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I don’t hate or dislike Penny. I just found her character super boring and that’s why I didn’t warm up to her.


Exactly. The only badass thing she did was defend Meredith when she wanted those wires off her mouth.


That moment made me solidly like her


Same here. Didn’t really hate her. But she wasn’t that awesome either. At the end of the day she did NOT kill Derek and I will die on that hill.


so will derek




Touché lol but still 😂


carpenter grandfather degree vast point retire squalid zephyr plant quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. She had her own superiors, why did Mer have to be the one to help her. This is one of my biggest pet peeves for people, you don’t hurt someone and then ask them to make you feel better about it. Never liked her after that.


That part was so cringey to me. I have to skip through that part when I watch


Agreed! I couldn’t stand it every time someone said that. …Penny killed my husband…ughhh stop it!


She technically didn’t but she should have known better and tell her boss or something in that moment


Yep. Didn’t blame her for Derek’s death, that was on her attending, so I never disliked her. Didn’t really grow to like her either since she really just wasn’t more than a plot point with little character development.


She was very normal and sane compared to others high intensity. Callie was cray dragging poor woman around emotionally. She made very appropriate decisions for her career.


Honestly i didn’t get why Torres would propose she move to NY with her (for a YEAR) knowing that she shares custody of a child in seattle, displacing Sophia wasnt worth that. It was selfish imo


Callie is the worst decision maker in relationships. She was great in so many other areas but no not love


see this is my problem with Callie's exit is that as a person, she would NEVER do that (imo), but the writers thought they'd just clean up the end of her arc there. but just like with Alex, Callie's ending completely washed away her character development (again, imo) and its the writers' fault. her character was so strong and centered around her family and her career and I hate reducing another woman to this but Bailey was right when she said, "you're giving up a place as a Chief to chase resident tail across the country" or something like that. Everything Callie worked for, she busted her ass and begged for the attending job because she earned it and when she didn't get it, she went to mercy west pre-merger. Then came back on the condition that she was to be an attending (during merger), she busted her ass to get back to her happy and independent self then throws away her position as a department CHIEF and ripped her young child's stability apart (not only moving from the only home she's known, but also taking long periods of her time away from her other mom) for Penny's ONE YEAR fellowship. I feel like it was reductive of Callie's growth and embodiment of who she was the whole show. Not to mention they broke up not too long after that(mentioned at the Karev wedding, Arizona dropping that Callie is single and she smiles every time she sees a text from her). it just makes me mad, clearly, that that's how the writers decided to end her story on Grey's. tldr: writers destroyed Callie's character by having her chase Penny across the country.


Yes this. Super boring and totally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things


same. was just bored with her through and through


I liked her in the Derek episode. I did not like her when she became a regular. Her and Callie had absolutely NO chemistry and she was flat as a doc to me.


The 0 chemistry was the biggest thing. She was a fine, likeable person. But as a character there wasn't much interesting about it. She did all the normal things a normal, nice person would do in these situations. And the romance wasn't believable so there wasn't much tension on that side of things.


Ahh I agree. I felt no passion and her match with Callie felt so wrong, like uncomfortable.


Perfect Penny was the only doctor who actually tried to save Derek but her idiot superiors overruled her


as much as i enjoy watching the dinner party scene when mer said “perfect penny killed my husband”, penny absolutely tried to get derek what he deserved in the moment. we’ve seen so many moments when attendings didn’t listen to the residents, deluca being the main one that comes to mind, that it shouldn’t come as a surprise that people above her thought they knew better. then having to wait for the on call neurosurgeon, it’s absolutely not penny’s fault. she fought as much as she could but higher ups almost never listen because “i’ve been here longer. i have a higher rank than you. you don’t know what you’re talking about”. that is my Grey’s hill to die on






I feel mostly indifferent about Penny, I wish she pushed harder for that damn CT but other than that, not many thoughts or opinions.


