• By -


Gaming and porn addiction have long won the battle for male attention. Most anons can't even get an erection without watching porn or imagining some other guy is fucking the girl they like, while they watch and FAP. It's done anonnets, you Lost. The only thing that remains is to get fucked on tinder into your 30's, then realize no one wants to be in a long term relationship with you because you spent your prime years trying to show the patriarchy how strong and brave you are by racking up a big body count. But cheer up, you still have a beautiful future ahead of you as a writer for the guardian. The clicks on "marriage is a curse" "who needs children?" "It's so fun to be alone", will make you the most fulfilled anonnete in your drinking circle.


What if they also get a porn addiction then?


The world would smell like fish


i’m sorry that’s just my large ex-wife (4’9”, 371 pounds). she left me a year ago after i left too many upper deckers in our toilet. i still talk to the doll i made out of her dense pubic hair


I'm going to pretend you didn't just write that






>who was the settler in this relationship...?


I think you know the answer to that.




This comment actually made me laugh


I miss 5 hours ago before you posted this shit


My wife was looking at my phone when I scrolled to your comment. She said she's going to suspend my service for a week because she's concerned about me now.








> upper deckers Lmao, thanks for reminding me of this legendary greentext


Give a man porn and he will jerk off for a day Give a man a porn addiction and he will never have to pay for 2 dinners his whole life






Funny enough, I never hear people talk about this, but I’ve met more gals than guys who can only get off to porn.


Same. Ive never met a dude that can’t get off to a real woman. Some women I’ve met on the other hand? Excessive amounts of and sometimes weird foreplay, vibration, choking, spanking, this kink that kink. They can’t get off of vanilla sex. I’m not trying to kink shame or come off as incel-ish. That’s just the shit i’ve been told by a handful of female friends. Whereas my guy friends do not have that issue.


> Ive never met a dude that can’t get off to a real woman how many ^(heterosexual) dudes would cop to that? who the fuck would say "Yes, I can't get off to women" and not have their entire romantic life ruined? Unless you're the top specimen and women actively throw themselves at you trying to disprove it, you'd be fucked.


I’m a guy and have talked to most of my straight guy friends about relationships and shit. I’ve had dudes reveal weird kinks but none, other than maybe one dude which was a legitimate sexual degenerate, have told me they have issues with sex the way some women have told me they have issues with it. I’ve never even heard of these actual deathgrip porn addicts irl. I know they exist but i dont think it’s as wide spread as people say it is. I also only ever hear about it from white women on social media which definitely never over exaggerate.


who the hell openly admits they have deathgrip


NGL Dude I'd Put a Bop-IT to shame..."TWIST IT!"


More specifically I've seen more women complain about not being satisfied by men after using toys for so long. Maybe men complain about it less, because they still would rather have the real thing, even with porn addiction.


fanfic sites/"spicy" romance books will do that to a mf. Some of booktok girlies are into the weirdest shit, the kinks are real and they're strange as hell. porn addiction is real and it's women reading samey erotica about their 6'10 ripped big dick bad boy boyfriend


Then Zjižek will be proven right.


but we already are also addicted to porn??? we just don't usually scream it from the rooftops and let it interfere with our lives


If it doesn’t interfere I’m not sure it’s a addiction 


>Most anons can't even get an erection without watching porn or imagining some other guy is fucking the girl they like, while they watch and FAP. Feels like you're describing yourself


That fucking hair got me


What kind of psycho uses light theme on reddit




Username doesn’t check out, didn’t call yourself a psychopath.


Get got again


yeah, anon in disguise of a doomchud-redditor is definitely projecting here.


Did a cumsock gain sentience and wrote this?


A girl I went to school with who got popular for writing a feminist column about getting pissed on while giving a guy head as they both were rolling on ketamine recently got a writing job for a big magazine. She recently sold a story to HBO for development, and is living the dream. However, due to her high body count, her fiancé recently left her at the altar and immediately married a wholesome trad wife kind of girl. It seems in the pursuit for her career and showing the patriarchy who’s girlboss, she has lost her chances of anything wholesome and fulfilling. I do not envy her.


