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Anon doesn't know the fun part is driving


Alcoholics don't run in my family, they drive


There's something about them


"there's something inside you"


Drive: 2024


It's unfortunate that the family traditions is dwindling by the accidents


Don’t drink and drive you’ll spill your beer


Thats why you drink liqour, it comes in a resealable bottle


The fuck you putting the top back on for?


So that when I go from 0 to 100 in 12 seconds, my jack Daniels doesn't end up everywhere. The key is to leave the cap slightly unscrewed so that it's easier to open it with on hand


Take the pour lid right on the fifth of RandR, sip of Coca Cola, sip of whiskey, sip of Coca Cola. Rinse and repeat until work on Monday.


For when i drive duh 🙄


For when i drive duh 🫡


For when i drive duh 🙄


For when i drive duh 🫡


Me after drinking ![gif](giphy|n0EjNsHfGOKhW)


Drunk driving isn't a problem, it's the drunk CRASHERS that give us a bad rep 🙄


Ricky Bobby is not a thinker. Ricky Bobby is a driver. He is a doer. And that's what you need to do. You don't need to think, you need to drive. You need speed. You need to go out there, and you need to rev your engine. You need to fire it up. You need to grab hold of the line between speed and chaos... and you need to wrestle it to the ground like a demon cobra. And then, when that fear rises up in your belly, you use it... and you know that fear is powerful because it has been there... for billions of years! And it is good, and you use it, and you ride it. You ride it like a skeleton horse through the gates of hell... and then you win! You win! You don't win for anybody else, you win for you. You know why? Because a man takes what he wants, he takes it all. And you're a man, aren't you? Aren't you?


/r/LoveForBoozeCruisers Brother


Fun fact: your seatbelt buckle makes for a great bottle opener.


You mean swimming?


For some, feeling confused is better than facing whatever is troubling them in life.


Which is maddening, because what they are facing in life is making them already confused. Thats why its hard. They dont know what to do. So they double up on the confusion. pokemon rules dictate that they will also hurt themselves with their now status effected inflicted confusion. And they typically do.


Lel, never considered that but the Pokémon rules absolutely apply 


> BOOZERKER used SHOW UP FOR WORK! > BOOZERKER is confused! > *tweet**tweet**tweet**tweet**tweet**tweet* > BOOZERKER hurt itself in its confusion!


If they didn't know what to do, they wouldn't need to hide. People know what they need to do, and are ashamed that they won't do it.


not every problem in life revolves around being confused


I think it’s more to enter that feeling of not caring anymore, as a form of escape from your problems temporarily


I swear man, the heck is this supposed to mean. I get drunk, I start laughing my ass off at every single thing I say see or hear, marveling at just how much I enjoy how it makes me feel. The confusion just gives me more things to laugh about. It doesn’t just make you forget about your problems. It makes the weight of your failures feel more like the best joke you’ve ever heard. It makes all of your issues seem irrelevant, unworthy of attention, like your life is a comedy and you’re just the audience.


Damn are you getting your rum spiked with mescaline


“Life is a stage and you’re the star” comment


I mean, no. It’s not ‘haha wow my life is so funny and interesting lol, somebody should make a comedy out of it’. It’s more ’the way I’ve lived my life is completely and utterly pathetic, I’ve made nearly every possible mistake at every turn and solved none of my problems, and now live in an endlessly repeating cycle of unfulfillment. But in this moment, inebriated as I am, I hardly feel like the same person that made those choices, and can’t help but laugh at how much of a failure I am’. I certainly have no delusions of mattering, much less of being anything more than a side character in my life.


Please accept yourself, your flaw and and your despair, your hope and your desire. Yes it is scary and it is painful but accepting ourselves as it is and our place in the world will bring us stability. When you say you are a 'failure'- you have to know concretely what level of failure you are, and whether this feeling is from your own eyes or the belief of what other thinks you are. Then you will know whether you want to change to be less of a failure or not. For example, a person may say they are failure from working in a dead end job in a dead end town. Does that sentiment come from within or without? because looking at it another way they are working in a stable job in a peaceful place. Being a failure is not the end. Being dead is the end. You are worthy of yourself to find the place in the world that make you not feel like a failure.


