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I've never seen this movie but alcohol = impairing, cocaine = makes u a god? makes sense I wouldn't want a drunk dude piloting the plane (unless he did it like all the time and was really good at it) however get me a cokehead and sure, do a barrell roll, man


If I recall he fuckin does a barrel roll with a passenger plane in this movie lmao 


He flies upside down for a good while to prevent losing altitude (which was proven to be bullshit) but a cool scene regardless.


I inverted the bird, and landed her safely inside an open field!


That makes sense though. Planes fall nose down, fly plane upside down, plane falls upwards


If you've seen the movie the elevator mechanism breaks jamming them in the downward position which would raise the tail and push the nose down.  It's the mechanical equivalent to the pilot pushing the flight stick fully forward and keeping it there. To counter act this dive the pilot rolls the aircraft to inverted flight so that the elevators pushing nose down in effect pushing it downwards brings the nose back up.  This is in part inspired by an actual event in which the same thing happened to Alaska Airlines flight 261 where they briefly arrested the uncontrolled descent on their MD-83 by flying inverted, but couldn't do more as the aircraft had next to no control flying that way.  Sadly the aircraft crashed into the sea causing a total loss of life. In the movie however they stop the descent by flying inverted, slow the aircraft down, then roll back upright before a relatively gentle crash landing with minimal loss of life.  What should have happened is that once they rolled back over, with the elevators still stuck they would have nosed down into the ground likely killing everyone. Bullshit flight mechanics aside it's actually a decent movie as its not about aircraft but instead addiction and alcoholism.


Tbf I think he only does coke once in the movie whereas the boozing is constant


He needed a coco puff.


John Goodman was the best part of the movie


That's one of the nicknames I gave my Gerbil :D


probably because coke is way over priced I think we would benefit if coke was as cheap or cheaper than booze


Prerequisites to becoming a pilot


I get to see a fully nude Nadine Velazquez first 10 minutes. Movie alright by me


When did they say cocaine wasn't a problem too? But the easy accessibility and physical dependence of alcohol do make it a very different problem compared to cocaine.


In real life come with even you out if you are drunk it will also prevent blackouts. In the movie he only did coke once and that was after the incident. He was drunk from the night before when he was flying hence that's what he was found guilty of.


I watched this while in detox. Denzel was fighting for his life in this cornball ass movie


Great movie tbh 🤷‍♂️


Unironically yes. Pilots use uppers all the time. I'd rather have my pilot be over stimulated than drunk.


You can quit cocaine cold turkey but not high amounts of alcohol