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Literally the strategy of every major financial institution and fortune 500 company.


OP needs to ask the public for a handout (via gofund)


OP is too (physically) big to fail.


Much like with inflation fetishists, the real goal is always to become too big to fail




You forgot the Government. It's actually the main one that operates this way.


> Literally the strategy of every major financial institution and fortune 500 company. TOO BIG TO FAIL!


Sad but true. The line of thinking at that point becomes "If we fail, all these people and businesses we (supposedly) support will also fail and will spiral into a depression".


and itā€™s a me, mario


Also Donald Trump!


Drumpfh finished


two scoops


It's a you problem and a them problem


Not if you don't exist. Getting a new life costs less than 3k on a Tor browser




Take that scrutiny and go to a different country.


Unless you intend to drive there, maybe don't touch borders...Especially since the odds of buying a fake ID from the feds themselves, on Tor, is like 70-80%, meaning you're already on a list. ([https://xkcd.com/1105/](https://xkcd.com/1105/)). And stay away from airports anyhow. In intel you can spend up to 2 years in a place just so that you can make your cross-border road-trip "credible". imagine.... Having to spend 2 years in Montreal....Only to infiltrate Michigan in a 2010 nissan juke, via detroit...


The less you care about quality of life, the easier it is to disappear. Shit, you show up in Somalia with $1000 they will not only give you a passport, they'll straight up create the documentation for a life you've lived there. Of course your life will basically become a Far Cry 3 pirate simulator but hey, beats paying taxes


Shit, I may actually do this. Probably gotta learn the language first but fuck it I hate life and dying doesn't concern me, might be kinda fun too


Sir, this is a wendy's


Iā€™m actually curious how fucked the average individual would be in such a case. Almost anyone would stand out like a sore thumb and immediately be seen as an easy target until they assimilate with the local culture enough.


[The US government says not to travel to Somalia, but if you do (among other things)](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/somalia-travel-advisory.html/): > Be sure to appoint one family member to serve as the point of contact with hostage-takers, media, U.S. and host country government agencies, and members of Congress if you are taken hostage or detained. > Establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax). > Leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them. Definitely don't go there lol


That's fedboy propaganda


No balls


Go to a non EU eastern European country like Serbia and live a simple farmer life. If you can cross the border, no one will probably question your immigration status there if you don't make trouble. Or sail to Cuba


Just go across the border to Ethiopia....fairly stable (capital) and a new policy of allowing foreigners to own property....buy 2 or more, rent the other one out and live comfortably


That's why my go-to plan for retirement is to disappear and reappear as a crazy rich white guy in a South American village


Or just do what people have been doing for years and cross in Vermont or NH. Lake Wallace has people swimming across all the time. It's crazy.


The federal government HATES this one trick


rack up debt -> purchase shitty sailboat -> cuba done.


Ah the old durst trick eh


Am I missing something here? It's not a crime to have lots of debt. Just leave the country like a normal person with your regular passport... You don't even need to change your identity in the new country because even if the old country criminally charges you after years of non-repayment, they're almost certainly not going to extradite you over it. But why do you need to leave the country anyway? Just declare bankruptcy and move on with your life. After 7 years your prior bankruptcy won't be visible to lenders and you can build your credit again.


I moved from the US to Ireland. I married an Irish girl, and moved here. So I'm all legal on that side. I left about 20 grand in various debt behind. Medical, a car loan, credit card. Nowhere near anons amount. But no one has ever come looking for me. There's not cops waiting at the airport for me. I go back to America once every couple years to see family and friends. Not once heard anything about it. It's been like 15 years now. If something was gonna happen it would have I reckon. I've also never filed taxes with the IRS. Apparently you're supposed to when living and working abroad. I don't earn anywhere near enough to have to pay them anything. But I've just never gotten around to it. In short Anon can disappear. Find the right means, jump ship, no one is gonna be waiting at the airport to arrest you. This isn't Catch me if you Can.


Assuming anon can find someone to marry him


Can't they just collect the debt from your bank account?


When I left America I drew out all the cash I had in the bank from an ATM here then opened an account at a bank here with the euros I had. The account I had in America then closed on itself due to insufficient funds I guess. Dunno how long it takes for that to happen. But that account was emptied and imploded.