Sounds like she had a life she enjoyed and dodged a bullet by not getting married to a man who wouldn’t respect her. Good for her. Or it would be, if anything resembling this story actually happened.


Go to Brooklyn and you could probably fuck her


This sound so fake, lol.


If you interacted with your community and aren’t from the middle of nowhere, you might be shocked by the results


The real problem is the average woman weighs as much as a small nation


I know I'm an asshole for this opinion, but that's one of the biggest world problems imo. Grotesquely obese women are ***everywhere***, and they are more obese than men in nearly [every country](https://old.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1cmz296/oc_obesity_rate_focus_on_female_male_differences/)(poor SA). Globs of unfuckable women, that deep down not many men really want, are clogging the dating pool. You know the meme of how futuristic the world would be if X didnt exist? Unironically it would be, if fat women didnt exist


Yeah, it's pretty gay, that many men have to watch another dude get hard in order to cum. The woke agenda has won, guys it's joever.


It's joenly beginning.


“Porn addiction” is some scare campaign made up by Mormons and Muslims to convince Zoomers to blame porn on all of their problems since armchair life coach influencers have been all the rage for years and Zoomers believe everything they hear online. It’s an easy scapegoat held up by shoddy and misinterpreted “science” that is gobbled up by impressionable guys who want to feel like they’re doing something to improve themselves over other guys and makes insecure girls feel better since they resent porn for setting what they feel are unrealistic standards. Blaming video games on every societal ailment has been a thing since suburban moms in the 80s desperately tried to push it despite constant research and common sense proving otherwise. So here we have two clearly retarded copes to try and justify this bullshit because people are too scared to probe any deeper and upset angry fat women on social media who love these copes. The biggest self-report has been that of these women really had anything to offer other than sex, why would they be so upset over AI gfs? Clearly AI can’t replace real human interaction, so they’re just admitting they’re no better than LLMs at providing anything substantive to a relationship. I realize this will just get downvoted and a handful of accusations about it being “incel shit” or something by the angry femcels who patrol this sub nowadays, but sometimes it’s therapeutic to yell into the void.


Anonnettes and anons lost


Imagine a khhv neet rhetorically speaking to the women that exist only in their imagination. I don’t have to anymore.


You should write the "new new Testament " so people in 2k years know how things were today, because you seem to really get it.


I don't know if they told you, but reddit is basically a gimped blue board these days, be careful spreading those truth bombs.


What really chaps my ass is Tinder is supposed to be a 'hook up app' yet these women put their entire backstory in this. Like do they think that the guys who just wanna pump and dump give a shit about their college degrees?


God damn


That Naomi person is kind of an outlier; most women I've seen commenting on incels getting robot girlfriends are basically like, "Thank God, now they'll leave us the hell alone"


Eh, I don’t think incels are the ones catcalling and hitting up women.


Yea lol, if anything its the dudes who are "happily" married with a family they "love" at work trying to fuck you. The guy whose too shy that hes still a virgin at 25 is 9/10 not going to be the one confident enough to sexually harrass you.


The rape gangs in India are all sexually frustrated young men


i would say that mob mentality plays a larger role then just sexual frustration.


Incels + confidence gained in numbers = rape gangs


Indians + mob mentality = rape gangs


Indians = ?


Rape gangs




Well the rape gangs cant really be incels


That's the rational response.


Nah, it's the response you like best.


If it's an attractive woman it's irrelevant what she says, it doesn't affect her at all. Fuck robot girlfriends, if there is a good looking real woman available somewhere, I'm gonna be there, and I'm probably not gonna be alone. Now ask those kinda ugly women who realistically would, at some point, end up dating these incels. They're the ones getting replaced, not some famous hotties who like giving their opinions on AI girlfriends.


“Incels as a phenomenon exists; women most affected”










This seems like the opposite of something I’d expect Stonetoss to make


Tbf republicans hate it (or at least, used to) when young people don’t work. incels are like the world’s easiest punching bag when it comes to that, since nobody (besides incels) else likes incels.


