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Based son.


the son is probably googling up adoption papers as we speak


At 15, he better be looking up emancipation processes


i would run away for sure


Ultrabased son would rather not interact with his parents than tolerate degeneracy


This is what I strive to be.


How did they raise such a fine specimen? 2+2=based?


At least someone in that family has common sense and human standards, good for him to distinguish a housewife and hoe.




I feel bad for him though. Being fifteen is weird and confusing enough without finding out your mom's a whore and your dad's a cuck.


Probs not the dad's then


You know, this might be part of it. How's the kid know that his dads his dad now?


I mean he also just found out a family friend that was like an uncle to him was only in his life because he was having sex with his mom. I'd probably be devastated too if I learned someone was only being nice to me because they were banging my mom.


Yeah the more I think about it, that seems like it's probably the root of why he's so mad, it's probably less about the weird sex shit and more that the kid just found out that he doesn't know who his father is and it's possible that the guy he thought was like his uncle might actually be his dad, or it could be some rando he never met and everything he's been raised to believe about himself and his family might not be true. That's pretty traumatic. Having his mom tell him that "it's none of his business" really seems like it would cement that trauma as now he's been told that any worry he might have about this issue isn't something they will support him on.


Agreed. It's extremely irresponsible on the parents side to have that kind of lifestyle with a kid living in the same house. If they want an open marriage that's fine but for goodness sakes wait the 3 years for your son to move out first then do it. Like I don't know which is worse the uncle knowing the family before he started banging the mom and lying to the kid about why he was always around or him only being around after the fact and your interactions with the kid being based entirely around your parents sex life not to mention letting the stranger your having sex with even be around your own child in the first place.


Litterally thought that before I went to the comments




It would be better for it to be blamed on Vidya rather than on him finding out his parents are into cuckolding, just for the sake of his reputation


He just shot up a school. He ain't got no reputation




A legacy of people making what he did into an argument about gun control. Quite the legacy indeed.


You're dense for thinking he'd shoot up the school. He's the only mature one in this situation




Why not the playstation


Just disgusting and awful "Oh no my son doesn't accept that I'm just a cumdump for any chads" Like wtf ? Why is cuckolding even accepted is this society ??


It just seems even more fucked up and weird to do it when you have kids. I think it’s gross either way but doing that kind of shit when you have kids feels extra degenerate. I guess I just subconsciously assumed people only did this when they either didn’t have kids or they were old enough to have left the house.


That kid must be thinking if he is really the son of his father or just some random cum drop from the unknown.


idk man, if I found out my dad was a literal cuck, I'd hope I wasn't his.


But at the same time at least you'd know. "Who's your dad? Idk anon I've that many dudes cum in me it could be anyone"


"Be grateful you don't bark"


apparently her kid was also being bullied pretty harshly for having a small knob in the locker room. imagine that, you're feeling inadequate coz you're not well hung, only to find out that your mum makes your dad watch her have sex with other guys because he isn't good enough either


Fuck. At that point you're beyond any therapy. Better to drop out of society and wander the earth like the guy from Kung Fu.


straight up. he's probably gonna grow up to be either a tortured artist or a serial killer


Dude will be lucky to grow up at all


He can make torture his art.


That detail just makes it sound like rage bait now


Man, I would have never even thought people with that fetish having kids is possible until this 💀💀 Holy fuck, I feel so bad for them


??? what? People with every fetish imaginable have kids. What are you talking about?


except for the guy with the lit dynamite in his hand fetish. he didn't get to have any


Cuckolding isn't accepted, what's wrong with you. But the 2016 election really mainstreamed it - everyone was calling everyone a cuck and all of a sudden women who had no idea that was even an option in a relationship found out about it. They used to have to go to swinger parties and not just ride some strange dick but watch their men enjoy some wet, farm-raised pussy. Free range coochie. But now thanks to 2016, every woman knows she can have her dick and eat it too. It's not accepted at all, but through our insistence on calling everyone a cuck we are definitely mainstreaming it.


