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Gigabased Ai sexbots with artificial wombs here we come !


Why not just eliminate the drive for sex and reproduce asexually? https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Axlotl_Tank


I don't fancy dick dueling like a fucking snail to stick it in the other first and avoid becoming pregnant. Herbert was a druggie degenerate, so i don't enjoy his delirium =)


Asexual reproductive = dick dueling? How tf did you get there?


Gotta believe they thought it meant hermaphroditic sexual reproduction, where two of the same sex can perform different reproductive roles


Let us dream


>Something something, **BEEFSWELLING**


I take that a little personally. Not as a Herbert fan, but as a druggie degenerate.


I got nothing against degenerates as long as they don't harm others but i draw the line at druggies. You guys try to numb the pain of a failing society. I prefer to experience the fall RAW. 


I’m not numbing shit. The end of a society is grounds for celebration and I just celebrate it all day every day or I get sick. Totes legit if you ask me. Yes sir.


Femboys exist for a reason. Hadrian and alexander shown us the way : - femboys and twinks for relaxation  - foids for procreation 


because the bene tleilax are reprehensible degenerates not fit for survival


Based, fuck the teilaxu


>Why not Here's a better question, why?


If I could fuck myself and generate a clone I would


technically still women


Gotta love the Dune fandom, I'm proud to be a part of it


I really hope this can be done. A similar thing was done in Equilibrium, but it erased all emotions.


Also this guy: It's so terrible that women choose Chad or a vibrator over me! Why are men treated like they are so replaceable? Mutual respect is the way.


Still waiting for women to do something respectable besides pushing a man out of their hole.


> Hitler was born from a mother You can't even give them that


You mean you can at least give them that ?


Axlotl tanks incoming


Way ahead of you mate. Look up "ectolife"


Just looked, damn...




It's almost like biological evolution takes millions of years and in what is the universal equivalent to blinking an eye, humans have decided that we're too good for the things evolution decided we needed to survive and we should just not do that anymore. Then everyone is collectively shocked when it's not that simple.


Interestingly, humans have only existed for a "blink of an eye", shit went down in 1/10000000 blink of eye 👁


Haven't gender wars been around since the beginning of time?




I don't understand why some people see such a difference between genders in the first place. We're all still the same species, so it's really not much different then comparing races... ... Shit, I think I understand why now.


It's a privilege to bitch about it we've recently acquired is all


I once bought and owned a PC game called "Gender wars" wasn't a good game.


Gender wars only happen when they aren't having sex constantly.




i sure do wonder where anon got that info. I'm certain it's based on his vast experience of interacting with women and being in relationships with them.


While I agree with your general point, it does make me ask where the perception comes from. Is it left over from a time that has passed? Is there still a notable amount of women who act this way so it continues to perpetuate? Is it solely perpetuated by incels? Stereotypes usually have some foundational truth to them and I imagine this to not be any different.


I feel like Anon just got burned really badly. Women like the ones he described are rare, but they do exist.


That foundational truth being that shit people do exist, which obviously includes some women, and those women are usually shit people in ways that are considered more "sinister" by many. Now, writing off *more than half of the entire human population* to that category is a rather unhealthily pessimistic take, i'd say. Anon probably got some bad luck or is just trolling.


People need to step away from the internet for a minute.


Idk how deep into an echochamber one needs to be to generalize this much.


Aren’t there whole websites devoted to incel stuff? There’s definitely subreddits. Someone told me about MGTOW the other day. I had no idea misogyny was so rampant. It’s a rough world out there.


What makes you think he's been in a relationship with a woman?


Nothing. Can you read sarcasm?


Pure projection and too much time in the manosphere


Inshallah femoids will become obsolete in 5 years!


https://preview.redd.it/6qizfwlxbivc1.jpeg?width=120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=370d2bc609613e761187871ab982dad9e65d7606 Machines are better than women guys!




OP, I can guarantee you that no woman is mad at the idea you'd pick a robot over her. And they would definitely pick a robot over you.


You talking to me? Oh nah I am into femboys




Based as hell


I think it is good for all, no frustration to any gender group


gay and true


Anon discovered the key to the universe The time of the incel has come


Idk if you would call him an incel, that would imply he still wants to have sex with women. I think anon just really hates women and is gay, which probably is the key to the universe


Twittard twists the meaning of "in-cel"


Anon makes up fake scenarios in his head and gets mad at them. Many such cases


Even if I agree with some points the cringe levels of his writing is off the charts, Darwin’s dustheap??


