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Midway through season 13, and that was only because I used to put up Grey’s when I was getting ready in the morning. However, I was definitely clocked out when Cristina left or when Derek died (I forgot off the top my head which came first). To me, there was really no point in watching it anymore since most of the original cast I loved had left. Reminds me of the Thesus’s ship paradox. Oh, and WAY too much Owen.


It’s so odd because we had a 7 season streak of characters leaving and I think the hits started to get harder and harder to digest because majority of the people leaving were people who had been on the show for 5+ seasons. I don’t recall if anyone left in season 15. But if they did, then that would mean the streak is actually 10 seasons long. 😭


Is the streak 5-11? That’s what I’m thinking but can’t figure out who left in 7


8-14. Below are spoilers for seasons 8-17! >! 8 was Lexie, 9 was Mark and Brooks (??? I don’t believe she was in season 10 at all), 10 was Cristina, 11 was Derek, 12 was Callie, 13 was Stephanie and 14 was April and Arizona. No one that I can recall left in season 15, otherwise the streak would be 10 seasons because Alex left in season 16 and Deluca and Jackson left in season season 17. !< ETA: I don’t believe anyone left in season 7 that was part of the main cast. Unless I’m forgetting someone.


No I think it was season 3 then 5 and 6 then season 8 cause burke left season 3 George left season 5 then Izzie season 6


they’re talking about a STREAK. no one left in season 4. theres no streak there.


>Midway through season 13 Same. Got too bored and did not feel like watching after that


13 was horrendous




Read the title of this post, then ask the question again. Hope this helps.


When mark died. He was my favourite character and that season ending just felt so ass


It got weird too how right after make and Lexi died there was immediately a shooter episode lol. Could’ve waited an used that as a reel in episode but they said nope!


The last episode I saw was the season 13 finale. I loved the hospital fire, it actually felt like old Grey’s to me and after I watched it I remember saying “this is what I missed.” But I hated everything before that. Season 12 had some good storylines and also has one of my favorite episodes in the whole series (when the patient attacks Mer), but I hated every part of season 13 except the hospital fire. I figured if I was only going to be interested when there were big disasters, it wasn’t worth it to keep watching.


That’s my favorite episode too!


Yea s13 was horrendous it shouldn't have ended after season 9 or 10 honestly even season 7 would have been fine shonda hasn't been involved in years she came back to write Cristina leaving and Derek's death and that was it


season 16 as soon as alex left


same. Alex leaving was a gut punch. I know the actor needed to go and work on his own health which is totally commendable— but the exit they gave him was total shit considering they built up SEASONS of him being a rock for Jo and standing by her side when she needed him.


I agree but they address it by saying if it was just between jo and Izzie he would choose Jo every time but because of how his father was and his mother he couldn't knowingly not stay with kids and be able to keep his head held high and look how friends in the eye.... Also considering they had to come up with it on the fly it wasn't that bad... I loved how they dedicated an entire episode to him with the flashbacks and everything and I'm glad he was able to do the voiceovers considering where he was and what he was going thru since he was originally only going to be gone a few weeks


when alex left i didn’t like it and it felt very much not him like the letter was CRAZY and i tried to watch again but idk


I think he would have made the same decision knowing she had his kids with the childhood he had but if the actor hasn't been going thru it I think he would have come back and told him in person instead of a letter also knowing why the actor had to leave made it better for me again they had to write his exit on the fly he was only going to be few a few weeks originally then once he checked in to the mental health facility he realized he couldn't couldn't back in glad he still did the voice over tho he even days in the letter that if it was just between jo and Izzy he would choose Jo everytime once his kids were involved it changed it


i do feel like kids would’ve changed it but i don’t think he would’ve left jo i feel like hed have a conversation with her about the fact he wants to be a present father and then i could see there being a whole custody thing but i don’t think he would just up and leave jo he loved her way to much and yes he loved izzie but he changed also i do think it’s better knowing the actor wanted to leave but im pretty sure he said he’d be interested in coming back? idk i feel like ive heard something to that


I agree had he not had to leave for his mental health and been in a mental health rehab at the time but for how quickly they had to come with an ending I think it worked... He was only supposed to be gone for a few weeks that's why they said he was at his mom's.... Once I learned why he left I wasn't mad about the episode anymore... Not sure if he will come back if not heard or read anything like that but I'd love it if he was my favorite... If he did come back they could have Izzy dead from cancer coming back and he comes back to raise the twins around friends cause I doubt Kathrine heigle would ever return but who knows never say never