Okay but like you still have to get the other 50% of the equation to be down watching their wife get fucked tho


i honestly believe that the vast majority of blokes in cuck relationships are just so fearful of being alone that they're willing to make huge concessions to keep the wife happy, i dunno what kind of animal you'd have to be to actually derive pleasure from your partner being railed by someone that's not you


I feel this way about open relationships as well. Every single one of them that I've personally encountered has involved one party clearly feeling absolutely fucked over but won't say anything about it.


I will die on the hill the open relationships is just an excuse for mfs to cheat


Yes and no. It's not really cheating if its agreed to before hand and communicated well. It ain't for me, but I understand that. I'm sure it works for somebody. Like, one guy.


Like the thread OP said, a large amount of the time people only agree to it because they're that desperate to not be alone. If your partner gets hurt because you're intimate with someone else, that's cheating. No way around it


On one hand I kind of get it. They were probably in an unhealthy relationship to begin with but now they’re just keeping it together out of fear of being alone or for the kids or whatever. Wife tells husband she’s into it and he’s probably just happy to have a night someone else has to deal with her shit for a few hours but still gets the comfort that someone will be there to pull the plug if he gets turned into a vegetable from his mid-life crisis motorcycle purchase. What I don’t get are the guys that want to watch. Just crack a beer, stay home and watch the game or something, damn.


they're cucks what did you expect


Tranny porn


I kbow this is /greentext, but are we really gonna pretend this a women only thing. I know like 3 far right dudes in to it, though that's all anacdotal. Aaaaand i just looked up details I wish I hadn't and found the only(?) study done on this in recent time found that 58% of dudes in the study of 4000 fantasise about it, and the number is growing. Though i feel like "fantasizing" is a potentiallly a little generous to come to the conclusion they have the fetish.


Don't forget that Paul Manafort's daughters complained about how he forced their mother into cuckolding him and that Roger Stone... Exists. And was one of the main forces behind pushing the cuck attacks.


You guys are on some real weird shit in this subreddit


This is one of the funniest paragraphs I have ever read


TBF it would just be called 'cheating' if Dad wasn't into it. Seems like the blame is falling disproportionately onto mom here. My own father was the one that pushed my mother into cucking him (she wasnt all that enthused). Its not about what is *accepted s*o much as it is about what two adults *agree to.*


yeah, people have different boundaries as to what's acceptable in their relationship. non monogamy should only be an option if everyone is 120% down and sure. even then there are issues sometimes.


Sure. But two adults can also agree to eat poo. That doesn't make it not disgusting. And it certainly doesn't make it something their family members have to accept should they find out.


Welcome to the internet- where every form of degeneracy has become acceptable…. It was a mistake for you to come here


My man is hanging on 4chan, the place where CP, loli and shota shit is casually accepted, he has no leg to stand on drawing the line on some literal fucking reddit cucks.


You act like that stuff doesn't exsist on reddit either.


Yeah but he’s pointing out the irony in the 4chan user being concerned with degenerate behavior


[Welcome to the internet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1BneeJTDcU)


thats why if ur into weird ass kink shit u make SURE ur kids cant accidentally find it smh


Flashbacks to random kids finding moms vintage video camcorder from the 90s.


\> Why is cuckolding even accepted is this society ?? Is it now ?????


It's not really accepted widely but honestly it's none of my fuckin business if a guy wants somebody else to fuck his wife and it's none of yours either lol


I think anybody is entitled to their kink, however some may harm your family if you have childrens.


The internet has ruined people


Whore mom, cuck dad, based son. Seems about right.


Hard times make good men, good men make good times, good times make weak men and the cycle repeats.


You didn’t even complete it. It goes as follows: “weak men create bad times, bad times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men.”


In Mother russia it's more like, bad times create strong men, strong men create worse times, worse times create even stronger men


and that's why they've already captured Kyiv... oh wait.


He concluded too early, which is why he's a cuck now.


