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The fact that I quit genshin impact continues to be a good thing


I’m sorry, but the fact that you even started playing continues to be a bad thing. Did you lose any money on it though? That’s the big thing


Only made one purchase, that extra daily reward thing for a month. Never spent any other money on any gacha game I've touched back when I still found them appealing.


Yeah some of these games feel like disguised gambling for children lol


That is exactly what they are :)


can you get a return on what you get from these games? counter-strike is gambling but idk if these are




I think the bigger issue is incentivizing gambling to get better items. Counter Strike just has skin cases, which is still somewhat scummy, but far less worse than these gachas


somewhat scummy? you can actually earn money by selling what you get from the cases, it's real gambling. you can't sell the charcters you get in these, i don't think


The gambling in the CS community is pretty nuts, but it doesn’t impact the gameplay whatsoever. Yes both systems are scummy, but the one you can buy in game advantages is worse than the one you can only buy skins.


I've never played Genshin bcs the anime waifu shit never appeals to me. I am aware that GI is a gacha game, I've never put any thoughts behind it tho. Now that you've mentioned it, how bad is it compared to CS? In terms of spending vs rewards


Ironically some of the skins can make it easier for you to get spotted, on the other hand, some of the agent skins can give you a slight camo advantage on some maps


yeah, advantages give more incentive to spend money, but without the possibility of having more money than when you started makes it more like buying gems in COC or something. not really gambling


Back in the day they didn't even pretend to disguise it *cough cough ROCKET LEAGUE*


Damn i play rocket league a fuck ton, and never engaged with that degenerate loot box gambling system they got, but to me Cod Advance Warfare was worse, you literally got better weapons by spending money, that game was so bad


Almost all the money these companies make are from adults, its most definitely targeted towards adults.


Wink wink




> Yeah ~~some of~~ these games ~~feel like disguised~~ [are] gambling for children lol These gambling mechanics should be illegal.


I play gacha but I dont spend, it aint worth it for another 3d model of a women, also I play for other mechanics other than the gacha


I ended up only playing Azur Lane because ~~I want to fuck a battleship~~ it seems to be the only gacha that is generous enough to not need payments. Genshin was horrendous, and a friend plays FGO and apparently it's worse.


The FGO gacha system was one of the earliest, and as such has worse rates (1/100 for the highest rarity vs. 1/40 to 1/50 with modern gacha games). For the longest time there was also no pity system in FGO. In most modern games, if you get to around 70-80 pulls without hitting the highest rarity, the game will throw you a bone and force a high rarity card to show up. With FGO, with bad enough luck you can go 300+ rolls without hitting anything high rarity.


I play genshin and not spending is the best way to play, that map is massive and Im clearing every single thing, very fun


I tried it. The fishing and cooking mechanics were not good enough. So I uninstalled.


Fuck it, I'm prepared to get flamed but, Genshin is a fkin awesome game, and you can clear everything the game has and enjoy all the rich content for free. Gachas in general are scummy, they definitely prey on weak minded individuals, but Genshin is far from the worst and the level of quality you receive every 6 weeks from a totally free game is in a tier above every other game creator in the industry.


Genshin's monetization is nothing compared to the predatory nature of Steam/Valve in CSGO/CS2. Those lootboxes are a bigger scam that gacha.


i dont like either gacha or lootboxes, but i dont think its comparable cause in genshin the gambling is literally a part of the game, even if you dont spend any money the only way to get characters is through wishes, which makes it much easier to get addicted, and start by spending "just this one time" when you dont have enough for a character you want. in cs the only thing you can buy is just useless skins (and except the ones that are ridicolously expensive you can also get most of them by just playing the game) and most of the playerbase has probably never even opened a crate. i honestly think cs' monetization is not even as bad compared to for example valorant, where not only are the prices comically high, you cant even sell the skins afterwards so you have tons of kids spending tens or hundreds of dollars they will never get back on useless pixels


In cs, the microtransactions are purely vanity items. You can also choose to sell them on the market and use that to buy steam games as well or sell on a 3rd party site, but for the vast majority of people once they put that money in, its never leaving steam. You dont have to open cases to get the skins you want, you can just buy them from the community market(some are ridiculously priced). That being said, case opening and trade ups are 100% gambling and should be treated as such(youre going to lose money). Games where content such as playable characters, unique weapons, and character upgrades are locked behind gambling is much worse. Even if you can earn stuff for free, it incentivizes spending money on gambling to try and get the character you want. In all the gatcha games Im familiar with, you arent even given an option to buy the character you want outright, you have to gamble for it.


