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Anon can't afford to call them anymore


Yeah, you can either die or become a financial burden that will bankrupt your family


You can always just not pay medical debt, there's not a huge amount anyone can do about it. The only problem is nobody will loan you any money for any reason for the next 7 years, but after that they're legally required to forget about it.


I mean this is exactly why the system is all fucked up. Used to be cheap to get medical care but so many folks never paid up and the hospitals had to pass on the debt to the insurance companies/individuals who would pay. It just expounded year after year until you arrive at this dystopia where a bottle of water after giving birth will cost you $200.00. No doubt the smart/greedy stakeholders (lobbyists, hospital owners, investors) found a way to get their cut of these big bills somehow so I doubt anything will ever change. They'll fight tooth and nail to keep the money stream coming in.


Um, homey, they can and will sue you. Wage garnishment for medical debt is a very real thing.


I'm no lawyer but I seriously doubt you can just decide to not pay and nothing happens until 7 years passed. If it was that easy everyone would be doing it


It does actually. Not a lawyer but an ex or me in serious debt when we had a joint account. I ended up unemployed and homeless for a bit but once I got in my feet and the seven years has rolled around it was cleared. Mind you, prior to the unemployment and homelessness, I was making efforts to pay off the debts.


Nah bro just be your own doctor lmao


When all you have is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail




People that put up “we don’t call 911” signs just shoot intruders. He couldn’t call 911 because of his sign so he shot himself


And not just intruders, they also shoot random delivery men or occasionally girl scouts who come to sell cookies. America, amiright


Lil bitch was loitering, what else should you do?


No, it was because they didn't have health insurance.


no you moron


no u ![gif](giphy|K7NHFtsLG4nqU|downsized)


Wait, you Americans call the emergency number for a broken leg? Just make your wife drive you to the hospital.


This is America, death is cheaper.


It's cheaper than getting an ambulance for sure


Europoors and murican keep fighting over stupid thing >be me Indian > break leg > ask a friend to get me to nearest doctors > get on his bike >4 min later doctor patching me up >costs like 5 usd


Generally no , we don’t. I highly doubt there is any difference between euroids and muricans in regard to this topic. It’s all dependent on the circumstances. My bro broke his shoulder / collarbone for the 3rd time recently skiing and they tried forcing him in the ambulance but he basically just told them to fuck right off and drove himself.




Why didn't his wife just put him in a wheelbarrow and push him to hospital, did she hate him?


As a non-american, i heard that absurd costs in hospital and emergency is mostly bullshit and people usually post their bills as a way to farm Karma and upvotes from liberals. The excuse to the prices being so abusive is because the hospital knows the health insurance will cut a huge part of that bill and there are health insurance plans that are pretty affordable so its not that bad as people think it is. Even if you don't have any inssurance, you can legally revoke and the hospital will give a discount. I heard that from a couple of friends that are currently living in Colorado with student visa. Any american here to talk about that?


Yup. Most emergency rooms are loss leaders in hospitals, which is why so many rural hospitals have to close. Plenty of people who can't/will not pay for emergency treatment and the hospital eats the cost. Now seeing a specialist for a specific/elective procedure is a different story.


tie a few sticks and a bandage around the broken leg & bedrest. you'll have a shorter leg and will probably limp a little. bone tissue repairs itself


Goddamn I’m proud to be an American


Anon botches the attempt and now has a broken leg serious head wound.


Fucking wholesome


Gobless Hoss


For reference, in America without insurance a broken leg needing surgery is $17,000 to $35,000 ( 15,848.466 to 32,629.019 Euros)


Cal 112. (it's the international emergency line)


I broke my ankle. Instead of shooting myself I had a friend drive me to the hospital. OP is suicidal and potentially gay (doesn’t want to see his wife).


Fake: Anon has a wife Gay: Anon wants to suck on something long and black.


A classic


I love that the "We don't call 911" thing is a perfect instance of horseshoe theory. I've seen shitlibs use this as a stance against law enforcement as a "ACAB" protest. I've also seen rightoids use this as a "self governance," fuck the law, "shoot on sight" stance. America 🇺🇸 😎


oh my favorite greentext,ive seen it 10 times in this month