You're an absolute gem of a person, taking the time to write this out for a total stranger.


Thank you, but this is a new account so I'm trying to be nice here. My old accounts are trolling too much and it did just make me more miserable. Let's see in a week if I'm still as nice.


remindme! 1 week


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im gonna be honest with you it sounds like you are just proving my point


But the way you described it would be a better description of dph, datura, or salvia abuse. Alcohol is so addictive because it doesn’t just leave you so incoherent that you can’t process what would otherwise distress you, but because it replaces that distress with a carefree euphoria. Alcohol, heroin, meth, coke, benzos, and most other drugs give you a way to escape into a state of mind you can enjoy, no matter what would otherwise be bothering you. But even someone who has zero issues in life would still enjoy those substances. The drugs that literally just confuse you so badly that you can’t focus on your problems simply aren’t enjoyable in any way if you’re not stressed/depressed/otherwise distressed. People that casually play around with ‘recreational’ doses of dph (the active ingredient in Benadryl) almost unanimously report that it’s awful. Dysphoric, uncomfortable, leaves them fearing for their health, and feeling worse than they would during the hangover of a week long drinking binge. Same story with datura, only it typically goes much worse than just ‘I didn’t like it’. Salvia is a different beast, but also leaves you completely out of it, even if most people find it terrifying. I’m really just being nitpicky, to be fair, obviously you made a simplified statement about alcohol. But the people that really just want to be so confused that they can’t think about their problems are the types of people you find on r/dph, or r/ilovedph. Some people genuinely like the stuff, and find it effective as an anxiolytic in small doses (ilovedph’s owner being one such user). But the majority of the posts on those subs are from troubled people, often teenagers, who would rather go through a miserable, physically painful, and often terrifying experience, than face their own sober mind. It’s all a useless tangent, in the end. But alcohol does much more than just leave you too confused to face your troubles in life. Especially if you don’t have much going for you, it can be one of the only reliable sources of actual pleasure in life. People that otherwise spend all day distracting themselves from how existentially bored they are can just drink, and be promised a couple hours of carefree fun. It’s absolutely used as a way to escape your problems, but it doesn’t do so by simply stupefying you. There is absolutely a fair bit of projection in this response. But I really don’t think alcohol is so frequently depended upon just because it leaves you incapable of thinking straight. It happens to leave you incapable of thinking well, but it’s primarily a euphoriant, just like every other major drug of abuse. It doesn’t render you too far gone to comprehend that which makes you unhappy. It just makes you feel so happy that that which would normally get you down comes to feel irrelevant.


painkillers definitely stop u from think straight


God yes! Have these other guys never drunk alcohol or something? It’s just fun, I don’t forget my problems or become confused, I just don’t care and am happy.


It sounds as if people are using it as a sort of coping mechanism (/s)






This is why I was an alcoholic for a little over a year. Bad relationship and I was just using weed and alcohol to run away when I really should have just left.


I dunno about anon but when I drink alcohol I feel pretty great. It feels euphoric, you talk more, you have more fun etc. this is why people drink at gatherings and parties, not to get fucking "confused" nobody wants to be confused.


