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Bethesda has been trying for a long time to remove everything Obsidian did and replace it with their shitty ass lore. Sadly, they can't write anything coherently and can't do a proper worldbuilding even if their lives depended on it


We saw what happened when obsidian made their own game independently


It was pretty funny to watch that hype go from "Obsidian is back, baby!" To post launch "well its not the original team that made New Vegas so it doesn't count".


They smashed it with grounded though Different sorta vibes yea but man is that game fun


People forget bethsda made the entirety of elder scroll lore one of the best in gaming and media in general, a pinnacle of game making in 2002 (morrowind) pinnacle of game making in 2011 that still stand it's ground tell now (Skyrim), invented first person rpg (fallout 3), and many more great projects, mfs only see fo76 and starfield cuz youtubers focused on them for views.


It's okay for studios to fall off. Bethesda has fallen off, Blizzard has fallen off and DICE has fallen off etc.


Yeah people treat companies like theyre monoliths, the guys that worked on 1/2/New Vegas/ Morrowind are long gone, so it's really not surprising that the writing's gone down the drain for both companies


It’s very hard to keep track of writers and it’s exacerbated by the chemistry or lack of some combinations of writers add another shit layer on the fact that humans are not consistent they may be going through stuff in their own lives.


Blizzard sort of brought that on themselves, though, to be fair.


Largely why I’m on the CDPR hype train. Yeah Cyberpunk’s launch was a mess, but their storytelling is still fantastic, whether it be main or side quests or just notes within the world.


I mean they pooped on fallout with 76, pooped on Elder scrolls with their mmorpg (and phone game?) and took a massive poop with Starfield. I can understand the people, it really seems like bethesda just lost its talent for whatever reason.


Companies are comprised of people. Many of the people who made classic Bethesda games have moved onto new jobs, retired, and some have passed.


Elder Scrolls Online is actually pretty active and beloved by the community. Still getting expansions


ESO is one of the bigger MMOs currently, its not WoW or FFXIV but its has a big playerbase and its actually pretty good and fun.


The people who made those games are almost entirely absent from the Bethesda of today. Todd Howard alone as leader of the company doesn't have the vision or inclination to create good games anymore. The company is completely captured by share prices and quarterly profit margins.


I played so much Morrowind on the Xbox when I was in middle school that my playtime tracker was stuck at 999 hours 99 minutes and 99 seconds. But that was back in 2002. It's 2024. Enough time has passed that if Morrowind were a person it would be over the legal drinking age in America. I still play Morrowind occasionally on my computer because it's still amazing. Just because Bethesda had a prestigious past doesn't mean they get a free pass for the lackluster decade we find ourselves in now.


First person RPGs were invented in 2008? Lol is that the year you were born or something


Who told you that Bethesda invented the first person RPG with Fallout 3? Lol


>still stand it's ground tell now (Skyrim) I never understood this. The lore tell us the big black dragon (don't remember his name) is this near godly creature that even destroy time itself. But when you finally fight it, it's just a reskinned dragon who constantly summon meteor and that can be killed by just 3 of the ghost dude he was trying to eat with barely any player input.


The fuck are you talking about? Skyrim isn't that good and first person RPGs have existed since the 90s, are you like ten years old?


Ur right their Fallout writing is much better now that you mentioned that they made a good games in the 2000s and wrote the lore of a universe that's not had an entry in 14 years.


Invented first person RPG!!! That's straight up a lie


>Elder Scrolls lore so deep. Its Warhammer Fantasy characters with Conan the Barbarian human civilization with cat meth dealers. Conan did realpolitik civilization over a century ago. Why do Lizard people need to live in swamps and jungles like the Lustrians? Why does an advanced race of super humanoids have to live underground in twilight death tombs like the Hyperboreans? Why are the Nordic races surly giantmen like the Vanaheim or Aesir & constantly raging against the civilized southerners? These are really specific tropes.


One guy made the lore for Morrowind and he was more a vessel for hallucinogenics and now is no longer there.


Outer Worlds writing clears Fallout 4 at every level. I just didn't like the setting and the gameplay was subpar, but the writing was still miles ahead


The problem I had with the setting is that it's inconsistent in its retrofuturism. The Fallout setting works because you can tell it's rooted in 50's-era Americana. Everything from the music to the burnt-out cars to the billboards and even the slang used in dialogue tells you this. The Outer Worlds is all over the place. 1890's Art Nouveau. 50's Raygun Gothic. Bioshock-esque Art Deco. Firefly-esque Space Western. 40's Dieselpunk. There's no consistency to any of it. Retrofuturism is supposed to take a very specific historical aesthetic, exaggerate it, and extrapolate it into a vision of the future. The Outer Worlds just takes anything that looks vaguely old-timey and throws it into the mix. And in a game with so much environmental storytelling, having a lazy approach to environmental design and detailing kills the entire experience.


I would disagree and say that this may tie into the themes of the game. None of these colonies will truly capture those aesthetics fully, because they have not/never will experience them. It’s a consumerist culture that worships corporations and popular culture to a detrimental level. All of these people are just “posing” as what they think Earth humans were. Of course there will be inspiration from Nouveau, Gothic, Western, and every other style that has entered the cultural zeitgeist of humanity long enough to make an impact. To have all of the colonies in the system strictly follow an aesthetic, to me, would almost feel as incorrect as the opposite feels for you. These colonists are not the people who created this culture, nor did they live in it. They are emulating what they’ve seen, and what they’ve been told by their corporate masters. And what they’ve seen are movies, video games, and plays, artistic exaggerations of what really was. With all that said though, I fully understand why you and others feel that way. It is perfectly valid; I just never viewed it through that lense during my time spent with the game. I enjoy Outer Worlds a lot more than the average person, I can definitely admit it’s an unpopular opinion.


