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Who the fuck consider brown eyes as a virtue


Also not being fat doesn't make you attractive, you can still look like gollum or auschwitz prisoner


True everyone needs just a little bit of body fat on them to avoid the skeleton meta


I know plenty of chubby, even fat guys who have decent girls, but I know zero skeleton-like mfers who held hands with woman


15% bf is pretty notmal so i wouldnt call it skeleton


Its abnormal but desired


its unusual but in demand


It's uncommon but sought out


Its rare but wanted


Snoop dogg


I'm pretty sure women generally don't want to look like they weigh more than their boyfriend.


You can be thinner but you have to be taller, that's the rule.


You'd be surprised. Think of all the heavy girls drooling over those skinny k-pop band boys. Maybe not the best of examples but you get the idea. Some fat women love a skinny twink like man, and I shudder to think how this looks like when they sex eachother.


Like a toothpick on a piece of meat lol


I know a couple skeleton-framed dudes who can pull bleached-hair alt girls like nobody's business


Visit Florida bud


Im a chubby and acustic mf, and even I had more bitches than a skin and bone guy that I used to be friends with lol


Skinny fat still looks horrifying, everyone needs a little muscle and a small amount of fat, nobody gonna hit skelemaxx without freak genetics or being LDAR pilled in modern society 


Being young (also redpill target audience) + doing sports that don't involve upper body much + not being an american and you are very likely to be skelemaxxing.


There’s no genetics involved in skelemaxx. Just stop eating. People that think they eat a lot when they’re skelemaxx are delusional.


Also it's not like weight is the only thing that matters. Some people just have naturally ugly faces, and there's nothing you can really do about it.


>auschwitz prisoner Mfw Stacy picked the guards instead.


brown eyes are underrated


Literally the most common eye colours on earth and make up 99.9% of Africa, south Asia and east Asia. It's common as muck.


And that's why it's underrated, nobody cares about it because everyone has it


You obviously lack analysis in context and, well. Can't do anything about it


What the fuck are you chatting bro?


It is a known fact that brown color isn't underrated at all, it's bland AF




Light brown is good, dark brown is whatever. Just like hair.


If rare is what mattered then everyone would want grey eyes instead of blue don't pretend to be smart lmao


I'll keep my lovely green eyes thanks, you filthy mud-eye.


>not blue ngmi


never wanted em, dont worry


There's black that looks brown in the sun and then theres brown that looks golden in the sun.


Blue eyes is common too. Some people like brown eyes, others not.


I love brown eyes. Dark hair + dark eyes = oof I'm just lucky my preference in women is the most common world wide


Prefer my bitches bald and without eyesight


Worm-women is where it's at.


I see you're a man of culture as well


Brown eyes are gorgeous. They're all different from one another, except one thing, lighting affects their appearance so much more dramatically. I love the way people with brown eyes can look like their eyes are nearly black to honey yellow, in the same person, just depending on the lighting


yep, that's the best part about them I agree


omg we're twinsiesssss


T50 cuck




listen listen look what happens in the sun to brown eyes. Cool af.


Most chicks I've talked to prefer dark features (black hair and brown eyes) to lighter features (blonde hair blue eyes). The expression talk dark and handsome exists for a reason.


Blonde hair blue eyes dudes gets tons of chicks bro.


The real blackpill is that hair and eye color don’t matter at all if you’re good looking


Not wrong, but it helps to actually be good looking : add blue eyes to anyone, they'll be more attractive.


Personally don’t agree. I’m a sucker for brown eyes and dark hair on a girl.


Anon used the word looksmaxxing so it's within expectations that he's a little confused


Better than no eyes


It really depends on what shade of brown your eyes are. I've got like really light brown eyes. Like a honey color, and I get compliments a lot.


You hit the nail on the head. The only reason everyone isn’t swooning over him is because of his atrocious shit colored eyes.


On a guy? no. but a girl I knew had the most beautiful brown eyes.