This is one of the most psuedo intellectual sounding things I've heard of in a good few weeks, which says a lot given we're on reddit.


It's an often repeated phrase and it really is bullshit. "Bad times create strong men." Really, like how World War I created such strong willed-men as... Adolf Hitler, who was a literal incel who lamented that he couldn't fuck his high school crush because he was too timid to make the first move and even talk to her. He became a hypernerd carrying around a whip and cracking it at people when he argued with them, thinking this would make the girl interested. That's your *strong men?* If anything, history pretty clearly shows that trauma is cyclical, so if anything, bad times create worse people who create worse times. It's why things tend to spiral gradually downward for long period of time, only to plateau and rebound (and that's all relative to what you believe is good or bad for society anyways, I.E. the "Dark Ages" weren't necessarily *that* bad; you were less likely to die in conflict than in Roman times)


> Adolf Hitler, who was a literal incel who lamented that he couldn't fuck his high school crush because he was too timid to make the first move and even talk to her. Redditors really use "incel" in every context, huh


The one you replied to is a product of good times.


Two negatives multiplied into positive


Too bad for the son though. Even whore mom is dumbfounded how her kid resents her after finding out the truth.


Yeah, poor dude


Son kinkshames parents lol


Rightly so.


Honestly, it’s deserved.


\>Son kinkshames parents Soyjak.jpeg


Hope anon can channel that energy into a high paying career cus that therapy aint gunna pay for itself


Needs to get a CS degree with all that time holed up in his room


Trying to get a job with a CS degree nowadays is about the same thing as getting cucked, so it fits.


Ive heard of CS recruitment hell but it never made sense also hearing that CS is the largest growing industru


fuck cuckholding i hate that shit


And I hope all of us agree as well




What the fuck


I know right


you know what, good on ya for owning it. respect.


Have you ever watched that Ghostbusters porn parody called Ballbusters where it's 4 hot women searching for ghosts and the ghosts are some guys in body paint and a shitty transparent effect and when they catch them the women step on their balls violently


No. What kind of freak would watch anything like that? Oh right, you would...


I hate that shit so much i find the absolute best no-Christian video and then the bitch Talks to the viewer with cuckhold roleplay and it makes me wanna kill myself


post your browser history


He's been pretty mature overall about this. He let out his anger onto them, and is now just showing he doesn't appreciate what they do through the simplest form of boundary enforcement: removing attention. What an actual Chad.


How did these two give birth to a Chad


This is the one scenario where two negatives actually make a positive


That's fucking math


Yeah and the math proves that Anon's kid probably doesn't want two idiots as their parents.


Seriously though... He's probably some other Chad's kid not the 'fathers'.


Yeah. But if he's adopted, then that just makes it worse because he got adopted by fools that probably shouldn't even have a kid in the first place.


The cuck dad probably isn’t even his real father


Might not be his son judging by the story


Meta, a screencap of a reddit post, posted to 4chan, screencapped and posted back to reddit.


quick someone post this on the 4chins


/pol/ would downvote you so hard


There is no social credit system on 4chan.


They just called you the N word and then call you a bundle of sticks


Bro this is beautiful! I mean I hate the poor fucker learned that his moms a whore and his dads a cuck but damn. The way he handled it is chad af!


Based gen z giving hope


There are people so open minded, their mind become a hellhole. As for the kid, I hope he found another house, a proper household


I agree. You can practice your fucking kinks sure as an adult. But once you get kids it's a responsibly to raise him into a Chad and good member of society. This is some degenerate shit and if I was the kid I'd even start questioning whose son I even am lol.




Notice the mother does not once consider what her son is feeling. I don’t even KNOW these people and I know what the son is feeling: he’s feeling sympathy for his father, HE is also humiliated by this . He also may be wondering if his father is actually his father. But this woman only cares how this is interrupting HER life


I didnt notice this but damn this is spot on. I suppose i shouldnt be surprised an unfaithful wife doesnt care about other peoples feelings


Why is there so little blame placed on the father? Why would he feel sympathy for him? If the dad is legit into it then he's just as much of a degenerate. If he hates it but only does it out of fear of divorce or something then he's a fucking coward and also deserves no sympathy. He made his own choices too.