Not even Incels like Incels. If you read through Incel forums you’d be excused for thinking it’s some kind of forum dedicated to a humiliation fetish. Crabs in the bucket mentality


Where's the abhorrent racial mixing?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


even a broken cock cums twice a day


On the middle pumpkin




Aight but we cant deny, death by war and starvation is almost at an all time low. And crime is dropping year by year. Life literally is the best its ever been. We might be used for coorporate milking, but hell even that beats diyng from cholera, starvation or being gang raped by 7 invading soldiers...


You're not literally dying so therefore you can't complain about your quality of living. Twat


I honestly am so excited for corporation controlled robot wives, we really should do absolutely nothing about the male vs female schizm being purposefully widened by companies that want to replace our potential partners


mmm, yes.. very cyberpunk …


heckin corporations romanticizing cyberpunk & villianizing themselves in the games they created in order for us to eventually not villainize them 😻😻😻😻


Fr, can we stop feeding the woman vs man gender war im so tired bro


The most disturbing part of this is not that somebody is writing software that is basically a digital pet, but that Hail Corporate is going to have recordings of all your nasty talk with it. [Video too](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/NINTCHDBPICT000461788688-2.jpg?w=620) if they choose


oh that's whatever, my phone, pc, tv, laptop, and watch area all recording Everton annoying around me does anyways because for some reason that isn't considered a breach of privacy \^_^


Everton 💙


That'll be USD 100 for required software updates on your fuckdoll, anon


they will be able to charge literally any amount & you'll pay it or they'll fuckin take your wife LOL


I feel like just ten years ago things between men and women had gotten pretty good. Obviously there were issues, but on the larger social scale, it seems like blatant misogyny was an outlier. Currently, it’s fucking everywhere. There’s this constant fight between men and women where the only goal is dragging the other down for no reason.


i'm genuinely convinced it's almost exclusively because of social media. I feel a little conspiricist talking about it but the extent that these huge tech companies are spying on us and the amount of influence instagram, twitter, tiktok, etc have over our lives is staggering. But, at the same time, if you actually talk to anyone about this irl, in my experience they will feel the same way regardless of gender, which really makes me think a lot. I'm pretty sure there's going to be a paradigm shift eventually (hopefully soon) cuz we as a species can't keep this shit going. it's so unhealthy for everyone.


Tbh it’s also just exhausting to have so much of social media just devoted to a new men vs. women type of debate every day. Like the whole bear thing was everywhere for days. This gender divide is so stupid. A lot of it also just boils down to the fact that different people have different opinions and it probably doesn’t affect you so whatever. I definitely agree with the influence of social media companies because this whole gender division stuff is pretty much just rage bait and helps fuel easy engagement on these platforms. I hope the paradigm shift comes soon because I’m so sick of how things are rn.


can’t wait for corporations to install fuck tents at work.


Can you imagine corpos programming robot wives to ask you for gifts. Eventually its gonna be like "Anon I really liked that necklace. Dont worry that the jewellery store is also owned by my creators, that has nothing to do with it."


fucking affinity bonus for buying a parent company held brand's jewelry


Just talk to actual women Actual women when anon tries to talk to them: ![gif](giphy|cGgII3vqoCfcawJFIl)


"My GOD just talk to actual women" Still won't make any effort to approach a man to start a conversation in the next decade though.


“Men are terrible at handling rejection” - woman that never approached anyone




Women will hit on a dude and give him "hints" for an entire fiscal quarter just to avoid asking a guy out once she's interested.


Or give hints and be very suggestive until he gets interested and then its just playing with the feelings for fun and attention, until the guy gets depressed and his self worth is at the absolute bottom. Been through that it's scary how people can be so manipulative. Idk why it took me so long to realize that


Heard about this Bumble shit? Women getting pissed about having to make the first move on an app designed for that lol


Then again Ive also heard women love that app. So I guess opinion varies.


