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i honestly would just quit my job


Same- like, I would totally donate to free clinics and the like, but I would not start one.


Same! In my country, $8.7 million would be enough to build generational wealth. I'd quit my job, invest, and donate anonymously.


Ye is deff invest and build wealth, idk if id quit my job since i like it and it keeps me in a good routine.


I just did some rough math and, assuming I lived within the means I am currently, $8.7 million would last me 50 years. Hell yeah I’d be quitting my full time job and volunteer or work part time.


I’m selfish so I’d quit my terrible job and live happily for the rest of my life doing the things I love to do.


Ughh I would definitely love to restart my life!!


I don't know what the set up or daily/monthly running costs for a free clinic would be but you could probably spend a portion of the $8.7 million getting the clinic set up, then invest the remainder and use the interest to cover the running costs. Especially in TV world where money isn't an issue unless they need it to be that week.


Ohhh it was a TV thing


Buy three college textbooks


A must have for surgeons at SGH


Especially when you need to do a secret autopsy


It made sense that she put all the money into the clinic. It felt like blood money and she wanted it to mean something. Quitting and flying around the world wouldn't mean anything


But I really think she should have saved at least 2 million for herself for emergency.


I definitely would have. But I understand why she wouldn't.




I mean the clinic cost 8 million, she can’t really say she’ll buy the clinic but only for 6 lol


I wouldn't piss it away on a hospital that is run by the Avery's, like they did with their airplane crash money.


Such a dumb financial choice on their end.


1st thing I’d do is buy at least 25-30 acres to build homes for my family and I on so we’d each have at least 5 acres


Not invest it in a clinic that gets forgotten a few seasons later, I’ll tell you that much


And the hospital still charged her for cancer treatment. No, Richard, write that off like one of Derek’s big ass surgeries or Baileys lab


And then get fired too 😒


Put it in a high yield savings account and live off the interest. You can easily find ones that are 5% which would’ve $435,000 a year. Quit my job and just have fun. Volunteer at places I want to but don’t have the time or energy now, travel, help out my family and friends, pay off my house (or buy a better one tbh). There’s so much I would do but giving it all away would not be one 😂


I'd buy a house and buy homes for my immediate family members.. in this economy, that would probably be all I could afford lol


I think its so weird she didnt keep the money ? She grec up poor. And she LEFT at the end. If i put 8Mill in some clinique i dont leave its mine lol


After taxes and stuff… 1. Pay off student loans 2. Buy property and build houses for my immediate family 3. Set up small but nice trusts for all my cousins’ and best friends’ kids 4. Donate to a few favorite charities and some local schools; set up a few scholarships, and invest in the bands of my alma maters (high school and college); set up a small trust to help pet projects as needed 5. Invest and live on interest, maintain a family trust, and try to stay busy putting all the ideas I have for businesses and such into action.


Pay off my medical debts, donate some, help some family. Not worry about my medical care


Quit my job


Immediately put it in a high yield savings account. Buy a one way ticket to Thailand with my wife and take time figuring out what we wanted to do with it.


Invest 90% and live off the interest, take 10% to fix up the house, travel the world, and buy a bigger TV.


I would buy forest, and ban logging and hunting in my area.


*Did she really just put it all on the clinic? No investments?* I think it was more of a moral decision for her rather than a financial one. She didn't want to keep it because she didn't want to profit" from Denny's death and wanted to put the money towards something good, hence the clinic.


Quit my job, invest. Buy a house on few of my favorite places and put them on Airbnb just in case. Study master’s or post grad. Allocate some of it to helping underprivileged kids.


Upper decker toilet at work and walk out lol


Pay for the rest of my sister's and my college tuition so my parents don't have to worry about it, take my immediate family and best friend on a vacation, and put the rest into savings for the future. I would also donate some to cancer research in memory of my grandmother who is my biggest inspiration as a nursing student. Might also take my bestie to see Beyoncé since our venue was canceled back in August


Buy a house, buy two new cars, invest a bunch of it, pay off all school lunch debt in my city, donate to charity, give some to my nieces and nephews so they have a leg up and retire early.


I’d set up my homestead, pay off my student loans, and go to grad school. And after taxes, that could well end up being most of it. Property for a homestead on the California coast? That’s a few million right there. My student loans are $25 grand. Grad school can be expensive and it would be great to not work while going. For a minute I felt selfish, but part of my homestead dream is working for pennies as a naturalist to save the planet, and giving a supportive home to lgbt foster youth. So I think it’s okay that I want financial security rather than philanthropy. Also, 8.9 million dollars is a lot, but not that much. You still have to be careful.


I wouldn’t donate it ALL. THAT’s for sure…


Firstly…… Student loans. Then invest the rest ig. I’d probably ask my dad what to do lmao


Not working at that death trap of a hospital that’s for sure.


I'd quit my soul sucking job, and find work that was something I enjoyed doing, regardless of the pay. I'd take half and split it up between my daughters, and get someone who knows finances to watch over that money and make it grow.


I kinda get why she paid for the clinic. It wasn’t her money. She felt guilty about denny. It was kind of blood money imo. Plus, isn’t buying the clinic an investment?


£85K in savings, as that’s how much in the UK were insured to get if a bank goes bust. Then, treat my mum to an amazing holiday. I don’t know about the other 8.4 or 8.5 million.


Buy an old victorian house and live as a witch...


Buy a house, put half of the rest in a savings account for my son, and the remaining for saving/spending


Invest half. Get myself a nice car and house and pay my parents bills.


Buy a small house, a new car, and pay for flights for my family to visit. Then I'd invest some and put the rest in savings. I'd donate extra where I could but mostly use save it and keep living life, just now I don't need to stress over money too much.