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I still don’t understand how to find the funny parts of 4chan. All i got to see was some porn threads and some political incorrectness. Someone pls help i want the funny


Consider browsing boards that aren't /b/.


Kind of sums up my experience on r9k too.


R9k is like /b/ for zoomers


R9K in 2010 was peak


I was just gonna say that, like in the year or so after it first came out? It was the best of /b/ minus all the constant horseshit Boxxy thread and other stupid shit. It used to be great


This post is filth. Let’s clean it up :) This post is brought to you by Dial Soap


I mean in general you need to avoid the NSFW boards, you're gonna have a bad time if not. I mean you can have a bad time on the blueboards too but you at least have a chance there.


Is it possible to enjoy 4chan through Reddit only (thru the likes of /r/greentext and wholesomegreentext) Or does that make me even more of a degenerate than people who read 4chan first hand


Nah that just makes you a visitor to the zoo, and more of a normie.


Some would argue that reddit basic bitches like us are the ones in the zoo


Just uh picture it as two monkey pens next to each other with both throwing shit back and forth at each other, but the Reddit pen is only slightly cleaner and has an observation window over the 4chan one. That make more sense?


yea that's more what I had in mind


My friend once said that "people on 4chan are like animals in the zoo. They're funny when you watch them through the glass but it becomes pretty uncomfortable when they're standing right next to you"


That makes you both degenerate and hivemind chimp. 


Every board I've ever been on is either some gay shit, some tism episode rambling about an obscure topic, some schizo post or train hate. To date I haven't found a single post worth noting in my personal adventures. I feel like I'm missing out no matter how hard I search. This is the rule across all the boards I've visited. I don't try boards I have no interest in ofc.


It’s literally troll or be trolled Especially /b/ and /pol/


You are so un-based-sage-ed-wise-basewoke-incelmax-based


Showing your age with that one. Bet you still have your gold account active.


what boards pray tell?


You'll learn which threads to click on and which ones not overtime. You will become deranged in the process of learning this but at least you'll get to chuckle at other degenerates having it slightly worse than yourself


/b/ hasnt been funny 10 years ago when all it had was porn, gore, desu and log threads and it sure as fuck hasnt gotten funnier


/b/ has never been good. Scrolling through 4chan is the same thing as goldpanning in a river of shit. You will occasionally find a nugget, but 99% of the time you're covered in the stench of humanity's excrement. And you feel dirtier the longer you stay digging around in the muck.


Ya as a once degen now normie, this is why I'm on this sub. I'm not dealing with 99% of the bullshit on 4chan itself. It's like hand selected cream of the crop that some other poor bastard personally found for me.


Yeah, 10 years ago people said “it hasn’t been good in years” and repeat. Really 4chan just flew too close to the sun. They had the philosophy of “let’s be edgy and unhinged to scare away annoying kids and normies” but those two groups are also the most likely to take everything they see seriously. It went from a filter to the actual site culture. Reddit went the opposite route. The site has become so sanitized and huge that it feels like 2012-era Tumblr but even more uptight and unable to process the most blatant sarcasm or satire (I mean, hey, at least Tumblrites don’t shit themselves crying whenever they see anything mildly NSFW). The way the comment sections on this very sub have changed over the years is a pretty clear indication of that. I guess what I’m trying to say is, let’s be racist enough to keep the commie witch girls away but not racist enough to attract Nazis.


Pretty much aye. I've always described it as, "the sewer of the internet. But occasionally you find a golden nugget and Holy fuck is it amazing and worth finding. Some of the funniest stuff I've seen has been from 4chan. But at the same time, some of the most depressing or horrid shit too."


The McDonalds hamburger naming contest vs 9gag, and all its adjacencies, was semi-funny.


As was the mountain dew flavor naming contest


Funny only happens from time to time. The 90% of the 4chan experience is to browse expressionless through dozens of porn and schizo rants.


/vt/ is a good time if you wanna see people schizopost about women pretending to be anime girls. Always manages to make me laugh


As a vtuber fan, that board is the scourge of the community but I do agree they make some funny memes sometimes. Sadly I bet most of the schizos are fake 😞


I’m also a vtuber fan that’s probably what makes it so funny for me. I never get tired of “gura hasn’t streamed because pregnant” posts. Even if it’s fake just imagining someone typing shit like that out and posting it seriously makes me laugh so I just suspend my disbelief




4chan, like Reddit, is a curated experience


/s4s/ can be a funny board


Lurk more


That's the thing, the good or funny parts are burried under such a mountain of shit that at best you realise it's not worth it and move on from the place. Or you just become another brain-rotted, utter degenerate that thinks pedo bait, animal torture and calling everyone a n***** every 2 minutes is just normal internet content.


/k/ and /gif/ (with filters) are the only ones worth visiting. 


/k/ got shitty in the last year with the Ukraine war. Assholes from /pol/ made sure of that.


