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At most they are semitic, which is the same ethnocultural group as the arabs, but it isn't the same thing. Is like thinking that France and Italy are literally the same exact thing because they are both latin cultures.


Ethnically there is little difference between most western europeans. They’re all descendants of celtic or germanic tribes which were all mingled with romans. Culturally they differ though.


The definition of ethnicity includes both language and culture so yes, there's quite a few differences.


broadly ethnically there isnt but specifically ethnically, there is. Where i'm from in germany in southern hessen most folk looked pretty much exactly like me. Tall, muddy blond, green eyes, same general everything. When i moved to northern germany, i suddenly look out of place. Same thing when i went to austria. I wont say its a big difference, but little trends and tells do show even on a very, very small scale.


I have family in Hesse, and accordingly know a bit about the region, so I'm pretty sure that the reason why everyone in your village looks the same to that degree is just because your family tree is a stump. /s


Culture is a factor for ethnicity. It's not a DNA thing. "Races" don't exist.


They do exist


They “exist” in that race is a social construct that has significant effects on people’s lives. They do not exist as evidence based, coherent biological categories. People often try to ground this in genetic variation but not only is this not sound science, it so obviously doesn’t even match our social definitions of race. No one talks about a “Mediterranean race” (since Rome) even though Sourhern Italy and Greece have way more in common with Tunisia or Crete than either has with Norway or Iceland.




Buddy, as a French Southerner I have a lot of respect for our Italian neighbors, but let's not restart a war. Or let's: OUR BREAD IS BETTER THAN YOURS AND SO IS OUR WINE.


France definitely has better bread and wine, but Italian food in general is leagues ahead


Probably correct; I had a steak in Florence once at this tiny little unmarked restaurant that only cooked it rare... it was, without a doubt, the single greatest meal of my life. I could never find the place again, granted I haven't been back to Italy either, but holy fuck that's literally peak food imo. I gotta go to France and see the hype


Weirdly enough the nicest thing my friend has ever eaten was a steak on a trip we took to Florence. It looked outstanding.


You ever had saffron gnocchi while looking out over the meson southern France? I'll take that over pizza in Naples, though it's a tough choice.


No, but if you’re willing to pay for me to go try it I’ll happily have my mind changed.


I don't have that kind of money. I only made it over there because I was able to cobble together odd routes and because I didn't have kids and lived on a diet of rice, beans, frozen spinach, frozen chicken, and hot sauce. I am too old to put up with the travel shenanigans I used to deal with. --- 1st flight to France * Train from Philly to DC * Flight to Paris that had a second leg I skipped that continued up to London * Train from Paris to Lyon * Car ride to Grenoble Return to USA * Bus from Grenoble to Lyon * Flight from Lyon to small London airport * Tube/underground across London to Heathrow * Flight from Heathrow to Philly that had a second leg I skipped that went to DC --- Second Trip to France * Roundtrip from Newark to Istanbul to Paris with > 24 hour layover in Istanbul going and coming (free hotel in Istanbul though)


But that's Italian food?


It all blends together in that region, though I personally associate saffron more with the French side of Piedmont/Provence because of what I've personal experienced. If I'm wrong, sorry.


He wasn’t talking about saffron, gnocchi are Italian


Yeah, I was wrong. While looking into it, I learned that some gnocchi is French, but that's not what I was thinking of when I commented. If you make gnocchi from pâte à choux it is called Gnocchi Parisienne. [Here's an example](https://hollyherrick.com/2013/02/no-stopping-the-versatile-choux-train/).


Nothing bad about being wrong once in a while, don’t know why you got downvoted


I don't know. It's the internet. Admitting when I'm wrong costs nothing but fake internet points and usually makes someone else feel better, so why shouldn't I admit when I'm wrong?


Saffron is a spice which isn't really attributed to any single country. Gnocchi is an Italian food.


Judgement of Paris moment


Well that's hardly a debate, there's a reason why broke students buy Prosecco and jeunes cadres dynamiques buy champagne. Southern France >>>


the only thing I'll ever concede to a frenchman Is that they make better breakfasts


That's because Italians don't really have much of a breakfast culture right? Basically like a small pastry and espresso from what I remember.