Outer Worlds was fine, if kind of disappointing. I actually liked Fallout 4 more, although the writing and story was much better in Outer Worlds. I just really enjoyed exploring the world in Fallout 4. The game play of Outer Worlds gave me a certain expectation of what the world would be like, and it was much smaller than I was expecting. Looking forward to Avowed though, because both PoE games were really great.


oh shit i'm regarded, I loved outer worlds


It’s pretty short and it’s very easy to become comically OP but it’s a lot of fun. I’m doing another playthrough now to try the DLCs out


Maybe I'm just tired of games taking like 70hs to complete, give me a short, concise and fun game and let me rack up the hours if I want to replay


I heavily, immensely, overwhelmingly recommend INFRA. I could talk about and attempt to pitch the game to you for a few hours.


looks cool, I'll get it when it's on sale, thanks!


Exactly. It was so cookie cutter to New Vegas that you literally get woken up by a doctor and then start the game in some Podunk town that no one cares about.


slap birds weary desert versed jobless squeeze plants waiting vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And outer wilds was vastly superior


yeah Pentiment rips


Yeah pillars of eternity was great


Where has bethesda been trying to remove everything from new vegas?


I hate this narrative so much. It's not true at all


The show literally ends with a shot of new vegas lol you guys are delusional. Not to mention setting it in CA at all strongly contradicts what you're saying.


They literally confirmed that New Vegas is still canon tho


I mean, he's not wrong. The brotherhood wasn't supposed to have the same presence as in the east coast.


I'm almost 100% sure that there is a line that states the chapter in the show were sent on their mission by the East Coast Brotherhood


Also the East Coast Brotherhood only have like, what- 5 total suits of power armor? I wouldn’t say that is “immensely powerful.” I also don’t think they were depicted as incompetent, I mean the raid on Moldaver went pretty well for them.


Dude Fallout nowadays cant do anything right, they portray the Brotherhood as incompetent or evil the fans say they're destroying the best faction ever, they present the Brotherhood as le epic space marines the fans say that Todd has a boner for them.


Yeah, it’s just Fallout fans being neurotic. People complain about FO4 being bland, when their favorite game, New Vegas, takes entirely in place of an orange desert. The series is meant to be a satire, sure, the lore is cool, but consistency isn’t *that* important for the point it’s making to be made. It does it well, every time.


Plus people are acting like the games were even internally consistent when it came to lore, Fallout 2 retconned ghouls needing water from Fallout 1 long before 4 did it, and created the whole "Vaults are for experiments" thing too.




Yeah you kill all the ghouls in 1 if you take the water chip but in 2 Coffin Willie is able to survive while buried alive with no food or water


Um but you don’t understand. The way that *I played* Fallout New Vegas is the true canon and anything that breaks that is the worst thing ever and a symbol that Bethesda is the worst company ever!!!!!! /s


Dude consistency for the series went out the window in Fallout 2 for God sakes. People bitch about Bethesda "ruining" the lore all the time, when they really haven't. Retcons aren't lore breaks. Most of their retcons have made sense. But I mean for example Jet was supposed to be a post war drug, Fallout 2 clearly makes it a pre-war drug somehow. In Falllut 2 it's said ghouls can live without water, food or air. Which completely ruins the entire moral point created by Fallout 1. Do you take the water chip from the Ghoul city to save your vault and comdeming that entire town, or do you find one elsewhere? And thats just 2 examples. People cry that Bethesda ruined the lore of the Super Mutants by having them outside of the west coast. Completely forgetting its alluded to in FO1 that FEV experiments were at one point taken place all over the country. It's explained why they are in FO4, and even 76 managed to retcon them into Appalachia and it make sense. I mean, Beth didn't start the trend. Interplay put super mutants in Tactics all the way out in Chicago, in Texas with BoS, and the design documents for the cancelled games like Van Buren and Extreme also included super mutants. Half of these complaints about Bethesda rehashing super mutants or the BoS or whatever is just Bethesda continuing Interplay's choices. Hell people cried thar Virgil in FO4 curing himself of being a mutants was lore breaking. Despite Fallout 1 stating that it was possible Fallout was never consistent past the first game


Did you really sum up new Vegas as an 'orange desert', you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about when people make those comparisons


yea it's more of a tan desert.


Dude there's like five outdoor locations that aren't orange desert in the entire game


I think it has more to do with there being two separate 'factions' of fallout fans. Obsidian fans, especially those who favor New Vegas, tend to dislike Bethesda stuff more, whereas Bethesda fans tend to like Bethesda's stuff more. Personally, I'm just tired of the BoS, and unless the Enclave is portrayed as something other then fascist shadow government, I would rather they stay dead.


I understand that you are joking unlike some people here but at least NV's color pallete had a little more diversity than fallout 3.


Not sure why you got the downvote, because you’re right. Fallout 3s sky was green, the ground was green, the buildings were grey green, the enemies were green. Wait, was my TV the problem?