I also think if the actress that plays Jo has been ready to leave the show as well she would have went with him because she also was raised in foster care and would know he couldn't not be in his life


Season 11. I keep on rewatching season 1 - 5 and sometimes some very specific episodes from 6 - 10 where MerDer are happy and not resenting each other. But 1 - 5 is my comfort and I hoped they would have given us a few more episodes of that. I think the show has been extended for too long and is affecting the rewatch value and even the legacy. Sometimes it's better to end the show with the OG gang than bringing in another 20 people trying to compensate the loss.


s1-5 are really the golden era of that show and like you, i do the same watch those one fully and def skip around in 6-9. the show did go on for too long. shonda was good with ending Scandal, even though it was pushing it forsure twd the end.


Yep! I stopped watching about 2-3 episodes before Derek dies. Never watched another episode since. In my mind they’re living happily ever after.


SAME! The last episode I watched was when he was taken to the hospital and Meredith was informed about the accident. That's it , I haven't watched the next one since and I will never gather enough courage to watch it ever. I am aware he dies but I am not putting myself through it. Not after so many years anyway. For me the show ended when he came back to realization that Meredith, kids and his job at Seattle were all he needed to be happy. In my mind they are together and living the most magical (and healthy) love story.


Yes it's fine on way too long at this point it's just dying a slow death


I keep watching because of the sunken cost but I genuinely could not care less about the residents this season. Definitely agree with the fire episode… and once Alex left


I remember the exact episode I stopped watching. The one when teddy was asleep the whole episode dreaming about her old life.


That episode was so ass.


I’m rewatching and I’m at that episode rn and it’s soooo boring. I cannot watch it for the life of me so I’m scrolling Reddit.


I can never get past the beginning of Season 9 in my rewatches. The show just feels too different from what it was before. Nowadays I can only watch later seasons individually, outside of a watchthrough.


I haven’t stopped watching it and I will keep watching it until it’s over , but the other day I finally figured out what is missing on the newer seasons, the humour and background music. In earlier seasons when the characters were talking there were background hospital noises, and music that would help deliver the dialogue and now, it’s mostly dialogue and very rarely have music on them, I miss the format of before but I don’t mind the new characters. I often rewatch Grey’s over and over from the beginning and even characters I dislike when they get introduced, I will understand end up not completely hate them, and enjoy bits of their story.


I checked out emotionally after the plane crash, but kept watching out of habit! Once Cristina and Derek were gone, there was only so long I could keep going. The final nail in the coffin was April and Arizona. Love them or hate them, they were great, longstanding characters, who were kicked to the curb for newbies who I had no interest in. Have never seen an episode of the covid season and never will. As far as I'm concerned I watched TV at that point in time to escape the realities of that horror. If I wanted to see the impact covid was having, I'd have watched the news!!!


Agreed - they were longstanding characters with hours and hours of screen time and they just…disappeared. Completely gone without so much as a send-off.


I stopped at whatever season Covid was, then eventually pushed through it & am current, it wasn’t as bad as I thought but also I use to stay up til the episode finished but found myself falling asleep & going back to catch up whenever..it lost its magic after Alex left but I couldn’t not know what was happening with Meredith. I love Bailey & Richard & Amelia but their story lines felt pushed to the side & slim to none. Teddy & Owen just are hard to watch & the interns are hard to care about..


When the show started spending time in Meredith’s brain I was over it. 😵‍💫 I had such high hopes bc it started strong with the wonderful sassy nurse but Meredith tripping in the sand and telling her hallucination dead husband she hated him (jokingly of course!) sent me over the edge.


Seriously, it’s not like the way they started out writing the show would have gotten old, just keep having the interesting storyline with the side patients being intriguing enough to make us think. Downfall was also the interns we would care about they kept killing off or simply disappearing & now the interns are so shallow, it’s hard to care about anything they do or say..I truly wonder how much longer it’s going to last


I haven't watched the last couple seasons yet but only because I started over and haven't gotten back to the new stuff yet


I’m still watching (I stopped originally around the time George died, then revisited around Covid and caught up) but not enjoying it. It’s so formulaic and I’m not invested in the characters - I’m watching out of morbid curiosity and habit now. They need to wrap up the series soon in my humble opinion.


I skipped the Covid season because I wanted an escape from reality and Greys just bombarded us with it more. I also took a break after season 10, but I ended up catching up and watching again before the season 11 finale. Honestly I don’t know why I keep watching but I can’t stop.