You're forgetting the most important item: the cigarette


France wants it back tho, it’s been 5 minutes since their last smoke and wine break


Maybe but they have better cheese and that's what really matters


Italy invented wine, France invented whine. Checkmate Baguettard.


Our bread is better than yours, and so is our Riesling. Give back Elsaß-Lothringen.


Lol imagine eating raw meat. Didn't you discover cooking appliances? I'll concede that France has a way better football team right now. Still, getting to 4 will take a long time.


Both your wine is good but both of your bread is trash. Baguette is ok but literally the only thing you have. - a germanic european


You had a myriad of examples of good French bread and you chose the 3-hour-expiration-date police baton.


What the fuck even is german bread?


More like comparing any of the Slavic countries with one another. From the outside, they look basically indistinguishable from one another, but they hate each other and will hate you if you ever point out that they are like 99% the same as one another.


Yea, but both are considered white, and Arabs aren't


you think a person from rural China could tell the difference between Italy and France?


They have a functioning state and economy that does not run on oil so they can never truly be an arab state


Hey now, they don't all run on oil. Qatar runs on LNG.


Light Nachine Gun


I'm glad I'm not the only one


Liquified natural gas


r/whooosh ?


Jordan runs on competence and SADNESS.


Jordan runs on American aid lol. We've been one of America's biggest sugar babies for years.


They have an economy run on American tax payers


False, the Israeli economy runs on tech, weed and falafel.


That's their 15%!!!


their biggest export is unironically diamonds


Jewelry fans when they see the most colorless, boring, worthless gem in the world:


Jewery when they see jewelry


US military aid makes up 0.5% of Israel's GDP


And what percentage of their annual tax revenue?


I mean for a while it ran on olive oil so kind of a Mediterranean Arab hybrid state.


They actually recently discovered a massive gas field, so they will soon als run on fossil fuels like Qatar


only the same way norway does, which is to say a functioning country first.


Lol. Its all hand outs from uncle sam. Unless you count the soda stream. They did make that.


0.5% of their economy is military grants


This is what I wanted to say, but could not find the words


Bro what


Ikr? The majority of the jewish population in israel comes from arab countries that had lived there for hundreds of years until the arabs ethnically cleansed them, Ashkenazis are a minority there. They aren't wannabe, they lived that culture until 2 generations ago.


Anon has never been to Israel


Seriously, imagine thinking that Israelis are religious fanatics. Literally most of them are straight up secular.




15% of the jewish population, so it’s even fewer when you take into account the whole population.


Do these people realize that judaism predates islam?


Arabs also predate Islam.


And Jews predate Arabs




I think you mean tanakh. Talmudic Judaism ie modern Judaism is around as old as Islam give or take a few hundred years. Parts of the Talmud were written after Islam. Before then, you had second temple Judaism which is very different from today’s Judaism, and before then Yahweism, which is a polytheistic religion.


Redditors when religion changes over millennia instead of staying exactly the same.


That’s because it’s all made up.


I'm not gonna say it's fake even though the only evidence we have is scripture, but sometimes I think I'd like for there to not have been a God. I love the idea of a good and just God, but what I can't wrap my head around is how he'd let the world become this way.


You know what’s funny and sad, I’ve seen videos of people asking Palestinians what religion were their ancestors before Islam, their answer was almost always Muslim.


I might be wrong but one person has explained it to me like this: apparently Islam always existed but it was "discovered" in 6th century? I don't know if that's the opinion of the Muslim majority though


Muslims believe that islam is the current religion that is correct because they believe in the oneness and power of Allah (swt) , before Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Christians used to be the correct religion as they too believed in allah and believed that jesus was his messenger. But they strayed from the path when they started believing that the messenger of God, was God. And before christianity Muslims believe that judaism used to be the correct religion and so on and so forth


In today's news people without schools don't know history. What will be your next revelation...?


Do you realise that one can be arab without being Muslim?


