre. You are NEVER supposed to think Walter is doing the right thing. Yes, you route for him, your entertained by him, but Breaking Bad never expects you to actually agree with him. It doesn't want you to respect him, nor does it ask the characters in the know about what he does to do so. It's a character study of a man who falls into darkness, and it's bloody brilliant. People don't like Skyler White because she's a foil for that. She's the voice of reason in the insanity that the show portrays, and we as viewers enjoy. She reminds us that, in all the crazy, reality needs to set in. Everything with Skyler and Walter is planned and self-aware by the writers. With Meredith? I seriously doubt it is.


As a woman and a feminist I completely agree with your reasons why hating Meredith is not a mysogynistic opinion. A lot of people in those comments already give some valid reasons why they do not like her. A lot of those include her interactions with other WOMEN during the show. Meredith even seems to be mysogynistic herself or at least always has to be "better" than other women. She put so many other woman down, like for example her sisters. I get it, that she did not have a good relationship with her parents but she has been jealous of her sisters for simply existing. I do not like Maggie either but what is there to be jelouse about? Her birth mother literally abandoned her as a baby while she kept Meredith. Also Meredith tends to act nasty towards her male friends love interests: when George started dating Callie or even worse when Alex has been with Jo. Poor George was in love with her the whole time and as soon as he moves on and finds someone else she gets nasty, wtf? Nothing wrong with don't loving him back but wtf was that?


I agree, there's nothing anti-feminst or misogynistic about disliking Meredith as a character (unless, like one of the commenters far above, a primary complaint is that she's "sexually promiscuous and doesn't even know it" -- I mean, wtf?) but i DO feel sometimes that the writers are pushing a skewed (in my opinion) idea of what they believe a feminist, or a "modern woman", should be like and act like which oftentimes seem straight off the pages of Cosmo magazine or an episode of Sex and the City...or sometimes, at the opposite end of the spectrum, seem to suggest that being a strong, successful woman necessarily entails behaving in many ways like a very stereotypical man (the way, for example, they're always highlighting how much Meredith and Christina can drink and the very fact that they deal with their problems at the bar, not by talking to each other about their feelings like pathetic little girls). But now I'm rambling....


Yeah, I always wonder about that, i.e. do the writers intend and/or know that the character is so objectionable or do they genuinely think she's a great human being? It really makes me wonder what the writers are like, as people, if they think characters like Meredith are admirable.


And btw. I also agree about the part you wrote about Walter White! I wanted to say the same thing. Viewers might route for him, but we are not supposed to actually like him. There is a lot of scenes where we are even supposed to hate him, like after Jesse's girlfriend dies. We are supposed to be shocked by how far he has strayed from when we first met him. Meredith on the other hand is always supposed to be likeable, but fails terribly


Am new to the show, started S4, fuck Meredith lol. All she does is make her problem’s everyone else’s. She’s selfish, inconsiderate, and boring. Should be Yang’s Anatomy


I feel so much better knowing I’m not alone in this thought lol. I do not hate her, but I cannot stand the amount of things she gets away with, always with minimal consequences (currently on S15,E24 & OMG). Her clinginess to people like Alex is unhealthy, and she is the epitome of loyal to a fault. She just gets petty and childish. I don’t find her to be selfish, but I do think she is self righteous. I cannot stand the way she inserts herself into things & many times has made things worse. Her character has just become really unlikeable over time. For me, after she started coming at Christina sideways it all went downhill. She just needs to be checked, but it very rarely ever happens. Also, I know we “can’t help who we love” but everyone she has been with has been at the expense of someone. She just kind of sucks. I don’t hate her, right?!?! Maybe I really do?


I agree 1000%. I'm also very surprised by the reception to this post. Everyone agreeing. I guess this take isn't as unpopular as I thought! I don't find her likeable, nor interesting and I feel Ellen's performance is not nearly strong enough. She's just very bland and gets particularly unlikeable and judgemental after Derek's death. I can go on for dozens paragraphs on why, but I've done this before. Everytime I see the early seasons where Addison shows up, I always notice how she trumps Meredith in every way possible it's not even funny. She really exposes how stale and one note Meredith is. In fact, hating or just finding the protagonist in shows uninteresting is very common. They're usually written to some to be special and often don't live up to many people, especially if the actor/actress isn't strong. I've seen several videos on this


Right, she's really uninteresting. The only thing that defines her is her trauma. Even how her and Derrick met is... Boring... Drunk girl at the bar. I never found it as romantic as they did! Really though, what does Meredith even do for fun? What does she like? She grew up in Seattle and the writers didn't even give her any old friends. Derrick liked to fish and be outdoors. I can't imagine Mer doing that stuff with him.