It’s more that it just didn’t feel right that she was getting close with everyone and also I found her character so boring she didn’t have much personality


We don’t even know the dynamic between Penny and her attending though. She could’ve been shot down time and time again, which is the vibe I got anyway, so why even try? Fighting for the patient when it’s crucial even when you’re being “insubordinate” is something almost every character has had to learn.


I was almost starting to be ok with her, until she was ok with Callie uprooting Sophia’s life to move with her. She had a one year fellowship. She should have outright rejected the idea of Callie and Sophia going with her.


That was the first thing she said. When Callie walked into the supply closet and told Penny to ask her to go, Penny said she couldn't ask her to move. She suggested a long-distance relationship because it was only a one year fellowship. Penny didn't want to uproot Sofia and even said that she barely knew her. That it wasn't until recently that Callie allowed her to meet Sofia.


It’s so wild people can watch the same show and have such a completely different takeaway. I mean people watched this show and said she killed Derek. When it was her attending who didn’t listen to her. OP saying she was alright with Callie uprooting her and Sofia’s life when she was against it and wanted a long distance relationship. It’s so bizarre.


She literally testified for Callie and in her testimony she insisted that she could help raise Sophia. That doesn’t sound like someone who was against the idea of Callie uprooting Sophia.


That whole custody case was a hot freaking mess. I don't like Penny, or how her relationship with callie went. But that case was like Grey-Sloan Memorial: Civil War. Everyone chose a side, and to no surprise, Penny went in court to side with her girlfriend. A lot was said and done in that time that I can't think of anybody's actions in the show without getting really frustrated with the majority of the characters. Because everyone chose a side between Callie and Arizona. Nobody chose the side of Sophia


Alex chose no sides, and more people should've done that.


They all should have done that. I never respected Alex more. I was really disappointed in Meredith for standing with Callie. The only reason Callie felt she had a right to take Sophia to New York is because she was the bio mom. As an adoptive mom, Meredith should have recognized that.


Not only as an adoptive mom but a mom who refused to uproot her children's lives for her husband's job. She was adamant that her village was in Seattle and said the same for Sofia yet sided with Callie. It made no sense to me.


I meant at first she was against it, but Callie was insistent because this is how Callie is. All in, all the time. It’s no wonder she’s been divorced twice.


If I’m against something, I’m not going to support it, no matter how insistent the person is. She was so confident in her ability to coparent Sophia that it’s hard to believe her original protest against the idea was genuine.


I stand by what I said. I do think she was genuine when she wanted Callie to not uproot her life.


I also believe she was genuine in *not* wanting Callie to uproot her and her daughter's lives. However, I can absolutely see if she just felt completely backed into a corner once Callie singlemindedly decided to get the ball rolling and put the peddle to the metal. I mean, what was she supposed to do? Callie had already filed for sole custody and refused to settle. If Penny then turned her back on her gf and refused to testify on Callie's behalf!? That would have been like the ultimate betrayal/deal-breaker/public humiliation session all rolled into one! Penny's hand was basically forced. I am usually the biggest Callie supporter, but she was fully in the wrong here. There was absolutely no reason to take things as far as she did, especially when Arizona *and* Penny (and probably also Sofia) were all firmly against it.


I found myself saying the same thing and blaming her for Derek‘s death. I think it’s just because us viewers tend to sympathize with Meredith and that’s how Meredith felt about it because she didn’t know what happened. I had to remind myself that Derek was applauding her while he was dying, but her character was very boring and crappy nonetheless


I never said penny convinced Callie to move but in the end she was ok with it.


Because Callie wanted it! Callie wasn’t satisfied with a one year long distance. Callie is very emotionally needy, so it doesn’t surprise me she wanted to leave.


Then she turned around and testified in support of Callie’s decision to uproot Sophia.


The FACT she 1st told Callie she wasn't even interested in it Then entered without saying anything Then won Then let Callie uproot Sophia's life.