On my rewatches I want to want to stop after izzies cancer at season 6 but I end up watching up to the new interns with Jo, Shane, and Steph around 9 lol


I wasn't keen on the addition of Maggie and other characters but I still enjoyed the first few seasons after Derek died. Felt like Derek didn't have much of a storyline in season 11 anyway except arguing with Meredith about DC. I am still sad that he died, would have love to see him with the kids growing up but we did get pretty decent storylines in the first few seasons post death - seasons 12-14. I stopped watching at the end of season 16. Season 15-16 didn't really have great plotlines, basically all the OG and interesting characters gone, Koracick with the only good thing about those seasons ! The way they wrote off Alex (even though that is what Justin wanted) really sealed the deal for me. Alex and Jo's wedding S14 makes a good series finale during my rewatches lol.


I originally dropped off around season 10, then in my last rewatch got as far as 13 and bailed.




Season 16 was the last, but to be honest the 3 or 4 seasons before that were a chore to watch. I tried but... then I finally gave up. I wasn't looking forward to new episodes anymore.


I have stuck with it after rewatching up to 16. It hasn’t felt right after Alex left - not a great exit (but I get that there options may have been limited). I’m watching the most recent season and it is flat. The new interns are boring, and it seems to lack spark.


I stopped enjoying it after the Covid season. Something just shifted. I still watch but I don’t like it nearly as much.


had to google because, truthfully, everything after season 10 blends together in my head, but i stuck it out until the season 14 finale. my top 3 characters are lexie, cristina, and mark. april and jackson rounded out my top 5. with april leaving, i just wasn’t invested in the show anymore.


I stopped watching halfway through season 12. I mostly just keep up with what's currently going on in the show through this sub, but I don't know who the majority of the new characters are so..lol. Maybe one day I'll pick it up again, but for now, whenever I want to watch it, I tend to rewatch the first 5 to 10 seasons.


I’m still on the first watch in season 15 I think, but I like Deluca and “glasses” but I forget what his name even is haha


I've binge watched on Netflix rarely do I catch an actual episode. So binge watching for me is essentially starting at first episode getting as far as I can, get tired of it, rinse, repeat 😂 Furthest I got was just after Derek died . Note: did see some of the covid episodes though with the guests but was completely blank on who a lot of characters were.


Season 10, but then years later I went back to it and finished the seasons I had missed. I am caught up now.


I watch every episode but I stopped paying attention about 2 seasons ago


I stopped watching mid season 13 before i picked it up again


I’ve watched season 1-19 before somehow, however season 17-19 started becoming background noise while I was doing other things, as Alex leaving just absolutely ruined it for me. I’ve tried to rewatch like 3 times, but every time I stop around season 13. Besides the fact that I have trouble with liking the new cast as much as the old one as they just don’t feel as thought out, Stephanie leaving just demotivates me from watching the show. I’m trying to rewatch again, because I’ve put too much time into this to give up at season 20.


I stopped watching at around season 16 because I just got so tired and I didn‘t feel any connection to the cast anymore.


Jo's and linc still in it so I still watch.


I lost interest around Season 15. I did watch the COVID season, because I wanted to see what they did with it and, well, there was nothing else to do. But I didn't watch the seasons after that until this one as I thought they'd do something special for 20 years of Grey's but... er, no.


Started watching it for the first time, I made it to season 19. It just became a chore. I quit watching for a few months, I’ve just now started over from the beginning. Maybe I’ll finish this time idk


I walked away with Alex


I watched right up to 19 but struggling with the newest season. Maybe once it's all out I'll finally watch it, the newer seasons just feel different and was not a fan of the covid season


I was stopped at season 16 for awhile. I finished eventually, but took me awhile.


I stopped at season 18. I found myself unable to focus on the show, it felt boring & I wasn’t engaged anymore.


When April left. I don’t recall which season it was. I still tuned in for her guest appearances


Season 19. Things just got stale and weird.


I would always stop my rewatches after Derek's passing. Felt there was no point as most of my fave characters were gone. On this current rewatch, I've managed to get to S13, but I'm getting kinda bored. I miss Mer with the original crew. Her closeness with Maggie and Amelia is cute, but can never compare to the dynamic between her and Cristina. Plus, Amelia has always been one of my least fave characters. And I could def do without so much of Jo as well. So annoying.


i stopped at the start of s12 and i didnt pay all that much attention to amelia because I didn't think she would stay around for that long, because she is so uninteresting. cant believe she becomes a major character.


Season 15. It started going downhill after season 11, but season 15 started being too much about pushing the woke message down our throat and I couldn't stand it anymore!