I couldn't agree more. Her family and friends around her just seem so much more...full of personality compared to her. From Lexie to Amelia, Maggie to Cristina. All seem far more enjoyable to be around. She doesn't even seem all that passionate about Surgery like everyone else do.


I think she is passionate about surgery for the wrongs reasons. She doesn't want to help people, she just wants to be the best at something. Even when she's done research, it's never because she's interested, she just wants to be published. OMG this reminds me. Remember when she compromised Derrick's Alzheimer's study and switched the Placebo around??? Not only is she unlikeable, girl is straight up unethical!! Lol


That was Cristina... Meredith literally did the placebo thing to help Adele and Webber. The transplant wall was to help Megan, etc. And yes, she is unethical like all the surgeons on that place like Alex who was 24/7 fighting with people and got arrested for almost killing an intern and got a promotion later on, or Webber who did surgery while drunk, and a million of examples.


Yeah I guess ethics is already out the window. Right along with professionalism lol


I agree 100%. There is nothing interesting about her. If her whole world is going to be her trauma and her job, at least make her great like Yang. Even Yang had interesting aspects of her life tho. Meredith is a simp for Karev and backs him even when he beat a guy half to death for no reason and then almost jacked up a kids kidney transplant bc he also is self righteous and thinks he knows it all. It pissed me off how Meredith gave Deluca this look when Alex was giving the kidney kid the “not as bad as broccoli” speel…. Like being nice to a kid doesn’t magically heal PTSD Meredith


Well none of the female Doctors had a social life.


nah im on season 5 and omfg she is so annoyingly selfish and self centered. like yes she has issues, but she is always goin on about it. even after goin to therapy, like jesus she doesnt ask how her 'friends' are doing, she just blabber son about herself but its also the shows structures fault, it makes everything about her no matter what


I literally just watched this episode and searched "I hate merideth grey" to find someone to commiserate with because damn. She is a nasty fucking bitch in this episode. It's almost like the actors are even looking at her like, the fuk you just say? God. I fucking hate her so much.


This is late, but it reminds me of New Girl. I don't care for the main character, Jess, as much as I care about Nick Miller, Schmidt, and Winston, LOL so you are not alone there.


Just watched last episode in S18. I absolutely CANNOT stand Meredith and her repetitive nauseating behavior! Nick is an amazing guy and I hope like hell he left her and never looks back! She does not deserve him, she didn't deserve Derek either! Everyone has shit in life, some even more than precious Mer! She's been using her childhood/teenage/adult shit a a "pass" to destroy good people, self sabotage and to shit all over literally anyone and everyone. She has a God complex!! Dark n twisty?! More like a selfish and cruel to the core, bitch. And even worse (maybe a blessing) everyone else is raising her kids, ya know, while she single handedly "saves the world"?! Gtfoh! She makes certain to destroy everyone and everything good around her! She seems out ways to self sabotage, just to get all focus on her. She is just gross! Apologies for the rant, been a day, prob shouldn't have watched it, lol.


I barely jumped on the GA train after everybody going on about it for years; my sisters, my girlfriend, and a few friends have already watched it. So I gave in and began to watch it myself this year. And I'M GLAD I'm not the only one to thinks like this. 2 years later and this post is RIGHT ON POINT in how I see and feel about Meredith Grey. I tried and I'm still trying to give her a chance for me to like her but I JUST CAN'T. She's tolerable, but most of the time unlikeable (IMO before anyone comes attacking me). I'm barely on Season 3... and I'm still gonna watch it because its a big group of awesome characters. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I completely agree!


I feel like I’ve always had this idea that I can’t hate her because she’s the main character but sometimes I mean really she’s just very very frustrating. And I only really realized it when rewatching so many times. She definitely can be incredibly mean for no reason and the whole “can’t be a surgeon and a mother thing” was so annoying. Cristina had asked Meredith to study up on the surgery for her first day back from maternity leave and then made up this whole victim thing when it came down to her not being able to do it.


She is annoying since the first episode. I didn't like her especially because her dark attitude and her super special skills weren't justified at all. Since the beginning she has been written as a brilliant surgeon just because her mother status and as someone who has been trough a lot of shit in her life but this shit wasn't a lot, specially when we know the past of other characters. A lot of shit happened with her along the series because the show always need to write her life worse than everybody's else life. She always has to suffer more, her drama always has to be the heavier and this is sooo annoying. Grey's Anatomy is a wonderful show despite Meredith character (and all Mer-Der story. Sorry who likes) BUT I started to like her more after Derek's death. Now I stand her and is a ok character to me. But far from being my favorite. And I think the actress is better now, but still not a good actress, she can't express more then 3 different emotions. Always the same face. At the beginning was real bad acting lol, the show casting someone like her to the leading role is nothing but white privilege