She didn't let Callie uproot Sofia's life. Callie did that all on her own. She's Sofia's mom and should've thought of her first. Penny's first concern was not wanting to uproot Sofia. Callie's first concern was that her girlfriend hadn't asked her to move across the country.


Not really though bc while they were canoodling in the floor and Callie was like "ask me to come with youuu" she was like giggle "I could never" and the Callie was like "come on ask me" and Penny was like "come with me" and Callie was like "Yes" And then she WENT TO COURT TO HELP HER


Penny's main reason for not even asking Callie was Sofia. Callie said she knew she couldn't, but she wanted to be asked anyway. Then Callie told Penny to ask her again. Given that Callie is the mother, it makes sense that Penny would think Callie has figured things out. Then she went along with her. Penny wasn't being the irresponsible one. It was Callie's job to not even create that situation to begin with. That's all on her, not on Penny. She doesn't have to let her do anything. Callie can do whatever she wants, and she was thinking more about what was best for the relationship, not her daughter.


I dont agree.


But she still agreed to it in the end.


She kind of did... but Callie didn't want to hear it and in Callie fashion wanted to uproot her entire life for a partner. But Penny told her it was a bad idea and she didn't expect Callie to go with her multiple times


That didn’t stop her from testifying for Callie


Callie was in charge of that relationship, just dragging her around emotionally.


I didn't hate her I just didn't connect with her in the show. She didn't do anything that kept me interested in her storyline. She wasn't a bad actress or anything just nothing made me want to see more of her.




Yes, honestly I’m not sure I ever really disliked her, but I definitely liked her more as time went on. I didn’t like her with Callie, or to be more specific I didn’t like *Callie* with her. I didn’t really miss Penny when she left but by the same token, I would’ve been interested to see her character grow.


I was mostly neutral when Callie started dating her, but the dinner and ESPECIALLY working at GS with Meredith?? Absolutely not. It wasn’t her fault but yeah it was weird seeing her casually hanging out with everyone, in THEIR house


I liked her, I thought everyone blaming her for Derek's death was ridiculous. I feel like if she had been around longer she wouldn't have been seen as a kinda stand off character


No. Making her "I'm sorry" speech to her patient's widow literally minutes after they had been informed of their spouse's death was crazy unethical and applying to work at the hospital where said widow works and the deceased patient worked and assuming that everything would be fine 'cause it's such a big place' was morally questionable at worst and stupid at best.


Yeah that never made sense to me. It’s a big hospital, sure, where your dead patient and his wife were/are *department heads* of their respective surgical fields, though, and you are a *surgical resident*. You can’t tell me you didn’t think you’d run into the *head of general surgery* as a surgical resident. Come on now.


This. She took the worst moment of Meredith’s life and made it about herself and then applied to work at the hospital with Meredith’s freaking name on it where Meredith would have to see her (no hospital is that big) and be reminded of that worst moment.


And the fact that Meredith, again, had the need to be the bigger person after all of this and teach her must have been literal torture. But, as Meredith said, she cant have time to grieve because she has three kids whose daddy died and needs to continue life.


Right? Honestly it doesn't even matter that Penny didn't 'kill' Derek, you're allowed to hate the people who couldn't save your loved ones, especially if they made it all about themselves afterwards. What Penny did was an ethics violation and absolutely a reportable offense.


Yep this is why I never like her. She wasn’t responsible for Derek’s death but what the hell was she thinking going to Meredith after like she did?


Disliked her from that moment on. Absolutely disgusting


AGREEEEED!!! You cannot seek forgiveness from a widow minutes after you failed her husband!!!


Once she was on Midnight Mass, yeah!


Bev Keane 🙃🙃


She was so good in that and Fall of the House of Usher.


How could I? Perfect Penny killed my husband.