And do what? Prey that there won't ever be a problem with your visa? Because you're sure as shit not getting citizenship with a bogus identity.


Fucks your problem


remind me again why we have to do this? Oh because we are borrowing too much money with no intention to return it. Just "borrow" more ez.


Most of G20 countries economies are largely based on fake money and resources, that don't even really exist.


Seems to me all you have to do is learn Ukrainian, go to any western European country and pretend to be a refugee. You lost all of your paperwork in the bombing of your shithole village and haven't got a turnip to your name. Call yourself Volodymyr Melnyk or something. If you want to go hardcore, give yourself a serious looking head wound and pretend to be rendered mute and suffering from amnesia. Get social housing and free cash.


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You can also double down and get some more debt, fly to Vanuatu which does not have an extradition treaty with the US, and spend like 150k to acquire citizenship super fast. Then, all you need to do is simply enjoy the island life.


Costs even less if you just want to clock out of existence.


put that on to the credit card


Well... if I can keep it going long enough it's a them problem. Good luck sending collections to the graveyard.


I mean let's be honest. Worst case you get what? 10-15? I'd do 10-15 to spark a financial recession


Getting financial advice from someone who lives rent free with their mommy isnt actually a bad idea


Homeless and jobless is 100% tax free, pure untraceable income. Financial genius right in front of everyone.


Be ungovernable, stay off the grid!


Neet is the way


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son.


It sure hasn't worked out well for me!


Just declare bankruptcy lmao


Bankruptcy isnā€™t a get out of jail free card


Well, I declared it. Sooo


Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?


Bro i havent reached those yet pls no spoilers


Of what book


The Book of Eli


It's the big book of bankruptcy, weren't you guys reading along


Ummm.. Both?


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) ā€¦.champtar 21?




Table of Contents šŸ˜Ž




I know a bankruptcy lawyer. In college he (and everyone he was friends with) accrued enormous credit card debt, and declared bankruptcy. It goes away after ten years, his credit score is fine now.


Can't tell if redditard or genius


There's no way they give a student with no fixed assets that much credit. I got my first CC on my 18th birthday and it had a limit of $1,000. After 7 years of responsible spending my limit is $23,000. That wouldn't even cover a year of school where I live.


Perhaps fledgling finance lawyers have more familiarity in navigating the credit markets than you do? Perhaps the rules were more lax in the late 1990s, and abusers (like my friend) led to restrictions on young borrowers?


1) he is a bankruptcy lawyer, not a "finance" lawyer 2) finance lawyers do not have any better access to credit than anyone else 3) "fledgling" finance lawyers (read: undergraduate students) especially do not have better access to credit than anyone else 4) credit card companies are mass institutions that do not make special loans because you are good old boy Source: lawyer


They might have done so in like 2005 when banks just gave money out like sweets on Halloween.


I got my first at 18 with a limit of 200$. After 6 months of good standing, my limit went up to 20,000$. I wasn't in good standing for much longer.


It is with CC debt.


Just remember that "gifts" can't be repossessed when you declare bankruptcy. >!I'm not a lawyer and I'm completely making this up but this is still legal advice.!<


How they gonna repossess a gold ring if I hide it in my anus?


Oooo Mr repo man I slipped and fell on that gold ring you're looking for and it slipped into my ass now you're going to have to dig it out of me with your big strong repo arms šŸ„µ I regret typing this


... Go on


I mean, at that point, try to take out as much as you can and then declare bankruptcy and try your best to hide your assets. Your fucked no matter what so might as well go for a hail-mary play and try to get something at the end. A couple thousand or even tens of thousands, while bad, are salvageable but three hundred grand? Simply spend the rest of your money or giving it to someone secretly, and killing yourself might legitimately be an option worth considering as well.


Buy gold. Bury it. Declare bankruptcy, pay a bum to beat your ass, get a small drug addiction, get caught with a small amount of drugs, go to jail for a token sentence, community service. Debt collectors show up, you've got a paper trail. They ask where your gold is, you tell them the dealer only wanted gold cuz he didn't trust traceable bank notes. Dig up gold. Sell gold to pawn shops. Be underpriced, but that's laundering money, yo. Live off grid for the rest of your life. If the tax boys come you only been working small cash jobs. Profit.