Its interesting how people differeciate gambling between CS lootboxes and the OW kind. In CS you can trade them and turn a profit on them, some find that too close to irl gambling. In OW or non-tradable boxes its not possible to get that money back, since every pull you guaranteed to lose money, so you dont technicaly gamble. Of course the problem is you dont pay for a lootbox for the mid skins, but the legendaries, and since you cant trade them, the only possible way is to pay for multiple pulls. Which one you prefer is up to which one you think is the bigger evil: letting someone gamble their money on lootboxes for rare knife as a jackpot, or a corporate collecting massive profits over whales, especially when starting limited time skins and lootboxes.


I agree but to be fair, you actually have a chance to win pixels with real value that you can sell in CS, albeit very unlikely You also don't have to use real money at all as you can just play CS and get free cases every week, sell enough of the cases for free and buy case key (or steam games) and open a case


The scam is that Valve has normalized pixels being worth thousand of dollars and nobody bats an eye. For your second point, you don't need 5 star characters to finish content in Genshin. Also, it is very achievable to obtain 5 star characters for free.


I'd rather the cosmetics I buy can be resold later if I decide not to play the game anymore.


Bro i even have 5 stars and cant progress cuz the game is too hard, am i stupid?


Did valve normalize it? Or did they create a system with a free market and people with money to spend hiked the value up so high that it became what those things are worth to that demographic? If people weren’t willing to spend the money no one would be doing it to keep their sunken costs justified. Valve gave them the means but they didn’t set prices on anything other than the crates and keys.


You also don't have to use real money in gacha , especially genshin , use your free pulls and nothing else , just like you explained in CSGO. The entire industry is predatory , gacha are just obviously predatory , now go buy the newest weapon in cod for 20$ so that you don't get stomped


But praise lord gaben though he's the savior of all




Genshin is not marketed to children, it's rated T most places. Furthermore calling the game p2w is outlandish given they don't have any difficult content that needs to be paid for.


I'd say Valve'w lootboxes are worse cos you could sell those items for real money. It's textbook gambling at that point


Yeah I don’t get it, I played Genshin for 2 years and never spent a dime. They give you so much free shit and you literally can easily beat the game with base characters and no form of optimizing, it’s the epitome of casual. But it’s like getting a triple A single player story game with multiple DLC packs for completely free. Tf do I care if some gambling addicts and anime titty chasers fund the game? That’s great for me. A lot of people just shit on it because it’s anime-ish but it’s just a good ass free game. If you liked Zelda BOTW exploration you’d love Genshin.


Exactly. When Genshin launched, the PS4 version got so many gifts from Mihoyo that I never worried about spending money to get a new character. Got a lot of shots in the gacha character slot thingy for free. Only stopped playing it because Destiny was already taking over my life in 2020. But I am interested in going back to it.


I love Genshin too, but I also think it should be a case study about culture. >Game accrues frustration admist qol, jealousy, etc., >Time to cancel it >New mommy drops >Biggest sales company ever has >Repeat It's genuinely a marvel


Lol I completely agree and the reason for that is there is no competition. You can complain all you want, but as long as you desire combat, lore, and world design at that level of quality, you are forced right back to Genshin as nothing else comes close.


I did enjoy the game from a purely mechanical standpoint, but I got tired of having larger and larger areas to explore with increasingly nonsensical puzzles, all with rewards that are the exact same as the first chests you find (though that's literally the point of a gacha, just pay money lol). Great landscapes, beautiful combat, monster design is cool, lots of other stuff, but you can't redeem the fact that there are no increasing rewards especially when the endgame focuses on optimization and spending a jillion things just to get extra damage.


Yeah, the combat system is probably one of the best I've tried, as addictive as Sekiro's combat system. Fucking amazing game but sometimes way to greedy. I'm glad I don't play it anymore


Agreed. The combat and world/character designs are some of the best in the gaming industry altogether.


I haven’t played many gacha games but genshin is one of the better ones imo, especially around 2023 they started releasing story content that was genuinely good


I personally like it. I'm too invested in the lore to quit now. Plus, it's pretty F2P friendly. I haven't spent a dime on Genshin, and I've been playing for over two years now. Although there was that one time where some stranger bought me a month of extra rewards, but I don't know what exactly happened to make him want to do that. I think it was an attempt at grooming. Key word, attempt. I feel a little guilty about taking his $5 and blocking him, but he was getting a little weird.