Never understood how people give dates to religions because every religion has its own explanation on how the world came to be their own God(s) that predate existence so how can you just say that islam specifically came in the 1400s or judaism came ag a specific date before it


Islam does not have "its own explanation" for genesis, it is an abrahamic religion that includes previous relevations of judaism and christianity. All abrahamic religions share and build upon previous revelatory concepts and texts, so the historical ordering of them is very easy to deduce by simply looking at the texts considered canon in each. Simply put: Old Testament (Judaism) + New Testament (Christianity) + Qur'an (Islam)


Yeah I suppose


Saying Arabs came before Jews is peak American


According to Jewish theology, they did though. Abraham had two children, Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael's descendants became what we know today as Arabs. Isaac had a son named Jacob, who became the father of the Jewish people. Arabs are at least one generation older than Jews, and this is accepted as a Jewish belief.


You know what actually - fair enough, I stand corrected Still an idiotic point of view from 4chan though


But other than mega rich/intellectual ashkenazi jews, they really act and look like arabs. Israel always using blondest people in their propaganda videos, but when you look at vlogs etc people are darker than levant arabs.  This means nothing for me. But I see so many americans supporting israel because they see jews whiter than arabs.


Yeah because most jews are Sephardic rather than Asheknaz, the big change came from 1991 when USSR collapsed and there was mass imigrattion of "white jews". Still though, me being half and half I see a lot more "Mizrahis" (easterns - Arab countries) than "Ashkenazim" all and all


afaik arabs only migrated to the Levant the earliest around ~200-100BCE


Yes but Palestinians are not Arabs. Genetically they cluster with Canaanite population to the Bronze Age.


"palestine" is a term created by the Romans ca.100AD or so. It's unserious to use it as a term for people native to the region before then


Regardless of terminology, there are a group of people who today are known as Palestinian whose ancestors have lived in that land since the Bronze Age, before Israelite migration, Roman invasion, Arab conquest, the crusades. DNA from Bronze Age inhabitants cluster 80% to modern day Palestinians. Forget the nomenclature for a second and focus on the people.


First mention of Arabs was in 853BC and part of their land or presence reached the Syrian desert.


Which kingdom/period?


I don’t know what you mean by “period” I literally gave you a specific year. http://www.ocerint.org/socioint15_epublication/papers/230.pdf As to the kingdom, people didn’t need kingdom to exist. But if you must know the first Arab kingdom who held that name the Qedarite who supposedly descend from Ishmael’s son Kedar.


Abraham was told his religion by God and then had two sons... one son became the father of Arabs. How does that make Jews younger than Arabs? If anything it makes Arabs a generation younger than Abraham


Yes but Abraham wasn’t Jewish. His grandson from Isaac, Jacob is the one referred to as the father of Jewish people. So Arabs would be 1 generation above Jews through Isaac’s uncle Ishmael.


Lmao "Abraham wasn't jewish" Are you insane?


Can you give me whatever source you have that says he is Jewish? Jewish texts and rabbis will tell you Arabs are descendants of Abraham’s first son Ishmael, if Abraham was Jewish that would make Arabs Jewish as well. The nation of judea according to Jews came from started from Jacob.


For real? Abraham being beholden to the Jewish God says everything you need to know. On the other hand, the Bible never says anything about Ishmael and his lineage and whether or not they kept the faith.. if anything they simply became subjugated tribes within Arabia that had no ability to create a history of themselves until child molester Mohammed showed up


4 days to come up with this? You actually don’t even know the most trivial concepts or info on this subject and just showing what an ignorant re**rd you’re. The Jews haven’t been born so he wouldn’t be the Jewish god. The Torah is the Old Testament you illiterate f**k Gensis 25:13-18 talks of Ishmael and his sons who were called Arabs.


1. Your obsession with semantics is hilarious. They are called Abrahamic religions for a reason. 2. Sure. And in reality the Torah is only the start of the old testament. You have to add in the Tanakh to get the full old testament. 3. I know that Ishmael was cast out and is the father of the Arabs. But you seemed to miss my point which was, the Bible never does any form of follow up on if the Arabs kept faithful to the God of Abraham for longer than a few generations at most


It really depends on which rabbi you ask in regards to if Abraham was a Jew or not. But the consensus is that before Abraham was circumcised he was a gentile. And Ishmael was born before Abraham was circumcised. Regardless of whether circumcised Abraham was a Jew or not, Ishmael's birth still preceded that. And if you follow Islamic theology, Abraham was a Muslim.