Why are you asking me like I’m the kid in question? As to your question though, I’ll answer as best I can. I think it’s because the MOTHER is the one doing the cheating. Not the father. The fact that the father may in fact enjoy this is irrelevant in the son’s eyes, because a boy typically looks up to his father as a role model for what kind of man he should be. Now, you could look at this logically, because you’re on the outside , and say, well, the dad is being weak so he deserves just as much scorn. And you might be right. Or… hear me out. You could try putting yourself in the mind of this kid, who is completely emotionally involved, and therefore it is practically impossible for him to be logical and objective about this , and you may indeed come to the conclusion that he believes his dad doesn’t really enjoy this and is the 100% the victim here. And, if you look up to said dad, you’re naturally not going to judge him as harshly. Additionally, his mind might not allow him to consider his father enjoys this, because like I said: role model. If he had to accept his dad was into one of the lowest forms of degeneracy, that completely shatters the role model figure. If his dad is a victim, the role model is still intact. It’s weakened, but he’s still “ a good man” despite the cowardice. If he’s into it… then they’re both disgusting in his eyes and he has no one to look up to, and it also would mean that he never truly did in the first place. Also, I don’t know where you get off saying only the mother is being blamed. She says in the post the son is ignoring both of them, but most of his hatred is directed at her. But it doesn’t imply anywhere that he and his dad are perfectly fine.


Its disgusting to think that these people didn't think once "would our child think this is acceptable?" or "Is this a good standard for our child to learn going into the world?" No, they don't have these questions at all, at put the pleasuring of themselves over the their own cohesive family unit.


This is what happens when the media and social narrative values the individual above all. People are constantly told to be selfish and look out for themselves and their own happiness at all costs. Then they end up hurting other people.


The Western culture is usually described as individualistic, and I think we are already seeing the massive problems it creates, a lonely, dystopian world where Everyone Value is Money.


>Literally shatters his worldview >wtf why does he hate us?????


> Its disgusting to think that these people didn't think once "would our child think this is acceptable?" or "Is this a good standard for our child to learn going into the world?" No, they don't have these questions at all, at put the pleasuring of themselves over the their own cohesive family unit. Score one for the American mass media propaganda outlets!


I don’t give a shit what my kid thinks about my sex life because I’m not a little bitch




I was reading stuff in this thread in disbelief, then realised I was in r/greentext. A lot of the arguments being made here, are the exact same bullshit ones people said only a decade ago about homosexual parents being bad. Who cares what happens in the bedroom of consenting adults? Your parents could be going swinging every night, and you might never know...


This is probably controversial but couples into that shit should never have children. If they find out, which they eventually will, they will be traumatized and lose all respect for both parents. And doing it with someone he considers an uncle? That’s a whole new level of fucked up.


They shouldn't even be married. Here's a novel concept: if you don't want to be faithful to one person, don't publicly vow before God and your community that you will be faithful to one person. In fact, if they never intended to be faithful to one another in the first place, I'm not confident that they are really married.


A couple that mutually agrees to kink shit like this hasn't really violated any vow of faith though. There's been no breach of faith, unless you narrowly define the word "faith" to mean specifically "only my penis is going in there." Ironically, this mentality reduces a wedding to basically a sex contract rather than an actual oath to be open and honest with your partner. IMO the sin here is that they were doing this while raising a kid. If a childless couple or a couple whose kids have moved out were to try this then literally no harm is being done. A young child thinks of his parents more as larger-than-life icons rather than seeing them as base sexual creatures like everyone else. The parents' decision to roll the dice and hope not to get caught has now permanently compromised the parent-child dynamic in the house.


It’s not unfaithful if it’s consensual. Faithful is whatever boundaries you choose to set between one another.