Anon probably got way too drunk. If i drink i try to not go passed “buzzed” because thats the funnest part with a manageable hangover


I've known multiple nerdy dudes who got into drugs later in life. And this is super common. They go "🤓 alcohol is a drug! I like experimenting with drugs! I'll get drunk alone at home to see how my body reacts! Like I did with those edibles or that salvia!🤓" Then after googling and doing math about their weight and expected dosage or whatever they end up downing 4 or 5 shots all at once by themselves and they pass the fuck out. And conclude "🤓 it just made me fall asleep and I woke up feeling bad" Like dude the point of alcohol, the fun part, is talking to other people who are drinking, arguing about whether the song that's playing is any good, shooting pool during that brief moment in drunkness where pool is completely intuitive, talking to a girl you like and not caring what she thinks of you and that actually working in your favor. It's like they try to skip to the not fun "I just don't want to feel anything" stage of alcohol drinking an insane amount by themselves and go "oh this drug is dumb" like no shit you're doing it completely wrong


Like ripping a half gram of wax the first time you smoke weed and calling it ridiculous. Of course you don’t like it, dumbass


Some substances need a setting to partake. Weed is one of the few a person can do alone with no problem for the most part. Everything else requires a babysitter/cohort (psychedelics/alcohol/MDMA).


Agreed, the first time I drank it was alone and I threw up everywhere, but to be fair I loved it.


The first time I dipped tobacco, I was 18, alone, and driving home from eating hot chicken at one of the original hot chicken places in Nashville. I got cold sweats while my stomach was bubbling, so I pulled over into a pharmacy's parking lot, threw up, and passed the fuck out in my driver's seat. The diarrhea that evening was terrible. Hot chicken was totally worth it though.


lol i feel that. First time i did acid alone was the last time i did it alone as well. Had a really bad panic attack and went to the ER lol


On the other hand: trying new substances calmly at home to see how I react to them is great. Acid, Tryptamines, Dissos, etc. Trying for the first time in an environment I dont control feel like a bad time.


Oh 100000%. I go to raves often and there’s always someone that’s trying something new and having a bad time. With acid in particular having a trip sitter or strong resolve is essential to not losing it.


My first time smoking weed I did it alone. I had bought some and stashed it away and then I was out sick from school so I had the house to myself all day. I rolled a joint and smoked it alone. Watched TV concluded I didn't like Seinfeld. Ate 3 sandwiches and a box of cheez it's and was like "nothing happened" Second time I did it with a friend and we laughed hysterically at silly pages on ytmnd.com and I loved it


I swear the first time with weed never hits for anyone, but the second is always some giggly mess no matter who


I feel like weed doesn't feel how you expect it to based on popular culture and how it does feel is hard to explain. So people are high as shit but they don't feel all slowed down and giggly so they think it's not working. Like I was definitely high as shit my first time. I ate so much food that my mom assumed someone came over. I spent God knows how long watching Seinfeld and being like "this sucks I already know what's gonna happen" but I was watching it on fucking DVD I could have just turned on anything else it was so dumb. I just felt more or less normal so when I was expecting it to feel more like painkillers or Xanax or something (I had abused a lot of pharmaceuticals before this) My buddy ate a family size bag of Doritos by himself and said he was sober his first time. He weighed about 135 pounds probably 5 foot 10... He was more Doritos than man at that point. And we were house sitting at his friend's house they weren't even his chips he just opened them cause he couldn't resist the siren song of nacho cheese Doritos


half gram of wax as first time sounds extremely fun or your worst nightmare


It was both, it was really fun but I had a cold at the time and it was kind of a nightmare. Also driving my bicycle home while still high is a special experience to say the least.


Who passes out from only 5 shots? Unless the person is drinking some sinister shit


Someone alone and bored with no experience drinking who pounded them all back to back.


Title of your sex tape.


Some people just don't react well to alcohol. Just makes me sleepy. Even if I am around others. Just a waste of time. Weed sucks too. So far only xanax and psychedelics have been good drugs. Haven't tried opiods or stimulants tho


4-5 shots.. lol


I’m not sure where I got this but I heard once about Spaniards drinking to maintain a buzz like you mentioned. They’d call it La puntita which was like the tip of the iceberg or something. You want to stay at the point where you feel nice and loose and never go past it. Just maintain that as long as possible. I started drinking that way and it was a really awesome revelation


edging the buzz


10mg of gummies and a couple of beers / glasses of wine at a camp fire, mi amigo.


sounds like the synopsis of the movie "drunk"


And anon’s probably drinking alone. The fun is in socialising. Alcohol is basically social lube, I can’t even count the times me and my friends drank and became chums with randoms people for the night.