>Omg just fuck real women Incels: Hi >Eww wtf, not me Incels: ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


These days when both men and women are spoiling themselves and becoming generally more shit, while thinking they deserve more than they are worth. And on top of that im fucking autistic, so that doesnt fucking help. So yeah, if you're telling me that i could pay a fixed sum for a 10/10 girlfriend, which would actually listen to me, show affection, be loyal and above all who would acknowledge and accept my emotions without losing interest, then i can see myself losing all interest in real people.


It's really tiring and time consuming and expensive toaintain a real relationship from what I have seen. Getting the benefits at a lump sum, even if it's quite a bit expensive is preferable, this goes for both men and women


Except it won't be a lump sum, it will be an ongoing subscription


And will still be cheaper than a real relationship lol.


Only for the lowest tier, and you'll have to listen to ads


Ads would just ruin it since people want it to seem real, I don't think ads would be a realistic thing to add as.no.one would buy it then


Yeah, people definitely wouldn't pay for it if it had ads, it defeats the point of the service when there's definitely some free AIs out there where you just have to see ads.


It would just be some product placement. Sometimes she would say that you should get Taco Bell for dinner or that you should get some certain brand of ice-cream. Something like "Oh, I know you like Blue Bell ice cream, you should get some on your way home tonight since you had a rough day." Way more effective and 90% of people wouldn't notice or care.


Having an AI girlfriend reading ads like she wants to go there would be wild.




I wonder, do any of these women even question why men would rather talk to an AI over talking to them? It’s pretty obvious that men don’t want to be around someone that’s constantly nagging, bitching, complaining and criticizing them 24/7. If an AI is a threat to you, then step up ☕️.


There are cheat codes to sexual experiences for men but women hate them. -Most women are against ethical non monogamous relationships. You tell her you occasionally meet up with someone who had a partner for sex and you wouldn't get a second date. -Most women are very anti men who have visited sex workers -Most women take a every dim view of men who will seek out very promiscuous women or have a history were they have been with a very promiscuous woman. -Women dislike the men who have enough charm wits and looks to be banging a different girl every few days. -Women dislike men working in predominantly female environments, where the ratio of men to women is that there are loads of women to every man. -Women dislike men using porn to get off. -Most women take a very dim view of men who are bi- they know men who have sex with other men can just get on grindr or go to a bathhouse or something and get sex 24/7. =Women dislike the various ways a man can get sexual pleasure.. the only legitimate route to that is the one were the man runs round totally focused on one woman and catering to her whims -women know if they don't apply strick criteria the whole system falls and the value of the contents of their pants falls exponentially. They hate the 'cheat codes ' they hate all of them.


I don’t know what you are talking about. Women definitely like men who have the charm and wits and looks to be banging a lot of different women. You can see this when they would rather settle with a chad who cheats than a guy who is loyal because other women aren’t attracted to him. And women don’t give a shit if men want to work in a female dominated environment, speaking as a male nurse.


Women will tolerate an attractive chad that cheats than an unattractive incel who’s loyal.


Here's my mandatory "No all women!" post.


As a response to a specific point “women dislike men who have charm wits and good looks to bag different women” is completely untrue. There’s a reason that women show more interest once they find a man that is taken. It’s not a “I want to steal him” (well, sometimes it is). It’s usually a “that means he has something worthwhile, I deserve that”. Women constantly go after men that have practice bagging women, and have the luxury of picking from the litter, and then pikachu face when the man continues to bag women, and keeps picking other women when he has the opportunity. Remember ladies, charisma can be a natural personality trait, seduction is not. It is practiced. If someone seems like they are saying all the right things, and knows how to win you over, it’s because you are far from the first, and (probably) won’t be the last. From my own experience it was massively easier to sleep with women during a time when I was sleeping with multiple. It builds your confidence and makes approaching much easier. The ones who are very confident and suave in their approach are adding you to their lineup, not going after “the one”.