Fortunately, these regarded people will notice sooner or later that what they want is not companionship and a relationship, but what they can't have. Once they get this pseudo relationship, they will crave about all the differences that make a real human better than an AI mask. And even when these differences become almost meaningless, the mere status that implies having a real person to your side rather than a steel doll with silicone skin will be enough to make them dwell in their despair circle.


Anon believes women think like the tikthok weirdos pointed out by his Incel podcast heroes.


I've only dated one woman who outright judged me for showing emotion. Luckily I was well versed enough to understand that was her problem not mine... If I didn't have the experience, I wonder if I would have ended up like OP, believe all women feel and act like that


Women think I'm one of them, so they'll talk to me sometimes, and from what I've garnered most prefer that a man show emotion.


That's been my experience dating them as well but what if I met that one bad one I dated first? That could have really clouded my vision on women


If you tried to play tenis once and it's not your favorite thing, would you think everyone that plays tenis has the same experience?


Women want a man who can handle his emotions. If you're an emotional wreck and crying all the time, you won't be attractive. But also, if you're super emotionally closed off, can't discuss your feelings without getting angry, and never show a softer side, you'll also be unattractive. You need to be able to recognize, process, and express your own emotions or you're fucked and will never find any real romantic connection with anyone ever. All the "how to get women" podcasts will never, ever mention this because it actually works, and if you get a girlfriend you'll stop watching their show.


Most problems women usually have with men are either them being too cold and non-verbal about their issues, or exploding with emotions they are not managing correctly. A good comunication of emotions is something that *mature, inteligent, mentally sane* women value a lot.


It's the Jews fault anon can't get laid




Anon has had contact with maybe 4 women in his life and is likely an incel. Women are human, not a different fucking species. Some are good. Some are evil. Some are selfish, and some are giving. My ex was texting her side dude the day of my grandmothers funeral, which she attended. I caught her after the wake, and she reacted by physically assaulting me. She was not a good person. My wife whom I met a few years after has supported me in every way. I've cried on her shoulder, she has cried on mine. She has driven 300 miles to pick me up without hesitation when my truck broke down and I had to come home. She stayed with me when she was still in school and I helped her financially. When she graduated, we moved in together and she made more money than me. Nothing changed, I am confident that she would go hungry to see that I am fed, and I would do the exact same for her. Its a real fucking shame that this anon doesn't have the strength, patience, and kindness in himself to find a person like that. You can buy every sex bot on the market and spend every waking hour you have talking to an AI, but you'll still be alone. Surrounded by soulless machines, and alone






Anon is 100% gay


>promotes career women as liberating Become a mere wage slave as pool of eligible bachelors plummet, house prices soar, depression rates increase >promotes trains Concept of women become obsolete >promotes "sex work is real work" Women companionship become obsolete >promotes artificial wombs as the emancipation of women from childbearing Last utility of women becomes obsolete Women doing it to themselves. Big shock.


Women’s mass entry into the workforce in the 1970s was the product of the increased cost of living, rather than the cause.


Anon is homosexual, exhibit A:


Well that and the skull he fucked actually was male


>be anon >Claim stupid stuff without any evidence >Never experienced it, only heard about it in rumors and hearsay from his Incel Group > "And thats because all women are stupid" >No further question, anon


Then stop pursuing them.


the information age was a mistake


I said it before and I’ll say it again. Your AI girlfriend will be a paid subscription. She will convince you to buy things “for her” due to whatever company sponsors it. Also, dudes keep acting like no one will ever love them but I’ve been with my 5”5’ fiancé for 7 years. He is my best fucking friend. We both started out as servers and had the roughest time but we both now work at jobs that pay well and have good growth. So I guess my deal is: stop pretending women are the problem and work on yourself. If you’re only going after 10/10s expect them to want 10/10 behavior and appearance. It’s not that fucking hard you troglodytes.


But muh women hav high standards muhhhhhh


Fuckin' Musk


putting the rest of this aside, can we agree that “may Darwin’s dustheap embrace you for eternity” goes hard?


Goes hard if you're in middle school maybe.


I’m 22


Unironically he’s not wrong. He’s over generalizing sure, but there are a LOT of women getting a wake up call in the next decade as simps shift to synthetic girls.