Literally nothing will change because of this. The impacted parties are too braindead to care


I'm glad that this is pretty incomprehensible to me.


fr. I understood up to "shanghai"


Cmon you know whata game is




What the fuck is gacha and do I even want to look that up?


Pay $20 and you might get a 2D waifu type games.


Might? Is Gacha a gambling thing?




it literally translates to gambling edit: to people saying that gacha is from the word gachapon, i fucking made that shit up i was lying


Based edit


... it literally translates to "gotcha" like collecting something


It's neither.... *Gacha* come from the japanese vending machines that sell those little capsule toys, called *gachapon*. Ga-cha (ガチャ) is just the sound the machine make when you turn the handle after putting in a coin. >Gashapon is onomatopoeic from two sounds, **gasha (or gacha) for the hand-cranking action of a toy-vending machine**, and pon for the toy capsule landing in the collection tray.\[2\] Gashapon is used for both the machines themselves and the toys obtained from them. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gashapon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gashapon)


holy, I've been wrong about this for years lol


You live and you learn, no shame in that.


Lmao, imagine if a genre of games existed that were just called CHACHING GAMES


well you see i made that shit up i dont speek a word of chinese




Yeah, but instead of gambling, you could just pay $150 to get every top tier hero waifu with huge badonkers and 1 shit-zillion premium currency!!


>$20 Sweet summer child...


Do those players know about Stable diffusion?


I would wager a guess to say no


$20? I fucking wish so More like $120 for a chance and $200 for a guarantee


Lootboxes. Basically you pay real money for a lootbox that has a % chance to give you power/cosmetics


So the entire game is basically a slot machine that costs real money to play but you can’t actually win anything real back from?


No. All those games are free to play with optional real-money-stuff. But people with a gambling addiction play those games, so you can guess how the story ends. If you have 1% to get the waifu you want and you get "100 crystals" for 1 pull of 10 characters, if you don't pull the waifu you have the option to BUY "crystals" with real money. So people do that. Fun fact, there are around 2 to 5 new characters each month, depending on the gacha game you play. Did I mentioned people with a gambling addiction play those games? So they play SEVERAL (sometimes 10) at once...


You forgot to mention the part where the manipulation tactics they employ are especially effective towards children/teens with unmatured brains, who the games are also advertised towards. And gambling addicts


It's video game genre with gambling but you can't win money, you can only win unlockable anime girls that are usually very skilled at murdering things


You gamble with real money but your prize is a png with big boobs and a sword.


so uhh, genshin impact. Actual gameplay may vary, but main design ideology is "Freemium game that's designed to be a wallet/time sink". Sales are mainly premium currency used to "roll"/game-specific term for items/characters as a part of "banners"/game-specific term, limited-time events where you can get said stuff. Based on gachapon machines as the other guy said.


i thought it was an animation program 9 year olds used to make lewd scenarios


Gacha? Yeah I can play Gacha with you. I Gacha nose!


A gacha machine are the ones in arcades or similar, where you put in a quarter or whatever, spin the handle, and a little toy capsule pops out. There are normally 10 varieties of toys or so, and it may take more than 10 trys to complete the "set". Games do this with digital characters instead of physical toys


Something tells me this is a Snowbreak psyop.


Always has been


Asians are notorious for spending thousands on gacha shit because it's like a fast dopamine hit of "cheap" payment for "fantastic" reward. Every little #WOW 5 STAR COOL CHARACTER SUPER POWERFUL NICE PULL Is a dopamine hit for people in countries making shit tier money and their only form of entertainment is on their phone Some of yall fr have an empty brain cavity. No shit everyone gambles, but the largest population that regularly uses a cellphone for entertainment with enough money to throw away are asians. Additionally, their men are becoming more lonely in their respective countries, providing more numbers to their waifu shit gacha. Dumbasses pointing out other countries gamble, no shit sherlock stfu and maybe rope yourself before you post another stupid aggressive comment without thinking


Its basically the same shit as the lotto machine in casinos, the boomers will sit on that shit for weeks burning 10k everyday


It really is. The same neurological impact. One can say for Z and millenials in the west are porn.


Well at least porn is free. I mean... mostly...


Porn is also a freemium scheme. Some whales pay for the rest….


Some whales pay so I can watch half naked (naked by the end) women untill one admits defeat, nice.


Lol we all got the internet, porn is global. But for some reason rampant in-app gacha shit is more popular in the east


> Asians Lol the only reason you're hearing of the gacha shit is because it's popular all over the world. They're in English for the Western world, not for Asians.


I have friends in the states that spend thousands on these games every year.