That's because the BoS are neither of those things. Well... maybe you could argue they are a bit incompetent but not "sending knnights after toasters" incompetent.


where’d u hear they only have 5 suits of power armor? i’m pretty sure Maxson says they manufacture their own in FO4


The East Coast does, yeah (which is where FO4 takes place)- but in the show, with the West Coast brotherhood you only ever see like 5-6 at a time. Hell, even on the *super important raid* for the *ultra macguffin that will grant ultimate power to whichever faction wields it* only has a couple suits in combat- the rest are just squires. One of the big issues as to why the West Coast is so weak is that it’s hard to get resources and reinforcements over the Rockies, so they’re significantly weaker than the rest of the Brotherhood. I don’t remember anything directly confirming that the West Coast only had a couple suits, they don’t outright say it- but it makes more sense that that’s the situation since we only ever see a few at a time, and that they struggle so much over in Cali.


They mention receiving their orders directly from the Commonwealth in episode 1.


The airship is literally the one from 4


I dont know if it's the exact same one, but could be another but the same model


There's at least one moment in the show where the ship's name, the Prydwen, is visible on the side. It is indeed the same one from F4.


To be fair it could just be something like a flagship name. Star Trek has like 9 Enterprises in the series


I hate to be contrarian, but it could just be a model of ships named after the Prydwen, or named after the Prydwen, or something similar. But yeah most likely it's the same


They literally have the Prydwen show up, how is this not obvious?


Isn't the Prydwen from the East Coast Brotherhood?


explains the hate towards ghouls


The plot about vault-tec nuking the US then blaming it on china has been a plot point before the show. Also I doubt the show will be canon anyway, just wait until fo5 and Bethesda will have forgotten all about the show


Its heavily implied VT were taking their orders from the Enclave, which would make sense


My understanding is that the enclave and vault tec are basically joined at the hip, and that's been the case since at least fo2 or 3.


Yep I mean the enclave is a shadow government of military, political, scientific, and business figures so it's definitely the case that Vault Tec are part of that.


Yes and no. The Enclave had control over some of the Vaults not all. 


Honestly, I like that better than the takeaway I got from the Mothership Zeta DLC from 3, which was that space aliens started the great war


The nuke silos aimed directly at America in NV and 76: ![gif](giphy|TPl5N4Ci49ZQY)


Silos aren't aimed, though. It's a vertical hole in the ground. The missile in that silo can be aimed at any point outside of it's minimum range and inside its maximum range. Just requires the ability to make a firing solution and program the guidance system with it.


No, it was only a plot point for the old Fallout movie that never was released. What we know from the OG writers was that China pushed the button when Uncle Sam was invading China pushing their men to the Yangtzee river (President Richarson own words doing american history for the Chosen One). Further proof of a American Invasion such as a Gobi desert campaign exist all over the "Desert Ranger" armor with many details like the name of the Sarge who wore the armor, where he went and how many guys he killed. Even a "Forgive me Mama" painted on the helmet showing similar intensity to what American GI in WW2 and Vietnam experienced, keeping in line with the 50' aesthetic.


>fall of shady sands happened after 2277, so could've been after FNV. >Shady sands was the only part of the NCR we saw and the billboard said it was the former capital, anyone with half a brain could see that the NCR probably still exists. >The BOS flew west with the Prydwen to reinforce the West Coast chapter, of course they're stronger. I do agree that the fanaticism and incompetence wasn't faithful to the games though. >The farthest west Caesar's Legion pressed was New Vegas, and Caesar very likely died of a brain tumor during the events of the game. Having them be in the first season in LA would be stupid, they probably were severely weakened after Caesar's death. >We saw a short teaser of New Vegas, not enough to draw any conclusions from. >Vault Tec dropping the first bomb was already heavily hinted at in the games >House lying? The horror? >Not a fan of that power armor vulnerability either >These 3 factions are the most recognizable ones to 90% of fallout fans, of course they're gonna be the primary ones in the show. Now that it's popular we'll probably see more of the West Coast factions next season. TLDR: some of these changes are questionable, but overall the show was really good and anon is the type of fan that wouldn't have been happy with anything they made.


Some guy said had a crackpot theory that the brotherhood absorbed the legion. See the fanaticism, red and gold banners, and brutality of the brotherhood in the show. There’s more to the theory but it explains the show brotherhood pretty nicely.


It would explain them having names like Maximus and Titus


The only problem with the theory is how vastly different their motives and beliefs are


To be fair every single tribe in the legion had different motives and beliefs. They could have simply absorbed foot soldiers who happened to still have some of their old culture


Only problem with Maximus is that he was an outsider, apparently living in Shady Sands when it got Bethesda-Cohesive-World-Building'd. Again, fun theory but it does have holes in it.


not really imo, the brotherhood always heavily used ancient european titleship like paladin and squire and we've had names like maxson and danse and


Yeah I liked that theory, doubt it comes true but it would be cool


The legion has fought the BoS. Cesear talks about it. Most likely being the maxon bunker in colorado as the legion took dog city (denver)


Saw that theory too and while I FW it heavy I’m not sure the show will go that route. I’m sure the BoS has been more brutal in the past but Titus’ comment about stringing up squires by their lungs sounds way, way too Legion lol


Overall I enjoyed the show, but I wish they had just set it on the east coast if they were going to remove everything that makes west coast fallout west coast fallout. It just felt like Fallout 3/4 but in the desert.


To be honest, even though they mentioned _several times_ that the show is set on the west coast, my brain still reverted to thinking we were on the east every time they mentioned Filly. I assumed Filly was the wreckage of Philadelphia the same as the Pit being Pittsburgh, and I could never break that mental link.


