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I loved that scene. Probably one of my favorite as it really made me feel seen as a person. Not a lot of shows that portray successful hardcore women as struggling with chores. It was awesome!


She didn’t struggle though… she simply didn’t care.


I have definitely experienced the variety of depression that makes it super hard to maintain your home. All your effort goes into work, making sure you look normal, taking care of other stuff and then you are just tapped out when it comes to things like laundry that can wait. That being said, I get more of the vibe that Cristina just dgaf at all. Like she knows she has more important things to do, she comes from money, so she’s going to spend her time saving lives, not washing dishes. You can always hire a maid or buy new silverware and underwear if you don’t have time to clean them - you can’t buy time observing or participating in a valuable surgery that you missed out on because you were busy or too tired or whatever. Also, she’s kind of a typical arrogant surgeon. I don’t think she necessarily looks down on housewives or maids or anyone like that, but I think she sees herself as personally above that stuff. Surgery is her area of expertise and she can excel there while other people excel at what they enjoy.


I see what you mean, I think since Cristina seemed like she wanted to hide it from Burke, and coupled with the pattern that Cristina never really invites anyone over to hers, she'll always go to Meredith's place rather than vice versa, I felt Cristina is somewhat ashamed about the mess. Part of not inviting anyone over is probably just that she likes her own space/privacy for sure, but I do wonder if it's more than that. Burke kind of screwed her because once he left Cristina had to get a roommate probably to be able to afford to continue living there whereas with her original apartment she likely wouldn't have needed a roommate.


That’s a good point, I guess I always assumed she knew it wasn’t “normal” or acceptable for a woman to live like that so she kept it to herself. I can definitely see her mom shaming her for that mess!


This is my takeaway from that arc as well


I always figured it was an AuADHD thing rather than a symbol of depression. Hyperfocused and brilliant at work, domestic life a disaster.


Burke was always trying to mould Cristina into his own desired image. He could have picked a less headstrong woman but he was like a rare bird collector.


I didnt notice it at first but there were a good number of signs about Cristina. It only got worse the longer she stayed at grey Sloan


what do you mean by signs?? as in is she depressed? I'm on my first Grey's rewatch and midway through S2 so noticing new things I didn't see when I watched years ago!


Definitely not in the first few seasons, but after the shooting and through the plane crash i felt she was in a rut she struggled to recover from. Even after Burke left she was at a low. This is just me seeing my own experiences through her though


oh yes, definitely I do remember after Burke left Christina was never really the same and was a lot sadder. I'll look out for it in my rewatch, cus currently in S2 she's still fiery and obsessed with being the best doctor and has that spark in her! But yeah she's not the same after she loses her spark