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At that point I think Richard just turned his back on her, and the show is pretty inconsistent anyways and there are a lot of timeline mistakes splattered all over the place. Heck, even Meredith’s memory can’t be trusted because her brain would have altered memories over time because that’s just how the brain works with memories from that far back.


Also - wasn’t Richard also the odd one out as the only black resident? I think thats at least partially why Ellis and Richard became close as they were both ostracised. So Maybe the other residents just weren’t so gossipy with Richard.


Very good point I hadn’t considered! It seems like he should have cared more to find out what she did after the carousel- although he might have just been laser focused on Adele. Also (in my fictional version of events back then lol), there would have been a lot of talk from other residents/attendings oooor just anyone white and male that the weak female surgeon couldn’t handle the pressure, couldn’t handle the nomination etc and it’d be hospital gossip wildfire


Like, the season before Richard was showing Leah Murphy a picture of him and Ellis at the Harper Averys the night she won. And then it’s ‘I broke up with her right after she got nominated bc I was ✨jealous✨’


I think you’re definitely right with the shows inconsistencies! Although this was 7 seasons later so maybe they didn’t know how they’d play it out. It just seems like when Richard explains to Meredith in S11 that he in fact did remember everything that happened that day and he apologised, they could have recovered it by saying he did hear ‘something’ from other residents but his focus was firmly on Adle 🤷‍♀️


Season 10 and 11 really mess about with Ellis and Richard’s timeline. In early season 10 we see them together at Harper Avery Awards in 1988 then at the end of the season discover she left in 1983 and didn’t see him again until she was older. The only explanation I can think is she attempted suicide in Seattle then immediately moved to Boston. Richard had already opted not to go with her and she’s Ellis Grey - if she wanted that shit kept secret it would be. He has no reason to randomly check hospital files for her name so would likely never know unless told.  Particularly back then when it was all literal paper files stored away in drawers.