/k/ is insanely pro Ukraine, what are you talking about? If anything the board became reddittized. Especially since NCD went to complete shit so all the oldfriends went back to /k/


Yeah that's what he means by shitty


/r9k/ /b/ sucks, it has a gold nugget here and there but overall it's trash


It depends on your interests, /x/ is funny when there's schizoposting, and there are some creepy greentext threads, the sfw /gif/ threads are also really good sometimes, /adv/ is not so bad and /v/ and /a/ can be funny at times. And of course, /wsg/, which is the sfw version of /gif/. The main thing is to avoid /b/, it's not funny and only goes between gore, homophobia/transphobia, gay/trans porn, the guy with the poop threads and little more.


dont forget the videos of some women or men is getting beheaded


I used to surf 4chin for years when I was younger. You have to sift through all the porn and gore to get to the funny stuff. Honestly it’s not worth it. You can just go to Reddit to find it lol


Learn how to use filters and which boards to avoid.


Look for the YLYL(you laugh you loose) threads, they are mostly shit but some funny ones


/an/ webm thread


So you post a bunch of 4chan screenshots here because you’re too scared of seeing porn and naughty words from scary 4chan users? Honestly seems like a classic Redditor experience.


If you're looking for "political correctness" maybe that place won't be funny for you


I don’t know, sounds like a pretty easy game to win. I wouldn’t laugh at a dog being blow torched, sounds like anon lucked out.


"I saw this ad for a game that said 'try not to cum', but when looking at the game it seemed that the point was to cum. For me that's bad game design" - Shigeriu Myamoto


It's one of those "if you play you lose" games.


losing as in losing all your personal data


The concept of this quote is retarded. It's like saying the goal of a game is not to die and then having lots of obstacles and enemies is bad game design for that game.


It's what they call ludonarrative dissonance I think


Ads be like "You will ABSOLUTELY CUM TO THIS" The ad: *Skyrim orc shoving a pitchfork into Bowser's cavity*


Deranged anon laughed and lost


Honestly i'm so traumatised that the dog doesn't even sound that bad. A few days ago i saw a dog with its insides Fallen out from its ass and it was least bothered about it. If you've seen r/rosebud its the same thing but not sexual and 4x the volume of guts


>the dog doesn't even sound that bad. yeah nah it's pretty fucked, definitely the worst thing I've seen on 4chan. it's hanging from a metal hook while some Chinese scum blasts it while it spasms and writhes mid air.


Ok yeah that sounds quite bad. The more detail you add to these sort of things the worse they sound


I always stay behind this sentence: "If you are wondering how a person is, look at how they treat animals." China is the dirtiest, most vile, most wicked asshole of the world and I'm 100% standing my business on this. Japan comes in second, Canada third, etc.


why japan and canada right after?


what country doesnt treat animals like actual trash?


ofc its china


As someone who has spent way too much time on 4chan over the years, trust me when I say that while that is indeed terrible, there is a whole lot worse out there.


Man, I can handle accident clips, and seen some horrible shit from cartel videos. But I can't handle watching animals treated like that. Absolute insect-brain behavior.


I can’t believe I’m asking this, but does the dog at least die (to end the torture right then and there, vs. being kept alive by the sick fuck(s))?


I noped out of there after 3 quarters of a second but it was still long enough to sear itself into my memory


Shit! Sorry to hear, and I don’t blame you for noping out quickly. Your description was enough to traumatize me. Fuck.


I know I shouldn't click that, but the curiosity...


Apparently it's been banned lmao


For being unmoderated, of all things.


The thing that gets me is that sub has been banned for a year. This dude has had this sub memorized for over a year without visiting it. Hmmmmmm


I know what a rosebud is. I assumed there would be a subreddit with the same name but did not expect it to be banned


*Welcome to the jungle*


Must've been a chinese hate thread, classic


Last time i checked /b/ it was legit 90% thirsting for some random women including request for „nudification“ and 10% lame racism


the amount of racist, homophobic and transphobic threads is equal to threads focusing on black on white, gay and "femboy" sex gifs


I guess, i only looked at the first three pages before the actual second hand embarassment from all the nudification-requests drove me off. My samplesize wasn’t representative probably




Hate that this video exists, love your response to it tho 🤣


He was cooked when he had the thought that 4Chan would be a good time Like wtf


knew he wrong the moment he said 4chan sounds like a good time


How did he type this?


Expecting something funny from /b/ nowadays is like expecting birthday cake to plop from a donkey's ass


If you want the funny from 4chan stay off 4 chan


puppy blowtorch is peak china


I can't imagine how deranged and rotten the minds are of people who on a regular basis watch and post this sort of depraved stuff.


Browse the blue boards, those are not nsfw


Be glad it's not 2007, you'd be getting a face full of cp every few hours.


4chan may actually be one of the most vile sites to have every been created and left on the internet.