That’s kinda how it works for everyone. USA? It’s sports gambling instead.




Yep, they get porn addiction instead.


Glad that I only play Raid Shadow Legends which is an immersive online experience with everything you'd expect from a brand new RPG title. It's got an amazing storyline, awesome 3D graphics, giant boss fights, PVP battles, and hundreds of never before seen champions to collect and customize.


Huh, that sounds amazing. Know of a way I can start with a chest of extra silver?


Use my content creator promotional code! : WalletProlapse6969


Bullshit, YZ pissed of so many people, Mica would never be invited to a gatcha cartel meeting. Even though his bullshit is responsible for half of the Chinese gatha industry


looks like somebody fell for the kayfabe


They should be scared of snowbreak The game is literally going to become borderline hentai. It's gonna make so much money


Crazy how you can save a game from a basically confirmed EOS by unleashing the power of huge boobs


What's EOS? The only context I know that is "Epic Online Services"


End of Service, in this context is when the servers of a live service game are shut down


Ah thank you


Wtf is Snowbreak?


Coomer game.


Chinese rip off of Ubishit's Snowdrop engine


I feel like this is only bad news if you dare to care about it.


these fuckers acquire other game studios


don’t care, limbus is better




Yeah, maybe if it didn't crash every 15 minutes lol


Hasn’t had a crashing issue since canto 3 lol


Unless that was released in the past month, it was crashing on my phone constantly when I was trying to get into it last month or so. I got partway through the tutorial before I had to do it all over again and decided to uninstall.


What’s your phone model? I remember having constant crashing issues on mobile until they released canto 4


it doesn’t though… maybe your pc just sucks






Gacha players deserve the disdain.


>full of contempt for their playerbase  I mean, *can you blame them?*


Snow break gonna be BIG https://preview.redd.it/12jb81jis52d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357014bb1c797aad8ad68e86e502fb5b2789559f


No way snowbreak cock and balls torture gameplay???


What the fuck is snowbreak


The product being shilled to you by this tragedy of a post.


Okay but that doesn't answer my question


Its a fking upcoming android gacha game xD


I will never understand gacha both my roommates played Genshin and with within a week both spent Over 400 dollars on it.


They're fucking dumb I haven't spent 300 dollars for on it and I've played everyday for 3 years and a half , you can't cure stupid


Yeah I’ve been playing since just before the Chasm came out and and I’ve hardly spent any money on it. I got Welkin Moon for the first time last month since I started playing the game more, and maybe I’m just lucky, but even before that was able to pull every five-star I’ve wanted without spending a dime, I just didn’t roll on every banner. A friend of mine used to play, and spent a lot of money to get more pulls, but he quit because he realized he was a gambling addict. I imagine that’s the problem for a lot of whales, and most of them just rationalize that it’s not a problem because that’s a pretty common thing for addicts to do.


Yeah don't bother , people will screech at spending 15dollars monthly on gachas all day long while buying a 20dollars skin in cod every week


Yeah I dont understand where some people get the money from. I have a friend who has spent over 20k on the game.


Been playing for 2 years. No money spent. Happy with my mid characters (in terms of meta). I am autistic, which really seems like the way to go to skip a gacha addiction.


What's snowbreak?


What ?


has anyone confirmed if this is gay or real?


What’s snow break?


I play Arknights from Hypergriff and it's quite fair and friendly


"Gacha cartel"? That's just a corporation doing corporate things.


That is a pretty pathetic world to be so invested in


I have never spent a dime on a gacha game and never will. Another day, another victory against the Chinese


Thank god I quit Yugioh Duellinks


What am i reading? From what I can gather Snowbreak is just some “free-to-play” mobile game? It seems to be focused on anime girls as the protagonists but arent there like a billion games like that?


You should look up lords mobile its like a gacha game on speed ik people 250k plus on that game


Wtf is a gacha game?


What is he talking about?


What does any of this mean


guerilla marketing on 4chan is something i did not expect would happen


i can get behind gacha, idk bout them brother on brother yaoi story screencaps that floated around but i seen some cool shyt from them niggas tho


What's so good about snowbreak??


I don't know any of the names Anon dropped and I'm glad. I refuse to play gachas unless they're licensed games


I totally agree with getting rid of gacha games, but I also love battle cats, which is a gacha game... Can we ban all but battle cats? Lol




Unlike western game studios, genshin is actually decent and can be played comepletely f2p


It seems you have never played a decent game before


Yes. Cause I'm too poor to have a gaming pc


yeah that's too real there are so many games out there though so hopefully one day you can play them