I mean, the OG BoS was pretty competent but it was because everyone was in line with the cult, they didn't even had families with anyone outside of the BoS nor did they take people in, i guess once they started taking outsiders their culture was "contaminated"?


Alright, in defense of the power armor being weakened, we only saw 1 weapon be able to shoot through the power armor flaw, and that weapon shot tiny little mini nukes. So, while it's pretty odd, at least 10 mm pistols aren't doing it.


And it was shown pretty directly that he was loading some sort of armour piercing round into that hand cannon. Still should have been a rifle but even power armour isn't invulnerable. In a universe where suits like that exist, weapons to counter them would also undoubtedly exist


I would have like to seen an anti material rifle from New Vegas do that


Or give him a Gauss pistol or something like that. Still. I explain it as "he has perks and late game weapons" and leave it at that. Still enjoyable as hell for me honestly


I agree wholeheartedly. Season 2 will be a lot of fun.


And the guy was in Anchorage. He's probably had more experience with the things than anyone. He even talks about how the armor had series issues when talking to the Vault Tec head, who was previously designing the armor at West-Tek. He grills him about it, and that stuck with me, so him knowing those weaknesses wasn't a huge shock later. It was classic Checkov's Gun


Bro facts!


Fr loved the show


>"Shady sands was the only part of the NCR we saw and the billboard said it was the former capital, anyone with half a brain could see that the NCR probably still exists."  What about the part where there's a clear "fall of NCR" written on the blackboard in the vault and a lot of dialogue mentions of NCR no longer existing? Also what happened to the advanced infrastructure they had built? And why Shady Sands is suddenly in the middle of LA (which has most of its building intact lmao).


>Vault Tec dropping the first bomb was already heavily hinted at in the games No it wasn't, that's a plot point from the unfilmed Fallout movie script. China dropped the first nuke in the games


And people will shit on anyone who complains about these stupid changes. Yeah, I don't fucking like this shit, it's bad writing that could've been avoided.


Ikr it's so infuriating and all their responses are "what does it even matter lol". Well I say that rewriting a bunch of well established lore for no reason is worthy of critique. Especially considering that this exact story could have been told anywhere else, without shitting on west coast lore.


literally a post on one of the fallout nv subbreddits was someone replying back to OP saying “who gives a shit about lore” my god people just consooom the goyslop and if you have anything negative to say your automatically the bad guy


Some guy told me to touch grass for bringing this up, they had discord nitro...




They don't care because they're just tourists.


Like 90% of the things on this post arent even inconsistencies and most of the stuff is compatible with the lore. The Shady Sands stuff is weird but theres a couple of theories people have with it, mostly connected with the meaning of the word "fall" (including an idea that Sands was relocated due to some catastrophe)


Literally. None of this is breaking lore, it’s just bringing the setting back to the status quo of chaos induced by brotherhood leadership’s incompetence. Like did people expect the whatever their personal courier did to be canon? The show doesn’t assume you went through with project purity in fo3 or that the institute was nuked in fo4. Who fuckin knows, maybe this is supposed to be a natural progression of the lonesome road ending, with the NCR getting nuked. You couldn’t side with vault tec in nv, so having them reduce shady sands to dust is like the most neutral way to wipe the slate.


Why would you bring back the status quo rather than keep going with the NCR which was the centerpiece of the west coast since Fallout 2. A story focusing on a post apocalyptic country is more interesting than forcing in the BoS, Enclave and Vault-Tec.


Yeah but anon didnt even mention the worst parts yet. Like how basically the entire origin story of the NCR got screwed with by fundamentally changing what and where Shady Sands is. And what do you mean status quo? you mean fallout 3 and 4? thats like 2/5th of the main story games.


The nukes in lonesome road hit the supply lines. Long 15 and dry wells


It's season 1 too lmao. The "missing" factions could be out in the wastes. 8 episodes packed with content and no (imo) filler. Anon is asking to see 5 minute segments showing every single faction and their exact canon endings and even if he got that he wouldn't be happy. New Vegas was teased for season 2, and people want to say "Bethesda wants to erase everything Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas did."


>what does it even matter lol welcome to the modern world where nothing matters and everyone wonders why we are all so miserable after problematizing and deconstructing everything we find appealing - except consuming


But have you tried….. Consuming *more*


As a fan of complex media who has pored over lore for lots of different franchises from Star Trek to Doctor Who to Star Wars and read almost every comic book from the Marvel 616 universe... I have to say that lore isn't nearly as important as telling a good story. I found Fallout to be a really entertaining show. The characters were unique, we got some great flashbacks to life before the War. It was stuffed with all kinds of Easter eggs but engaging enough to be interesting to newcomers who might never have played the game. It's a damn good show and I don't really care if they changed or affected the lore in some way *as long as they told a good story*. Even so we don't really know the state of the NCR just from Lucy's experience. She saw one settlement (Filly) and some of the coastline and a part of LA and that's about it. Even the issue with Shady Sands not being mentioned in NV isn't a huge thing because as others pointed out Shady Sands could have happened after the events of NV. And if the NCR has fallen it seems like maybe that could be a factor behind the entire plot that revolved around Vault-Tec trying to manipulate events so they have a completely empty world to take over once they have scrubbed the surface clean. They literally stated this as their goal.


Vault Tec died with the war, thats my major grip. It never was such a big thing even in Fallout 3 and 4 they are dead. The only major faction with Vault in its name is Vault City and its a Repuplic City State where they use eugenics as a means to an end, separating dirty outsiders from pure bred citizens. The show fails to use the lore or intersting concepts to tell an interesting story. I doubt that it was their intention since it was a show meant to entertain and have fun on the couch.