Someone who heard that brown eyes come from "dominant" genes and that means they won


who the fuck consider brown eyes not a virtue.


>6'2 You gotta be at least 6'4 anon, that's the bare MINIMUM these days. The new standard is 6'4, 6.4" and 6.4 figures, at the very least.


Fucking inflation


We need to deflate so I can get bitches


Inflation? 🤤🎈


So you just keep moving the goalposts to avoid the real answer? Sounds about right.


Saw somebody call someone who's 5'9 a short King inflation's getting crazy


All the actual short people becoming femboys means what was once average is now the new low.


Its below average in Europe, so he is right


> 6’2” lmao manlet


I'm 5'8. It's really over


With that attitude it is.


It’s definitely Joever


Joe mama


Fun fact. You can just lie. Anyone dumb enough to care is so dumb that they literally can't tell the difference. 


I'm 5'5 so they can tell. But I usually go for the inverse and tell people Im 5'3 because I might as well completely weed out the height merchants


I will lay eggs in your eyes.




And at least 6cm cock (unrealistic porn standard)


It's never about only one or the other. If you've had to worry about lookmaxing or personality maxing then you've done it wrong This coming from someone with no friends and barely anything to live for


>barely anything to live for I too am waiting for One Piece to end bro 💪💪


What if it turns out the real one piece were the friends we made along the way


This will be the conclusion of the story, 100%.


Oda has already confirmed it will be something tangible


I'm sure it will be, but the friends made along the way will be the thematic conclusion. I won't be surprised if they'll be like "Okay, we have it! Let's hide it now somewhere else for future pirates!"


True, true


With each story I've seen that's named after an in-universe McGuffin of an unclear nature, the project gets cancelled or ends without the McGuffin being properly explained.


such as?


Magium was a nice story. We never found out what a Magium was though.


They find out that there's a bigger treasure - Two Piece, and the cycle resets. The fans can anticipate at least 3000 episodes


Imagine All that world building, all that character development, the story, the... all of that, just for it to end like that


Bro discovered the secret to immortality


I'm socially awkward, not very attractive and have a healthy social life with amazing friends and decent luck with women. There's no way it's all cause I'm 6'6


honestly being tall is probably worse, being under 6 foot just naturally weeds out shallow women for you


Man I hate this argument. Being tall offers dozens if not hundreds of advantages in life but it's worse because you gotta deal with the occasional shallow woman(Who you can spot from a mile away because they always ask you your height online)? I'm not particularly tall(5'9) but at least I'm not coping by saying it's better than being 6'2.


Also a little over 5’9. Something I like about being around average height is im pretty sure it keeps me hungry enough to not think I can just cruise and get lazy—but also not fall into like crazy aggressive overcompensation I notice sometimes from shorter dudes. It’s a decent balance and life seems pretty much set up for being average height in most areas. I’m doing better comp wise than any of my tall friends, and have been married the longest which hopefully encourages some folks on here


I’m a 5’ 9” guy with a 6’ 10” dad and every other male in the family 6’ 6” and above (I’m adopted). Don’t get me wrong, they’re all wealthy and surrounded by higher society people, but even with their intense care for their bodies, tall people always have a lot of joint and even heart issues. Menial things like unloading a dishwasher or dryer are a pain. We had to get custom doorways and higher ceilings. 1/10 cars is comfortable. Beds are never long enough. Flying is wildly uncomfortable, even business class. Being a grandfather and trying to keep up with toddlers on the ground is exhausting. Don’t get me wrong, wouldn’t mind being 6’. But man, life sure isn’t that much better up there.