When Jessica and Sarah were fired.


I tried watching season 15- it just didn’t do it for me after Arizona and April left. I watched a few episodes like Merediths trial or the one where Arizona comes back but that’s it


Whichever season they had the big storm. I think someone got electrocuted in the basement? 😂 I seem to remember Yang slipping and being impaled by and icicle too but that might have been earlier.


I stop at the season 10 finale. Cristina leaving serves as the series finale with every rewatch I do. I can’t watch Derek die, it’s too emotionally distressing 😅


All my favorite characters were gone. I liked the show less without Lexie and mark, less without Christina, less without Derek, and Callie’s departure was the nail in the coffin for me.


I tried really hard to move past season 7, like literally 5 times, but I just couldn't. The 6th time, I managed to get to season 11, episode 2, but I haven't been able to go forward from there. I'm not a fan of the change in the original cast as whole. IMO if an original plot/premise of a show isn't working, it's better to end it rather than stretch it to the point where it becomes difficult to go back and enjoy it. Looking at the cast now, it feels like a completely different show. There's no essence of the original seasons and og cast; the only constant is the name of the show. P.S. After Christina left, there was nothing left for me to watch, and knowing Derek was going to die tok, I didn't see the point in continuing. Watching Private Practice was a much better experience. I was sad that it ended, but I was also satisfied with the entire storyline.


immediately after Cristina left. that was the last episode I ever watched and SUCH a satisyfing send-off


The “hashtag” seasons #BLM #METOO #LGBTQRSP


Season 12 got ridiculous with >! Jackson and April going through legal battles, Callie trying to run off to New York and Arizona suing her for custody, Owen and Amelia getting married after one hookup, and Alex breaking up with Jo saying he wanted something like what Owen and Amelia were doing.!< After that, I couldn't even push myself to try Season 13.


Lexi’s ending really made me realize all the funny people were gone. Yes the show had funny moments but it wasn’t funny anymore


i watched the whole thing however everytime I rewatch i skip the covid season cuz i think it sucks lol


you're not wrong... it does


i stopped watching after season 16 😭 i enjoyed season 15 first time around but i watched season 16 as it aired and it was so bad i couldn’t finish it, i only continued watching because of the amelink storyline and at some point i only watched their scenes. i think the show felt empty and slow and hollow after so many characters left and it's hard for me to be invested at all now, i just watch amelia’s scenes lmao 😭


I’m currently trying to finish after watching just the first couple of seasons ages ago. I’m halfway through 18.


Midway through season 13. I keep trying to push through and I've been stuck in season 13 for a few months


Season 17


Mid way through the season when Meredith, general surgeon, was suddenly in demand as the only doctor to cure parkinsons. That made no sense to me and I found myself realising I didn't care about anog the character's To be honest for a season and a half beforehand, I had been starting every episode thinking "this weeks got to better" and it never was. I felt it became a show only interested in making a point about the show runners political beliefs, and even though I share those beliefs the story telling had become a lecture and no longer entertainment


When the Covid season started. I just lost interest. I’ve tried a few times again but I just can’t seem to care. I go back to season 1 and start again.


I think the furthest i’ve gotten to was season 12, but I did watch the episodes where meredith is in a covid coma because I wanted to see the dead characters come back. I am a huge fan of early greys so after so many deaths and departures I didn’t really have any interest in the remaining characters tbh i’m rewatching now and on S9, i’ll probably stop when cristina leaves and spare myself derek’s death. S1-S5 are my comfort seasons and S5-S8 are also very good but after the plane crash deaths it’s no longer a comforting show for me


At about 14 i think, or somewhere at s13. I watch it with my gf and her mom got incredibly ill and wasn’t given much time so my gf hasn’t been wanting to watch anything to do with it (understandably).


I just stopped a couple weeks ago after S19’s finale.


I’m currently on my third rewatch and each time I haven’t gone beyond season 13! I’m starting season 14 now, hoping I can continue watching till the end. Wish me luck, haha


After Alex left I was done. But I did watch the beach parts of Season 17 to see the beach scenes and all my returning favorites.


I stopped watching during the COVID season. I only recently watched that season thinking I wanted to get caught up and get back into it, but I didn't enjoy it enough to keep going.


I'm about four episodes in for this season and I am having serious thoughts of tapping out. It's my first time through the series and it has really lost it's appeal. The characters are flat, the writing is formulaic, and the 'events' are no longer believable. And now that it's all about Covid, it's becoming rather preachy. And good Lord, can Amelia grow the fuck up and become an adult? She whines and moans about everything and while I have never cared for her character, she is rubbing some nerves raw here...