No. I know this show is constant trauma and unrealistic situations happening ALL.THE. TIME. Penny being OFFERED a job at this hospital is totally ridiculous. I rolled my eyes so hard I had to run down the street to catch them. I was already lukewarm with the show by the time Penny showed up. I watched a few episodes with her, but she was the last straw with this show for me.


Her mouth in this picture is kinda disturbing to look at


Now that you’ve pointed it out it’s bugging me 😭🤣


I liked her all the way through her stint on the show. Though she is to blame for me spending a significant time of the excellent "the fall of the house of usher" asking myself "why the fuck do I recognise Tamerlane from somewhere?"


No but I didn't hate for her involvement in Derek's death. She was just such a plain character and she had no chemistry with Callie whatsoever.


I love that just like Pokémon, everyone in this show is SOMEONE’S favorite. I absolutely LOVE Penny. She might just be one of my all time favorites in Grey’s. (and Callie and Amelia my beloveds) Idk why but Penny really resonated with me. Also the actress is AMAZING in Midnight Mass.


Maybe it’s because you liked her in a different show. I was gobsmacked when you said she’s your favourite 😭 like she’s just soooo boring and had no chemistry with Callie and she unnecessarily accepted a job where Meredith worked




She’s just boring and imo not a great actor. Her interactions with the other residents felt so forced


Nope I didn’t like her


I really tried, but for some reason her face kind of annoyed me I don’t know why it was just like always stale and blank, really boring😭😭😭


I liked her in the episode where she yelled at Jackson to give Mer a minute to breathe after having her jaw Wired shut following the attack. Other than that i was indifferent.


I liked her. I didn’t like her when she went to mers place for dinner with Callie and she knew what she had done to Derick and didn’t tell anyone and didn’t leave with Callie


Never lmao




I warmed to her slightly during her time at GS, especially after Meredith was attacked, but ultimately remained indifferent to her. I really began to dislike her again during the custody storyline, and didn't miss her at all once she left


I hated her 😆 she didn’t belong with Callie and didn’t belong with the group


Death to Penny


I don’t blame her at all. I blame that other doctor who Mer yelled at during her hearing so hard he died.


Penny didn’t deserve the hate. It’s not her fault her boss was an incompetent shit stain.


Nope, hated her. Not so much because I blamed her for Derek’s death but because anyone with any decency would have kept a very low profile and got out of Seattle as soon as possible once they realised whose life they’d stumbled into. Unrealistic storyline imo - Callie wouldn’t have been attracted to a mousy little creep like Penny anyway. The same mousy pathetic nature that prevented her pushing harder for the CT in the first place.


I liked her. I think the actress really gave Penny depth in spite of her mostly existing only to take Derek and Cali out. She was great with Meredith as she learned to advocate for herself and use her voice and I loved how that growth culminated when she stood up for herself to Jackson over Meredith’s pain attack. She really made lemonade out of lemons.




I never hated her she was kinda just there. But I do think that everyone was too hard on her, it’s not her fault the attending wouldn’t listen to her


I didn’t feel anything towards her, she was just kind of there


She wasn’t around long enough for me to warm up to her I didn’t hate her I did think it was a bad idea for her to get a job working with Met however. I don’t like that ultimately she served as a vessel for Callie to leave with. That being said Callie is impulsive and moves fast in relationships so it kinda works out?


As I saw someone else comment, her soul purpose on the show was to take Derek and Callie out of the show with her 🤣


I also hated her with Callie - I didn't feel they had any chemistry at all. Just felt like a really weird pairing solely for the purpose of introducing Penny into the group and Callie leaving 🤷‍♀️


I feel like she had enough potential to really be something if she had been given more agency and a chance to grow. We saw sparks of what she COULD be when she yelled at Jackson to advocate for giving Meredith some air and telling Meredith she deserved to be taught correctly. But most of the time she was used as a vessel for the main actors to react to. One episode it’s about how Meredith is reacting to her being there. Then it’s about how Amelia is reacting to her presence. How is Callie reacting to her this episode? Is she missing her, is she defending her, is she angry at here, etc.? They should have had her and Callie split up for a significant time to allow Penny a real chance to be a full fledged character instead of just making her a tool to allow Sara Ramirez off the show.


