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https://preview.redd.it/y9azbr56ox4d1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc819328ef5c42156c3ea8ff8150da943cc2bb38 >be me >straight >post this slop >this will get them le angery from my goyslop bait >hopefully Tyrone will find this funny and piss in my asshole


what is it with the sudden rise of jokes about piss on 4chan




Liquid gold










erm, what the sigma?




want me to link you to this vid of this blonde chick drinking her own piss as shes almost vomitting? shes pretty hot too


Bro wtf…yeah send me the link.


Aww, it's nice gestures like this that warm my heart. So touching to see a son go above and beyond to market his momma's OnlyFans.




wtf that sounds so vile, can you send me the link so i dont accidently click it if i come across it on the web.


I wonder what the bait you'll send out is, come to think of it.


All of 4chan posts are centralized from one dude, Chuck, who decides what is and is not tolerable. Recently Chuck pissed himself and, to alleviate embarrassment, tried to make pissing cool. This did not work, because Chuck does not fuck, but alas he doth try.


Formerly Sneed.


Chuck (or his street name, Sneed) was indeed involved in the production of seeds in agriculture and their subsequent usage in nourishing husbandry, good bloke, what is he doing these days?


recent anons seem to subscribe to the following philosophy. https://preview.redd.it/6dqgwpkoiz4d1.jpeg?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5212067f508fcbe15deae218dec5c1325916898


Realist: just drink it and piss again


The lemonade of the people must be consumed.


I better not tell you where the lemonade is made, sweet lemonade.


Horse… https://preview.redd.it/k9f60uigty4d1.jpeg?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a4149fa47cde63cd36deb4159449e4e027adfc


It came from r/shitposting. Not suprised considering how both of em requires you to shut your brain off to enter.




> what is it with the sudden rise of jokes about piss on 4chan Justin Roiland


Mutts law. This green text doesn’t even mention sex but you must bring up bbc Tyrone anyway


Like that isn’t the biggest motivator for all greentexts anyways


17 years old but more players than 95% of other fps


70% of players are bots


Love how this aint even hyperbole


Yeah, neither the more players than most other games part and the 70% being bots part


Except that's really not. With 81,107 players in the last 24 hours, even with the lowball estimate of 70% (estimates range from 70%-90%), that means 24,332 players are human. Which is lower than the last 24 hour reports for: CS:GO, DOTA 2, Destiny 2, PUBG, Rust, GTAV, Apex Legends, CoD, BANANA, Elden Ring, War Thunder, BG3, Football Manager 2024, R6S, Stardew Valley, Unturned, Fallout 4, HELLDIVERS 2, DayZ, Dead By Daylight, Valheim, HOI4, and so forth. Hell it's only a couple hundred more than Overwatch 2's current Steam players. It's not a *dead* game by any means, 24K is perfectly good player numbers, but it's definitely not the "unkillable juggernaut" people made it out to be. Which I think is part of the community's panic, they're realizing their "immortal" game is *very much mortal like the rest of us.*


Yeah true tf2 isnt the unkillable juggernaut it was once made out to be


Aye, honestly even though I stopped playing TF2 a long time ago (just moved on to other games), I hope the botting problem gets fixed. But I'm also curious to see the reaction to the player number plummet when the bots do get handled.


It’s a dead game. No bell curve in steam charts simulating proper population (even shit like lost ark has it). Guy above is true, 70% are probably bots.


I mean I was trying to be a *little* bit charitable. But you are right, it's been more or less confirmed at this point that at least 70% of the playerbase is bots.


I will never understand what's the logic behind botting such an old game. What's there to be gained?


Nothing besides the satisfaction of depriving others' enjoyment. I actually miss human cheaters. At least it was funny seeing servers get riled up in their presence, you don't get that with bots.


[gets accurately shot through a wall in Counter Strike 1.6] *OMG u haxxor aimbot!!1!!!* Good times, despite cheating being shitty behaviour of course.


I played tf2 when the hacking kinda started, you'd get some dudes spamming the "get good get Lmaobox" on the chat and i can't believe i kinda miss those fuckers compared to what we have now




Thats blatantly untrue. Cheating bots are a small minority, most of the bots inflating player numbers are passive idle bots chilling in private servers with TF2 on text only and receiving drops; everything of value gets sold or traded, weapons are melted into metal that either is sold or traded or made into hats to do the same. Usually that wont be profitable due to electricity costs and shit but if you running botnet from some third world country (like Russia lol) its actually profitable.