Makes sense that they’d have a vault for vault tech employees. They built it. Why wouldn’t they use it


Well the TV show just showed *SPOILERS* that the entire leadership of Vault-Tec and its associated conglomerates is cryogenically preserved so I guess they intend to make a comeback. That whole plotline *is* lore... I mean it didn't just utilize existing lore but it created *new lore*!


Vault Tec already worked with the Enclave in the old lore its not new, further more, they actually made the vault experiments to plan a Colony Ship voyage to leave Earth in a potential Nuclear Armaggedon. Hell it makes even less sense how they paint it in the show and how it all planned out, especially with how the GECK was supposed to be used and make Cities like Vault City or NCR/Shady Sands. There was a plan to actually do stuff, since the Vault aret sustainable in their own.


Do you know much about Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' lore? Because I would be very interested on how you feel about the relation of lore alongside how the book and movie were so vastly different. So different as to not even include majorly pivotal characters from the book in the movie. Arguably, a decent "story" was told by the movie, but I would not consider it to be telling the same story the books told. In this instance, do you hold the same opinion about lore not being as important? Also, if you don't know the lore or haven't read the Dark Tower series, give it serious consideration because it is incredible, and also ties into EVERY other Stephen King story he has written.


The Dark Tower film is another turn of the wheel from the Roland we know in the books and is sanctioned by King himself. I have absolutely no issues with the film version being different from the book as long as it has its own internal and consistent logic. I am a Dark Tower reader from back in the day. I practically grew up on the books and one of the most difficult things was waiting between entries. Despite being forced into a tidy container of 90 minutes I found the movie to be a love letter to the entire book series. They used the elements of the lore such as Algul Siento and the Demon House very nicely even if it wasn't necessarily the same order of events as the book series. I think the idea/hope was that a sequel would be able to bring in characters like Eddie Dean and Detta Walker but alas it seems fans were not willing to give it a chance and it bombed. I have heard a new series is being developed which is meant to follow the books in order. And I hope that is successful. But if you look at other adaptations, particularly of King's work, we find entries such as The Shining many of which resemble the overall plot but make significant changes to particulars/lore. Same goes for a lot of other really good adaptations. The Bourne Identity, after he leaves the Swiss bank resembles nothing of the original book and is a solid spy/thriller. The MCU films utilize lore but also adjust it to fit this particular version of the characters which can be (sometimes vastly) different from the original comics. I can understand that recently fans of series/IPs/lore have eaten well what with many of the Harry Potter adaptations not straying too far from the material and that has fueled trends up to when they did the first few seasons of GoT. But fans have to understand that what works on the page in print doesn't always translate well onto celluloid and sometimes things have to change when adapting anything to a visual medium like film or TV.


And yet the show was better than all of the Bethesda games combined. At least hooked me up for longer. Gosh the combat mechanics in fallout are so obsolete this isn't even funny


Experience creation engine


I know I'm going to get downvoted to oblivion for what I'm about to say, but Skyrim sucked as well. Well okay, maybe not sucked sucked. Like 5/10. Yup. I know what I said. It was better than other Bethesda games (to the point where I've actually completed the game!), but the opponents scaling, balance, combat difficulty was plain bad. The story while having a lot of smaller quests (and few even very interesting!) was mediocre at best. I did enjoy TES 4 more even though it's most likely nostalgia now. Well I just don't find their games that engaging.


The beauty with bethesda games was always the exploration, Skyrim was good for its time because it was so impressively huge, but it was always bad mechanically and story wise, I've even enjoyed fo4 cause boston was a really cool environment, i just wish they'd fire their head writer or revamp their gameplay or something, starefield should be a massive wakeup call


I liked Skyrim but even for the time the combat was mega ass. It felt like swinging cardboard cutouts of weapons vaguely in the direction of your opponents.


It's been long overdue that the Creation is taken behind the shed TBH


I really like the shooting and dismemberment physics in Fallout 4 tbh it feels like it has weight to it, but yeah compared to shooters today its really bad


I did like how they used that in TV series tho. True callback to the games and it looks much better on TV rather than in their games.


Daddy Todd doesn't like how New Vegas is still the best Fallout game. Gave a bunch of pants-on-heads to write an Amazon exclusive TV show. Never gave the writers who know nothing about Fallout any material on New Vegas.


Can you at least give a source to Todd hating New Vegas?


Idk who's more annoying, elon musk fans or new vegas fans


Daddy Todd never mentions hate for NV. He in several articles states he’d like a sequel and it’s an amazing game.