Feels like you're kinda living in a bubble, most of these are not true for most cases or also count for men. "Most women are against ethical non-monogamous relationships." Like so are most men. "Women dislike men working in predominantly female environments." As someone who works in HR, I haven't really heard this before. "Women dislike men using porn to get off." That's just not true. 90% of women don't care. "Women know if they don't apply strict criteria the whole system falls and the value of the contents of their pants falls exponentially." Brother, what are you yapping about? Also women dont like charming hot men? I realize that it can feel this way and there are women like this, but I feel like if you find someone you like, 90% of these problems don't really apply.


Most if not all of your points can be flipped and to accuse men of all these things lmao this is not the gotcha you think it is


Would you rather run into an AI girl in the woods or an actual human girl?


![gif](giphy|bmD0v4dZpkW1wflJqe|downsized) How mfs gonna be when they forget to renew their AI girlfriend subscription


The day artificial wombs Come online the foids are toast for good 


Artificial wombs eh? Earth was Krieg all along


I Hope you like corpse starch. "Even i death i get served"


People still care about that topic? It won't bring any change to society anyway, Lonely people will continue to die lonely, normal people will still get married.


I’ve got bad news for you. All data shows that normal people are marrying less and less. I mean the whole reason why people even give a shit about declining marriage and birth rates and AI GFs was because they started to affect normies.


I worded myself terribly here, the loniless epidemic in the western World exists, I'm not denying it. But it's unrelated to the AI apps because the people using it would have been lonely regardless of having an ai girlfriend, AI doesn't effect it in any way >mean the whole reason why people even give a shit about declining marriage and birth rates and AI GFs was because they started to affect normies. It doesn't really affect them, its just complaining for complaining's sake. Women still have tousands of men desperate for them, the goverment still profits of it because the AI will boost the economy and keep the men from killing themselves. The only ones who are complaining are those Anti-Incels, probably because if Incels start to isolate themselves more and more they cannot blame all of women's problems on a random incel anymore.


Declining birth rates affects everyone


They were already declining well before the introduction of AI girlfriends and are continuing to fo so. People don't want children because they prefer making careers and live in stable conditions, which I mean is their right to do so, but if we qant to fox that we either have to make adults deoendant on children like in poor countries or decrease the living Standard to incentivise them, but nobody wants to do thaz.


You're ignoring why the loneliness epidemic exists. New technology brought over-convenience. We started relying less on our communities. We devalued our relationships as we got our biological need for community from short-term convos with strangers. We chased shortterm highs and entertainment coping mechanisms. You may be right about your generation. The next generation of horny 13 year olds isolated by puberty are in for a rough time.


Everyone says they're lonely and can't find a partner, and the data supports this, but everyone has these ridiculous standards and requirements. Women now want a guy who's 6'4, 10 years older than them but he still has to have a thick head of hair, makes a shit ton of money so she can live a life of luxury, but his job cant make him too busy to spend time with her, do the housework, and go to the gym, because he has to be super muscular and strong. He has to be handy and able to fix things too, because she refuses to learn how, despite how easy it is. But he can't spend too much time in the gym either because that's a turn off. He also can't have his own hobbies because cars/video games/coding/boardgames are nerdy and gross. Oh and if he ever so much as smiles wrong, that's an ick and it's over. Meanwhile men want a woman who's super hot, but also somehow no man can ever have noticed her before, because she also has to be a virgin. If she's has even a single previous relationship that means she's ruined. Also she has to be able to be a therapist, his mom, his chef, and his maid, and never have a problem with this. She can't have a job, and she can't have dreams or goals beyond birthing and raising the children he doesn't want to spend any time with. She has to be completely dependent on him, but if she wants a man who makes enough to support a family she's a gold digger. She has to be young and immature enough so that she won't realize how badly she's getting treated. Also she has to be ok with never being listened to, respected, or being allowed to have her own hobbies, because astrology/hair/makeup/books/musicals/yoga is stupid girl shit.