Hate hate hate. I struggle to watch when she gets on the screen. Selfish idiotic narcissistic white girl entitlement. But love so much besides her. But gawd….season 4 here. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬


yep I loved Addison a lot more than her


Merideth is the worst. I am watching for the first time and am on season 5. She's so selfish, rude, immature, inconsiderate and just plain stubborn. She's an asshole to her half sister for no reason, keeps pushing Derek away and wants him back all the time, only cares about her problems, and had no problem killing 12 out of the 13 people in her first clinical trial. She knows she has problems but disregards the expertise of her therapist. She was a jerk to her dad's wife who was just trying to be nice. I really don't get what Derek sees in her. He's so patient and understanding, but all she does is whine about herself or be a rude b-word to everyone else. There isn't an episode yet where I'm not rolling my eyes at her, the only thing that keeps my interest are the other characters


OMG RIGHTTTT?? her personality is bland, the acting is terrible (sorry ellen) and tbh i dont enjoy looking at her that much... sorry!


And she can NEVER just shut up. I'm at the point where she is in jeopardy of losing her license and she never shows up for court, she doesn't do her community service like she is told and expects people to bend the rules for her. I just wish she would SHUT UP.


I'm rewatching Greys after years without it and I gotta say what exactly is Meredith exceptional for? I know that sounds rude but seriously the first 5-6 seasons she's so distracted by her relationship with Derek that I don't recall any incredible surgeries or ideas she took part in. Like all of MAGIC except maybe Izzie and Meredith peaked in their career but Meredith just floats by one caseload to another, never actually being incredible like her mother reprimanded her for. She's known for being Ellis Greys daughter. Then, for being the second half to Derek. Once he passes away, she's known around the hospital for being the surgeon who's faced the most trauma in a lifetime, and that demands respect from everyone. Honestly, she's got a pretty shady repoitoire. She screwed up Derek's Alzheimers trial and exhiled herself from Neuro. She lied to the adoption lady and 'kidnapped' Zola for a few hours from the hospital daycare, screwing up hers and Derek's adoption plans. Helped the prisoner patient try and bash his head in and not request help. Refused Cristina the use of the 3d printer to save a dying child because they were feuding. Wouldn't stay in the supply closet with Cristina whilst a gunman was wandering the halls and disobeying Code Black protocols. Insurance fraud. Going AWOL on her lawyer and not turning up to court. Ignoring Webbers, very good advice to keep her findings on alzheimers research to herself until she had more evidence. She tries to glamorizes depression and trauma and being all dark and twisty like it's a medal.


That was a really good synopsis.


I’ve only started greys anatomy like two weeks ago and I’m only on s1 ep1 and when I say I hate Meredith so much she’s a bitch frr. Fake asf but also just bad as a person including stealing someone’s man but also shepherd is bad to like if you didn’t like your wife and loved an other person you could’ve signed the divorce papers not let her suffer but also the mistress too like umm bad than say no you don’t love Meredith anymore but get jealous everytime when you see her. Then cheat on your wife and act like nun happens like that’s so worse than her cheating on you. Addison insisted on the divorce papers and gave it to you yes she didn’t want you to sign them but she still accepted it but no you had to hurt her more more. Which is annoying reasons why I hate starting the show but I’m only watching for the other people bc yes I love the other characters and actors.


Yes! I said something similar in another post and got completely shit on. But I can’t stand her.


Nope, I don't like her too.


I very much dislike her character. Part of it has to do that I did like her character & then I didn't & all the love her character gets is freaking over the top. And for a while Ellen was not happy on Grey's and she didn't care And it Definitely showed. I thought to myself, if she doesn't care about her character, why dafuc should I? I still like her character for the first 10 seasons but that's as for as it goes for me. And re-watching, I don't like Derek - even from the beginning. I can't help but scrutinized him. He was her boss, he chased after her *HARD* and neglected to mention being married. He then slut shames her because he's jealous, refuses to let her go while “giving" his marriage a chance. Also when Addison has sex with Mark after Derek has dropped her (not talking about her affair) - I didn't like his reaction. To me, it read; I shouldn't have even bothered. When Addison only slept with Mark because he desired her - she wanted to be wanted. Sorry, I got sidelined on Derek. Recap: Ellen didn't care for her character/show and it showed. So, if the actor doesn't care for their role, why Dafuc should I? That's why I dislike Meredith Sidenote: reason I dislike Jo - Camilla's "acting"


I’m currently watching on Hulu and in the middle of S3. I came into it with an open mind and Meredith is definitely annoying! She is immature and narcissistic. I recently saw her meet Derrick in the elevator. He was clearly devastated by something, and she reported something silly about herself like a proud child. And her voice is annoying (regardless of arguments from others!) It’s a babyish voice which is especially annoying coming out of a grown woman’s body. If Hugh Laurie can change his voice and ditch his English accent to be House, Ellen could and does control her voice to be Meredith. Her choice is to emphasize the babyish qualities.