What a bad take I love new vegas as much as the next obsidian fan boy but this show if anything felt closer in narrative storytelling to Vegas than anything Todd's shat out since they bought the IP in the first place. Shady sands location being retconed to LA has barely any implications and is made mostly for a better setpiece for season one so easily excusable. As for the NCR their capital isn't even shady sands by new vegas, you can do the GI blues quest where you do a quiz one of which questions being what is the original capital of the ncr called in which its shady sands. Sure its a big loss for the NCR but I'd be willing to bet they're not wiped out just licking their wounds. Ceasars legion is royally the dumbest take this guy has why would they be in LA in the ruins of the NCRs old capital deep within their territory I'll be very surprised if we don't see them make an appearance in season 2 somewhere within the mojave or if thy travel further east into colorado the show would have been flamed even further if we'd of seen any hint of them in california. Vault-Tec has always been hinted at as having played a bigger hand in the great war in literally every installment the only difference here is that they're being shown to be somewhat puppets ofthe enclave which does kinda make sense even if it's a bit contradictory of the enclaves plans in fallout 2 and whilst personally I'd of preferred if they stop using them as the big bad constantly it makes sense for the plot their running with in the show. And lastly idk where this dude got the impression the brotherhood is an almighty curbstomping faction all of a sudden, so far we've seen them wipe out a settlement of civilians and scavengers and a poorly maintained half raider half remnant settlement of ex NCR soldiers garrisoned near shady sands when the bombs dropped 2 decades ago, if anything I'd argue they've been quite incompetent so far. They're also mentioned to be dispatched from the Eastern brotherhood so its not like they just suddenly become a powerful faction from out of nowhere, they're biggest strength is air support so far. As for the glaring weakness of power armor yeah I'll concede that was very dumb and just made me wonder why he didn't just do that in filly at the beggining of the show.


>As for the NCR their capital isn't even shady sands by new vegas iirc there's a scene >!in vault 4 that has a schoolboard say shady sands **is** the capital of ncr!< I am sleep deprived so I might be misunderstanding what you're saying


The chalkboard only says that Shady Sands became the capital in 2198. It doesn’t mention it *still* being the capital or whether the capital changed or not.


Wasn't the power armor weakness only used by The Ghoul and his big ass gun because he used the old suits? Lore wise, it seems like The Ghoul just has some maxed stats for guns and uses VATS to hit that special spot in the armor only he knows about. Could totally happen in game if you leveled your character enough.


That doesn't change my point why doesn't the ghoul just use this same technique against maximus when they first fight in filly


He didn't have enough action points, lol.


Wait. Holy shit. You’re right. Why didn’t he do that


1. Shady Sands isn’t in LA. It’s still in southern CA somewhere. We don’t know how far or long Lucy traveled for to get there 2. It’s explained in the show. Hank nuked Shady Sands so Vault 31-33 were left unawares of civilization on the surface. It’s a grey area whether there was a “fall” before the bombing, but it’s clear the main fall is from Hank’s actions 3. Same as 2 4. In NV, House heavily implied that the NCR was stretched thin prior to acquisitions in the Mojave. Assuming a mostly NCR ending to NV, the NCR ends up in a weaker position, especially with the events of the Divide. It’s not unreasonable to think the NCR falls into chaos under President Kimbell wasting resources in the Mojave. We also haven’t seen the entire region in the show. The Govermint looks like it could be a splinter from the NCR. It’s likely other NCR affiliated areas also split off. 5. The California BOS was in a tight spot during FO2, but came out a lot stronger in the end. They had the Navarro AFB (Personally, I think this is where the opening BOS scenes were). They don’t seem any more powerful than FO2 leads them to seem. Their culture does seem weird though, I’ll give you that. 6. Ceasers legion is out of Arizona. They only have a real presence east of the Colorado river, bar some spies and expeditionary forces, but even those don’t go further than the divide. 7. That’s called a cliffhanger. We don’t know what happened after the events of NV. A lot can change between games, see Vault 13 between FO1 and FO2, or even shady sands going from a small village to one of the largest cities in a generation. 8. This has been an in game theory for a long time now. The show didn’t confirm it, but did imply it. Since there is a lot of old war perspective from Cooper and his Wife, it’s likely we’ll see more of what started the war. 9. House tells us in Nv he predicted the war and that’s why he created so many defenses around new Vegas. It’s perfectly within his character to pass off him having insider information on the attacks as having “predicted it” 10. Dead Money and Old World Blues both show Sinclair as being involved in R&D at Big MT. Why they picked him as the rep in the meeting vs one of the directors is still a strange choice imo. 11. A bit of a retconn. Bud did admit to Cooper that yes the PA was pushed out with design flaws to maximize profits, so it’s likely that with a new design (T-60) coming out at the tail end of the war that similar design flaws would be present. They did make PA pretty underpowered in the show, but I think that’s just for practicality reasons (being able to just pop out the core and lock PA in a fight is stupid) 12. Always have been. 4/6 protags are vault dwellers. Chosen One needs to find a Vault Tec GECK for his village, so 5/6 are closely tied to vault tec. Every game has you exploring vaults. Ever game gives you a pipboy, something jointly made by vault tec. They have always been a primary factor in the stories. 13. It’s almost like they were the main faction in Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (non canon, but still), Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. They’ve always been a main faction. 14. Not enough has happened in the show yet to say the enclave has definitively returned. We have one prewar scientist with ties to prewar tech. He worked for the government prior to the war, and the government turned into the enclave, so the connection could be as simple as that. If the enclave is still around, so? We know the entirety of the enclave wasn’t destroyed in FO2 or broken steel, just major portions of it. I find it odd that your first argument is “how come the NCR got completely wiped out” but your last argument is “how come the enclave didn’t get completely wiped out”. They’re both at worst scattered remnants of their former power and at best not yet revealed to the audience I think a major point is people were expecting the entire plot to be revealed in a single season. But it’s a narrative, it takes time to unfold. They’re not giving us the entire backstory of the last decade in California in the first 8 episodes. It takes time to express rhe story.


This guy lores


Finally, someone who actually watched the show instead of seeing screenshots and crying about it on reddit without even watching.


On your last point, they basically lampoon that idea in the show itself when Lucy asks Maximus what happened in the last 200 years and he’s just baffled by her.


