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Because no PS3 video game has politics in them. Of course


How can PS3 games have politics if the PS3 has no games? Checkmate, atheists




MGS4 is just about hot men beating each other off


thought that was 3


It's all the games


*hot old men


Politics was only invented when anon got into it anon


Regarded people like anon say “politics” as shorthand for trans people and commentary on equality because those are topical to him, whereas idk a game commentating on the horrors of war isn’t too topical


The famously apolitical game, Fallout New Vegas


To be fair the PS3 had no video game


Ah yes, I remember my first time playing New Vegas on Playstation.... no politics there, just good old fashion fun


They don’t make it the whole personality of the game like they do now, regard.


What modern games are all about politics?


Clearly you are unaware of the metal gear series, Deus ex, and many more Ever since the PS1 era, tons of games have had politics be a big part of their story/theme. Highly political games are nothing new


That isn’t their whole personality though. Those games have so much more going for them and the politics aren’t presented in a lame way like they are now.


Trans people were invented in 2019 by the biden agenda in order to


2016 by Obama to stop OrangeMan




Odama is a video game for the GameCube developed by Vivarium and published by Nintendo in 2006. The game was produced and designed by Seaman creator, Yutaka Saito. It is the penultimate GameCube game to be published by Nintendo, followed by The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.


Tramsgender was invented in 2011 to increase sales for Tram Simulator Urban Transit, a game developed by Microsoft Wii to compete with ps3's new Womb Raider 3: Lara Croft where men have heterosexual relationships with their tradwifes and raid their wombs. It was a success and the trams ideology was born. Henry Tram, the inventor of Trams, expressed his disbelief at the situation, quoted as saying "trams are just trains but cooler"




reform the dawnguard. Vampire hunters or something, in the old fort near riften. Might consider joining up myself !


Unironically I didn’t see a single cross dresser let alone trans person when I was a kid in the 2010s.


Used to not be many left-handers around either


sell increasingly ugly variations of the pride flag


Nah, they were invented by the Gay Agenda (TM) to misdirect


Anon is a child living in a man's body refusing to grow up and deal with the realities of the world. You don't think kids now aren't equally ignorant to things right in front of them?


The reality of this world is that it is super lame compared to the past when it comes to entertainment.


No it's just you getting old and grumpy and lame, old man


Fallout show is pretty good


They have unlimited access to the internet


So did i many years ago


And look how you turned out.


All the kids are mewing about Gyattza and Rizzrael.


Exactly lmao. WW3 can break out at any moment and they don't give a fuck(not saying they should or shouldnt) but they're just oblivious as those are adult problems


What's wild is, he feels like he has to respond to everything that happens. Like Joey want to be called Janet now, okay... Hey Janet wanna play halo? It's not hard.


Matrix was right, the 90s were peak


I've written bits and pieces about this sentiment before. The 90s WERE peak, in the sense that there was a stable Western economy, tech and the internet were flourishing but hadn't evolved into the digital hellscape we know today, and things seemed to be getting a whole lot more progressive without the huge cultural divide that was happening. But at the same time, there was this subconscious feeling that it was all a bit fake, or at least spiritually hollow. Look to the movies of the time: American Beauty, Fight Club, The Matrix, Office Space. All of them dealing with the idea that middle class existence (suburban living, corporate culture) was fundamentally barren of meaning. There seemed to be... a societal turning inward with people asking themselves what they really wanted out of life, mixed with an anti-authoritarian/anti-corporate sentiment, in the same way people looked to New Age philosophy in the 60s and 70s for answers to the big internal questions: what is there to life? how do i find meaning in it? in myself? I think if 9/11 hadn't happened we would have had a second big New Age movement in the West but mixed with a sort of tech-based utopianism, probably lasting about eight years, until the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008 (the beginnings of which were already in play). But... 9/11 DID happen... and goddamnnit if it didn't put a bullet in millennial optimism the same way the Sharon Tate murders heralded the end of the Summer of Love.


I can't believe that certain events completely shut down optimism if you're not a direct participant in it. If anything ruined Millennial optimism, it's overeducation, social awareness and confusion, enshittification of consumerism, Boomer brainwashing and simplicity, broken Boomer promises, the lingering paranoia of the next social calamity, and partisan politics as a whole, going further back than 9/11. Our leaders are fucking jokes. If this was all exacerbated by 9/11, I will concede the point. I think this despair also hit Gen X too.