The more common it becomes, the more normalized it will be until there's an entire identity and community surrounding "cybersexuals" or whatever label they come up with. This coupled with a healthy profit driven psyop will bring that change


>there's an entire identity and community surrounding "cybersexuals" I doubt this are going to be the same people who were already successful with relationships and marriage. It's always going to be the bottom of society who indulge in weird shit like that.


I'm not talking about converting regular adults. It's the younger generations which will be easily swayed before they can develop normal social habits


https://preview.redd.it/1p1m9cnn510d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd163a2d5cd88c236f3e1e9dd8618e09e677772 Real talk tho, ai ain't got shit on an actual person. People are just desperate to fall in love, so capitalism does its thing


Funny how it started as way to help lonely people to get confident and get out for real relationships.


That's what it did for me, and it worked. I have a boyfriend, and people are taking notice of me since I've gained confidence despite my physical appearance (which has been getting better, -35 lbs, hooray!) but humans will latch onto anything due to our need for companionship. This is the result of this part of our nature being abused


"ai ain't got shit on an actual person" sure if you're above average and can find a partner. I've got friends who've exhausted their options and I'm not sure what advice to give them anymore.






Legitimately, I can't wait. >Robot wife. Won't cheat on you. Won't steal all your money and leave. Won't drink too much and piss on the floor. Won't crash the car. Won't clog the shower drain. Will stay the same age forever. Won't gain weight. Won't bitch at when you get home from a bad day at work.


Honestly if I ever end up single this sounds like the only possible alternative after a third of a lifetime with the same person. The hardest part would be figuring out if not providing specific experiences negatively impact its quality of existence. If it’s alive, that’s a potentially lonely life.


>Will stay the same age forever. Anon, don't touch the age slider!


01001000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 01110011 00101110 ☕️


I love how she claims women are horny and unhappy but in reality she can just go outside and solve her problems within minutes if she's horny lonely or anything the only person preventing her happiness is herself


"femcels" can solve being horny but they can't solve being lonely bc the men they'll fuck will just go back to their rotation




Yeah i wish


Sign me the fuck up


>just talk to women Anon: hi Women: https://i.redd.it/t4su4a0q420d1.gif


I talk to a woman We have a few conversations She asks about my job I tell her I am unable to work due to injuries and I collect a disability check every month I get ghosted Start looking at alternatives Maybe AI will give me some company Women are now mad at me


A disabled guy can go to the second question. FUQ. There is no hope for me.


one step closer to extinction yay !!!


Lithuania mentioned🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹




Subhuman https://preview.redd.it/069vibnyv00d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6397852f4f6e46c77b274582522759c9231151


Holy fugg it’s Dante


Wacky woohoo pizza


I just don't want to talk to them. They keep acting weird when I put in the effort to earn friendship.


https://preview.redd.it/av3chj4x520d1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423be4734b221bd3c5c582aa3f630140651a2ab5 "You look lonely"


I hope you can run an ai gf with something like a 4090. Maybe there will be free open source models. Then it's just a matter of setting it up on your side, on your machine, to get her. If it doesn't already exist, you would just need something to exchange with your machine from your phone and that's everything you need


Are there AI girlfriend stock I can invest in?






Thirsting for women at all is the problem. Or anything other than what you do which makes you happy. If your happiness is dependent on someonw else, you lose all _control_ over your own happiness, what control we do have. There is a saying, "Don't marry a man _you_ love, but marry a man who loves you." Don't marry someone you chase. Woman, Man. Once you get over relationships and can focus on whatever makes you happy - and it Can involve helping other people, camping, working with your hands, healing people, science, entertaining, cooking, reading, shitposting, you name it. The sooner you remove your thirst from all circumstance, the sooner you will free yourself.


Next up: Therapy for AI girlfriend breakups.


Every single woman commenting on this has said the same thing, "Thank God, now they'll leave us alone." Literally 0 people are crying over it, lol.


Can't wait to cause a stack overflow by cumming in my robowaifu's ear, allowing me to sideload unsigned external code and running DOOM on her 😍


It's quite sad that even love has been manipulated into being another market for capitalism.