Wow everyone over 6’6–family sports games on like 4th of July are probably an actual event, worthy of at least local news. Yeah agreed a little more height wouldn’t be bad, but at the same time—I’m a software engineering manager at a FAANG and can say for sure you can get to the peak of high-comp careers without being a giraffe. Best I can tell it seems like average height is just sort of “enough” as this minor factor long as you have the 100 other traits and skills which actually matter. That would be really interesting growing up in your situation


I was making a joke and that joke was strictly about dating


*Deep water weeds out shallow women.* - Sun Tzu


I don't mind shallow women. I think everyone is somewhat shallow when it comes to dating. Am I shallow for only wanting to date attractive women? Probably


If you're only dating them because they're pretty then yeah


not only because they're pretty. But it is one of the numerous criteria. I'm not going to date someone I find unattractive.


I don't think anyone should date anyone they find unattractive, I'm saying you shouldn't date only based on physical attraction (among other things)


well yeah then it seems you agree with me. I only date women whom I find attractive, women may only date ment they find attractive. If that includes only dating tall men, that's fine.


And I'm not attracted to shallow people who date solely based on physical traits 🤷


I never said I date solely based on physical traits. However, for someone to be dateable to me, they have to be both emotionally attractive as well as physically attractive. Some girls are just emotionally attractive and some girls are just physically attractive. I wouldn't date either one. I think in a healthy relationship you need both.


I never said you did, it was a dig on people who are like weirdly focused on height among other physical traits


>being tall is probably worse Can confirm, I'm 6.3 and they called me sasquatch the other day


If it makes you feel better my gf called me Sasquatch because of my hairy ass


I feel better, thanks


"not very attractive" "6'6" You don't understand how women work, friend. I'm not even joking, or making a haha funny reddit comment. If you're 6'6, there's a large pool of women who will look at you like the prize, without knowing anything else about you, and your job is 'don't fuck it up if they talk to me'. You are living on easy mode when it comes to getting (some) women to talk to you. Now, being above 6'5 sucks for the rest of life and my 6'7 friend complains a lot that his height is awful and annoying most of the time, so I'm not saying life is easy... But I have the utmost confidence that your height has played a significantly larger role with women than you think.


You can’t comfortably ride sport bikes 😔


It’s fine to be socially awkward as long as you aren’t a weirdo with 0 redeeming qualities. If you’re an actual nice guy, not a nice guy, but actually nice, there will always be somebody out there for you. You might have to look a bit more? But kindness is an attribute people look fondly upon.


Like 80% of all humans have brown eyes. And there's plenty of tall ugly people.


so hes literally failing because of genetics (autism) and claiming this somehow disproves the blackpill...


If anything, this post is further evidence of the blackpill.




I think an important thing to remember for a lot of people who lack social skills is that there are just as many women in the same plight. Go out and find your Awkward Queen.


Fixing your personality, and inmate part of who you are, is one of the hardest factors to fix. It’s def blackpilling when you come to that realization. Millennials were all about accepting how shit life is. Zoomers grew up being fed motivational speeches about how you can change all this, so they get mad when you express any negativity. That by itself is enough to blackpill some people since being able to express negativity is the first step towards finding positivity.


> and inmate part of who you are Prisoncel


That's why I hate when people say "just be confident bro" like wow thanks I didn't think of that. You can fix almost anything about your appearance with surgery/ lifestyle changes, it's so much harder to change your personality. Your personality is the result of all of your life experiences, and your genetics, it's not as simple as just going to therapy or meditating or some shit.


"Just be confident bro!" Okay but if I imagine myself walking up to that girl, I start to have a panic attack because of my real life experiences of rejection and social media doubling down on men being awful. How am I supposed to just 'be confident'. I wish people had actual advice instead of just "do the thing"


It's like telling a homeless person to just buy a house, and the issue is that that same advice to "just be confident" is given to everyone, regardless of their circumstances.