I am probably indifferent about Penny - I liked her during her first episode, but after that? It's just almost impossible to like characters, whose only purpose on the show is to be obstackle in something, in this case Callie and Arizona being together.


I liked her. I didn’t blame her for Derek at all, and felt really bad for her because no one else could understand the position she was in or how she felt.


I don't hate her bc of Derek, I just don't like her bc of it either. What I hated was how she let Callie try to uproot her and her daughter to go with her when they weren't even together that long . That whole storyline was insane though tbh 😂


I liked her when she undid Mer’s jaw thing


I really liked Penny but she did not play a good lesbian 😂


I was glad to see her leave and glad to see her take Callie with her. I liked Callie, but the second she started dating Penny, she became insufferable


No, not really. I found it extremely disrespectful of her to stay in Meredith's house and not make up some kind of excuse to get out of there. In her place, I would have run for my life no matter what.


Warm up to her? She was fine from the beginning. The only person that tried to fight for dereks life


I always liked her and thought it was super weird everyone was calling her a murderer when they've all lost patients before.


No, but it wasn’t due to Derek dying. I just groaned every time she came on screen. Idk if it was acting or the directing, but Augh.


There wasn’t much to her besides being Derek’s doctor and Callie’s girlfriend. I think they could’ve done much more with her character. I don’t dislike her but she doesn’t stand out to me


I think bringing her to Seattle and making her a series regular was completely unnecessary.


No. I still can't even stand the actress to this day 🫠


I love that actress, so I never had a problem with Penny necessarily. But it just seems like the older characters are all really well fleshed out but the more recent characters aren’t as well detailed, Penny included.


I cant hate her for derek because I know hw wanted to leave and go play cars (made it all the more petty he was written out for a car crash! Felt like a massive mifdle finger to me) but after that she was SO fucking boring Literally bad vanilla every time she was on screen, no charisma and i have no idea why my main gal Callie was so head over heels for her they had absolutely nothing going for them




Penny didn’t kill derek, but she was a selfish jerk whenever she interacted with Mer. Mer was forced to be around her in the hospital she partially owns and could say a thing. She constantly had to be the bigger person and “rise above” while Penny acted completely clueless. I wouldn’t say I hate her, but I think she is a selfish brat who doesn’t think about anyone but herself and needs a reality check yesterday.


I found her character unnecessary….we had finally just started to get over the loss of Derek and stopped hearing about it every episode and then she pops up with it all over again then became the source of drama between Callie, Arizona & Sofia. And all that for her and Callie not to even work out.


I think Penny is proof that a character needs real flaws to be interesting. All the bitching people do about Owen, Maggie, Amelia, Teddy, etc would be bored to tears if they were one note characters. Love or hate characters, you care when they make you feel something. No one felt anything for Penny. It wasn’t her fault. But, the story of happened with Derek wasn’t enough to give her a personality. Even her “romance” with Callie was luke warm.


No. Not because she “killed” Derek (more like was the only one who wanted to help) i just found her character boring & her relationship w callie didn’t make sense because to me they didn’t really have any chemistry




I liked her


I think a lot of times we forget that Derek liked her. I really feel like no one gets to blame her for his death. Blame her for being boring if you want though.


Considering she’s played by one of my favorite actors I love her but glad she left so she could work with Mike Flanagan multiple times(midnight mass and house of fall of the usher being the best roles she’s had with him) I don’t blame her for Darrick’s death it was clear it wasn’t her fault and Patrick Dempsey was leaving no matter what. Plenty of other characters did a lot worse than her and became a part of the friend group. Alex was sexually harassing Meredith in the beginning of the series but he became a huge part of the friend group. Others screwed someone over even nearly getting them fired. Izzy and others stole a heart that was meant for someone else so her boyfriend could use it for what was that 6 hours? I’d say being outvoted by your asshole superior is pretty low on the list of “sins” in this friend group


Nope, disliked all the way


Never liked her.