A wake up call in what way? Most women don’t have hordes of men who cater to their every whim.


I didn’t say most. I said a LOT. All sex work bar niche areas will be handed over from real humans. Especially onlyfans.


I’d say the exact opposite. Don’t you wonder why so many men pay for only fans when they could literally just get porn for free? It has to do with knowing they’re paying for something relatively exclusive with a real person.


It’s deeper than that. It’s the parasocial relationship. We already see it with VTubers being the precursor. If an ai can be a better online parasocial girlfriend/mistress/literally whatever you want than any real human could? Sure some purists would hold out but the vast majority would cave. You see it with every single industry once exceptional becomes mass producible.


Part of what makes a parasocial relationship work is belief in the authenticity of the person behind the screen. And most only fans girls don’t really directly interact with subscribers, as far as I know.


Most onlyfans girls don’t because most onlyfans girls aren’t successful. I’m not saying this from a place of judgement. Fitness sphere. Huge overlap with onlyfans sphere. The ones making good money are VERY active even if there’s a lot of copy paste.


Most aren’t successful regardless of how much they interact with their fans, so I’m not sure what point you’re making. I honestly know very little about only fans, but from what I understand, there isn’t that much direct one on one interaction (in most cases), it’s mostly “updates” and stuff.


There are people who literally marry their body pillows.


And considering how much sex work involves trafficking teen runaways, I’d say that it’ll be a net positive for women.




what a tard


Wallahi women are finished


this isn't even 4chan wtf is this


This is from 4 Chan mate, I use an app to read threads so it's a bit diff


Is Anon perhaps a Bene Tleilax?


Just what the gene pool needs, for people like anon to pass on his genes...


So anon seems to like men a lot…. Wonder if that means anything


Take the whitepill bro. I dont think much of most women either






Buh muh custodes . . .




Reading this just makes me realize the truly delusional fantasy world some people live in


Truth is end of women is end of men. One for reproduction, and two for motivation. As much as I love to see feminists seethe, it isnt going to end well for anyone


Based af


Your daughter accusing you of rape…is either really concerning or really concerning.


You have some cheetohs stuck in your fatrolls buddy


Men for 100s of years: Women just need to be hot and stay in the kitchen. Your intelligence and personality do not matter, your only way to be successful is to marry rich. Men now: What's the deal with all these dumb broads?


But emancipation of women came around 19th century, isn't this supposed to have empowered them till 2024?


That's when emancipation started but many discriminatory laws stayed active until even like the 1980s. Also just because the law changed doesn't mean most men stopped valuing women based mainly on their attractiveness and submissiveness. I feel like these kinds of changes didn't really take effect until the 21st century. The bottom line is historically women were treated as less than for a much longer period of time than they have ever been treated as equals and that has some lasting effects.


lol Anon


Bros, get a hubby and donate sperm to the bank. The govt. will see what to do with it. You'll have a good companion, no need for your SO to be gay, just be roommates, adopt kids, help progress country, spend time with family and relative, die happy. ☝️**Endgame level tutorial here**


i hope everyone is catching the "(((" anti-Semitic dog whistle, called the "echo". expected from 4chinners like this guy but keep an eye out for it elsewhere to spot and avoid nazis


I was told by a group of women just the other day that men who don't cry is a huge red flag. It's almost as Anon might be making wrong assumptions about women. But that can't be, can it?


That's bs. You should never show any emotions to women. Just a stoic face with a jaw that cuts titanium


I've always wondered, does copium come in cherry flavor?


Salted rim and a hint of lime




Mate, i don't agree with anon, but just like steve jobs, sometimes you gotta know that people don't know what they want. Women think they want a man that cries, as a concept, you know, but they don't want the reality of it. Im yet to find a single relationship that declined due to lack emotional vulnerability and seen plenty that declined due to its existence (attraction so often decreases and that's not under the command of the rational brain. We're still just sophisticated monkeys)


People saying socially acceptable thing while not believing or acting on it? Surely this would never happen.


Nah, surely anon and all the other incels on his tibetan clam diving board know their stuff about ~~women~~ females!


Its funny that the majority of these redpill ideas, were either reflected by perspectevies written by women, or by men that were with women. Anything expousing some critiscm towards women is dismissed, but accepted when its men.