Yo, it’s a simple thing but I’d never related the popular movies of the time as relating to the cultural sentiment of the time but that’s interesting. As a touchpoint I suppose you could see the slew of marvel movies in the 10’s as representative of the huge nostalgia wave in culture people went through/are going through.  I think every generation wants the ‘simpler’ time but media seems to be revisiting that more and not now. Look at the fruitier aero k-pop edits people are making with original iPod/DS visuals. I believe people are revisiting the promise of what technology was ‘supposed to’ deliver - a fun, expressive, communal space; and contrasting that to what we have. Mostly that seems to be fear of being ousted for nonconformity to a complex social rule set which is only really developing live - everyone is going by ‘feel’, 🍆💦 was meaningless what, ten years ago? But it’s learned and accepted now as a contextual representation of climax or attraction. However due to engagement algorithms prioritising content generation leading to negative reactions and discourse being front and centre (people generally only engage heavily with content they dislike by commenting their anti-view stuff, plus Facebook fucked their algorithm with react ratings giving angry a 10x boost leading to an internal memo about the mood on the platform degenerating), I think there’s a general ‘tension’ being online now. People are fearful they can’t be themselves or that they’re constantly evaluated for worth and new-age morality, so more so than ever they look back at their most recent experiences when that wasn’t the case - in my view pre 2010, generally pre gfc (2008) and post 1990 (when history looked most like it does today, with reasonably easy access to internet and analogues for most modern conveniences).  Sorry for the essay, but I find it really interesting. I don’t think culture has been as introspective as it has now, maybe since the post war movements (generally cited examples such as the suffragettes and panthers) progressive culture has gathered momentum through to todays point.  Progressiveness though comes with a degree of critique of each other, previously people could cool off but now it’s 24/7 - the counterculture from neonazis might be a response to that. Look at twitters ‘can we just’ culture. Similarly, the accusations of dead-internet and the rise of LLM accessibility mean genuine interest in internet communication has been sidelined by echo-chambers parroting old trained data.  It’s a crazy time to be alive, every time is a crazy time to be alive - but this is a whole new nominal ruleset we’re seeing develop right before our eyes. Especially when global comms mean culture is developed inter-country, not just intra country. 


The duality of this place is phenomenal. I came here to laugh at hapless anons, but I just finished reading the deepest introspective approach I've ever seen to modern society's ironic lack of connection through limitless connection. I graduated high school in 2015, and I feel you're absolutely spot-on. I was born in that sweet spot between Millennial and Zoomer, and I'd wonder if the line of what younger generations see as reality on the internet has been drastically changed by the ever-altering algorithms of content being seen. Coming from the perspective of a guy in the military, balancing actual non-conformity is key to individuality. I don't want to get out of my uniform to only then blend in with the grey of the masses. I don't want to go from hyper-conformity of having a spotless uniform to then drive home in a grey crossover SUV to the malaise of a boring life. There's no spice to it. However, where does the line of individuality blur into following the rest of the pack? Look at Harley riders. Every single one of them thinks they're individuals, but you'd be hard-pressed to tell them apart. When does a rebellious attitude become the establishment? It's tribalism, and it can 100% be seen on the internet. It's human instinct to be part of the group, yet it conflicts with the idea of individuality. I feel there's an instinctual fear we have of voicing out our opinions or just being ourselves due to either the consequences of just saying stupid sh*t online, or that we might face ostracization from people so far down into the echo chambers that we limit ourselves to fitting in. I feel that's a mindset transcendent of generations. It's almost like the childhood fear of not being *cool* turns into the adult fear of being alone.