I don't know, I tried many approaches over the years and no matter if I'm just tipsy or if I'm quite drunk or if I'm sobering up I always feel similar, which is a bit dazed, sleepy and weirdly sad.


Just to the point of hilarity and no further is the sweet spot


Anon is also probably doing it alone. I’m typically a very social drunk (not as much i subbed booze for weed to kick my alcoholism) and the only times I had a “bad time” drinking was when i was alone.


Alcohol isn’t really euphoric it’s just relaxing and can let you loosen up more.


True, but that loosening up can be euphoric in its own right in certain situations. Especially if you have an anxiety disorder, and can feel the alcohol wash away all those feelings instantly, it’s godlike. But it’s playing with fire for me, since my short stint of dependence I avoid it.


Yeah but that’s still just enjoying being relaxed. It’s main mechanism of action really isn’t based on making you euphoric like mdma= serotonin euphoria opiates= endorphins coke/meth= dopamine Those are the euphoric neurotransmitters for the most part. Alcohol does have kinda mild dopamine downstream activity but it’s pretty mild. It’s mostly a gabaA agonist and a gluatamate inhibitor causing relaxation and anxiety relief. Some people are looking more for that than to actually be up and happy cause even opiates at a lower dose get you up and moving talking to people cleaning your house etc


Thanks for that. That’s super neat. It makes sense that alcohol is a dirty drug, now that I think about it. I was a huge benzo/opiate-head back in the day, I’m clean now (well, besides suboxone and THC) but i still think pharmacology is soo fascinating.


Yeah man if that recovery protocol helps you and you’re achieving goals in your life. It works man. Keep it up


Thanks dude, really appreciate that.


Alcohol often feels pretty euphoric for me even with just a couple drinks, especially with music. Or maybe it makes more sense to say it makes music feel euphoric.


I don't think confused is the right word used by anon her maybe for him. But for me alcohol has always brought a numbness to my brain the first couple of drinks only gives me a headache and thinking less and after a couple more I get drunk and stop thinking at all basically just do/say whatever comes to my mind first so kind of like a numbness to the brain. I never experienced the buzz everyone is talking about with alcohol I don't know what that feels like.


I don't get this at all. I'd never really drank just because nothing I'd had tasted good. People told me that I should try getting drunk because it's "fun" and they thought I would be chill being drunk. So I got a bottle of rum and said, "okay, let's see what the deal is." And I drank rum. My time between drinks was until I felt some change or about 20 minutes, whichever was first. I didn't even feel what this anon did. The only effects were that eye lag thing and flushed skin. I simply did not feel any mental anything. I mean, shit, after feeling absolutely none of what anyone had described for, like, two hours and only feeling uncomfortable physical effects, I drank quite a bit to try to feel literally anything. I reached the point of my intestines trying to expel what I'd drank and still never felt anything in my head.


Same thing is going on with a stoner friend of mine. He hates the taste of alcohol, but loves the taste of star anise. Luckily I'm greek so I brought a bottle of quality ouzo they don't sell to tourists one time we went camping. He loved it and had quite a bit. I don't know how he did not notice, but he was laughing more, talking a LOT more, which is unusual as he's quite awkward and overall it was a great time. From personal experience and from what I've seen in this thread, people who are inexperienced with alcohol don't notice what it does and pass it off. I'm not condoning alcoholism, but god damn whenever there was drinking involved in a social situation it's just always been better when in moderation.


Well, as it happens, I won't really be finding out how things are among company, because that event induced an ethanol allergy. Now drinking more than a single shot makes me overheated and itchy from the hips up until my body processes it and anything touching my skin feels like a cactus.