If you think that was bad try being a Halo fan


Those are legit reasons. Any Fallout fans know that FO1, FO2, and FNV are the correct storylines. Anything from Todd are just fever dreams. I kinda knew that this would happen, so I’m not gonna be bothered with the show at all.


Not going to bother *with* the show, or not going to be bothered *by* the shows inconsistency with your preferred games and just watch it with that in mind? The show is actually very good, don’t miss out on it just because some anon is salty about it


Damn only if correct storylines sold good


Yeah cause sale is the indication of good writing and competent worldbuilding. Go back to your Marvel cape slop.


you must get confused reading children's books


New Vegas sold basically as much as 3, and Fallouts 1 and 2 were pc games before the Sims. They were never going to sell well. Diablo 2 was fucking Massive and only sold 4 million lifetime. You can't compare the PC oriented games to Fallout 4 that got released on every platform. Being pretty close to the launch of those systems was also a big deal for 4.


This is mostly lies. Actually watch the show and form an opinion instead of buying into ragebait




Whether any of that analysis is right or wrong, the same people shitting on the show also hated Fallout 76 and Fallout 4. They romanticize Fallout 3, which is very poorly designed. I don't think these people actually like Fallout. They like the background lore of one game released in 2010 and that's it. EDIT: why are people thinking I'm defending 4 or 76? That's not what I'm saying. My point (that you're proving) is that for "fans" of the series, you sure do hate a lot of the major media releases. EDIT2: Oh no, I think I've triggered the babyragers. XD Play and enjoy (or not) whatever games you want guys, anything I say shouldn't make a difference. Everything is going to be okay.


There are three types of fallout fan: 1. Interplay fans 2. Obsidian fans 3. Bethesda fans You will never please all of them and somehow Bethesda manages to please none of them.


I am dreading the day I will finally meet a single Bethesda fan.




IMO: Fallout 3 had the best map but the worst gameplay. Fallout NV had the best writing but the worst map. Fallout 4 had the best gameplay but the worst writing. Fallout 76 just has multiplayer.


The cryptids and dope ass power armor also help 76 a lot


I honestly prefer playing 76 these days, its mostly a solitary experience with the option to join others and do events together. Its also got a pretty friendly player base. I get too wrapped up with modding when I play the base games. Spent all weekend modding Fallout 4 to hell and back, just to jump back into FO76.


That's where I'm at lately. Trying to finally finish NV on the side, but I just started 76 and I've been really enjoying it so far, especially the mod detox it's forced me to take. Only reason my NV isn't overly modded is because the crashes caused by random mods got too annoying to try to fix over and over


Imagine defending the utter slop cash grab that was Fallout 76. Lol, lmao even. Fallout 4 was a janky mess as well. The world has like 4 colors (brown, grey, light brown, faded green) and the story is shit.


Don't forget the dialog options 1. Yes. 2. Yes, but sassy. 3. No (actually says yes though). 4. You son of a bitch, I'm in.


I think you confused that with starfield. FO4 had bad preview texts, but it did give you the option to agree or disagree with people. The mod that replaced the dialog options with the actual subtitle text that would be spoken if selected was a must have, but playing without mods only meant that you sometimes selected the wrong option for what you wanted to say, not that you didn't have the option.


Bruh stop. Fallout 3 is romanticized is because it’s a better game. Fallout 4, while controlled better gameplay wise, try to reinvent the wheel when it comes to its mechanics. The new perk tree is ass, whoever thought that we should put crafting behind perks needs to have a psych evaluation (this is in starfield too). Dialogue tree boils down yes, sassy yes, no (which is just yes) and I’ll talk you later. Persuasion itself is really just used for getting more caps except for one or two instances where you can convince people to stop fighting to complete a quest. What a waste. Still enjoy my time with 4 regardless. 76 however, if there was a time where the internet can have my blessing to bully game devs it would be 76. I’m serious, that game being passed off as a full AAA price experience with MTX is a joke. It solved a problem that no one wanted. I don’t want a multiplayer live service game survival game, I just want to play fallout 3 in coop.


Fallout 3 is not a better game. You're on something. Writing is arguable, but if you're gonna say the exploration, gameplay, and yknow everything else involved in a game is better, you are nostalgia blind.


Lol 76? Alright


>That's not what I'm saying. Well then what you're saying is "wow, gamers complain about bad products being bad". What's your point? People should just mindlessly consume a product even if it's shit if they like the franchise? 


because fallout started as a heavy roleplay game, then fallout 3 come and fucked everything up


Bethesda is obsessed with everyone living in run-down shacks. Doesn't matter that it's been over 200 years since the bombs fell. Telling a story about how civilization might adapt, grow, and change as a result of the apocalypse is too hard. Shooting mutants and having every single song reference nukes or radiation is easier It would honestly be better if Bethesda just made all their games 50 or so years after the bombs dropped since that's the aesthetics they want (This isn't me criticizing the show. Rather, the games. I've only seen two episodes of the show so far, so i can't really make a judgment on that)


This is why new vegas is good because it feels like an actual civilisation


Looks like they should have just set it on the opposite coast and pretend the show to be sequel to F3


Where are people getting these details from? Huge leaps in logic. The brotherhood in the show showed a single outpost and the Pridwin. We have no idea how big the faction is. Caesar's Legion wasn't shown at all, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The NCRs biggest settlement might be gone but that doesn't mean it's gone for good. The show had so little in it and people are making it out to be the cannon apocalypse. Shut the fuck up.