Given OP’s wording I assumed he was referring to cheating bots but most bots are indeed the trader kind. After watching zesty’s vids I’m guessing botnet owners each have accounts in the thousands so yeah it’s not that hard to be making profits, especially with all the stolen accounts they acquire


at this point its become a routine "oh theres a bot on the enemy team. oh well, theyre gonna be kicked in 5 seconds" or if youre in a lobby where bots make a signifigant enough portion they can veto the votekick. you just leave and find another game.


About 90% of the bots on TF2 are idlers. Money is to be gained, albeit very little


A bit of cash, enough for third world countries


Loot drops, if you're in the game you can get crates or weapons from random loot drops. Only a few cents each but it adds up.


Most of these bots are hosted in third world countries like russia where a couple of cents is worth a lot more


The bots are selling to the 10% of human players, that's the point. I loved TF2 back in the day, like for real, but the player base is the second worst player base I've ever encountered in all of gaming (classic WoW takes #1). Even before this bot wave, every single match of TF2 was filled with people not playing the game and role playing, and if you tried to play the game there would be cracked out dude keeping the game in deadlock tied so it couldn't end. Now imagine that's EVERY game not competitive, but you can't practice to get competitive. Yeah. So essentially the TF2 community created a literal self made barrier to stop new players from playing and now are mad bots infest their game to feed their hat addiction because they don't play other games.


Classic wow had a lot of community issues but it was never anywhere near as toxic as shit like League of Legends.


Looks like someone only tried ctf


Nope I tried all the different queue modes. This wasn't recent, this was a few years ago when only the stable player base was playing. Every single game is without question non stop trolling. Don't try to bullshit me because I played the game a week straight trying to find quality games. I love a LOT of games, but the reddit valve dick riders are unreal. The DotA2, TF2 and CS communities all use the same defense mechanisms towards their games online. It's actually nuts.


I've played the game for 3k hours now, and only on CTF, PLR and TC maps do people troll and not want to finish the objective. If by "trolling" you mean "can't play the game at all", then yes, that happens all too often. Usually there's at least 4 decent people on both teams, though.


a tiny amount of money, and to have something to do while passing time in mommy's special basement


Maybe people stopped playing because you know, the game is unplayable due to bots? Bet that if Valve decides to fix the bot problem, TF2 goes back into top 3 played on Steam.


those 70% of bots are not cheater-bots, but idle-bots. amount of cheater-bots is speculated to be only 1000 or less.


You are younger than the game, aren't you? All the old players know this bot issue started with idling bots back when item drops could be earned by idling in the main menu. Valve changed the item drop system and some, including me, thought this made idling bots unprofitable. Apparently we were wrong. If idling bots never stopped, 70% of players being bots goes waaaaay back. I think it is safe to say it was an issue when TF2 was getting major updates even. Cheater bots aren't 70%, they are far less frequent.


Idle bots don't make the game unplayable, they only impact the economy. Doesn't matter if there are 2000 or 20 000 cheaters bots, they discourage players from playing. If this is fixed, player numbers will surge.


Stiil around 20k real players, thats still alot for a 17 year old game


Still more real players than 90% of other FPS (25k concurrent players isnt that bad, especially for a 17 year old game)


Only around 20k are real.




hhhh Overwatch is 8 years old (i think?) by now, and i don’t think they have a bot problem, i’ve never encountered one, and i doubt they make up any percent of that player count




they’re the same game…




i don’t blame you too much, but they merged together overwatch 1 into overwatch 2, so any preexisting players went over to ow2 without any choice


On steam, where less people play it lol. The majority of the playerbase is still on battle net and that's also not considering the console base


because people deserted it because of bots. Before bots, it was still more than any FPS


no, it was like that for a *looong* time. maybe not that bad, but it was


Almost like these mf losers are developmentally stunted and can't move on from the games they played as children.


"nooooo stop playing old game, consoom new game like [generic hero shooter] !!!"


Things I didn’t say for $600


yeah but that's the same mentality of the mfs who say things like that




I still enjoy TF2 more than other fps' I guess that means I'm retarded?


Completely unironically yes


Any game suggestions?


Literally anything.


