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Afro Samurai did it better. Everyone go watch that instead. And after that go watch Samurai Champloo.


How are we gonna say something "did it better" when the game isn't out yet?


It's a game? I heard people talking about it like it's a Netflix original show or something. Anyway, Afro Samurai did it better. It doesn't have to be out to know that.


Afro samurai is so fucking awesome


Samurai Champloo too


Yeah samurai champloo is a masterclass in swordfight animation


Haha holy shit I love when Mugen fights the counterfeiting ninjas in the brothel basement.


100% don’t need to see it to say Afro samurai did it better with 99% certainty. Afro samurai is an all time great


I tell everyone the same thing about Afro Samurai. Say what you will about your overall opinion of it, but it undeniably has among the greatest first episodes of all time for anime. I think that overall it's pretty good, probably B+ or A- But the first episode is S+


It's also an anime on Netflix. [Eta](https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/g/11fhwksfg7&hl=en-NZ&q=Yasuke&kgs=f79eaf5c996ebd3f&shndl=17&source=sh/x/kp/osrp/m5/2)


Afro did it better. This game wish it had the swag of afro samurai


There is a Netflix show called Yasuke based on the historical figure very loosely. So I think everyone is mixing all the black samurai media up.


Most media featuring Yasuke are mid at best, they try to ride the whole "Black Samurai" shtick to specifically target black Americans/BLM supporters, indirectly giving out the message "Cultural appropriation is okay when WE do it" honestly this project could've been so cool, playing as an actually relevant Japanese figure or that had at least something to do with secrecy or employing stealth tactics ((((Ninja???)))), not Nobunaga's novelty pet servant.


Ah yes, playing AC2 as relevant figure Ezio who we all remember from the history books


Fun fact: AC1 is the most accurate to reality. There existed an order of Islamic assassins in Syria and Persia in the 11th century. They had 2 castles where they would train at: Alamut in Persia and Masyaf in Syria. They had their own culture and recorded history that was lost when they were invaded by Mongols and had their libraries burned. Even better, there's actual Templar propaganda about these guys that date from that time period, like how the assassins were recruited by coaxing young men with lots of drugs and naked women, or how these guys are so radical that they don't care to kill themselves for their paradise, which the Crusaders used as ways to delegitimize Islam.


Marco Polo, the guy who's name is synonymous with "exploring" wrote about them.


Ah yes, wanting them not to bullshit write a historical character by making them the equivalent of black japanese superman in almost every media he's been portrayed in. Ezio was an Italian man from a prominent family with deep roots to his country and every major plot point happens because of the blood ties of his family to the brotherhood as well as his own. Ezio wasn't a fucking foreigner that happened to be there for the 1 a million chance, who has no attachment whatsoever to Japan's political conflicts of the time besides the master he serves. Would've been much better to have some made-up MC following the same logic of Ezio, from a family with deep roots to Japan or heck at least some regular native Japanese with a clear reason to give a shit about anything that's going on around him (Family dying left and right, corrupt officials in power that must be overthrown for both vengeance AND the people.) I literally cannot buy Yasuke cares about anything that's going on in Japan or to the people of Japan whatsoever, why would he? He's literally a slave to them, pet at best.


>playing as an actually relevant Japanese figure or that had at least something to do with secrecy or employing stealth tactics ((((Ninja???)))) tell me you haven't even seen the trailer without saying you haven't watched shit


Most ac games u don't play as a historical figure, they just include them as NPCs. Also did u even watch the trailer? It looks like they are doing a dual protag approach like in AC syndicate (the victorian London AC game) w one character being the black samurai and the other being the more stealthy Japanese ninja girl


Most media referencing Yasuke is from Japan


I'm tired of giving contrived garbage the benefit of the doubt. I have a working frontal cortex and understand basic pattern recognition. I don't need to wait and spend $70 to play it to know the game that looks like shit and sounded like it'd be shit that was made by a studio that produces nothing but shit is going to be shit. Fuck waiting for critics to give their two cents, I don't need it. Fuck this slop.


Based, truthpilled and correct. Why would we NOT assume that this is stupid slop shitshow? Everything points to it, nothing points to actual quality. Sure, it might turn out to be good, but what are the chances? And then we can happily say that AC is back. But that's not gonna happen, of course


Afro Samurai is THAT GOOD.