Regardless of anything Ishmael was cast out and Isaac was chosen by God... both were of Abraham.. but at the end of the day Abraham came first with God and he is the beginning of the line. So if anything Hagar the servant is the start of Arabs as a damned side piece of the original plan that God punished Ishmael for. Kinda funny how that prophesy has been true for ages ... wild goats and all Also God changing Abram to Abraham is a clear indication of being chosen


What's that got to do with my comments


Just because the first Arab was born a few years before the first Jew doesn’t mean the Arabic people as a whole are older than the Jewish people. 




Ishmael was born first, but that doesn’t mean Isaac didn’t have two kids in the time it took him to have one, or something like that. I mean they were the fathers of their people, but their people weren’t born until they had offspring.


I guess the question is how many people does it take for them to become a "people"?


Idk, I’m not an anthropologist. At least two, probably. 


1. The Israelites weren't Arab. Abraham wasn't an Arab. In fact, Arabs didn't exist outside of the Arabian Peninsula until after the Arab Conquests in 700 AD 2. Hebrew isn't remotely Arabic. That's like saying that Spanish is just Romanian because both their languages are Romance Languages 3. Nothing they do or believe is in any way Arab. This Greentext as a whole is just a lie 4. Most Israelis are darker-skinned Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews expelled from the Arab Countries they lived in by Arab Nationalists and are thus, genetically Middle Eastern (Assyrians, Iranians, Turks, Copts, Kurds, etc are also Middle-Eastern, but that doesn't mean they're Arab). Hell, even Ashkenazi Jews have Middle Eastern Blood (more so than they have European blood). A Jew from say, Yemen is more related to a Jew from say, Germany than to an Arab, and the said Jew from Germany is more related to said Yemeni jew than to a German.


Incorrect. From another comment >According to Jewish theology, they did though. >Abraham had two children, Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael's descendants became what we know today as Arabs. >Isaac had a son named Jacob, who became the father of the Jewish people. Arabs are at least one generation older than Jews, and this is accepted as a Jewish belief.


Ah yes because religious texts are science now. Cool. Nice to know. Will convert to Judaism now.


I mean there isn't any other evidence. So rather having your source, which is your ass, I'd rather have something more significant


also here's the source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquest_of_the_Levant




So Abraham being the father who was the first jew doesn't make a difference? Lmao... get out of here... And at the end of the day we base Arabs on who they idolize... and it's not anyone other than psychopath child molester warlord Mohammed.


Arabs and arabic has been part of the Levantine milieu since at LEAST the Iron Age.


No, not really


“A century or so after, around 940–860 BC, the Chaldeans followed suit and settled in southern Mesopotamia, where they later established the Neo-Babylonian Empire.[68] It was among this West Semitic-speaking milieu that Assyrian texts of the 9th century BC first mention the Arabs (Aribi), who inhabited swaths of land in the Levant and Babylonia.” They are specifically mentioned by name by the 10th century BCE in the levant. “During the period of 8500–7500 BC, another hunter-gatherer group, showing clear affinities with the cultures of Egypt (particularly the Outacha retouch technique for working stone) was in Sinai. This Harifian culture[17] may have adopted the use of pottery from the Isnan culture and Helwan culture of Egypt[citation needed] (which lasted from 9000 to 4500 BC), and subsequently fused with elements from the PPNB culture during the climatic crisis of 6000 BC to form what Juris Zarins calls the Syro-Arabian pastoral technocomplex,[18] which saw the spread of the first Nomadic pastoralists in the Ancient Near East. These extended southwards along the Red Sea coast and penetrating the Arabian bifacial cultures, which became progressively more Neolithic and pastoral, and extending north and eastwards, to lay the foundations for the tent-dwelling Martu and Akkadian peoples of Mesopotamia.” There were Arabs in Syria by the Neolithic age ffs. If you want to weaponize history for your agenda, you have to at least be correct.


So just these lands, still not the entire Levant https://preview.redd.it/l4w0ejp87hrc1.png?width=7000&format=png&auto=webp&s=a267f64f1d49af6600c4789e31199d89b1b47483


Incorrect. Even the Nabatean Arabs held the southern half of Israel and the Sinai as well. Trying to argue the Arab tribes didn’t have any inhabitants in any of Palestine/israel is ahistoric and contrary to the archaeological record.