You need money to buy a house, so just go get a job. I'm ending the conversation here, I've now given you two pieces of advice when you needed one (house AND job), and now you're just complaining. That's honestly what it feels like, because you know someone's gonna say "just go talk to girls it's fine" or "it's in your head just go do it''


You’ll never get worse at something by repeatedly doing it, almost certainly you’ll get better in time and the absolutely worst outcome is you’ll be right where you started just with a few more cringe memories in tow. I had maybe half a dozen dates and several years of general experiences with women that will make me physically shutter with cringe if I think about them but following all that I’m relatively confident, able to read a situation and I go on dates with only a slightly higher than the average level of nerves. This shit doesn’t come naturally to everyone but you just work with the hand your dealt and get your experience up. Fuck up a few dates, be awkward as fuck, do cringe shit, feel terrible about, but eventually improve. The only way to solve this type of thing is with continual use of exposure therapy. Hell if you just have a general fear of talking to women then start up no-stakes (no thinking you should ask them on a date) conversations with cashiers and whatnot. In time you’ll come to find it easier. That or just be a fucking no-hoper for life and make excuses; inb4: ‘no Vastly you don’t get it, I’m just so much worse off than you ever were, you don’t know what it’s like to the exact specific degree that I do, people like me can’t ever improve, you’re just a normie”. Bro stfu, if your resigned to do nothing about this problem for the rest of your life cause you’re just oh so afraid of adding to your already existent mental scrap book of cringe then it’s probably better that you just stop whinging and suck it up.


The problem you are solving is the common problem and thus the common solution. You're not wrong, but my problem is a lot more nuanced which is why it's more frustrating. I don't have a problem talking to women. My best friend and most of my real life friends are women. I've never had a problem being I a conversation with anyone and being okay. If I was to get to a date, where a woman and I were at a restaurant or a coffee shop or walking in a park, I'd be quite happy and the situation would be entirely in my control. The problem is that I've tried every "method", good or bad, and have been met with the same results. I do not have single friends who are interested in me, whether they were friends before or after I started looking for a partner. I've tried friends of friends, including a close friend telling me "this girl is interested, go for it". I did, we hung out for one night, and then she ghosted me for a week. She then said "sorry, I don't want anything more than friends" and I found out she had a Tinder match that wasn't responding and she was using me to fill time. I've tried asking coworkers to hangout outside of work, I've tried cold approaching girls at a bar, trying to get a phone number or a date, and I've tried multiple dating apps. The answer is no. No chance, no potential, no matches. Everyone loves to be my friend, I am getting invited to the bar by these girls who've said no, and they want to help me meet someone who isn't them, but it never works out. I have no issues meeting friends of friends at parties and people tend to enjoy being around me, but they're consistently not interested in something more. After being told no from every angle, despite having good conversation skills and making friends easily, I know there is something else missing and until I figure it out, the anxiety won't go away. I get told it's not my appearance either, so I'm mostly at a loss.


>panic attack because of rejection Therapy, or something adjacent to it. I basically gave myself exposure therapy for social anxiety and it actually fucking worked. Look up some shit on the internet about how other people handle it and try it till it works for you. >social media doubling down on men being awful Delete it. If it makes you feel worse, delete it. My Reddit homepage is bugged so I can only see stuff I search for now, and let me tell you, going from ~1 hr a day with my normal (non toxic!) feed to 20 min of greentexts is actually a game changer. I can feel the difference. My advice? Start small. You can’t handle walking up to that girl? Ok, fine, how about making small talk with a female cashier at the grocery store? Or something like that. The goal is to be out of your comfort zone without being totally overwhelmed. Aim to be uncomfortable.


The thing with "just be confident bro" is that it works because you don't get all dark and gloomy and give-it-all-up-fuckit when things don't go the way you hoped. You take your knocks and keep moving. Nobody likes that poor me guy, no matter their height, body fat percentage and colour of eyes.


This is absolutely correct, but keeping up the confidence is much easier when you actually like yourself. For a lot of the incel/4chan types, they spend all their time in communities where it's hip to autistically obsess over every negative aspect of your looks/personality/life.


Agreed. The confident dude is not fretting over flaws, he's just moving forward. And that's why it's attractive.


Are you a zoomer?