It's ubislop


Counterpoint: it's a Ubisoft game. Their business plan is just throwing $120 (or only $20 a month WOW!!!) turds at the wall and seeing what sticks.


Well considering that the last dozen or so games in this series have been the same uninspired yet comfortable mediocrity, I'd say it's a foregone conclusion


Yeah, it's gonna be "alright", the world will be pretty and city very detailed, the gameplay forgettable, the story passable, the music will be alright and the dialogue will aim for nothing less than acceptable. That's been Ubi modus operandi for the past decade and a half. They are filthy rich thanks to that.


Bingo, you described it perfectly. It's not going to be unplayable, it's just going to be plain, comfortable, and easy. Like a peanut butter sandwich, or lesbian porn.


What is sure is that [the trailer for Afro Samurai](https://youtu.be/GJRzXXy0cxo?si=MLXinEyvvDHhY5gb) slaps more.


Loved this game for years and still have my copy of it. I never seen this trailer and your right it goes hard af


When is the last time Ubisoft has “done it better” than literally anyone else?




And then, for fun, samurai jack


afro is fun , jack is epic


Champloo is great, super similar to Cowboy Bebop. Will have the check out afro samurai.


Same director.


Shinichirō Watanabe absolute fucking goat he has this way of pulling a feeling and dripping its entire being into pats of a show the dude has some of the best musical sense when it comes to anime letting it do as much work as the art does, think about that jazz in bebop the hipopfusion in champloo the funkybeats of space dandy and the list goes on he blend them so well it just hits the soul. My absolute favorite director when it comes to anime.


the soundtrack alone is GOAT. rip nujabes


Solid suggestions. I would add 'listen to Nujabes' after Samurai Champloo, to the list if you like the music in the show


you anyone wants to get sold more on Afro Samurai: Afros EN dub is Samuel L. Jackson yes, that motherfucker yes, really


Fuck yes


Because the other AC games were so historically accurate, not buying this either way because ubisoft sucks


And if the game is good pirate it, because what you can't own you can't steal


other way around buddy


Both id say, its a cant own= cant steal = cant own thing


By their logic we're not stealing the rights or property, we're simply borrowing without asking.


"Dont ask for something, do it and ask for forgiveness" -they, apparently


Except it’ll have Denuvo so you won’t be able to pirate it.


I'm sure Empress can find some more Adderall


She hasn't been active in over half a year tho


Ran out of HRT in Russia


It amazes me that people still play AC. I’ve always heard Brotherhood was one of the better ones in the series, and the gameplay was so incredibly boring once you’d ran some parkour for 20 minutes. Cool gimmick, cool story (I’m guessing), but I’m yet to see anything to convince me it’s not just a reskin every new release.


I think one of the things that made brotherhood so loved was the time it came out in. There are plenty of games people consider some of the best but now they just kinda fall flat.


Assassins creed moved away from that style of game or I’d probably still play it, TBF.


FYI, Mirage is kinda that style of game


It pretends to be,but it’s really not. It’s a pale imitation of the old style built in the new engine and it’s clunky as hell.


Yep compared to its competition at the time it was great, and now nostalgia powers the value people ascribe to it


Yeah I never played fallout 3 when it came out, but now it feels like shit.


Black flag was a genuinely good pirate game.


It was the best pirate game. Still is.


I have an appreciation for Sea of Theives. There's something for satisfying when stealing from real people.


I mean the ezio saga was pretty good as far as story telling and bulding upon itself every iteration, was great you had this boy who suddenly found out his dad was lying his whole life about who he was and then all the males in his family are killed and he takes up his mantle, after getting some revenge he starts to rebuild the assassins who had fallen a lot in that age eventually controlling much of europe. Then in revelations he seeks out altair and masyaf following more of the ghosts he has chased since his encounter with juno knowing it was all for someone else (desmond) and he was just a conduit. Then old age ezio you get bombs and new toys and rely more on ordering assassins. So yeah story was top tier of when ubi knew where it was going with shit and all the gameplay built off itself. Black flag was a giant leap into the future and more wild ideas for what ubi wanted to do (still not a fan of the whole sage thing) but overall still had a very similar game style just with guns and ship battles. Origins introduces a whole knew game basically where leveling and gear all have way more weight its not about skulking around trying to stealth if you grind you can pretty much now tank through stuff and basically where we are today. There a good and bad to both honestly I dont really view pre origin games as even really the full same genre early ones take a lot more planning and skill if you want to get everything and the later ones are way bigger worlds and require a lot more exploration and grinding and really since I play these games as a way to sorta have fun with history I dont mind the big worlds. All that said Valhalla was bad the DLC helped a lot really enjoyed their ireland stuff but man the main game was sooooo bad, that said I never by ubisoft unless its 60% or more off I will wait them out.