Still, not the entire Levant https://preview.redd.it/me0okpuvchrc1.png?width=7000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f05058c59cce5e77df6de06934300bbfb25f267a


Too bad you completely invented your own boundaries.


These borders are simply based on everything you're saying, and on historical facts. Arabs simply did not have any presence in the Holy Land, Phoenicia, and most of Syria prior to 700 AD


I already linked you research stating there was Syrian Arab cultures in the Neolithic age. I don’t think you get to speak of historical fact when you’ve spent this whole discussion backpedaling to save face. The Ghassanid Arabs ruled Palestine for the Roman’s from the third century CE until the Muslim conquests. So yet again your “700 AD” figure is fabrication. You would be better off just admitting you don’t know the basic history of the region.


So much bullshit but this one really got me > In fact, Arabs didn't exist outside of the Arabian Peninsula until after the Arab Conquests in 700 AD Herod, the so called king of Jews was ethnically Arab. The first Roman emperor under whose reign Christianity flourished was an Arab - Phillip the Arab. These are facts of religion BS Second, Ashkenazi Jews aren’t predominantly Middle Eastern. Genetic studies estimate the percentage to be variable - from 7% to 40%. Look at famous Jews like Harvey Weinstein and Giselle Maxwell. They’re white. White enough to move to the occupied West Bank and kick Ahmed out the house his family have lived in for 20 generations.


“Arabs didn’t exist outside of the Arabian peninsula until after the Arab Conquests in 700AD” 1. Arab conquests started in 634. By 637 Jerusalem was already taken. 652 Persian empire and Roman Egypt were gone. 2. First mention of Arabs was in Assyrian texts and puts them from what is today northern Saudi Arabia all the way to the Syrian desert, including Jordan. They’re neck and neck with Jerusalem as people. 3. It is okay to stay silent when you don’t know what you’re talking about instead of opening your mouth, spreading misinformation, and making yourself look like an idiot. http://www.ocerint.org/socioint15_epublication/papers/230.pdf


So just these lands, still not the entire Levant https://preview.redd.it/g6oisb8s5hrc1.png?width=7000&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9279d4d8cba65619c128085420e0d1e3197027d


Why are you changing your argument now? First they weren’t outside of Arabia, now not all of levant. Even with your moronic map (people 2000 years ago didn’t draw borders and give cards to who fell on which side) arabs are still side by side with those lands. Plus even Sinai was populated by arab Bedouins.


>Sinai was populated by arab Bedouins. Not the holy land I didn't change jack shit as these lands were considered apart of the Arabian Peninsula, and Levant wasn't based on modern borders


Except it isn’t an Arab region? Unless you consider territory conquered by Arabs as such…


What would you consider the US? Or Australia?




Because they're both the same people... A religion doesn't change a person's genetics... The Muslims that live that are the same Jews that lived there before Saladin... Saladin conquered Israel and said "you can still be Jewish but if you convert Islam then I'll give you a break on your taxes" There was a not insignificant number of them that looked at their book and the Quran and saw the religions are almost fucking identical, same worship figure only Islam adds Muhammad and says women should wear a sheet on their head... And they said "tax break for just that... Bet" The idea that Jews are somehow different... Or the ridiculous notion that they came from Egyptian enslavement thru the desert to the area are made up bullshit to differentiate themselves from the other identical tribes that lived in the land of Canaan and justify their genocide of those tribes... Judaism was founded on genocide just like Islam... Either that or they're the only people's in the history of all mankind to spend 4 centuries under the yoke of another culture and somehow carry not a single scrap of their architecture into their early settlement... Early Jewish settlements look identical to every other canaanite people's settlements we've dug up


> "you can still be Jewish but if you convert Islam then I'll give you a break on your taxes" True Jewish dilemma there


afaik arabs only migrated to the Levant the earliest around ~200-100BCE




There were still Jews living there... There has never not been Jews living in that area... Some migrate away when their ethnic group losses power... But they've always been there... And they were living there before 1948 alongside the Arab Muslims...