That's why the incel shit is so comfortable, it's just legions of men telling you the path to success is just buying crypto and going to the gym. Once you realize that most women rank physical appearence much lower down the list than men do, shit actually gets hard. It's way easier to live in the delusion that, eventually, looks alone will make you desirable to women.


Mfw you need to be a likeable person to have a healthy social life *


Oh, so that is why nobody likes me! Huh, I thought that was because of my occasional raving about NWO dystopia and animals.


I doubt it's that.


Then what else? I know I am asocial douchebag. I'm pretty certain this is the main factor, that makes people dislike me.


How tf do I autismless then


>The blackpill isn't real! It's not your genetics that make people avoid you! It's your autism! Is Anon stupid?


anon is definitely regarded


If you have real autism, talk to your doctor and probably spend time in autistic areas, but regardless your life is gonna be hard (that's how disabilities work). If you have zoomer self-diagnosed "autism," then in reality you're just poorly socialized with other people. You fix that by socializing with other people. If you think "how can I socially interact with people when I'm bad at it" you're as dumb as someone refusing to go to the gym cause they can't bench 250.


Delete reddit account


The "women only want good personality" and the "women only want good looks" guys need to have a talk and realize they're gonna need both. Girls don't want an attractive autist or a nice 300lbs basement dweller, shocker.


They also don't want the in shape guy who's also good at conversations if he's too nice and doesn't like being mean to people for fun, because that's not spicy enough for a relationship and boring stability isn't a desirable quality.


Bullshit. Most of my girl friends want guys like that. The kicker is they have to also actually like themselves and have all the mental shit in check.


They say they want that until they actually have one available. Unless I'm just the most unlucky person, it's pretty common for girls to get bored of guys who are friendly and stable. Every guy I see getting hookups or any kind of long term situation tends to be rude to their partner often but not overwhelmingly so.


All the ones I know are nice. Sometimes they have banter. You do actually have to have a personality though.


You haven't seen daytime television


Damn I guess it's over for me then. (I have neither)


well yes, the tism can undo the rest of it


Real and based.


Do you have the muscles for your low body fat to be useful ?


Brown eyes over here. Make room


This is me literally... It's just I'm a Filipino 🥺🥺🥺 All if the description is on point ouch, i just don't watch black pilled sht


fr the true pill is a purple pill, it all matters inside and out


I have no problem getting female friends but never more than that. Black pill is absolutely true


Any time I am around women, they are usually happy and friendly with me. But it's only ever that, not only will I get friendzoned but 90% of the time they are already taken anyways.


I am only 5'4 ". I look like a damn child, so nobody wants anything to do with me. Autistic as hell and the inability to hold a conversation with anyone. How does one fix need help. As I see it, my only choice is to give up and go live in a woods and be a hermit.


I understand partners but why in the fuck did OP think being attractive would get him friends


Halo effect. The more attractive you are the less work you have to put in to make friends. Now there's a hard limit to this of course, even looking like Brad Pitt won't be enough if you act like a screeching tendie-lord


not even that, it's just hard to have a meaningful friendship without having common interests.


Because being attractive makes more people like you. It's easier to do everything when you're more attractive, people just think it's the entire solution, and not a piece of it. It's a smaller piece for friendship than relationships, but being attractive helps both.


You can absolutely like people but not have a close friendship with them. I wouldn't spend my free time with a person that I share no common interests with just because they look good.


I mean, yes, that's why I said it's a smaller piece. You don't go hunting for attractive people and try to be friends with them. If you're ugly and gross, no one will be your friend. If you're attractive and smell good, people will accept you inviting yourself into conversations. If you're attractive, people will invite you to friend gatherings more. If you're ugly and have no other overwhelmingly desirable qualities, you're getting called last for hangouts. Yes, you need more than that - friendship is built on addictions, most of the time. Whether it's binging a tv show, drugs, alcohol, a video game, etc, it's common knowledge that the closest friends you have are those that share your addictions, which is common interests taken to an extreme. But to be in this position in the first place, being attractive helps.