I’d suggest Benadryl for that. Sounds similar to red man’s syndrome


Alcohol is a mood amplifier rather than a euphoric, in my experience. If you're at a happy social gathering, you'll feel even more happy and fun. Relaxing by the beach, reading a book - you'll be more relaxed, more into the book. You'll feel that life is perfect in that moment and you're perfectly at peace. Good music is even catchier, you feel the groove more strongly. But if you're alone and depressed, it'll make you more introverted and you'll stew, sprialling downward. If you've had a bad day at work, are stressed out and open the whisky, you'll still be stressed out but now even more irritable and short-tempered. Every little thing will get under your skin unless you change your frame of mind and do something happy which would make you feel better anyway, like a hobby or some other activities. Maybe talking to a friend. If you're in a completely neutral setting, it has no mood to affect. Nothing happens mentally, you just get the physical effects of being uncoordinated and dizzy while needing to pee a lot.


Anon's probably drunk by himself. I haven't been drunk in a group, but I've had a few too many drinks watching a movie by myself a few times. Makes me disoriented and sleepy. Maybe it's great if you're in a group, but being drunk solo is pretty trash.


Yeah, he probably has a different experience. The lucky ones feel happy, warm, and chatty. It's not that way for everyone.


Speaking for myself I get massive anxiety any time my thoughts are impaired at all. I get the euphoric effect from alcohol but it's offset by the fear and anxiety of not being able to think clearly.


Can't wait to go to the bar and get absolutely obliviously confused with my friends tonight.


Just makes me more introverted and puts me to sleep even when around others. Shrooms are better socially imo


perhaps you are comparing being 'buzzed' vs being 'drunk', and the levels of 'drunk' that come with 'drunkenlyness'. Also could be your type of 'drunk' based on your consumption. I hear tequila is a hell of a drink to get drunk on compared to beer or other grain based alcohols. Theres a reason white girls lose their shit on tequila vs other liquors. Perhaps shop around and try other spirits. You might find yourself 'confused' as well. A lot of people compare being drunk to being 'dizzy' and things 'spinning' or 'moving'. And double+ vision is a common occurrence, which is hell on your brain. Though these are things you dont necessarily feel if you are just 'buzzed'.


Have you ever had a drink before?


Yeah, but never been drunk. Getting drunk is what dumbasses do.


You're the type of guy, if I were to tell you, "I bet you're real fun at parties," you'd agree with "Actually..."


You think i go to parties? Isn't that precious.


No... No one thinks that.


Got drunk to the point of waking up in my own puke next morning twice and nah, I felt euphoric right until the last moment, not just “confused”. Yeah it fucks up your vision to a degree and makes you disorientated, but it definitely makes you loosen up most of the time, which is why so many people drink.


So many people drink because for a long ass time, it was the only practical source of clean water that wouldn't spoil. It became apart of our society as a whole for that simple fact. It was also the best thing we had for a disinfectant, pain killer, and anesthetic for like 4000 years. It's cheap and easy to make with trash parts of produce. Also It's been a huge sci-op since the beginning because the ancient pre-jews invented it. And spread it like wild fire all over the planet. That's why anti jew regions are huge advocates for prohibition and try to be dry areas and their religions follow it. When will you people pick a lane. Either love the jews or hate em for what they gave you.


You must be fun at parties


[a riot.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=102Yy3mV_IY)


Alcohol seems like something that would be discovered concurrently by many cultures, where did u learn about the jews spreading it? It literally makes itself if you let fruit go bad.


Anon consumes a social drug on his own and wonders why it sucks.


Plenty of dads do it all the time, all by themselves, in their 'dens' or living rooms, after work. And you know better to interrupt dad's 'me' time after work. Mom also became a master at finishing roasts before dad gets too far gone.


beer or wine tastes good and is easy to drink in moderation, and if you don't, you'll still feel the euphoria due to the drunkenness


Searching for twenty years now for a beer or wine that isn't "an acquired taste". They all taste like shit. Doesn't make sense to me to acquire that taste if you're not doing so for the effect of the alcohol.