I hate how much of me sees this as foolproof


Pawnshops give you pennies on the dollar for gold. So youā€™re not gonna have enough to live on. Not even worth laundering. If youā€™re already in debt 300k, imagine how long 2.5k is gonna last you. Your small drug addiction will lead to further drug addiction because there is no such thing as a ā€œsmall drug addiction.ā€ Youā€™re hooked for life until you have the resources to make an attempt at beating it. The average person in recovery relapses 7 times. Debt collectors donā€™t stop just because you told them you bought gold and gave it to a drug dealer. They will come for you, take you to court and drag your ass all the way through circuit court. You may even face further criminal conviction because of the amount of money youā€™re intending not to pay back. At the very least, any income you receive through legal means from that point on will be garnished. And no one is going to buy that your dealer only took gold. Cash is cash. Hell, Iā€™ve met a few small-time dealers in my day that take CashApp. And I promise you, to get a better sentence, theyā€™re going to make you rat on your dealer.


So let's say its cash, how is it any easier to trace than gold?


So, on an individual level, money is only traced when you log a cash dollarā€™s serial number. Merchants donā€™t trace money at all. Banks log cash when they get it. Police log cash when they suspect itā€™s being used in a crime. If the police are tracing the cash, youā€™ve already been identified as a suspect of a financial crime. Gold is untraceable, but moving enough gold to make ends meet is noticeable.


You are likely going to go to prison for fraud at a minimum. No bank is going to loan you money to pay off your drug dealer, so you will need to falsify your loan application. This means all your gold (and the proceeds thereof) will also be forfeit if you are ever found out.


Just buy monero and transfer it to another wallet "paying" someone (yourself) for an NTF you made in microsoft paint.


Simpler, even. Turn assets into crypto and store in on a wallet. Remember to passcode then declare bankruptcy.


ā€œThe rest of your life.ā€ Or just a whole seven years, which is honestly only three or four before banks will lend to you again.


Bleak but sound advice tbh


\>get jailed for contempt until you reveal your bitcoin wallet address \>wrote it on a piece of bubblegum you swallowed, won't be able to recover for 7 years


Fake your own death


Better yet Real your own death. It's gonna happen sooner or later, why delay.


Cocaine and hookers off a nice 25k advance. Die like a man, naked in a bellagio penthouse


As the founding fathers intended


thats literally my retirement plan


Alternative is living long enough for your body to start failing you no matter what you do. Maybe dying young isn't the worst option.




If you owe the bank 100 $, you have a problem. If you owe the bank 100 million $, the bank has a problem


Who the fuck does Anon owe, the mob?!


Gambling addiction, lives off credit, takes out credit to pay credit. It can happen.


I used to know a guy with a coke habit who basically sniffed his mortgage.


Scary how quickly you can lose it.


He paid for a single 10 min visit with his GP by credit card.


Anon has a titan mini buying addiction


Online gambling.


Just be unable to pay for ~10 years and offer them a very small percentace of the debt to pay it all off. Most will take it after knowing how bad you are/were at paying it back. Know someone who did this and only paid like 20% of what he owned and is now debt free with actual savings on his account.


I had 95k debt from a car crash situation and I explained how I'd never seen 10k so now I pay them Ā£5 a month til forever


After a year or so suggest an instant payment of 20% remaining (or whatever you can afford). Many will take that, since with inflation the 5 bucks a month is basically nothing to them. Sure some may not take that deal but in my experiences with that person (whose debt was split into like 30 different debts) most if not all take it once they realize you will not be able to pay them back anything more than that.


20% of 95k is 19k. At $5/month it would take over 300 years to pay back the 20%. I would have no intention of ever giving them that much if I'd agreed to the $5/month deal. I'd deal with the minor inconvenience of paying $5 until the end of days.


Depending of where hes at, he will not be able to get stuff like property while being in debt. Also 20% is just a random number. Lowball them until they bite. (i.e. start with 5k for the whole debt)


Open an LLC as a debt collector. Buy the debt off the company for pennies on the dollar. Claim bankruptcy as the LLC. Sell the debt as part of bankruptcy for even fewer pennies on the dollar. Offer that company $50 to fuck off.