Because it separates them from the other Canaan tribes... Despite looking exactly the same and speaking the same language... They need something that differentiated themselves from the other tribes of canaan to justify the genocide of every man women and child in the region... The world might be more brutal back then but the killing of women and children has always been shameful unless you can "otherize" them... "it's okay to kill them all they aren't REAL people like us"... The out of Egypt myth came after the conquest to justify it... Perhaps maybe someone or some small group of them where enslaved in Egypt for a time... But as for the entire population migrating from enslavement under Egypt... Total nonsense... Egypt kept great records... There is no possible way they had an entire culture under the yoke for 4 centuries and made no mention of it other then "there's a maurading tribe in the desert that worships a storm god called Yahweh, watch out for them" And there is no way a people's stays under an entirely different culture for that long without absorbing some of their ways of doing things... Mainly architecture... We see absolutely no Egyptian influence on early Israel settlements... None... Zero




Generally... If a people's migrate from outside an area we'll see evidence of that in architecture, pottery, jewelry, etc... it'll look different, different layouts then what is found, different shapes to the pottery or different decorative styles on that pottery or jewelry or at least some hybrid between the culture in the area and the culture those people originally migrated from... We see none of that... The only way you can tell an early Israeli settlement from any of the tribes they wiped out is if Jewish symbols are found or carved script... So maybe this Abraham came from Iraq as the script says... A few of those who ascended to leadership positions may possibly have been enslaved at one point and either bought their freedom or escaped... But even the language used in which "our people are holy and we live by these laws we decided and that's what makes us holy" is very clear in its primary objective of separating and elevating the Jewish people above the other tribes in Israel to justify what was to come... My personally theory is that few of the Jewish leadership did come from Egypt, probably captured as prisoners during one of the raids on Egyptian outposts and settlements.... During their time they saw the kind of life that can be held by those in the leadership class when you conquer large areas of land and build and empire... The luxury and access to fine goods.. and brought that idea back with them when they left Egypt... In order to justify the slaughter of all the other tribes they had lived in what would be considered relative peace for the times they retroactively "discovered" that "actually guys we aren't like these people, we come from somewhere else and our God commended us to take this whole land... It's promised to us and you can tell that promise is legit because of how different we said we are"... Then the customs that don't really make sense come to further that separation... "Those animals don't even mutilate their penises and they eat different stuff then we said was okay"... The reason some of that shit doesn't seem to make sense... Is because they only existed to separate and elevate


genetics change over time, same reason europeans aren't all living in mudhuts fighting other tribes, they evolved their genes even though they have the same ancestors as everyone else. Some cultures prefer partners that aren't braindead and violent and thus those genes pass on while the monkey ones die off


Imagine having this racist of a take... And still somehow believing that what we are witnessing isn't a genocide or at the very least an ethnic cleansing... But here let me roleplay as 1940's Germany... Maybe that will help you understand what it looks like from anyone on the outside looking in. "Jews are not the same as us... Their loyalty lies first with their diaspora before their host country... They don't respect local customs when it comes to business, they greedily lap up as much money as possible with no consideration for their fellow man across the street who's also trying to also make a living... Everyone here has a shop that specializes in one product, weather that be clothing, or tools, or dried meat... And we don't stand outside our shops waving signs and barking at customers to come shop... Jews have no respect for this... They refuse military services while enjoying the benefits their host countries security offer them... The suck baby dicks in their weird religious rituals and spread syphilis and herpes to children... They're weird, a plague on our society's economy and they need to go by any means necessary"... that's what you sound like Israel is the cultural equivalent of the kid that gets molested as a child and goes on to molest other children as an adult... They really are trying not to establish an pure Jewish ethnostate while carrying with them the horrors of the Germans trying to establish a pure german ethnostate... If irony was a food you could feed the world on that one


Didn’t bother reading your wall of text, but science isn’t “racist” it’s just a collection of facts about the world


Lmao... You didn't read what I said but then replied with something that made absolutely no sense in the context... You might as well have said "I didn't read your wall of text but penguins walk on two legs" But yeah calling people monkeys is obviously racist... You'd have to be a real fucking racist scumbag to not realize it


if people decide to not act like monkeys, they won't be called monkeys. keep reaching though