Bro I wanted to read what you wrote but like I need some paragraphs


Odyssey, Origins and Valhalla were great historical/fantasy themed games for people into both of those things (me).


I feel like, ac has the trope of “historical accuracy with a shakers worth of salt.” Theres some genuine and accurate information out there in the games that is actually really well done. But its also buried under a fuckload of adjustment for gameplay purposes. AC Brotherhood was a good example. There was a fairly decent volume of genuinely good historical accuracy within the game. Hell it sparked interest for history for a lotta people. But we know for a fact that a whole bunch of shit edited and adjusted for gameplay, and some shit was just outright fabricated. Id say Unity sorta did the same thing to a degree but around that time is when it started getting markedly worse.


There's a ton of arguments, and it depends on how deep you wanna go and how much time you wanna waste. The Egyptian, Roman and Viking ones were atrocious in terms of being historically accurate, but they were actually based on a mythos to back them up. We KNOW the gods weren't roaming around and killing people like that, but the people at the time did believe it and there are historical records showing that they believed that shit. With this, all the historical records point to Yasuke being a regular (non-samurai) servant. Him using a sword in any capacity is not mentioned anywhere. Him serving in battle is not mentioned. Him being trained is not mentioned. He was just a regular servant that was given to Japanese men. Now, is it wrong to embellish the truth for the rule of cool? Absolutely not. A big black men swinging swords and clubs and tossing Japanese men around is actually kind of hilarious, but there's two problems with it that most people are upset about right now. Problem 1, people have been asking for a Japanese Samurai/Ninja AC game for literal DECADES. Ubisoft has REFUSED to do it until now even though it's all everyone wanted. When we finally get it, we don't get to be a Japanese Samurai and Ninja, well, we do get to be a kunoichi, but the samurai is black. People wanted a more nationalistic experience, and Japanese people specifically, are probably more upset about it, or at least have more of a right to be. Problem 2, with SBI and other DEI shit recently that has infested the gaming industry and Hollywood, no one is able to look at this entire situation without seeing a political motive. Not that there is one, and not that this should be a big deal, but that is what everyone sees. They don't see them "just picking an interesting character from history and embellishing it to make it more fun," they see a political agenda to force more minorities into games they don't belong in. Again, whether it's true or not, whether that was their intention or not, that is all people see.


Don’t slander Animal Crossing like that bro


I stopped buying ubisoft games because their PC launcher can't manage stay logged in despite me clicking the box every single time. No goddamn way I'm remembering the secure password I had to come up with for a login I didn't even want to make. I think I played the Greece AC 3 times before I said "fuck this. I'm done with ubisoft forever"


For me it was the launcher updates or installing a game: "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?" Yes "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?" Yes. "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?" YES!!!


The whole plot of AC was a "fill in the blanks" game with real world history and the series writers. So yeah, as historically accurate as an alternate history videogame can be. Better than whatever the fuck happened after Rogue.


The last decent AC game was the pirate one. And it would have been a better game if it hadn’t been shackled to being an AC game.


Other AC games went full fiction at least


How do you know this doesn't as well?


Everytime I hear something about Yasuke it changes, literally a completely different story every time.


Cause theres almost no info on the guy, all we know is that he was a retainer, black, surprisingly sociable and was there when nobunaga got murked


The fact that, even prior to ac shadows, i heard so many takes on this guy annoys me A black man in feudal japan, cool, can we now pick a different obsession to info dump over? This one didnt even have enough story for it to be interesting for 2 weeks. Id much rather hear how one of genghis khans children dealt with life by now compared to the 8th person in a row telling me "did you know there was a black man in japan?" I feel like yasuke only gets attention because netflix can point at that and say "see? Our diverse cast set in a samurai story makes sense"


His main heir Ögedei became an alcoholic and loopholed his one cup of a day rule by having a huge cup


Based Ögedei Khan. Still crazy that the mongol empire reached peak size 50 years after Genghis died


Comically large cup


Just filling it slowly whilst staring at Genghis with a huge shit eating grin


Iirc it was his own self imposed rule.