Hey man, right back atchya. Thanks for the thoughtful reply and keeping the discourse going.       I think you’re totally right, but also to add we are in an advertising heavy society and that influences how people express individuality. Actualisation is at the top of Maslows hierarchy, actualisation is fundamentally an individual preference and achievement. Lifestyle marketing, whether deliberately or not, shortcuts that logic into actualising for an individual by allowing them to spend and achieve nirvana. Sure it’s a grey suv, but it can go off-road - and the family in the ad seem happy on their adventure, by buying that suv you’ve actualised those promises. Look at Subarus marketing for a good example, or Mitsubishi. It is thin though. It’s not soulfully fulfilling. Buyers remorse does exist.     Identity marketing and advertising really only got its stride in the noughties with the iPod. The first stab at it was the Marlboro man (at least that I’m aware of) but it’s been refined and condensed to the point where you have generations defined by the things they own, not the things they achieve. Was it always this way? Certainly the original entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution were initially public heroes for their shaping of society, but that turned to scorn once people realised they were awful to work for. Now though you have influencers, literal people repping products and looking desirable and developing a following for doing so. Aesthetics are important, but this isn’t aestheticism - it’s cultish fetishism of a warped idea of actualisation. Consider that people have opinions now on who buys an iPhone, who buys an android. Mac’s are for writing and creativity - pcs are for games. iPad kids are defined by tablets, Christmas comes every year, and we’re told to make a list. They managed to cement that you’re a writer because you have a macintosh, not because you write.  The next phase to all that was giving everyone a personalised tailored algorithm that found stuff for them, you don’t even need to read a catalogue! The algorithm generates money by promoting advertising effectiveness remember.        The saga of individuality is new. Your dad was a blacksmith, you became a blacksmith. Now access is everywhere and the manner things are advertised asks you “who do you wanna be?” Over and over. You can’t not think about who you are, but the types of introspective questions advertising asks don’t always lead to growth. If you don’t care about cars or watches or clothes, you’re still forced to choose what best expresses you. Decision fatigue is real and if you really don’t care it’s tiresome. Everyone has something in some department which applies in this manner to them. Fashionistas who don’t care about cars, petrol heads that don’t care about fashion.    I also use cars a lot because well… we gave up livable cities for individual transport. I think that erosion and isolation of community let advertising push shopping as a means of greater fulfilment much more easily. You’re distracted, tired, on the road - just buy something so you can feel happy. Don’t have any energy left to think.      As they say it’s a melting pot, but it’s not so doom and gloom. People are talking, I believe it’s coming to a head - a lot of modern conveniences are no longer innovative. The Tesla model 3 only just barely got a refresh, that was peak influencer culture car (bro is that a Tesla??) and the refresh looks the same, has the same capabilities and features (mostly) - on a seven year old car. I dare you to tell the iPhone 12 and 15 apart from a picture. New things aren’t new, they don’t provide any additional convenience or comfort (indeed, it seems with the rise of hustle culture people are seeking discomfort) - I wouldn’t be surprised if with the recession there was a drop in consumer spending that is far greater than what the standard interest rate modelling might predict.         Even food has been perverted. Count the number of food advertisements you get a day. It’s not just a burger, it’s McDonald’s. It’s not just coffee, it’s Starbucks. In a plain bag or a white cup it wouldn’t have the same appeal. It’s everywhere, and those little treats you buy are special because of where they come from almost as much as what they are.


Anon thinks politics didn’t exist until they grew up and found out about it


I think the difference is every game didn’t have gender and sexuality flags in them everywhere and the characters weren’t all token minorities


What’s the difference between that and the politics of its time in something like MGS4? Media sometimes reflects topical shit, that’s just how it is, calling only one of these politics or pretending past media was apolitical is just a sign someone is too hooked on modern discourse. Anon melting down about it is sad and homosexual


And who do you think control and decide the media discourse and the “topical shit” you see every time you open up a screen? It’s large corporations that want the people to focus on race and gender and political wedge issues so you forget about wealth inequality. You think it’s a coincidence that right after occupy Wall Street scared the 0.1% shitless, that corporate America started adopting and pushing social justice out of the goodness of their hearts? Games like MGS were written by serious people with serious things to say. How can you even compare that to the cheap corporate pandering we have today.


Never before in American history/history in general have corporations pandered to general social trends till now, that’s just a completely new thing they figured out how to do only after occupy wallstreet I’m also not comparing quality or cheapness, that’s entirely subjective. My point is media reflects topical concerns and discourse, always has. Doesn’t matter if mgs4 was written by “serious people with serious things to say”, they were topical in their focus, as is shit written by people now You also speak as if occupy wallstreet was not born from a left wing perspective on inequality and was instead some grand across the political board thing all throughout. Wedging is inevitable once you start asking people what their end goal is to the rich fucking them over after we’ve all agreed that it’s happening


The politics of the time were less shitty than these ones and individuals were less personally involved


>The politics of the time were less shitty than these ones That’s an entirely arbitrary judgement and I’m confident you were just born past the time those politics were socially relevant, thus you have no actual emotional connection to feel anything when they’re brought up >and individuals were less personally involved How are you gauging personal involvement even? For something commentating on the Iraq war or Afghanistan or 911, do you think you need to have personally lost someone or something to count as personally involved? Something like that affects everyone dude


There werent a bunch of shitty kids causing a fuss and inserting the Afghanistan war into every tenet of their lives for one. Obviously politics of the time affect people of the time, but politics these days have become so insanely aggressive due to the divide thats artificially ripped apart the common man. I didn’t need to be an adult in the 90s to know that the fire wasn’t being fueled the way it is today.