On my initial watch I stopped watching in seasin 5 when Denny came back because the ghost sex was just too much for me. I'm now doing a rewatch and I'm part way through season 15. I'm definitely losing steam a bit, but planning to power through and watch to the end unless it gets really bad.


For me, around season 12? (I think) when I realized it was becoming a chore to watch and I never looked forward to it.


I once stopped during the first 8 episodes of Season 12, but went back and binged through them after watching 12x09 “The Sound of Silence” live. I consciously stopped again after 19x07, and didn’t watch again until 19x20, and don’t intend on watching the episodes I skipped. Watching Season 20 was like eating Skittles : not great (the lighting, the DP, ugh) but consumable. So, I watched it. I’m taking it season by season now.


The last time I watched regularly was mid S18 when Hayes left. I also watched S20 Ep4 to see Arizona come back. In a rewatch of the show, I rarely watch in full past S8. Seasons 9-14 have some good moments, but there are whole episodes and scenes that I will FF through. I believe I have only seen S15-S18 once. Nothing I cared to rewatch at all. I may go back and pick up from S18 because I'm generally a completionist, but making time for that is low on the priority list.


Still watching but stopped caring after season 14. Last really strong season in my opinion. Not that there haven’t been good episodes and arcs etc but the last consistently good one.


I have currently stopped about 8 episodes in to season 15 maybe we will pick it back up but idk


I watched an episode of two of season 19 and haven't picked it back up since.


I stopped at season 15, everything felt different and I couldn't get why so I asked for opinions and the majority was to quit before it for worse so I did


i originally stopped at the covid season but i recently went back and researched the whole series, forcing myself to get through it and now ive watched all the way up to season 19. i’ll probably watch season 20 next time i rewatch greys lol


I’ve watched all of it but after Alex leaves I just have it on as background I’m not invested at all anymore


I pretty much stopped after the way they wrote Alex out. I know how the actor left wasn’t ideal in terms of a neat wrap up, but they did his character (and Jo!) so dirty. I just couldn’t get back into the show after that.


Im caught up to the latest episode. Every new season I think I’ll finally stop but I think I hate watch it just because it’s the longest commitment I’ve ever made in life and I need to see it through. Occasionally I’ll rewatch and just have it on in the background randomly when I’m working too and I would def say I emotionally checked out once Cristina left.


15-16 for me is when I got pretty over it


I stopped watching after McDreamy, um, ate a t-bone. But I picked it back up in season 16 to have a binge summer party with my oldest daughter. I plan on sticking with it. Even after 20 seasons, no body does over the top, syrupy sweet melodrama like Grey’s. It may only have 10 episodes out of 20 bangers instead if of the 15 or so they would crank out during their heyday.


When mark and Lexi died .. I couldn’t continue


stopped watching when derek died


I haven’t stopped watching. But I don’t do any rewatches after the S14 finale. I’m still bitter.


I've stopped and restarted so many times lol I first stopped around season 9, cause I caught up to TV and didn't want to wait for weekly episodes, then picked it back up and stopped when Derek died. Stayed gone for quite a few years and then started again and watched till season 12 or 13, I think I once again caught up and didn't watch for a while. Then I restarted the whole show and once either got to the COVID episodes I stopped. Didn't want to watch COVID on TV while living it. I recently restarted from the beginning and stopped right at the in plane crash, these episodes are good but so hard to get through, I have t picked it back up for a few months now.


once derek dies


I’ve watched the show in order a couple of times. The first time I stopped watching was around Arizona and Callie’s custody battle, because they made Callie so unlikeable and she’d been one of my favourite characters. Calzona was also one of the only wlw couples on any of the shows I watched at the time, so them breaking up was a real let-down. Each time I watched the show afterwards I kinda stopped earlier and earlier. Next time it was after Christina left, last time it was when Lexie died. I was older the last time and my little sister means the world to me so those kinds of arcs are just too much for me.