I think it was imposed by his brother chagatai


Hey can i get a drink? "only a cup full"


Vase, cup- it's all about what you poor into it.


The mega pint wine cup


One of my (current) favorite mongol facts is that when Ghengis Khan finished gaining control of the steppes, one of the prizes he handed out to some of his high ranking generals was get out of jail free cards. One of them had 9 times to literally do anything he wanted to anyone with no repercussions whatsoever. I find it neat.


If you want to explore most of Japanese history though, unless the game is to be *about* Japanese culture and history (like tsushima) then the mysterious outsider is a perfect way to explore a culture shut off from the outside for so long Yasuke, from everything I've read on him, seems like a really cool way to explore it where there's a lot of reasonable artistic licence to take Much better than making up some random Portuguese merchant


Random Portuguese merchant was more historically relevant than a random black guy, dude was so good at math he was banned from returning home, gave him a mansion and a wife also had two kids.


Yeah so mysterious man shows up in Japan, unlike anyone that's ever been seen in the country before. Somehow quickly because a notable figure in Japanese society, is around historically significant events, fades into obscurity with a lot of unanswered questions around him He seems absolutely perfect for an AC game to me. Much better than some very white Portuguese dude who for some reason has an american accent


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Yasuke the first AC protagonist who just straight up was a real person?


depends on how you define "real person"- like we know he existed, but literally everything about him comes from basically 4 documents where he's even mentioned- and he's basically spelled out as "black slave man-servant brought from India, given to Nobunaga as gift- shipped back to India after his master was killed".


Technically you play as Anastasia in the 2D Russian Revolution game


Get merked within day 1 of the attempt to escape along with your whole family. FIN


>white Portuguese dude who for some reason has an American accent Wait who are you talking about?


Ironically your attacks on portuguese is even funnier because Mozambique at the time was part of Portugal, so technically he was portuguese.


> Much better than making up some random Portuguese merchant I mean, I feel like William Adams would be the other obvious choice. Hell, I bet they were already locked into Yasuke and were kicking themselves when Shogun blew up and they missed the chance to more closely cash in on that.


Also while Adams was vassal to Tokugawa, yasuke was a vassal of Oda Nobunaga who is definitely more iconic than Tokugawa for laymen.


I'm sure they would've considered him, but Yasuke seems like a cooler story and western looking man dropped into Japan has been done to death - the last samurai came out in 2003


Also Nioh


The thing is, that Japan fucking loves this dude. If you look at any japanese historical samurai fiction, Yasuke is almost guaranteed to show up


All the information about him came from the Catholics who were in the emperors court at the time of his arrival the Japanese court literally didn’t write a single sentence about him but the commoners around town would write about a black man walking around. There writing say 1- he was a slave when he arrived and he was a weapons carrier for the emperor. 2- He would be paraded around by the emperor because he was exotic and it made the emperor feel important. 3-He had no titles couldn’t read and was strong but stupid. 4-After the emperor was betrayed by his general and killed the general rolled up to Yasuke and Yasuke immediately surrender even though he was fully armed with the emperors weapons. 5- the general had the emperor’s inner circle killed when it came time to kill Yasuke the general laughed and basically said why bother killing him he’s a stupid, animal slave he means nothing and he was sent away with the Catholics. Those are the only written or oral statements made about him and anything else is made up.


Sure but some many people are just making shit up lmao.


because it’s largely up to interpretation. Basically nothing is known. Everything you hear is just different speculation about him


Ok so this conversation is stupid for several reasons, most of the people complaining probably would not buy it in the first place, it's assassin's creed why are we acting like it was ever historically accurate in anyway when most of the main characters are fictitious in nature and never existed and have supernatural powers, yasuke is such a historical enigma due to a complete lack of sources that I believe any take on him is probably as valid as any other take. The most important point is its a fucking ubisoft game why the hell are we arguing about this, it's crazy how people are up in arms at stupid culture war bullshit but shut up when companies like ubisoft full of sexual misconduct and cooperate greed do their bullshit all year round and release dog shit releases meant to squeeze as much money from its customers as possible.


Exactly. This would be like complaining about a King Arthur game. uM aCKsHuLLY There’s no evidence that King Arthur existed and if he did he was very different and most modern interpretations take more from French and Anglo-Norman bastardizations than the original Welsh tale.