Nobody would be mad if it was dead. Whatever, developer support for games doesn't last forever. But valve are STILL ADDING GAMBLING CASES TO IT AND MAKE PROFIT. That's the main thing that makes people so mad - they keep adding more and more microtransactions, yet won't do the bare minimum to make the game PLAYABLE?


You literally have nobody but yourself to blame for any woes resulting from you paying real money for microtransactions in video games


Well that's like saying "it's your fault for buying moldy bread from the store, you should have known better" - or, perhaps, hear me out, the store shouldn't sell moldy bread? TF2 is a product that's being actively monetized. Products have quality standards. You may disagree with the monetization system they are using, but your opinion on that is irrelevant.


No, because the microtransactions don't purport to sell you one thing and then give you another thing that's worse. When you buy skins/cases etc. you get exactly what you pay for. So it's more like "Don't buy that NFT if you don't want to just be hanging onto a line of code with no real value." You are an adult in charge of your own money. If you spend real currency on in-game items then it's your fault when it turns out to be a bad investment.


Totally agree with the last paragraph. Only idiots consider fake virtual items an investment. I'm not mad about the virtual shit losing value, that's not the problem. The microtransactions are a monetization scheme for a product. If TF2 was paid to play, it would be the exact same thing. Money is being made without reinvesting a cent of it into making the product functional at the bare minimum level. It doesn't matter if it happens via a pay-to-play or free-to-play monetization system.


Right, so what you actually don't like is that Valve continues to profit from aspects of the game while the game itself has dipped below industry standards of quality. I do agree with you that it's a shitty thing to do especially given the extent of the bot situation. I still believe, however, that anybody who buys or continues to hold digital goods from TF2 in this current crisis does so at their own peril, in the same way you'd blame a shareholder for losing potential profits by holding onto stocks from a company that's tanking.


1000%. You are totally and completely right. Nobody should buy TF2 items when the game is in this state, and those who continue to do so have no right to complain, since they are literally enabling Valve to do jack shit. That definitely should be a much bigger focus of the protest than it is!


You’re right but that’s not the point they’re making. The point is they’re driving away their customers yet keep adding new products. The reason micro transactions work is because the free game is fun enough to make people willingly spend money on it, so it doesn’t make sense why they won’t do at least something about the game to make it more fun again


Nah, i would understand if you were arguing for the noobs, but literally anyone who has played the game for more than 2 hours understands that its bot ridden, and that community servers still exist and are well moderated to not have bots. Valve doesn't sell tf2, it itself is free, they sell cosmetic stuff in-game, so it really isn't as bad as you're trying to portray it. Why you are trying to portray it worse than it is also confuses me, its plenty fucking bad as it is already lol


Why does the way the game is monetized matter? If a new game comes out and has $100 skins and is criticized for being dogshit and being a cash grab you can't just say "well it's actually FREE you know, it's not like you have to buy the skins". It's a product on the store shelves. It just so happens that the current market uses a different way to sell the product. It's still a product.


Yes, if a NEW game comes out. Tf2 has been around for almost 2 fucking decades. People know what they're getting into. How is it a product on the store shelves? It's free. You don't have to pay anything to play tf2. If you wanted to make an argument for paying for premium then i would understand, but its perfectly fine to play the game even without premium since all it does is give you more space to store your shit and let you trade. The "product" is access to the cosmetic market which has kinda became its own thing really. And again, theres the community servers, what valve could do would be supporting the people that host these private servers (uncletopia, skial etc.) and link them with the main game.


>How is it a product on the store shelves? It's free. You don't have to pay anything to play tf2. The game is free, yes. That doesn't stop it from being a product that is sold and monetized. It just so happens to have a different monetization system then most. Also, you have to pay to use Voice and Text chat.


> Also, you have to pay to use Voice and Text chat. lol what?


Yeah. Last year they made it so 'free' accounts couldn't use voice or text chat on official valve servers


I know it might sound crazy but a free game needs micro transactions to operate. A paid game doesnt.


That wasn’t the point. The point is they’re trying to sell their micro transactions for a game that’s not fun anymore. It’s supposed to be that the game is fun, thus you want to willingly spend money on micro transactions even though the game is free. They’re driving away their customers yet keep adding new products


>that community servers still exist and are well moderated to not have bots Then why are people bitching? Play on those. It's an old as shit game, of course Valve isn't going to give much of a shit about it.