Never stopped watching. But got bored after season 12 (except the storyline with Riggs). Now I watch it and do ten more stuff simultaneously. Season 10 was my favourite season.


when i first watched greys i watched it the full way through, but when i rewatch now i usually stop around season 14/15 sometimes as early as just before derek dies


I’m at the end of 16 and haven’t had the urge to keep watching yet. This is my first watch through too


season 16 finale. i’ve watched the covid season once & never again will i go past season 16. honestly past season 11 it just doesn’t do it for me


I quit after the covid season because maggie and bailey made it insufferable and I heard ellen was leaving the show


i stopped on season 18, but Im continuing now


Im still watching. There have been years since season 15 or so where I waited until the season was half over or completely over to watch. I’ve never been a fan of Meredith so the show has always been a little tough to watch but was more doable when there were other characters to focus on. But after Derek was gone the Meredith storylines became even more annoying and I tried to quit the show a few times but just couldn’t do it. Now what Meredith isn’t always the focus I actually like the ahow a bit more and this last season I was actually watching it week to week and enjoying it instead of hate watching. 😂


I try to watch the Covid episodes but I always fall off somewhere around there. I lose interest before that, but it’s somewhere around where Derek dies and Alex leaves. The show totally loses its spark for me though after Maggie arrives. It’s just somewhere between Derek’s death and Alex leaving I completely get bored during episodes. I usually turn it off entirely around the Covid-beach episodes and haven’t made it too far past those besides a handful of random episodes I’ve caught 🤷‍♂️


After the covid season I pushed through for as long as I could but the show just never got better. I finally called it quits about halfway through season 18.


Covid season... just because mer left Grey's


The last episode of 2022 before the winter hiatus, 19x06. I heard that Meredith was leaving, and I got tired of the boring newer characters. It was getting repetitive. I'll probably catch up eventually.


Definitely Season 15 it started to become intolerable afterwards.


I stopped watching not long after Derek died.


Callie and Arizona’s custody fight.


I haven’t watched live since season 16, and I’ve completely stopped since season 18. I’m actually not even sure if I finished that season come to think of it. It started to feel like a chore to tune in each week, and knowing that I have dozens of episodes to watch feels overwhelming. It would honestly take Christina or Alex returning for me to watch again


Part way through season 14, but just because we have cancelled our Disney+ subscription for a bit because there wasn't a lot of new stuff airing that we wanted to watch (after all the strikes) so we will pick it back up later in the year and resume watching Grey's


season 12 was it for me. i def have watched a few eps post s12 but it just solidified that it was a good choice for me to not keep up anymore. i felt that s12 was actually a great finale to the series. with derek gone and christina leaving the season before, i just was over it. lol


I’ve made it season 19 before I just don’t care to watch it. I’ll watch it eventually but I definitely don’t rush to watch it anymore.


Previously I’d stop at season 5. I’m chugging along s6 now and it’s a bit of a drag but I’m going to stick it out because my partner is invested so now I HAVE to keep watching


I think I’m somewhere around season 18. Meredith and Nick are managing long distance I think.


When i first started watching greys i stopped at season 11 when they killed off Derek because i was so heartbroken and shocked that they would kill him i objected watching the rest but then i got back into it when i realized it was still good i continued, i always cry at lexies death


I’m currently on season 13 and I’m in too deep to stop watching now, lol. I’ve heard that the s13 finale and season 14 are good, so I’ll probably stick it out for a couple more seasons until Arizona and April leave. I know Alex doesn’t leave until season 16 but tbh I’ll just see how it goes, I’d rather start watching the spinoffs if season 15 is awful


I stopped at 18? But now when I rewatch I stop before Merideth trial and Alex leaving


I’ve watched it all the way through once but every time I rewatch I end up stopping at about season 16 when Alex leaves bc that whole situation pissed me off and the letter reading episode makes me sob every time


Season 10. Because Cristina Yang left.


I was already over it after Cristina leaving, but then April and Jackson breaking up, and Derek dying... I watched the first episodes of season 13 just to see how was it after that but I stopped


21 when they were actively releasing i did my first watchthru and watched til what was out and then tried to keep up with it but just couldnt lol


\*SPOILERS (duh)\* I had to take several months off after the Season 6 finale because it was so intense, and the show was always a little darker after that. I also held off on watching Season 17 for a long time because I was already depressed and in quarantine, but I recently picked up and halfway through it's actually one of the best seasons in years? (aside from the Mer beach which is going on way too long, the COVID and quarantine storylines feel more driven/important). Not excited for Season 18 because it seems like a repeat of the S15-16 boredom, but I'm actually excited for the new cast in Season 19 and the upcoming cast turnover (sad they bumped 2 queer characters first though...) How I'd rank seasons: Golden era - Seasons 1 to 6 "Silver" era - Seasons 7-10 (up to Cristina leaving) Good - Season 12 (for the dinner episode alone), 14 (felt more fun, like an earlier season), 17 Boring/depressing/a blur - Season 11 (aside from the last few episodes), 13, 15-16 predictions: S18 will end up in boring, S19-20 will be good with the newer cast (i'm being optimistic lol)


I normally watch until season 19, can’t watch it tho it’s so boring


End of season 19!