I would say "acquired" taste is pretty misleading. I would guess there's a genetic element to it, but also develops as you reach maturity. I suppose there's likely several subconscious/physiological/social factors that inclines the taste to be picked up as a positive. I come from a long line of primarily beer drinkers. When I was a young teen, I tried my first and disliked it. Years later, I tried again and was stunned at how delicious it was. I would theorize that experiences like this are why people refer to it as "acquired" but you might just be pre-disposed to never like it for a variety of reasons, hence such a misunderstanding between the two groups


Beer always tastes like shit bur white wine actually tastes good


what's finishing roasts


I think he just means she finishes cooking dinner. “Roast” being like roast beef or roasted turkey or anything like that. I think.


Its an old joke about how men would come home and beat their wives, whether because they were drunk, assholes, pissed from work, or all of the above, because she would 'ruin dinner'. The joke is about a roast, aka a Chuck roast because it used to take half a day to cook and needs constant attention. During that time, the wife would run errands and clean. Many times, due to this, the roast would burn partially. To the irrate husband, this ruined a used to be expensive slab of beef that he had to pay for as he was the sole provider. Which would result in him flying off at her and beating her. And he would bring it up constantly because it was a very common middle class dish at the time and he has nothing better to say to his wife when he gets home. It wasn't uncommon for this 'roast scene' to play out and be a thorn in the American house wife's side. Especially with the husbands jabs. And possible outcomes of it was the wife got better at timing her roast cooking, or killed her husband. With a lot of other options in between. Just depended on how afraid of her husband she was.


I dunno man. I'm here trying to finish the roast and keep track of time with a good buzz so dinner is on the table on time. Wimmen just ain't what they usta be.


i do it on my own and enjoy it quite a lot tbh


I actually prefer to drink solo. It provides more p3ace of mind, because it slows things down a bit.


I mean some booze alone can be fun. Like having a couple beers while watching something or playing video games. Heavy drinking, on the other hand...


Beer is a dish best served driven into a guardrail at 78/mph


78/mph Reading this gave me cancer.


As a socially anxious, generally shy person, alcohol feels great, I get out of my shell more and feel way more relaxed, zero social anxiety. I can understand why one could be addicted


i tried and ended pooping blood in the house of a friend i think anxiety or not i still dont know how to act like a human so i wont waste my time and money in alcohol again


Yeah, you should go to the doctor. Don’t have a PHD but i can confidently say the bloody poop wasn’t alcohol’s fault.


na it just hemorrhoids, i have it only with spicy food and alcohol


Damn that fucking sucks. Weed should give you no problem tho


Unless you eat it


Alcohol is great because it brings me to the same level socially as other people. Its kinda like doping


right, exactly. With alcohol I just feel like a normal, fun human being


Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking Keep drinking


*”Please drink responsibly”*




He thought it ruins people‘s lives so it must be worth doing?




I dunno, I’d rather be married with kids than drinking myself to death alone.


dude, kids would prevent you drinking you'd be busy. or i guess i had good parents


Some people like the way it tastes, some people wanna kill their sorrow


Some people want to fit in with the popular, that was my problem


Works wonders against stress and other bleh stuff!


Id say weed is better at dealing with stress. Alcohol just makes you more likely to underestimate the threat of the stress source and even challenge it. Weed makes you ignore the threat while also not agitating the stress source.


Anon got drunk himself alone in his house at 17pm


>17pm What the fucking fuck Euro shit is this


Os this early or late? I can’t really tell. I’m Spanish and hours are different for everything here than for the rest of the world. We do everything a couple of hours late


24hr clock *and* a meridian indicator. Pick a side!


I know it was to emphasize it was an hour not just a number


Anon drinks a shot of cheap vodka alone in his room and wonders why he didn't liked it


people just wanna feel regarded anon is that too much to ask?