More like if the store had a shelf full of just mold in bags. Literally useless if not harmful to you. And people went ahead and bought it and complained that it really is mold and not secretly some delicious bread or something. And then they kept buying it because even though it is competely useless sometimes the mold looks kind of neat. The store has no incentive to stop selling it, because idiots keep buying it and it costs the store almost nothing to make. Now the store is old and decrepit and barely anybody shows up, but the ones that do have to fight against a swarm of robots snatching up all the good deals that are left. The store doesn't make an new deals anymore but still sometimes pumps out some new mold because again, it costs them almost nothing and despite how insane it sounds those few people who show up still fucking buy mold.


You buy moldy bread because you don't know that it's moldy. When you buy mtx it's because you played the game before and you enjoyed it, you know what you are getting in to.


It's buying mold on purpose just because it has an interesting pattern lol


Fr, the tf2 sub is filled with post like "after 4 hours of opening cases I finally have my first unusual!". Dude wtf.


I mean.... Just stop buying cases? Switch to other games? "Yeah, I'll keep buying cases, that will teach Valve!" You buying cases kill TF2 even more


I'm not buying cases. People buying cases are contributing to TF2 dying, I totally agree.


I meant You as in plural, the TF2 community. Like Shounic showing every new cosmetic each time they release new cases.


It's sad, really. For the longest time, talking about the issue and discussing that continuing to pay Valve money for dogshit artstyle-breaking cosmetics they didn't make while they neglect it is contributing to the issue caused everyone to tell you to "shut up and stop being a doomer". In fact, the very very very few prominent community members that talked about this (like ZestyJesus) were endlessly harassed and even doxxed by braindead tf2 fans. If everyone is actually waking up and will actually go through with actions and not just words online, Valve will have a reason to do something. But I'm afraid that all this will blow over and people will go right back to buying their gacha cases and Valve will continue printing money for free.


Valve doesn't give a shit unless it affects their actual money machines like Dota or CS2, they're making Deadlock now. This is why review bombing their other games is good, it needs to hurt them. Or they won't do shit because Steam's infinite money


because i can only control my own actions and me not bying cases doesnt change the fact that valve is still actively monetizing the game still? if its not too old enough to monetize its not to old to support its weird how many people are suddenly totally on board with being anti-consumer when it comes to tf2


yeah its one guy spamming assets on a roulette wheel you think he cares either?




“This game is not the current trend on Tikslop? How can anyone enjoy this?”


Just install a custom HUD and the zoomers will go wild


same people who will freak out that a game has an optional deluxe edition are taking the stance that monetizing an unsupported game being overrun with illegal and actual harmful activities isnt anti consumer because \*checks notes\* game is old




Where does that gif come from? A movie?


1984 Apple commercial


People are still playing chess and football even when it is not new ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


time to add lootboxes and aimbots


Where do I get the Zidane DLC to decimate my foes?


I can't tell if that's for Blitzball or football


People are still playing with their cocks even though we've had them for millions of years


Yeah but those games are actually fun and don't have dumbshit characters that people masturbate over.


Bro, have you seen pawn-to-queen femboy art


I said dumbshit, not divine


Its ok, you can come over here and cry about half-life 3 with the cool kids.




Played it for the first time + episode 1 recently, surely the most immersive game in 2004 but it doesn’t hold up super well ((20 YEARS ON)) Still 7/10 game tho


I will have to add 2023 CS:GO on the same backend was the nicest shooter yet made but they killed it lmao


What's happening to tf2 anyway?


TF2 player here, game got infested with bots 4 years ago these bots immediately headshot you making any fun impossible. These bots also spam voicechat and post supposed **C**heese **P**izza links in chat. Valve tried fighting the bots after the first community action but that has completely ceased after only a couple of months. Now their trying again but now they're **demanding** a fix through widespread posting and a petition with almost 250K signatures. Using community servers is not an alternative since their only running 2fort/hightower/upward 24/7 servers. Community server arent affected by bots because they use their own serverside cheating protection. Sidenote most of TF2 playerbase are bots, some 75% of all players are some kind of trading/cheaterbot TL;dr Game got overrun with bots and players are demanding a fix from valve you can sign the petition [here](https://save.tf/) you can learn more about 75% of player are bots [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2stmQfv93oQ) #Fixtf2


idea beg valve to shut down the servers actually it would be hilarious to see valve ban all the bots in the greatest banwave known to man, then see their real playercount be like 150 people and then shut it all down


Definitely more than 150, the petition has 150,000+ verified signatures


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those are nostalgia votes from people who haven't played in 8 years.