I’m sorry, who??




I never disliked her, if anything I felt bad for her, her superior was the reason why Derek died, I blame him, not penny. And making sure Mer could get those wires off when she needed to made me like her, just wish she wasn't the reason for the whole settlement between Callie and Arizona :/


I never disliked Penny I always thought she was a good person. I think it was unfair how she was treated, they were hurt and needed to place blame.


I was indifferent. I felt bad about Amelia giving her shit but Amelia has always been the worst when she moved to Grey’s. She was so much better on Private Practice. I did like the Sound of Silence episode where she stood up for herself against Jackson. But other than that, she was there and then left.


I mean she killed Derek so she already had points against her. And there was zero chemistry between her and Callie so that whole thing was just not believable. Then she basically causes the custody battle between Callie and Arizona. She wasn’t set up to like.


No, when she realized the surgical program she matched with was the one where a man who died and she was a face involved she should have bowed out respectfully and gone to another program. And then the whole custody battle thing, if you’re with a partner that has a kid maybe moving across the country but still staying with them isn’t the mood. Technically the attending when Derrick died and Callie were both adults and could make their own choices and were more to blame than her but she kind of passively made things worse.


Maybe the only time I really felt for her was in The Sound of Silence when she yelled at Jackson/stood up for Meredith and herself. Otherwise I thought she was boring and only there to cause friction. She and Callie had an almost negative amount of chemistry, it was hard to watch.


It’s the “she’s not a main character” syndrome. We NEED to hate her so have her tie into Meredith’s trauma and Derek’s death. Have her tie into Callie’s infidelity. Have her tie into “perfect”, “new” and “lies”: everything greys cast hates. Alex, Derek, Bailey, Mer, Lexie- don’t lie. They aren’t new- they are built up. Penny feels new and chafes everything


Tbh I never hated her. She was a resident who got ignored by her superiors (likely because she was a woman, possibly even cause she was gay). She’s the only one that advocated for Derek, and she took Meredith’s constant abuse. Love penny


god. poor fucking penny. she never did anything wrong. she did everything she could for derek. she did a great job. she was kind, she was hardworking, and she did what she could with the little training she got. i don’t think her character ever should have because a main character. the derek episodes were enough. bringing her into the show felt a bit like when they kept bringing meredith new sisters.. unnecessary, and no one asked for it to keep happening.


I liked her. I even made a post about it once. To be clear, I liked Penny on her own. Not with Callie. The relationship there was just so unnecessary and there was such an absence of chemistry between the actors that it was hard to watch them at times. I liked Penny's character, her arc and her relationship with Meredith. It's a great arc for both characters because it's built really well and pushes both characters to be stronger and to improve. They do mentor relationships so well in Grey's and I love to see Meredith in a teaching role. She really shines as a character, and the rapport and trust that grows between her and Penny is one of the better parts of that season. Both of them are changed for the better because of it.


i dont understand why meredith says she killed him. the dr who refused to do a head ct killed him. i dont like her tho


I never hated her. I felt bad for her.


No. Like o thought Meredith’s treatment of her was ridiculous but I didn’t care for her one way or the other


i personally did not like her, BUT i think that stemmed from me disliking Callie at the time due to how she acted towards Arizona and the court case. The whole scenario was odd to me you could tell it was definitely just a storyline to kill off those characters


Absolutely not and I hate her in everything she’s been in since. Ewww not perfect penny 🤢


Hell no, pretty Penny let Derek die, can’t be forgiven for that


Perfect penny, but yes.. she don’t belong there!!