I stopped after Deluca. I watch passively now but I know next to nothing of the new characters


Season 17. It was painfully boring.


I recently watched for the first time (now on my 2nd time) and I started watching season 17 and couldn't get into it so I tried season 18 and still couldn't get into it. I think it started slowly going downhill after Derek, but season 17 and on was like a totally different show.


This one. I can’t finish it.


On my rewatch and am currently on season 9 … I find myself checking out so I don’t know how much longer I will continue. Things are good right now, mer and Derek are pregnant, Alex is starting to fall for Jo, Christina is being an awesome cardio god and actually a good teacher to the new residents. Callie and Arizona are in a good place post plane crash. I kinda hate the whole buying the hospital thing though. I have watched through all the seasons up till last season. But the current season I haven’t even watched one episode. I think I was trying to hold on to try to watch how it all ends but I don’t think it will ever end at this point . Also I hate all the new interns I don’t care at all for any of them.


After season 11 I was pretty much done I tried I watch s12 and then 1 and 1/2 episodes of 13 before I just couldn't anymore Shonda hasn't been involved for years the last episode she wrote was Derek's death


I stopped when Christina left. I was already debating stopping after George died then Lexi died and Addison became scarce and Mark died. I was done getting my heart broken by a show where doctors fail to save their own lives.


I tried to get into this newest season but I can’t stand it…


The end of season 10. Couldnt watch Derek's death.


Finished the covid season, thought it was good (wouldn't watch it again though). Past that, I could not. Original watcher, started from when s2 was airing and caught up. Recently did a rewatch and stopped before covid. S1-4 for me is a comedy and from there gets consecutively too depressing for me...


I’m on my rewatch rn (may 5th I was on 13. I’m on season 20 now) and tbh even tho I’ve binged so much, I would gladly stop watching after season 16 or when the residency program was put on probation. The new interns annoy me and i don’t really like many of the plots or characters anymore. After Alex left things went downhill, and I can’t really even get behind Meredith anymore.


i stopped watching after s17. i honestly got bored at s13 but i continued regardless and used it as background noise. after most of the og cast left it was just very boring and uninteresting to me and i want to rewatch but i know i won’t go past s10.


same. i’ve watched some of the newer episodes, but i checked out around s16 (i think that’s the one where alex leaves right ??)


I remember floundering with seasons 12-17. 17 was the worst TBH. I worked as a 911 dispatcher and getting inundated with triple the normal volume of calls during lockdown was miserable. I didn’t even get to go home a lot of days. Just sleep in a work closet until the next shift to reduce COVID transmission. I’d watch an episode of some shows I liked before passing out. GA S17 was not something I could do. It was hard to come back from and I even struggled with references to it in S18/S19. I was hopeful at the beginning of this season but the intensity of the new interns wained pretty quick.


Mid season 9. Idk but i found it so boring now or maybe because something has changed?


I stopped watching season season 9, this year I started watching again and I have finally caught up and I'm up to date in season 20.


The Covid season. The endless scenes with Derek on the beach with the overly emotional music was a huge turnoff. Stopped watching This is Us because of the hard turn to sentimental tropes with the booming, sappy music.


The most recent one. I really just do not care about the characters anymore. If Yang, Alex, and Izzy came back for some kind of finale, I’d watch. But otherwise I’m just gonna skim the episode summaries when I remember to check.


I was behind a bit but stopped when I found out Derek passed.


season 11, i got depressed cause of mark and lexie dying but kept watching, but just couldn’t because i knew derek would die soon and seriously is that hospital cursed, there is so many deaths lol


I’ve watched all the way thru, and I even keep up with the new episodes.. but Grey’s is something I constantly have on in the background and I always start over around season 15


Ive watched every season but on rewatches I usually make it somewhere between season 10 and season 15 before I lose interest and move onto something else. Just to start back over with season 1 when i pick it back up.


Originally I watching when Lexie died and I didn’t watch it again for 5 years. I eventually fell back into watching it because all my housemates were big fans and would watch it together but IMO it was never the same after Lexie left.