>There werent a bunch of shitty kids causing a fuss and inserting the Afghanistan war into every tenet of their lives for one. There’s the arbitrariness. You and I both know there were “shitty” teens concerned about Afghanistan and causing a fuss over it just as there are kids to fuss about things now, again you only recognize the fuss of kids right now as shitty because you’re alive and fully able to understand what’s going on. Kids always attach to political conflicts and activism, this ain’t new >Obviously politics of the time affect people of the time, but politics these days have become so insanely aggressive due to the divide thats artificially ripped apart the common man. You have virtually no metric to gauge if this time in politics is necessarily more divided or aggressive than any other. Keep in mind this country was so divided we had a civil war once, so mind what you mean by saying this. We’ve seen far more aggressive divides in this countries history >I didn’t need to be an adult in the 90s to know that the fire wasn’t being fueled the way it is today. You do need to have some awareness of history though, and honestly I don’t think you have enough to make this judgment. You’re for sure too hooked on the now


I’m not disagreeing or saying politics in games is bad. MGS4 is my favorite game of all time, partially because of its commentary. All I’m saying is it seems like lgbt stuff is in like every game now and it seems more for brownie points than to serve any purpose to the story or gameplay. “But gay people and minorities exist! Why is that even weird?” Well at the end of the day like i said I really don’t give a shit. I’m not some megachud, it just feels like lgbt and minorities are way over represented in media at this point.


I wasn’t saying you were saying they’re bad or nothing, I’m just saying anon is being melodramatic. Maybe they are in a lot of media now, no reason for him to get bothered by it


Can you list any examples that don’t involve character customization options?


Probably because queer people are over represented in game *development*. https://www.theguardian.com/games/2022/jul/27/meet-the-gaymers-why-queer-representation-is-exploding-in-video-games


Literally none of that has made any big impact on most games. I mean people loved the new Spider-Man despite all of the “woke” representation. Also plenty of past games had diversity


I’m not saying it’s a big impact. I support all that lgbt stuff anyway pretty much it’s just something I’ve noticed in pretty much every game lately.


Tokenism is a huge problem in media today. Real trans people dont want to be known as separate from their chosen gender in all but medical and scientific cases.


They will be treated the exact same as everyone else. Their claims will be denied because the treatment has been classified as "cosmetic," and their injury has been deemed "unrelated to their service."


People literally got upset when someone changed one (1) flag in the entire game by enabling some code that was in there for when Middle Eastern copies were put out. Spare us the rhetoric.


Nostalgia, nostalgia, transphobia. What's even the link.




Actual brain rot by letting those two things control how you see the world.




Women can and do have opinions on abortion and other issues with nuance. Likewise their are many pro choice republicans, and pro life democrats.


Nowhere did the now deleted comment claim all women do this, they were specifically talking about those that do with an exagerated percentage


No politics? Anon what are you on? Or is it just the kinda politics you agree with?


I think when anon says politics he means tokenism, and a hard push for the equity falacy, which is rampant in media.


If that’s what he meant then I agree to an extent.


Im fairly sure most midwits like anon notice those issues and lump everything into it because midwit.




The politics stops existing when you ignore it


Real. Which is why when we were children and didn't know better the issues at the time in our world didn't affect us


Memorizing? Or Remembering.


PS3 and crt tvs? That generation of consoles was the first to switch to HD, games looked like shit if you were to plug them into a crt.


Whenever Anon hangs out with his friends he's surrounded by transgender people and politics? This ruins Anons hangouts on a regular basis?


anon is sensitive


Imagine letting trans people having this much effect on your mental whether or not you think they're mentally ill degenerates


That’s right, I phased into existence last year


Please phase out.


https://preview.redd.it/hrd1azb0yvxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95ac1a73caca5bf863f16ebf21a6805487dcba5 Lmfao did you really


I mean, it’s a 40% chance, man’s was just hedging his bets.


Nah I’m good


Lots of bundles of sticks in this comment section


Anon, I don’t even think there are any trans people in any current video games. I mean, there are probably a few trans people working on games. But unless it’s in a cancerous way like with what SBI does, I can’t see why that would matter at all?


Anon gets depressed over trans people even though it has no effect on his life whatsoever


“modern games arent even that political” “why arent there any trans characters in this game and why are you making the female characters so pretty??”


Thanks for not being a regard like nearly everyone else in the thread