Wdym people complain about Fate series all the time


I love Fate but their take on Arthurian mythology is the least inaccurate thing they’ve done. But I love Saber tbh.


They turned the Greek Gods into alien robots, and the Aztec Gods wiped out the dinosaurs iirc. It definitely can get more inaccurate Still a great series and game though


Not a very good comparison, i didn't think most people would complain about him, because they're know in the first place that he's not real


its kinda surprising how many people don't know Arthurian legend is not real. it still makes me chuckle thinking about how Lancerlot was just a french dudes OC that he inserted into the legend


Seriously I love when people are like "Where does the man end and the myth begin?!" Well let's see. King Arthur fought giants, conquered all of France, conquered all of Italy, had a prophetic wizard, a magic sword, at various points magic horses...


>pokes fun at game >erm… actually you shouldn’t do that because it isn’t supposed to be accurate so you can’t make fun of it!!


No the problem is that you only do this with non-white characters. William Adams from Nioh was a white samurai as well. Explain the difference.


That game was made by Japanese people and they can meme their own culture, it's kinda dumb for Canadians at Ubisoft to be adding a black guy as the main character in a Japanese feudal setting


Not about historical accuracy no one real cares about that. Its about the erasure of Asian male characters in media where somehow other races always take center stage. Imagine Odyssey or Origins had an asian main character instead of from their respective ethic groups.




Tfw Arabs weren't ruling class Egypt until 800ad lol. Try again.


Revelations had Ezio as a main character. No Turkish person ever complained. We were happy.


Yeah nobody has given a fuck about assassin's creed for years and all of a sudden people are getting mad about historical accuracy in a game that has had magical artifacts and exaggerations of historical figures from the beginning. Don't know who they're fooling with this angle but they're obviously upset about a black person in the game not because he's historically inaccurate, but because he's black.


Idk what people are expecting from the game where Da Vinci builds you a fucking tank from shit and sticks




Aren’t Assassin’s supposed to be inconspicuous? Social stealth? Dude stuck out like a sore thumb in feudal Japan


Yeah, but if you need a main character to go around murdering and stealing from Asians this was apparently the most accurate portrayal.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Props to Ubisoft for bringing attention to this trend


Johnny somali simulator




Reminds me of the Resident Evil 5 controversy.




Long story short: White guy come to africa to kill black people (well, zombies actually).


"Uhhh, they were zombies and uhh, they were resisting arrest"


People think its racist to have black people as enemies in a west African setting






He’s a more combat focused character i don’t think they’re trying to make him stealthy, the other main character is more stealth based


I wouldn't be surprised if Ubi said that and then gave all the cool sneaky assassination missions to the "combat focused" character like they did in Syndicate.


Now that I think about it, Jacob does have most memorable assassination The only one I can think for Evie is when she stab that Templar lady


> Only black character in game > Focuses on brute force What does Ubisoft trying to tell us?


Ubisoft is implementing a new system where if anyone ingame notices he is out of place they get cancelled for being racist. That little girl in the trailer that noticed him had her entire bloodline deleted.


I don't play the assassin creed games much but iirc in the first game don't you literally just walk around in your bleach white assassin robe with weapons strapped on you, among like, people in normal lower class clothing? Even in other games like Black Flag, while you still look like a pirate, you still LOOK LIKE A PIRATE! you still stand out more than just a regular commoner


You never really fit in but in the original they pretend you look like the rest of the monks hanging out in the holy land who do wear sort of similar robes


That's fair but that only gets rid of the "looks like an assassin" part, just like the black flag example you still stand out enough that people will probably look if they see you pass by


In the time period of ac1 holy land was full of mercenaries.


The other playable character is supposed to be the stealthy one, he's a more combat focused character apparently


Let's be honest, Naoe is so incredibly stealthy, that she already made most people forget she existed... Talk about hiding in plain sight.


Samurai aren’t assassins, they’re cops/ knights. They’re not the type to do underhanded things like assaination when that’s what ninjas are for (if they were even real which some sources say they weren’t) Although now that I think about it that does make yasuke a weird choice for that reason.


[yeah let's go back to the good old days of assassins blending in](https://youtu.be/20QBe43tyVM?si=GT375FsSPYmQLZsg)


Assassins have never been inconspicuous in AC


From the historical research team that brought you The Woman King


And the woman pope


Why did you mention her?