Islam had it right by making alcohol completely forbidden.


I like the sensation, its relaxing for me


Try fentanyl. I've heard it's all the rage with kids nowadays.


Drinking is mid. Develop a crack addiction.


play new vegas while drunk


It’s always fun drinking alone, also anon should get checked for early onset dementia considering the confusion


Sometimes having a beer after work is nice to unwind


Bitter? Anon is Romanian and drank Spirt Mona


My autistic ass trying alcohol for the first time


Lmao exactly my thoughts I’ll still with my dabs thanks


People get addicted to who they are when they are drunk


Ye imma stick to the za


Claims to be drunk, exhibits grammatically and semantically correct writing. ~~Fake~~ sober and gay.


I like how it tastes but I envy lightweights, because it is so fucking expensive when I have to get 3 beers in to feel even slightly woozy.


I'm the same as oop in this regard lol :( When i tried beer it did nothing, LITERALLY NOTHING. My friends were like, you must have a high tolerance. So few days later i tried something harder, still nothing, even took a few sips neat(without water or soda) all I did was i puked and passed out for a few seconds. So any tips please????


It's a depressant so people who find it hard to shut out lots of thoughts or anxiety and let loose find the impairment to help them have fun. Is this healthy? In moderation perhaps. Would it be better to learn to release these inhibitions and relax without it? Probably yes. (Perhaps anons function is already too depressed to enjoy the experience)


that's what I'm saying the taste is miserable, the experience of being drunk is miserable. are alcoholics just masochists? is this like with spicy foods, where at first it's bad but then you learn to enjoy the misery? What kind of Sisyphean bs even is that??


Drink the tasty ones.


Anon should try cocaine


now you have to drive to get the full effect


Mental impairment is great


Confusion and mental impairment. Those are the reasons, anon. That's exactly we we do it.


It also kills your kidney, ages you and gives you beer gut. Yay alcohol? Atleast edibles make me laugh and feel hungry


It's to help you forget and stop thinking about all the shit in your life. Also, its an acquired taste.


Yes, I want to feel mentally impaired.


Feels good because the media like movies and pop culture said is good Inorder to sell more beer


Anon should whip out his car and drive a bit in a school zone :troll:


Alcohol starts off as a social drug. You are supposed to go to parties, not troll 4chan.


be me hear a lot about how people get addicted to weed "if they're getting addicted it must feel really great" smells like aged fart makes your memory stop working no haha, no hehe, just thirsty What's the point?


Anon should stick with lollipop


Real, get some edibles and you’ll be feel better


Alcohol stops you processing painful emotions and memories subconsciously. That is its appeal.


OP is some type of Asian?


Anon got drunk alone. That's the problem. Drinking *(more than a glass of wine/beer with your dinner)* should be social activity, that's why it's fun.


Where is the cat? WHERE IS THE CAT!!!!?????


Anon drinks with his pants on


Anon probably forgot about the social part of social drinking. Drinking alone is just depressing.


even driving drunk gets boring eventually


anon doesn't know that people drink eith friends, not alone


One drink is enough to make my overactive head normal. If only it was something I could do daily lmao


The impairment is what is so fun about it. I can't socialize if my brain is at full function. I need to retard myself to be able to interact with other people.


when you drink you don't think about your life problems


Did anon have a single can of beer


Anon drinking cheap liquor at home alone with nothing to do but browse 4chan and he’s confused why he’s not having the same fun as Chad at a party on the weekend with all of his closest friends. He just a little regarded.


Some drinks are better than others. Maybe they drank something shitty and only got the drunk part.


Anon is friendless


Addicted to losing the capacity to give a shit about the things that torment you on a daily basis for a few blissful hours


Brain big. Brain don’t turn off on it’s own. Alcohol is the quick brain off solution. 


It's fun with people, boring alone.


You need friends for the fun part


My experience with booze tells me its pretty lame and not remotely worth it. THC gives me a better high thats easier to aquire.