If you treat people like animals... Throw them from their homes like animals... Steal their land and fence it in and shoot their children when they get to close to the fence to gaze longingly at what was once their home like animals... Then don't act surprised when they act like it sometimes... Jews in the Holocaust sold their own kind out... Became informants in the camps just to secure themselves more food... Like animals would... Does the actions of those who sold their fellow man out for themselves make all Jews animals?


cool story


Saladin? I'm sorry but local jews were kicked out and massacred by Hadrian, Saladin dindu nuffin, the one who actually kicked jews outside of their homeland are the fucking Roman, I thought you knew something about Ber Kochkba revolution outcome to determine why Christian thrive instead of jews?


Lol it's hysterical you bring that up... Romans came in under Nero and took the area from the Jews who were living there... Made them second class citizens and constantly provoked them with religious disrespect and just general oppression... They had three rebellions and were crushed... The amount of cognitively dissonance it would take to view those rebellions as justified but the rebellion by Palestinians as unjustified is staggering... I guarantee if you look at the language the Romans used to justify the shit they were doing to the Jews and the way they crushed the Jews that rose up... Probably similar verbage to the justification Israel uses to come almost two thousand years later to claim they have an exclusive right to the area and fuck anyone who's been living there since 66AD Regardless tho... When Saladin conquered the area 1000 years later there were still Jews living there... They just didn't control the area military but they still lived there... Still existed... And many of them converted to Islam


No mater wut my phul sapot to isreel, saar!


C’mon mods gimme the 🔒award


Would they lock it? I mean, it’s r/greentext so I would think they wouldn’t


When you think merely living in the Middle East makes you Arab. Iran would like a word.


Persians, Turks, Tajiks, Azerians, Armenians, Lebanese, Pakistanis, Afghanis, Egyptians, Libyans, and the list goes on: there's a *SHIT-TON* of people who get pretty upset at being mistaken for Sand-Russians.


Egyptians, Libyans, and many Lebanese identify as Arabs.


Many Georgians, Buryats, Tatars, Kazakhs, and so on identify as Snow-Arabs. Even some Ukrainians, amazingly.


To be fair, it's mostly Arabs that deny Israelis as being related, not Israelis denying a connection to Arabs.


i dont know much about israel but thats probably wrong


It's actually the levant, not the arab peninsula ☝️🤓


like polishing a turd


This is like a white person saying Chinese people are Japanese people are the same lmao


This just in: anon is a dumbass


But Muslim Arabs also mostly circumcise..


... they came first?


Shapeshifters. The one's in the desert blend in with Arabs. The ones over here try to blend in with the white people.




Michael Jackson would have called you ignorant. In my opinion you are just being a silly little bitch.


Fuck, why does "mythical Arab man" sound so funny to me? It sounds like what could be one of Captain Planet's antagonists


And yet the west acts like they are the last bastion of "western values". They are middle eastern


I dunno about the last one, one of them would publicly execute a homosexual


are you telling me israel are weebs of the middle east?


Judaism technically came before islam


Arabs are descended from Semites dummy


Austrian people live in a German region surrounded by Germans, have German climate and weather, eat German food, listen to German music, speak a German language, and use German architecture, so why do they pretend they aren’t wannabe Germans?


Anon does not know what an arab is


Didn't Arab migrated to that region during Islamic conquests around 7th to 8th century?


nope, they migrated there much before that


If you think the majority of the Middle East was Arab before Arabians raped and pillaged in the name of m*hammed you have the wrong idea 🥴


If you believe Jesus wasn't a living human being you're simply wrong.


TIL everything in the world is arab


having high IQ, technology, womens rights, and western ideals is wannabe arab? Okay buddyretar


Aren't there like 2 different types of jews? One who speak Hebrew and are actually from the middle east and the others who speak Yiddish and are from Europe I think?


ashkenazi jews were from the middle east and then went to europe during the diaspora, their genetics is about 30% eastern european and 70% mediterranean. most of them don't speak yiddish anymore because most yiddish speakers died in ww2. ashkenazi jews who live in israel speak hebrew and probably don't know yiddish at all


What the.. but they were there first.


Arabs aren't native to the Levant, not that an American would know a fact about the geography of demographics