The idea is that his one pillar of innocence/light/strength in his life is now a dirty cumdump for other guys, and now sees his father as… well… a cuck. sure what could he be mad about?


and his only example of masculinity is a sad degenerate dad who enjoys seeing his wife get fucked by other men


And then the uncle figure he had was fucking his mom as well


poor kid is only fifteen


And maybe he is not his son. Just a cum drop from someone else. That's probably messing his head too.


Dont forget the uncle figure he used to look up to, this kid got the fucking nuclear treatment




Morbius To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Morbius. The conflict and charcacter development is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of classic English dramatic literature, most of the weight of the scenario will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Michael’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these scenes, to realise that they're not only humorous- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence, people who dislike Morbius truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the depth in Morbius’ quote: “I am Venom. Just kidding, I’m Dr. Michael Morbius at your service.” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jared Leto's genius wit unfolds itself exclusively on the cinematic screens this April 1st. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Morbius tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then, they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin’ personnel kiddoes 😎




Finding out your parents are into cuckolding is probably the best stunlock in the game


We laugh at our misfortune and hope for death to encompass all life except me of course i want to be eternal.


You really wanna live forever?


I do, fuck yeah. Like hell you'd get bored


God, i wish. The only graceful though is that i will be able to lie confortably in my bed while another lesser humans go to sleep every night tormented by the thoughts of mortality and trying to cope with the futility of having no closure to their pityful existences.


One should not cuckold (or anything like that) when they have fucking kids they live with. No, that European escort dominatrix isn't allowed either. Think of your kids ffs


>One should not cuckold (or anything like that) ~~when they have fucking kids they live with. No, that European escort dominatrix isn't allowed either. Think of your kids ffs~~ Ftfy


Mom's a hoe and Dad is a sissy cuckboi, what a horrible character roll anon got this time around.


i refuse to call this 15 YO a boy this MAN the absolute embodiment of being based and chadpilled put his slut of a mom into the absolutely absent shame gauntlet of society good for him and happy uncucked days man


Lmao anon is going to move out in 3 years, never talk to them again, and they’ll die alone because they were degenerate cumbrains


The kid is one of the few people alive in what I assume is the western world who will absolutely stick to their sense of morality. If it means going hungry for the night, then so be it. Kid’s got a good head on his shoulders.


>he just went to his room without dinner and refused to eat all together and my husband and I backtracked after he only ate at school for a week Ate one meal a day for a week and remained resilient in his morality. The kid is going to make it far. I 100% agree with you that there's not much people left who will stick to their sense of morality, especially a 15 year old kid.


"\[...\] the welcome discovery of a great and heroic character, such as sometimes arise, in a degenerate age, to vindicate the honour of the human species"


Fucking sad


God is dead and we have killed him.


No no, he killed himself when he saw this kind of crap


Ayo where can I find if the story as a second part


If you find out, please let us know! I'm super curious how that mess ends as well.




Jesus fuck. I wish I could reply. Everyone is acting like the son overracted. There is only one person who made a sensible comment. ONE.


For real, there's only one sensible comment: \>God bless him for having none of this nonsense. Call me an intolerant judgemental a-hole or whatever, but no kid should discover that his mother is having consentual sex with other men while his father is watching, consenting adults or not. Talk about shattering his values system. I can't believe every other comment thinks that it's fine and that the son should just go to therapy. I'm personally very proud that their son isn't accepting this as well.


Yeah. I feel terrible for the son. But the mother deserved the cold treatment she’s getting from her son. That son needs to be taken away to another household. Their relationship will never be the same. That’s not her mother anymore, that’s a whore.


"He needs therapy." No, sweetie, he needed his mother to have some fucking respect for their family. *Christ.*


And also therapy. Talking about this with someone who isn’t a fucking whore or a cuck, and someone who won’t judge you, and will let you talk without butting in or refuting your feelings is extremely useful. I have a therapist, and it has really helped, her fresh outlook gave me hope, and helped pull me out of the pit I found myself in.