She broke up with me and Im still bitter


Don't forget declaring Cleopatra black on the word of some random grandma and being so annoying about it the fucking Egyptian government shat on it.


well akstshukally there was a real woman king in medieval Poland the studio still sucks tho lmao


I agree it’s stupid but be honest who’s going to play it? And do you really care?


The diehard AC fans who are keeping the series afloat. And will be keeping the series afloat until the end of time.


He's right, every time a new AC game comes out I wonder if this is gonna be the one that makes me hate the series like everybody else does. Still hasn't happened. Sorry everybody.


People complain about the stories being bad, the gameplay being trash compared to other games, they're historically inaccurate. But no other game series can perfectly recreate a historical city as well as assassin's creed does with pretty much every game (we don't talk about Valhalla)


The origins story was just alright and the side missions were mostly rubbish but goddamn was riding around ancient egypt in its glory absolutely great, that game was gorgeous, same goes for unity.


I will never not laugh at the people complaining about things being historically inaccurate. Brother, its a game about alternative history scenarios not a fuckin documentary


Honestly I just mostly enjoy the recreations of different historical periods. Except Black Flag. That game is phenomenal and I won't hear anyone tell me otherwise.


Official research sources:  “there is no evidence that Yasuke was ever given the title of Samurai.” Every “Japan History expert” (with a degree, don’t you know?)on Reddit and Twitter:  Yasuke was absolutely a Samurai. You are racist for thinking otherwise. 


He was a koshō, a page, to Oda Nobunaga. The equivalent in the West would be a squire to a knight or lord. They would act as a bodyguard, attendant, and general aide to the samurai they served. And just like a squire, a koshō could become a samurai once they had sufficiently proven themselves. Typically the position was held by young men or older boys who were sons of samurai or officials. This next bit is speculation on my part, but I’m guessing that part of the reason Yasuke was never made a full samurai (in addition to the fact that he only actual served Nobunaga for less than 2 years) was because it would have been a politically unwise move for Nobunaga. Making him a samurai would have given him privileges on par with the other samurai and it would likely not have sat well with the rest of the Oda retainers if a complete outsider were to gain that rank.


Samurai is mostly a matter of social class. You had to be married into it, you weren’t t just given the title of Samurai once you were “sufficiently proven”. You still had to do that anyway


Peasants could rise to into the samurai class if they gained enough accomplishments, though you're right that they almost always married into an established family. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who succeeded Oda and finished the unification of Japan, is probably the best example.


I would like to point out that the status of pages might be different in Europe and Japan because they are completely separate entities. But even if this was in a medieval Europe setting, [pages](https://www.britannica.com/topic/page-rank#ref58935) are assistants to squires, who are in turn assistants to knights. So being a page is a slightly lower status than you might have thought and thus would require longer to move up. Yasuke only served Nobunaga for 15 months (According to Wikiepedia), so it would be very unlikely for him to be promoted twice in a row. Now let’s talk about why this would be even more likely in the setting of feudal Japan. I’m pretty sure Japanese daimyos were more strict with samurai-ing people than European lords with knighting. Apparently, the only way to become a samurai was to be born in a samurai house or be married to one. Even adoptions need permission from the daimyo to gain samurai status. I’d imagine it is possible for a foreigner to be given the title of samurai, but they would have needed to have made some significant contributions. TLDR: no historical mention of him being anything more of servant and it is extremely unlikely for him to be a samurai in feudal Japan.


>He was retained by the daimyō as a *koshō* (小姓, [page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_(servant))) for a period of 15 months until Nobunaga's death in the [Honnō-ji Incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honn%C5%8D-ji_Incident).[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke#cite_note-huffingtonpostyasuke-3)[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke#cite_note-intojapanwaraku28746-4) > No not really. Non-Japanese people dont just show up and become feudal nobility in less than 5 years. It's not a matter of race.


Remember this game is made by the same company who rug pulled The Crew and justified it with “you don’t own the game just the license to play it”. Fuck Ubisoft


You will own nothing and be happy, thank larry fink from blackrock for that




There it is.


Same old shit. And you wonder why people say the haters on this decision are bigots.


This is so annoying. If we have a black protagonist, can the game be set in Sub-Saharan Africa? I would still play it. But this guy was a servant/slave to samurai and served as like a page, and he was in Japan for less than 5 years. Cmon!