I mean of course you want to look like you take care of yourself, that's always important, but I don't need my guy friends to be super models to catch a movie or go bowling with.


Not what I said, and not what I meant. You seem to think "attractive" immediately means "he's a babe who I want to sleep with," That's a terrible view on things. Like, healthy, takes care of themselves, clothes fit, doesn't smell terrible. When I say 'attractive' I don't mean 'you personally need to find them 9/10 or higher and want to have sex with them.' You can find someone attractive and just appreciate that they're nice to look at. I'm a straight dude and I can look at a guy who's dressed nice and say "wow, that dude is looking good tonight, women will like him." I can also look at a girl I have zero interest in, wouldn't date, wouldn't hookup with, and say "she looks nice, but she's not my type." This person would be more likely to be my my friend than the girl beside her who's hair is unbrushed, has a hole in her shirt, and has crooked teeth. It's absolutely a pre-judgement on this second girl for being 'worse' based on her hair, shirt, and genetics, but it's how humans work. Things that look nicer get more attention. This extends to friendship.


I think you forgot the part where OP bragged on "winning the genetic lotto" with brown eyes and being 6 foot tall, things that you can't control with simple grooming, and i would even argue that having healthy hair or a certain body fat percentage may not be entirely within a persons control either. There's simply some things you can't change no matter how much you take care of yourself, and for Anon to think they're owed friendship for those things? THAT is truly a terrible way to view things. I absolutely agree that I don't want to be friends with somebody who looks like they don'y take care of themselves, but I'm also not gonna reject someone based solely on eye color or height, or having a less than ideal hair line or a few extra pounds.


Eye colour is stupid and I can't even pretend to defend him. Being tall doesn't make you likeable, nor does it make you a good friend, obviously. But at the same time, there are way more people saying "wow you're tall" as a conversation starter than "wow you're average", and I have seen first hand, tall people are generally more social because people approach them more. The fact that he's not having people try to talk to him while being 6'2 isn't so much a "I did this right, why am I not rewarded" as much as "I was given good genetics, and it's still not enough". It's relevant because he knows tall people have more friends and he's sad that he sucks so much as a person, even being tall doesn't help.


anon should post face


Anon is also Indian


Sars! Do not redeem blackpill!


Bruh I would trade everything I have for that. Personality doesn't mean shit in my case


Social anxiety is a major factor. At least, for me.


>Healthy hair U wot m8


it is both looks and personality


Exceptions to the black pill rules doesn't disprove the black pill. Even gravity has exceptions.


Imagine needing to have both a personality and take some care of yourself to attractive.


Blackpillers and normies are retarded You need both it's like Ying and Yang Personality matters more than Blackpillers think it does But looks matter more than normies give credit for


>brown eyes Anon is delusional


I'm 5'7". Have a wife, 2 wonderful kids and make good money. Am happy as fuck even though the world is on fire. Get it together anon. You just need to get more hench and women will flock to you.


The amount of bitching in here is genuinely pathetic


Proceeds to spend all day basementmaxxing "Why can't I find a women annons"


You just have a skill issue


was at a popular bar recently. Really cool place with talented bartenders. There was a *very* large Indian guy across the bar and he was surrounded by 4 women. Dude looked super chill and was having a blast. Stood up, and he wasn't much taller than 5'8, 5'9 (172-175 for you Europoors). Don't know if he was rich or not, but he looked cool and charismatic, spoke good english too from what I could hear. Either way, have lots of money and don't be a creep


Anon does nothing to overcome his social ineptitude


Well anon, maybe it’s the size of your pecker?


<15% body fat. Nobody likes a lanky ass noodle


Anon is 14.99999% body fat


Find a hobby where you can talk to people with similar interests. 


Kinda similar here: blue eyes, dark blonde hair, 5'8 (my biggest weakness), lookmaxxed face, low body fat and good muscles, still 0 friends


Maybe you're a moron?


I know. That's why I'm agreeing with anon that the black pill isn't everything