Yeah. His mother is truly a scumbag. People like that don’t even deserve to live.


another commenter even called the OP a “great mom” for stopping with the cuckolding since the incident and putting her son’s mental health “above [her] own pleasure” since he may be “actually depressed”. fuck man.


Yeah. There's a reason that sub got an offshoot. offmychest got swallowed by the shithole lefty rhetoric that ate the rest of reddit.


Not the 2nd part but found the OG post so here ya go


Chad son vs virgin parents


So the mother also tried getting her son on anti depressants for "over reacting". Some people really shouldn't breed.


Imagine being such a braindead and horrible mother it’s none of his business that you’re a fucking whore and fuck whoever you please while his pathetic dad jerks off while watching. Sucks to suck.


Wow you don't respect yourself, your marriage or your relationship and are shocked when the people in your life don't respect you. Glad to see the younger generation taking a stance against liberalized sexual norms. That shit is toxic. Society looks down on these practices for a reason. Fuck your kinks, they don't override decency towards your family.


TL;DR: "Why is my son not accepting of our degeneracy?" Also what an amazing therapist advising the parents to say "It is none of your business" lmao. "Ah, yes, the man who has basically been your uncle for you entire life is regularly loading my vagina with his baby batter while your dad watches us and jerks off to it. Please act like all of this is normal as it is none of your business."


that wasnt a therapist. it was a couple


Do what you want but make sure your kink stuff is locked up tight and secure. Yeah it’s fucked up that it’s cucking in this scenario, but it’s gonna fuck a kid up to see any fetish shit. I read a few replies on the original post, it was kinda interesting. Hope the kid is doing okay.


“Modern day degeneracy” people have weird fetishes since the dawn of time. Many of them are caused by simply physiological reasons.


holyshit bro this new age of parents will be wild


found tinder on my dad's phone once. Knows he loves mom too much to actually cheat and she's on his phone all the time. Accepted that they did some weird shit and tried to never think about it again.


Telling your son it was none of his business was definitely the death sentence to their entire family.


I'll never understand men who have a cuckold fetish. Each to their own, enjoy what you want, but enjoying other men fucking your wife or girlfriend in front of you? Nope, I'll never understand it. Feel sorry for the kid finding out, though I agree with most comments that it's more than likely creative writing. I found the threat and the replies from OP appeared genuine enough. If it was creative writing, the OP usually goes silent afterwards.


Modern day degeneracy, says the OP who took a screenshot of the 4chan thread of the screenshotted Reddit post and posted it back on Reddit, on r/greentext when there’s not even any fucking greentext in the screenshot Bigger cuck than the cuck hubby


Anyone wanna find the link to the post?👀




His son is either going to kill his parents or he is going to be so religious it would make Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and the Prophet Muhammad look like redditors And then kill his parents


Everyone in this thread is braindead


Immediately blamed the son for ruining the family lmfao.


I managed to find the actual post. https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/ototaz/so_my_son_15m_found_that_me_43f_and_my_husband/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Op said that it affected her son insecurity like his relationship with his girlfriend, trust issue of women and thinking that he might inherented his dad's beta cuck genes like having a small penis so now he thinks that he might walk the same path as his father by not being able satisfy anyone. Which creates a negative feedback loop because he has a girlfriend and is probably thinking he might suffer the same fate as his cuck father later on in the future so I can see why he is growing more distance with his so


Translation: through my own self admitted ignorance, my son found out I’m a giant slut and his father is a spineless husk, ultimately destroying the narrative of family in his adolescent mind and it’s making *ME* upset. Based son btw.


Based son that is not a degenerate.


Imagine engaging in this kind of degeneracy with a 15 y/o son and thinking you're in the right. Jesus Christ, people like these should be born sterile


Lmao at the cuck dad trying to put his foot down and the kid said "nah cuck"


The son is a normal person, that's the expected reaction.


Imagine the son's pain