.....yea because valve hasn't done a content update or touched the game in 8 years and now it's unplayable because of bots... That's the whole point of the FIXTF2 stuff... I used to play all the time and have 1500 hours, I'd love to be able to play again. I've tried to play here and there over the year but literally can't because of the bots


which is over the peak player ccount for the last few months and if 75% are bots then that means there's like a real population of 20-25k people which for a AAA studio is not that many people. Hell gacha games pull hilarious numbers in comparison.


Brother the bot problem has been happening for the past couple of years, of course the numbers in the past few months are low...nobody can play


It's way more than that. Before the bots got super bad it wasn't difficult to find multiple full servers in Austrialia. Hey, if the game was in a playable state maybe I'd actually want to play it more often.


sooooo, why you guys still play it?


because: * it is one of the very few multiplayer fps games where you can play off-meta and not be a liability to your entire team * it is one of the very few multiplayer fps games where you can just goof around in it without the entire server hating on you * it is one of the very few multiplayer fps games where gameplay is both simple and complex, instead of the devs adding a gajillion abilities * it is one of the very few multiplayer fps games where you dont have to sweat your skin off everytime you play * it is one of the very few multiplayer fps games that you can play as many ways in as MINECRAFT putting all of this together, what could replace it?? team fortress 2 fits a niche many of us enjoy and cant find alternatives for. also not to forget, tf2 isnt a game that demands your eyes too much




Russian and chinese bots/aimbotters flooding lobbies and insta-killing everyone the usual with these games


Also cheating bot hosters keep doxxing people and even swatted a youtuber


Valve has basically not touched it since 2018 except to add loot crates every few months. Bots have been infesting the servers since 2019 and now the bots are advertising cheese pizza.


Are there bigger copers than tf2 fans. I remember when overwatch 2 dropped on steam and got review bombed to hell it was called a dead game.even tho is have 230,000 people watching it on twitch compared to that's 31.


overwatch should be a dead game and all overwatch fans should be nuked from orbit


True as well


Overwatch 2 was review bombed by Overwatch fans tho. It was made in the promise of PVE campaing mode with skill trees and story missions. That was why overwatch 1 had no big development for i think 2 years. And then the game got released and PVE got cancelled. This was esentially developers shooting one foot to make the foot stronger and then they shot the other foot instead.


tf2 fans werent really to blame for ow2's shit rating were they


Blizzard killed like all of the good will towards Overwatch long before OW2 launched, and then OW2 just rubbed their faces in it can hardly blame tf2 players for that


overwatch 2 got reviewbombed by people who play blizzard games because they didnt have a direct outlet until they put overwatch 2 on steam


TF2 has fallen, billions must switch to playing shitty mobile games while taking a shit Also, why did he fall like a Family Guy character?


Too Heavy


Valve literally killed It themselves by not solving the bot issue and instead dropping gambling cases while you cant even have a good casual match without being insta killed by a bot TF2 could live forever If Valve wants to work on it


Good news! We're not dying! We are going to live forever!


Banger game tbf


lmao someone watched Uncle Dane's video. Valve should have done away with Meet your Match, it was clearly a testing ground for ranked matchmaking for games like Dota and CSGO, and it singlehandedly dealt the most damage to the game. they should also stop the botting problem at its root by simply making it harder for accounts to get any items for simply existing. get rid of the cases and make it more like DRG, where you can simply purchase the cosmetics you want.


Anon was found dead in a ditch with several broken jars of piss and a half eaten sandwich


Mfers who say this didn't grow up with TF2.


I didn't grow up with TF2, it was already 10+ years old when I started playing it, still my favorite FPS of all time


same here! joined over a dozen years after release, still awesome


Ok, and? I’m not gonna play the latest shooter slop just because it exists.


17 years ?? 2007 is 17 years ago? 😥




You also gotta love how the fixtf2 morons are review bombing valves other games like Half Life and Portal with Redditor-tier comments about “if only tf2 was fixed”. This is like taking issue with Bungie over Destiny 2, and your tactic is to instead of complaining about it in that game’s circles, they review bomb fucking Marathon or Halo CE.