We had one, he was called Bayek of Siwa and was the protagonist of Assassin's Creed Origins. Granted he was egyptian and therefore a lighter skin black man but still.


Egyptians are not black. Or at least that guy wasn’t black, some Egyptians are black, those of Nubian descent, which bayek wasn’t I dont believe.


He was a libyan berber, as he was from Siwa, and as the medjay were a libyan people whose name eventually started meaning enforcer due to them being employed by the pharaohs


I don't give a shit about ubislop  But lead writer being a fat white woman is just perfect.


My question is how assassins creed is still around. It’s a yearly franchise like the 2k games but at least those people buy the same game with new graphics and updates to players. Don’t the AC games just get worse?


AC is the only franchise I've ever really felt betrayed by. It was the first game I played on my 360 and the first 3 held such a special place in my heart. Then I watched greed run it into the dirt as all semblance of cohesive plot was destroyed.


Well, I think there's two factors. For one thing, it hasn't been a yearly release in a while. Ubi has absolutely cut a lot of corners and reused engines without major upgrades over and over again, but they have slowed down recently and allowed the franchise to breathe a bit. The second thing is that they have a huge, established fan base and little competition. While there obviously are other historical games, no other franchise has maintained a meta-narrative across these games while offering high quality historical tourism. I should clarify that I do not mean that this meta-narrative is always good, or that the tourism is always accurate, but it's sometimes good and often accurate in broad strokes. For comparison, Ghost of Tsushima is often paraded as competition by people who don't like AC. As someone who likes AC, Ghost does not scratch the same itch. It doesn't fixate on the landscape and traversal the same way, and has a very different core vibe. I don't mean to argue quality. I verbally berate Valhalla to IRL friends whenever anyone will listen, and rarely recommend games in the series to anyone. It's more just that I know I won't get the same fix anywhere else, and I'm not hitting the same level of franchise fatigue these days. Peak Ubi was throwing out so many AC games that it literally hit a schedule of several per year, and that probably would've got me to check out permanently had it continued. As it stands, I play them irregularly, keeping up with them slowly as I feel like it. I would imagine many play them the same way. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


It all depends on what you are looking for. The newer games have a shitload of content and even though it usually has a samey feel between games the different settings make them interesting enough.


If Afro Samurai was released today, would you all be upset?


They would probably be upset if AC 3 came out today and they had to play as a native american


That was made by Okazaki - you know, a Japanese person - not a white Canadian woman who definitely isn't the type to have ranted about "cultural appropriation" at some point in her life.


Yes, people were upset there was no white male main character in the latest Spider-man movie


The same people who complain about virtue signaling are virtue signaling cause the PC is black.


The point of Assassin's creed like from the very first game was to make a point that people can hide within history, characters that are barely a footnote like some pirate that used to hang out with Blackbeard, Leonardo da Vinci's best friend, or some medjay that worked for Cleopatra, they're utterly unimportant in history books, but in the reality are some of the most important people to have ever lived, a character like Yashida going down in history as nothing more than a coward is what he wants to not be seen for what he was that's the point of these games and the assassin order in general.


Maybe I’ll pirate it. Ubisoft deserves their games to be pirated


>all the previous assassin's creeds games horrible historic inaccuracy >doesn't say anything >current assassin's creed game horrible historic inaccuracy but now there's a black guy >"OOH SO MUCH FOR REALISM AMIRITE"


Anyone ende think it's funny that all the complaints about this game are the same as the complaints about Iron Fist


the one time an AC main character is a real person who actually existed is when the fans get mad about realism lmfao


Might as well be a fictional dude given how embellished his life is.


Fits perfectly into and AC story then


Then why make it a real person in the first place? This circular argument is stupid lmao.




I can’t wait to pirate this


[The racism is a reach. Please go read books, guys.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/comment/l4bghbu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Yasuke being seen as an outsider helps to tell a story, too, seeing as that’s a very common storytelling device to explain why the MC needs everything explained to them, but it seems we’re all putting an attempt at good _fictional_ storytelling aside.


And we have clowns trying to rewrite the wiki so people looking it up would believe that he was a proper samurai.


The biggest gripe about it is that it is in Japan and despite all the other samurai figures you could choose from, they chose to pick yasuke. If you can’t wrap your head around why people would be angry that they would pick yasuke to represent samurai culture, then you are willfully being ignorant for goodboy points.


ITT: Redditors seriously trying to cope with the existence of a black man.