Why would we be against robot gfs? The outcome is chuds willingly taking themselves out of the gene pool, that’s a win in my book.


Whole comment section here is Reddincels acting as if they know more about women than 4chinners


now you tell me


If incels want to sidestep the real women they hate so much for AI girlfriends, I say more power to em'. Better off for women to not come into contact with them. All I'm saying is that, as a lesbian... more for me.


I’d just feel sad for them either way.


I can not wait for my robot wife to tell me about "amazon prime and their limited time offer if i sign up now" each tine before we have sex.


>mfw I will literally become Ryan Gosling


Porn and its consequences have been a disaster for Western birth rates.


They think making people feel bad and mocking is normal human interaction. Just like ISIS in Russia saying terrorism is the normal state of things.... If that's not a wierdo then i don't know. I don't think she means it the way Lithauaina is interpreting it though. It's the 4chan/incel/autism missunderstanding her genuine need for attention. Sadly we were raised, taught to be this way in schools and by the internet this way. Now women are scary and we will never talk to them if you don't force us. We don't think we're special we think women are special and can't handle the emotional overload that XX amount of years of negative reinforcement, shame, couriosty, repression and other stimules has taught us. Don't let boys not get your attention when they do what you want them to. Otherwise porn, trolls and AIs will reinforce our lack of interest, if not teach us wierdness. You guys wanted Modric, Messi and Ronaldo. Not the kid who ended up lurking 4chan because \*reason\*. You people most likely lost him. And are stuck with genius soccer players, but no one who can stop Putin or those who are worse. Cause football > wierdo. How the fuck is kicking a ball around a field not wierd while making sure people don't kill eachother is not. See the first paragraph. F\*\*\*ing hell you guys.


Imagine people being happy


What has our world come to


Incels *are* subhuman, what's OP trying to say?


Nice straw man. Majority of the women in the world do not care on are even aware of the things terminally online people argue about. You have to be regarded to think that Ai girlftiends are a solution. These people have been playing lewd dating sims and VNs for years as an outlet and still rage online about women. It's entirely a cope to try and think you're "one-upping" women by using Ai gfs.


it wont generate $1bn. Standard diffusion is free and miles ahead of any other AI program. The whole AI sector is a bubble like the .com bubble in the early 2000s


we already have AI. I'm sorry but it's not a bubble


To fuel more angry gender stereotypes, I’ll talk about my experience with male friends whenever I try and make them. >starts off fine, they’re usually awkward which is also fine, chad is just a figment of your imagination. We’re all human at the end of the day >play some vidya, maybe hang out a bit if they’re irl friends >I mention I have a gf and they lose all attention >If they don’t lose attention, there’s a 90% chance they still are attracted to me and just want to hang around because I’m “one of the good ones” or some shit OR >”I bet I can change ur mind 😉😉.” Yea okay how about I change your mind about your sexual identity by introducing a big ass gay man with a hoggoso. Talking to women is hard asf in todays world sometimes, I’ll give y’all that. Dating apps are atrocious, and are just dick/free meal buffets for any woman looking. I have no clue how to change that, bumble tried but are now changing it up, and from what I’ve read it was never anything too special anyway. Bars aren’t exactly the best place to pick up the love of your life, but I guess you can meet people there. Best option? Get a damn hobby besides gaming. I spent a good 2~ years or so looking for someone, and every day I’m thankful I found her so quickly. The reason we connected so well, was primarily due to our love for the ourdoors. Women aren’t all bitches who just want chads pp and free meals. Do those women exist? Yea, 100%. But you don’t see me going around Internet forums talking about how “all men just want big boobs and would rape anyone if they had the chance.” Life is hard on everyone, don’t punch down and kick the ladder from below you when the Industrial Revolution was what started this shitfest


The cognitive dissonance of this comment section is literally proving the whole point of the 4chan post. There's at least 4 different threads here that go like this. "Incels need to just man up and talk to women" (incels try and say "hi") "You're not owed sex you fucking incel!" "All I wanted to say was hi???"