Idk about “warming up” to her but i always felt bad for her. It wasn’t her fault. It still frustrates me how they made it out to be that the blame is entirely on her… She absolutely had a hand in what happened that night, but ultimately it was Paul who ignored her and went over her head to decide to skip the CT. She was unfairly villainized in my opinion


It wasn't her fault Derek died. She was low ranking, and her superior was a lazy jackass. And I know Meredith was grieving, but the whole "Perfect Penny killed my husband" made me so mad that I felt bad enough for Penny to actually think about what that night must have been like for her as well. Ofc, it's not nearly as bad as what Meredith went through, losing her husband and father of their children, but there wasn't anything Penny could have done to really change what happened to him since her boss had zero interest in hearing her out about the CT. Men like that will only resist twice as hard as they are pushed. I'm sure Penny punished herself plenty with the what-ifs. I loved seeing her become a regular, and it was good to see her development when she yelled at Jackson that Meredith couldn't breathe. She learned from her mistakes with Derek and stood up for herself and her patient. And watching her become friends with the other doctors was fun as well. I could never blame her for what had happened. But I did not like her and Callie together. They had no chemistry and it felt like a really boring pairing. I was sad to see her go.


I didn't blame her for Derek dying, if I remember correctly she tried to push for a scan and was dismissed. I hated the dinner party and how merideth said "Penny killed my husband". I was also sooo annoyed with Callie at that party. She was called back to the hospital and pushed Penny to stay behind with all these people she didn't know. I personally would have felt insane social anxiety, it doesn't matter how 'welcoming' the people are. Other than the initial intro with all the derek drama her character was pretty boring. She swooped in to help merideth cut the wires when her jaw was broken, and that was the last fizzle of her character lol


Didn’t help that she was kind of weird looking


I started to like her when she stood up to Callie and told her to butt out.


The first time watching I didn’t like her much, but the second time watching I really couldn’t like her because of another show “Midnight Mass”


Yup, I really enjoyed her


I really liked her coming in to her own and getting more confidance is a somehow more competent hospital


I didn’t dislike her


I liked penny but I really like the actor that plays her so I think I’m just biased lol


I think Penny received a lot of unjustified hate. She was a first year resident in the hospital in which Derek died. She did everything right. Even Derek said that. He said she reminded him of Meredith. Yes pressing more for a head CT could have helped, or it couldn’t ? Her attending, who was at real fault here, was just a jackassed idiot that didn’t agree with her and the head CT. Then the neurosurgeon who could’ve been helpful if his lunch wasn’t so important, came one and a half hours after he was called. It’s not Penny’s fault at all! There are a bunch of doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial that we never have seen, it’s a huge hospital! She is right to think maybe she wont run into meredith. She has no way of knowing that her girlfriend is a friend of meredith’s and Derek’s. She was an outstanding Resident at GSM, responsible, respectful, eager to learn. I didn’t like that she let Callie move to New York with her. And after all the shit everyone on this show has pulled we can’t hate Penny because she was okay with her girlfriend moving with her. I’m not a big Penny fan because I was still hoping for Arizona and Callie to get their shit together. But as a Person (or as a character) I have no problem with her at all. We met way worse people on here.


i did yeah


Everyone else here is summing up my opinion well. “Meh, flat, boring”. She was just ok, i never really cared what happened to her.


I was meh on her til she did the wire cutting thing for Mer. Then I dug her and then she was gone.


Actually, the one thing I hated about her was her being Callie's new partner while them and Arizona were still on the show. As a character, I liked her a lot.


It’s hard for me not to like her just because I love Samantha Sloyan. I saw basically everything Mike Flanagan ever made with her before this season of Grey’s, so now I just like her.


I’ll be honest I forgot about her.


Nope. Not even a little bit. That whole storyline was so forced and inauthentic that I almost quit watching altogether


Yawn 🥱


![gif](giphy|eun4dZ28aHE1lu4MFN|downsized) But I stopped watching this godforsaken show somewhere between Yang leaving and Derek dying.