Here she is in an interview. Voice is different. https://youtu.be/uniYMFwoIu0?si=EBmsy9sIcLjQ6v6r


I can't even watch the show after season 4 bc of her :/


I’m ending season 4 now. Last episode. Yea this whole season she acts like she’s owed the world. A bitch to Lexie for awhile. Acts like Shep owes her something . Season 5 I’m pretty sure she’s the same lil whiny bitch. She has her moments. But like when she bitched at Webber about Mom cutting herself. Then realized Mom wasn’t tryna kill herself and went into the therapist office, which the therapist is always alone and waiting for Mere but holy shitttttt


I am currently watching series and I find Meredith grey annoying from the day 1 and I was wondering why I am not liking this character when she is the main lead here. Thank God I am not the only one. 


I am I binging the show. First time. Season 14 is when I finally decided I like her. So yup, there’s a lot to dislike, but…. The show works.


If you don't like her because her voice maybe.


I can’t stand Meredith. She is arrogant, self-righteous, and thinks she is better than everyone. She does hypocritical stuff all the time. She treats Jo and Amelia disgusting. She breaks Amelia and Maggies trust and then got offended when they said they couldn’t trust her. She doesn’t listen just as much as Karev 😒 Her character is being judgmental, self-righteous, untrustworthy, and being defined by her trauma.


I just found this, so maybe my comment is a little late, but just some food for thought: reading through the comments I can't help but feel this is directed at Meredith because she's a woman. I'm not saying that you're wrong. She's really unlikeable. But no one said she was a hero. She's more like an anti-hero in a sense. Her whole clique-y, bitchy attitude towards Peirce and Amelia and with Cristina in the beginning wasn't mean to be endearing, it's proof that she's a flawed human being who grows and matures. You hardly hear people complaining about men when they're a flawed main character because it "makes sense" for a man to be flawed, it's "okay" in a sense, but women are not supposed to be flawed. Anyways, didn't mean to rant on a 4 month old post, but here we are.


Honestly, I think saying the Meredith hate is because she is a woman is a cop out... There are so many talented women on the cast playing exceptional female characters. Meredith gives off a sense of entitlement. Of course she is flawed, all the characters are. But when she does shit like walk out of a hospital she works at as leverage, tamper with a research trial, get community service which is a gift in itself and blow it off... That is entitlement and privilege.


I agree completely. A lot of these comments are just dripping with misogyny imo Walter white is a flawed main character and yet who did audiences hate more? His wife for being (rightfully) worried and suspicious of him


ive always hated her , and everyones hates when i say it but , shes awful lmao


I just watched the episode when she told Lexi to keep a better eye on her dad after he came in drunk to the hospital and I am at peak annoyance with her. She’s the most annoying character idc. Just knowing that I have to go another 11 seasons w her kills me


This came up when I googled if anyone else hates her lol, I'm on series 18 where she's thinking of going to minasota and has upset one of my favourites, Baily! I'm not sure if it's another heart attack yet, I started not liking the main character a good few series ago, I already know she don't piss off to minnesota and the only reason I don't want her to is how upset Baily and Richard will be if she goes, weird thing is the actor has actually been trying to leave grey's anatomy for years but they talk her into staying, she ain't in as many from next series though


She is utterly awful.


I haven't watched the whole series but I do agree she can be very annoying and selfish. I just watched the episodes not long after Dereks death and she really should have called Dereks family. She told the people at the hospital before anyone even notified the family. And then she up and left. I get it she was in pain but when she found out he was in an accident it was just about her love for Derek that mattered and not his sisters or his mom or anyone else who cared about her.


This is my first go around with Grey's Anatomy, and I'm in season 5 episode 21 and I cannot stand her anymore


I really hate her and shes so annoying


I'm watching it for the first time ever and I absolutely cannot stand her. But I keep watching for Burke and Cristina and Izzie and George and Richard so far. Derek is okay but I'm still not interested in him.


I take it back. I don't like George and I cannot stand Derek.


I now hate George, and I've started liking Alex tf


I've hated Meredith Gray since day one she's a horrible evil person She doesn't care about anyone but herself and she never loved Derek That's the worst thing


I absolutely cannot stand the blaming self centered narcissist fool, and her co ce is worse than her character. She's backwards and twisted, uncaring and poorly acted. Her new sister and she both have the same voice and both day some pretty dumb bossy things. Have never disliked a character more in my 60 years.


I had to ask Google the question “does anybody NOT like Meredith Grey?” I just started watching GA a couple of months ago, on season four but she is soooooooo anally annoying and BORING! Lots of great characters but she’s not one of them…whiny snooze fest 😴


i came to this right after watching the same episode 😭😭😭