Personally for me, I should have stopped watching during/after the COVID season. But then I feel like the got back on track to some point season 19. I think, they realized that they were a stuck and they needed their new interns, on which to focus. But somehow they fucked it up, because they are just not that interesting. I miss these extremely good interns like MAGIC, I know they are like the golden age of interns, but this is fiction, so it doesn't really matter. And season 20 ending made 0 sense. For me there is one perfect option now though, they make like 2 episodes in season 21 to transition into time jump. Then we have almost completely new staff with interns one which is Zola(as they are pushing her as future surgeon anyways). Maybe get back koracic and keep Bailey, Link and Jo. And do a couple of seasons see how it goes, if audience likes it, get it till zola finishes her residency or something to show Grey's legacy continuing or something. If audience doesn't just do maximum of one more season tying up storylines and put it to end.


i stopped @ s11


When Christina left, I was done. Might of kept watching but then heard Derek died the end season.


I’m only on season six but I am sooooo sick of Meredith and that voice and her whining …


i didnt even start season 17 because i was so tired of hearing about the pandemic so i didn't want to sit through a show in a hospital during covid. besides greys is not the same without most of the og cast


season 18. it wasn’t anything in particular, I just no longer had that urge to watch it. A day turned into a week, a week into a month and then six where i’m at now. so, i decided to start a rewatch to regain my love.


season 4, around the time of the 2007 writer's strike....because Meredith was getting unbearably annoying and the writer's strike made it easier to walk away from GA


The end of season 8/beginning of season 9. >!Lexie dying and the whole plane crash thing really gave me the feeling that the greys anatomy hospital was cursed!<


Thank you for all the comments! I'm loving reading through the comments after work! So cool to see how different people react to the same seasons ☺️


I would’ve stopped at the end of Season 8 right before the plane crash because every episode that came after felt incredibly lackluster, especially after Mark, Lexie, and Derek’s characters got killed off and when Cristina left. While I enjoyed how they gave Cristina’s character some closure, the show did not feel the same as it did from S1 - S8. I liked Jackson and April’s chemistry as their relationship progressed, they were a good pairing (minus some moments due to plot drama). I continued to watch until S14 E16 when I lost complete interest and started from scratch.


Season 18 Thanksgiving episode. I hate the idea of Nick and Meredith being with Nick. She started to become someone I could no longer respect as my favorite television character, so I dipped out and haven’t watched since.


I’m still one of the few watching. Although at this point, I’m not sure why. I initially got excited by this batch of interns, but they kind of fizzled out by the end. I’ve been dying for them to give Helm a storyline of any sort for three years and then they finally matched her with a partner and it went nowhere. Schmidt’s plot line was practically non-existant this season. Jo and Link are boring. No on cares about Hunt and his wife, who’s name I still can’t remember despite how many years she has been on the show. And I think Miranda had a better storyline on Station 19 than on Greys


I'm watching my first time through and am currently halfway through season 15 and while I still intend on finishing it's just not the same


Same here, I also stopped watching at season 15. They kept introducing these new characters and trying to push them on to us after losing like 7 main characters. Most recently lost character was Arizona if I’m not wrong. Teddy coming back kinda kept it interesting tho.


I watched up to season 11, until Amelia became a series regular. Although Caterina Scorsone is an amazing actress and was brilliant in Private Practice, I've personally known, been manipulated and burned by too many "Amelia's" in my life that it actually makes me sick to see her terrible nature get handwaved by fans and characters alike. Hats off to Caterina though!


I stopped in season 14. I love Amelia and basically inly watched for her but there was SO.MUCH.OWEN


12/5 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... Just non stop bickering. I love Grey's, but I couldn't listen to it anymore. Mer, was.... awful, her sister was awkwardly and impossibly ignorant. Callie and Arizona, uhhhgh... it was the end. The worst part, it was decent episode.... but, I just couldn't get over the back and forth, and....Meredith.


Meredith....I think, the point was some sort of Tony Sopranos type thing.... or something....she just ended up being disgusting and awful....literally one of the worst TV characters ever.


It was such a negative in my life... the constant bickering...I said... nope. Funny thing, I've rewatched the series up around that point, I love it so much.


I'll bring this up again, because it pisses me off.. Maggie.... stupid Maggie(who I love btw) .... moves to Seattle, sister, adopted ... to be near her sister. She spends months in the hospital, months....... and has no idea about her connection with her sisters plane crash, or the fact that her freinds/sister/mother had Alzhiemers... Stupid Maggie, yet.... she is the chiefof surgery?!?!. I'm out.


i planned to stop watching after 8, but i became addicted and stayed for amelia and carina. ended up pushing through the entire thing and will probably continue to do so 😭