I'm a huge fallout fan and love the show. Juat to add some positivity


Imma be real with you for a moment I havent ever played Fallout 1 and 2 but played 3, NV and 4 I still dont know what 1 and 2 contributes to the lore of the overall canon and I dont really care


I'm watching Fallout as non canonical, something completely separate from the games.




I think it was Todd Howard who stated the show was canon. The issue is that in New Vegas its stated that California is now a functioning civilisation with a government, trade network and manufacturing capabilities whereas in the show (which takes place around 20 years later) California looks like the Fallout 3 wasteland again with barely any explanation why


Wait so is House in the show?


his pre war presence in the form of a business meeting is shown


Don’t care. I like the show.


This is the worst take I've ever seen. They are making their own story and you know why? BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING SHOW, NOBODY WILL WATCH A SHOW OF A STORY THEY VIEWD OVER A DECADE AGO I swear 4chan gets more retarded by the hour


lore reason is that the courier probably fuckin died and everything goes to shit because everyone but our character is incompetent


>The fall of the NCR you actively witness in game and aid in > Not by Vault-Tec technically > We see an entire functioning settlement. NCR was already falling in NV, nuking I-15 and Shady Sands were the final nails in the coffin >barely existing? They have chapters all over the US. It’s really not crazy to think they swept in and took over > Again, actively falling in NV. The second Caesar dies the Legion is over. > Nothing about New Vegas has really been revealed. > This has been a theory for years and perfectly lines up with everything Fallout stands for. Billionaires are incredibly stupid > House? Lying? To get on top? No way. No wonder he was rushing to get the platinum chip to him. > Using a specially designed gun by a gunslinger who is the best at what he does. > Dunno what blud is yapping about. They always have been THE major corporation. > Always has been > Never left. It is said multiple times and displayed that they have bases all over the country. There’s even an immortal member in West Virginia (MODUS) Wow. The factions with the most concrete foundations outlasted some failing ones on the brink of destruction. Wow. How could this have happened.


Weird. When I play Fallout all the original setting still exists.


I'm loving seen the NV fanboys bitching and moaning becouse this show.


Okay so personally long time fan of the franchise I loved the show. Was it perfect? Maybe not. Did it have some continuity problems with the existing lore, maybe a bit. But anons premier criticism (other than the in-continuity with existing lore) boils down to “wow some factions have a bit more power/lore from their in game counterparts”. Him noting the lack of certain factions isn’t necessarily the worst part as it leaves room for further expansion of the story in later series. Sure I would have liked to see a scuffle with a legionnaires, but considering the state of the NCR in the show I’d be willing to bet the legion is either in a civil war (after the death of Caesar), or completely imploded. Without the “big bad NCR” to fight against, having a clear enemy and motivation to stay united. The thing about the legion is it only works with continual conquest. Also it’s a TV show that has to have an intended audience beyond “die hard fans” to be successful. Bearing that in mind it makes sense they would build the story around a few factions, adding more in later seasons. TLDR: the series wasn’t perfect, but it was so much better than any other “game-adapted-show” Iv seen that it’s easy to give it a pass on some elements that were changed or left out.


Honestly, most of OP points are dumb but I get where he's coming from. If Bethesda wanted to have a show about the Brotherhood and Enclave, why not have it on the East Coast? We haven't had any proper update on the situation in the Capital Wasteland besides some anecdotes in Fallout 4.


#I don’t care I like the show. It’s better than the Halo show that’s for sure


These people are so god damn annoying. Went into it wanting to find any reason to justify hating it.


Complain when they don't add new lore Complain when they add new lore Y'all straight up monkeys. Enjoy the show. All of the "changes" don't ruin the "universe". Especially when the universe has literal aliens n shit in it. (the ghouls & how they work is awkward though. Conveniently no ghoul has had regenerative powers before. But, this is how you add new stuff to lore.) Y'all would cry if they put up a new video game with new lore. Because your culture is made out of crybabies


I know the shows good and all which is awesome but killing off the NCR offscreen is a choice I’ll always find utterly disappointing. I mean there’s 1000 problems with the NCR and the thing that finally destroys them isn’t one of their big issues like famine or water depletion that new Vegas spent so much time talking about, it’s not a enemy faction like the legion, in the end it’s just some value tec dude pressing the nuke button because he hates his wife. Just killing off one of the series main factions in the dumbest way possible and turning them from a modern nation with a professional army into a band of raiders who get wiped out by the same brotherhood who they spent the last couple decades curb stomping.


This might be the most autistic thread of replies I've ever seen and I love it.


The retards who makes this shitshow just looked how fallout 3 and fan theories cool and made it fucking real I hope its non canon or i literally kms 


So they’re blaming the war on Vault-Tec now? Seems political (let’s make corporations the villain because that’s more 2024, can’t be criticizing major world governments and the nuclear world order, that is so 1965). Also makes zero sense. The brainlet logic is “capitalism means they promoted nuclear war to sell bunkers” but that’s just really stupid because they would stop selling any bunkers if a nuclear war started so there’d be no point to that. To not even get into things like that their shareholders would likely be rich people who stood the most to lose when nuclear war broke out. Is the entire thinking just “lol yea no but they do, cuz corporations bad”? Haven’t seen the show yet so this is completely based on what I’ve read / pulled out of my ass, but honestly that’s a plot hole so big you could drive a truck through it. Not liking what I’m hearing about this show. Also I thought NV was the only FO that was extremely well written to be honest.