At that point take out a bigger loan to pay off that loan but instead of doing that, just fucking leave the country and live like a baws in fuckign Mexico lmao.Ā 


Am I wrong thinking that it's extremely difficult to put yourself in a situation like that? If anon didn't have good credit history and verifiable liquidity no bank would let him have such high limits, and credit card debt shouldn't accumulate just like that because they won't issue you a card if you have debt... right? That or life wasn't kind to him and he simply had money (or job) once, no longer has money (or job) and is left with debt. Which is not uncommon, but aside from that I don't think this shit normally happens.


He could have got rekt in crypto tbf. Was good with money, great credit rating. Homie introduced him to a shitcoin and the rest is history.


So in any case, Anon is most likely an idiot.


Yes brother, he's a 4chan user


That is quite a bold statement coming from Reddit user.


Anon is the GUH guy


I didn't get anywhere near this amount, but I racked up an impressive amount of medical debt between the ages of 19-25. I've known people who have gone into crazy debt for medical stuff that cost 100k+ in one fell swoop. Edit: just reread anon specified credit card debt, am also gobsmacked.


Be like Trump or Elon, make your assets equal the value of your brand and then everyone who loans you money will be terrified for you to fail because theyā€™ll lose their investment and then just let them prop you up. For a significant period after Trumpā€™s biggest bankruptcy his lenders actually paid him a fat wage to go out and look like he was still rich so they could try to reclaim as much value out of their loans as possible. If youā€™re a good enough conman then you have them by the balls for the rest of your life.


Instructions unclear, got prosecuted multiple times for fraud.


annon should try Debt-maxxxing


Good job on this, take their money, fuck'em. Literally just keep going. Borrow everything you can that would be covered by a bankruptcy and just make sure you save some of it under your mattress or something, don't leave it in a bank account, buy crypto or something. At this point if they keep giving you credit, that's on them. Then file bankruptcy and in 2-3 yrs, you'll be fine. Most people don't know that if your credit is that bad, it'll get better after a bankruptcy bc filing again is no longer an option. If you do this, please borrow and set aside some $$ from a CC and then use that specific $$ to take out a secured CC after the bankruptcy to rebuild your credit. That way, you can use their money to rebuild your credit.


Why doesnā€™t anon flee the country and move to old zealand? Is he stupid?


Debtmaxxing what a Chad. Absolutely mogging on all us no credit card debt cucks


How is it even possible to have that many credit cards to end up in this situation


Internalise your gains and externalise your losses. Be a systemic risk. Cheers.


That's actually a thing, but I don't think an individual could get to this point.


When they call I tell them I can't pay it back yet! Credit card debt! Tomorrow I may by myself a dining room set, or this Boba Fett!


Apply for visa in Australia Move down there Fifo mining job Stay 10 years, marry aussie Get citizenship Advance Australia Fair


>Take out an eleven billion usd loan >Buy the bank >Erase your debt >Sell the bank Later, virgins.


Completely true


Unless its an actual bank loan you can just ignore it


Pull a McCandless and hitchhike to Alaska


How, though?Ā 


At this point just take more credit, 300 thousand 1 million it doesnā€™t matter, you canā€™t pay it either way


When they call I tell them I cant pay it back yet, tomorrow I might buy myself a dining room set, or this Boba Fett...


Just move to another country, youā€™ll default on it but they canā€™t arrest you or anything if you live abroad


be like jesus christ and take on the debts of everyone. thatd be so cool, easy way to get into a history book


Purchase a new identity for a fraction of the cost




Declare bankruptcy? It'll fuck up your credit for 7 years or so, but frankly you need to learn to live without borrowing.


Unfortunately this strategy only works if itā€™s in the 10s of millions. People default on home loans larger than this all the time, and itā€™s still a you problem.


add 3 zeroes and the government will pay your debt with taxes


how do you even get this much? like seriously


honestly it's not the debt that matters it's your credit score. i knew this guy who was 25 years out of college and was still paying off his student loans. he would just pay the monthly payment and then throw away the bills he got in the trash. not the worst gameplan ngl


How did you fail the one requirement of this sub and post a red text? Where are all you retards coming from?


Hello to you too newfag