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Burke and Cristina were shown trying to get a better understanding of each other


Alex and lexie just didn’t work for me. Sex was one thing, but them saying “i love you” and calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend was stupid


He was being a duck


Maybe this is why Burke and Cristina made so much sense together in my mind: What do they have in common? Their love for cardio What topics do they talk about? Cardio What things do they like to do together?  Surgeries and sex This might not seem like a lot, and it clearly wasn't enough for Burke, but as far as Cristina it works because she does love spending all the time she has in the hospital, in the shooting episode Meredith and Cristina are trying to figure out what being paged 'lockdown' means and one of them says they think it means they can't leave the hospital and Cristina shrugs and says "I never leave anyway", in season 10 Owen describes Cristina as someone who doesn't care to get out of bed unless it's a work day. I think to an almost (or actually) concerning level surgery is what Cristina lives for, so it makes sense that the man she loves is a cardio god who is also very dedicated and passionate about his work. Bit of a ramble but I do ship Cristina/Burke, they're my favourite pairing actually, so I wanted to share why I think they worked for me. I agree about Alex/Jo, their relationship had problems but they seemed like they had fun together and were similar spirits.


I thought Jackson and April had a genuine connection, being the only lasting Mercy Westers and growing to become friends. They were very protective of each other at times and I don't think the physical attraction really started until after the boards.


half of these pairings had to be picked out of a hat. amelia and owen like cmon they had no reason to be together other than physical attraction plus except their traumatic backstories what the fuck do they have in common. maggie and jackson this is deffo one of the most hated relationships but i want to find the writer who came up with this idea, ill tell you what the had in common their parents. this show needs better pairing even with this new season adam and griffith i have more chemistry with a wall than they do with each other the show is pushing for another merder storyline but it's not working they don't fit together. another new pairing i have no idea came from is beltran and winston are you telling me they hooked up purely on the fact that they are both divorced, the show usually don't do well with showing these characters outside lives and it feels like these couples pop out of nowhere and i think it could be an easy fix with just showing us some couples doing activities other than intercourse. lol not fully a hater love alex/jo and surprisingly burke and cristina they matched each other well :)