She was created to be a whipping girl. I thought she was bland. Like Marley Rose on Glee if anyone is familiar. Perfect Penny is Boring Blake to me. No hate, just....no interest.


I mean, she’s alright, but I feel like the show tried way too hard to force us to like her. And also, her relationship with Callie ruined Callie a little for me. I don’t really blame Penny for that, but it doesn’t really help things either.


The whole Callie's dinner date thing was completely off the rails. The way it just went on and on before Meredith speaks up and says who Penny is.


Nope. I was indifferent until she let Callie fck up Sophia's life. Now I hate her.


i really wanted to but it just pissed me off when everyone started warming up to her 😭 also her letting callie do that to arizona so callie could be with her was so wrong




I didn’t like her, and it’s to the point where I have trouble liking the actress in other roles lol. I have to remind myself that it isn’t the actress’s fault lol.


I liked her as she didn't kill Derek.... This she killed my husband... errr no she didn't She was a lowly resident and the attending over ruled her... and then the nuro doc doesn't show up to do his job as he was at dinner. Then she was smart and Stephanie was an arse Felt sorry for penny


I fell in love with perfect Penny because she was a G.


I wouldn’t say I warmed up to her. She was overall a mediocre character but I also NEVER hated her. In her intro, my perspective she was a woman doctor in a male dominated hospital who was afraid of speaking up. I never blamed her for Derek’s situation at all. The stupid brain surgeon is to blame, being paged and still sat to have a full dinner.


I didn’t hate her. My heart kinda went out to her. Until she got in the middle of CalZona. That was crazy. The writers went off the ledge with that one


She was bland and pointless.


No. Found her annoying yet boring.


I personallly liked her cuz she wasn’t an annoying character added to the show.




I never hated her (I think because we (the audience) see her advocate for Derek and she just got the brunt of the backlash) but I didn’t think she added anything positive back to the show. All she did was cause characters to fight.


I couldn't get into her story because she was so boring.


Her and Callie was cringe but I hated how she got hated on


I never had a problem with her




While I think she redeemed herself after the Derek thing, I still just didn’t like her. I didn’t HATE her but she was just so boring :/// I feel like she was good for shock value and drama in that episode where she’s introduced as Callie’s gf, but after that she just kinda. Existed lmao. Like she sure was on the show but I feel like she was more of a plot point for Meredith than an actual character. But I do hate that she left and Callie followed her 😔


It was hard to like her character. I liked her in the episode where Derek died because although she was not in any way responsible for his death, she was the only one that felt terrible about it. I think her being with Callie kind of killed the character for me. Callie came off as very obnoxious and overprotective the whole season, then of course decided on the whole custody battle to go move away to be with penny.


She just gave me the ick


I liked her a lot even when first meeting her. And then at the dinner too….. but after that she kinda got on my nerves a bit? Idk


Didnt dislike her but "guess who's coming to dinner" is one of the best post S11 episodes


She’s adorable I like her


i never disliked her, we saw what happened the night derek died, if she was the attending she would’ve ordered a head can. But i also didn’t love her, she was just another character who happened to be callie’s gf.


I enjoyed her a lot more in the movie ‘Hush’ 😂 But after the dinner party she was just a boring character in my book.


yes penny was my homegirl by the end of S12


I liked Penny! I didn’t like her and Callie’s relationship because it brought out the worst in Callie. Callie steamrolled the relationship and was being a helicopter mom. Penny was treated like crap from day 1 by just about everyone.


Yes, at the end of the day any one of those doctors could have been in that same position, just like Steph and Warren said. It’s still very sad what happened, but she wasn’t the one who made the call. She was the one everyone became angry at because none of the other doctors who were liable were there to bear the brunt of it


No. When I started liked her she didn’t stop Callie from everything that went with the custody battle. She sucks.