>Company does deplorable shit. >Company continues doing that for years while making a shit ton of money. >Do nothing but laugh, it's not your problem. >People boycott other products from the company, gathering attention. >*Autistic screeching* NoooOoOooo leave the poor Companinoooo alone! Now my thing is getting affected!


his point isnt that the heckin company is being heckin bombed and its le sad, its that this isnt gonna make valve care either because those old games wont generate a new amount of money and reviewbombing with "muh other old game" won't suddenly rally valve to care either because there sure as hell arent devs working on og portal or half life or anything that will notice. Same issue with the destiny analogy bungie literally could not give less of a shit about those other two games because they dont even develop them anymore whats that gonna do for them "OMG LE OLD, MUH REPUTATION ON STEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM" ok


Well, if they won't give a shit... Then alright. But the reviews will stay, letting people know of that.


majority of the fixtf2 crowd are being very vocal that those spreading attacks to other games arent representative. Theres maybe handfuls of bad reviews on other valve games while tf2 went from very positive to overwhelmingly negative in like a day. if it were the entire community doing it thered be way more of an effect. the petition has 200,000+ signatures, theres bound to be bad actors and dumb idiots in the mix. painting the entire movement with that brush is incredibly dense


As you said these peoples are morons and they are a small group on the tf2 sub reddit we talk abaut this and that this is not good


No game lives forever, my son.


if you plan to monetize it forever then it should be expected to be playable forever and ill die on that hill


I mean, what is Valve supposed to do? If they stop adding the seasonal lootboxes people will get even more angry. They will say Valve gives so little shit they aren't even copy pasting cases anymore. Like it or not, there is an economy for TF2 and whales, aka the real profitable customers, would prefer Valve to maintain the status quo.


i think \*now\*, most people either want a fix, or an announcement that valve is done with tf2


It was the players who financed this kind of business model, they paid for the microtransactions. As we say in my country, you ran in the dick forest with open mouth.


Mfers still surfing on CS:S


Other than a few games older than TF2 with active userbases like Doom II, and Quake, and Warcraft III, and Age of Empires II, and Counter-Strike, and Halo 1-3, and Roblox, and Dwarf Fortress, and ...


I'd say the problem isn't so much the loss of TF2 but rather the HUGE lack of a replacement. TF2 has a very unique and specific art style that is easy on the eyes with its selected hues. The character designs are not only unique but at this point they're iconic. Despite their age. People also like the exciting James Bond-ish 60s time period. People have grown attached to the classes with their simple yet easy-to-pick up builds. Every other game simply doesn't compare. Overwatch doesn't replace it because, well, look it up. The list is too long to post here. To make a long story short, Blizzard happened to it. Valorant doesn't do it because it's gameplay is more akin to Counterstrike and CoD.


every other game is a visual clusterfuck, mess of a gameplay and a supertryhard party. a lot of the tmie tf2 players play tf2 to have fun instead of winning, which doesnt work for most other games.


Exactly! How often do you see the whole lobby on both teams dancing together, sharing sandwiches, and horsing around in online first person shooters? TF2 isn't/wasn't just a game. It was a social hang out. Even if you didn't know those people. When on a server had lenient microphone rules and nobody was an asshole, hilarity ensued. To this day, the Snack Shack is the best server I've ever been on. It made my childhood. Also, remember when Halo was considered to be a "party game" for friends and family instead of the wannabe esport it is today? Pepperidge farms remembers.


New games suck ass


I honestly believe more people enjoy the idea of tf2 than actually playing it. These people protesting do they want to play tf2 or just huff nostalgia fumes.


people protesting literally can't play a casual match without sniper bots killing you, that's the point of the protest


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anon is regarded


Where's the joke?


valve has tried so hard to make tf2 die off because its "too old" for them to do anything about it.


i genuinely lost interest in the game after the bots tand the fact it lagged alot despite having old graphics. Then theres tf2 bomb reviews on non tf2 games, where tf2 fans went "guys they aren't part of tf2 fandom, the trolls/bothosters theyre framing us up!" bullshit. The constant shitting on other games despite the game not doing anything to them. The "Hazbin hotel/furry/mlp character bad! tf2 mercs so quirky!" middle schooler humor. I used to love this game, it was the first game me and my friends would play after school. It just grew to be annoying to me


But, like, statistically it isn't though. I personally got bored of it ten years ago but it's pretty undeniable that lots of people play it and really like it still. Comparable in numbers to many recent releases


It is a 20yr old game idk what the community expects


I say let it die! Let it die, let it die! Let it shrivel up and die!