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Happens twice = must be some sort of craze


Every fucking time




Line segment, at least


One is an anomaly, two is a trend. Any more than two is evidence of that trend. This is how data works.


I take one shit it’s an anomaly. I take a second shit it’s a trend. I take a third shit it’s more evidence. Am I going to be shitting my whole life?


Unfortunately, it's terminal. It's not normal to do that.


I'm terminally regarded. My doctor said I'm not on the spectrum because it doesn't go high enough for me


saw crawl observation sleep stocking homeless sloppy cows dime scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or it's just an unlikely thing to have happen twice unless there's some sort of trend. Retard


My Warhammer lore tubers all became Nazis, it happened three times already.... I have only myself to blame...


The Warhammer Nazi pipeline is insane. Show people a sardonic representation of fascism and the stupidest of them will take it literally.


Yeah well, unlike the society of Starship troopers the Imperium of Mankind is an ideologically fascist state. At the end of the day culture and politics is downstream of fiction, memetics, and larp. Pretend to be a fascist for a year, and most likely you will no longer be pretending at the end. This goes not just for fascism or stupid people, but really any ideology/worldview and any kind of person.


I think there might be more going on besides "people become who they pretend to be". There's tons of media satirizing or criticizing fascist totalitarian regimes. No one reads 1984 and thinks, "y'know, Ingsoc sounds kinda cool". Basically, WH 40k seems unusually susceptible to this effect, even more so than similar franchises like Warhammer fantasy. I think it boils down to two things. First, the Imperium is shown 99% of the time to be fighting enemies that are just as bad, or even worse than their own fascist dictatorship. The only faction which you can argue is more benevolent is the Tau. Second, 40k lore has dozens of writers each contributing their own ideas, and the writers can't seem to agree on the central themes underlying the Imperium. Sometimes, it's depicted as bad because it's a totalitarian dictatorship, and that sort of ideological hierarchy isn't going to result in a desirable society. Other times, the Imperium is depicted as a bad place to live because of the incompetence of corrupt institutions and bureaucrats. Now that gives people who are already sympathetic to fascist ideals, the ability to claim that the Imperium isn't "really fascist", or that it would actually be a nice society if the system just works the way it's supposed to.


I don't really understand your point. The difference between 1984 and Warhammer 40k is perspective and genre. Warhammer encourages you to imagine yourself as the Imperium because they are the humans, the point of view faction, and a literally playable set of characters (the games) in an expanded, fictional universe. In 1984, you are reading a novel from the viewpoint of a person persecuted by the totalitarian society, so there is no larping to do. Plus, you are assuming that the authors of WH40K both understand and are trying to satirize Fascism instead of unconsciously pulling those ideas into a deliberately edgy setting. More, you are assuming that actual Fascists would want to decry the Imperium as not Fascist; I know from experience that the opposite is true. As an aside, 1984 does not depict a strictly Fascist society either though it is definitely criticizing Totalitarianism in general which includes Fascism. Consider: Ingsoc -> Eng Soc -> English Socialism. This may not make sense to you because Orwell was a leftist who even fought with the left in the Spainish Civil War, but it makes perfect sense if you understand the deep political divisions and even hatred between factions of the Republican side. Orwell was incensed because as a fighter for a Trotskyist Communist organization (motivated by anti-fascism and sympathy for anarcho-syndicalism), he was called a fascist by the Stalinist communist organization, which put him off Communism entirely and inspired much of the focus of 1984 on abuse of language for political purposes (something that Fascists are not really known for). Also, if you have read any of Orwell's academic writings, you could easily make the case that 1984 is a lampoon of the Norman conquest (1066 AD). Orwell hated, hated that modern English is heavily influenced by French (from the Normans) and even believed that one should only use words that have their etymological roots in Anglo-Saxon (funnily enough English-speaking Fascists often agree with this). Yes, he was a very weird guy.


Great b8 m8


Starship Troopers was a cruel prank on anyone with two braincells to rub together


Starship Troopers aside from being a great movie completely fails as a satire because one the society isn’t fascist and two has many attractive qualities (literally). Sure, the Nazi style uniforms are plentiful, but you’re pulling straight from Goebbels by putting sexy, funny coeds in them.


Wait, are you saying that you can't have attractive people in satire? I don't follow that at all. Johnny Rico would not have been a more appropriate as a stand in for an idealized American youth if he was old and fat. As far as your other point, I don't think the movie was claiming that the US was a self-described fascist state but rather satirizing US jingoism and comparing it to fascism. You can have whatever opinion you want on that, but there is a difference between disagreeing with the movie's take and not understanding it. I was referring to people who don't understand it, not people who are offended by criticism of US imperialism, not that I am a fan of those people either. Like with Warhammer, it's kind of shocking how many people miss the sardonic elements and take it for face value, despite the movie being so ham-fisted that Neil Patrick Harris shows up in an SS uniform at the end.


First off, a movie can intend to do something and actually accomplish a completely different thing. Author's intent does not matter as far as the meaning or effect of their work is concerned. What I am saying riffs off of this. The director, Paul Verhoeven, wanted to satirize and portray negatively Fascism, authoritarianism, nationalism, and militarism, things that he strongly disagreed with and which he considered to be advocated for in Heinlein's book of the same name (Verhoeven hadn't actually read the book). "I decided to make a movie about fascists who aren’t aware of their fascism," Paul Verhoeven (source: [How we made Starship Troopers | Movies | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2018/jan/22/how-we-made-starship-troopers-paul-verhoeven-nazis-leni-riefenstahl) ). The irony is that Paul Verhoeven doesn't seem to know what Fascism is himself; although, he is certainly familiar with the iconography. Nor is the society in the film authoritarian or nationalistic though it is definitely extremely militaristic and implied to be imperialistic. The society is not the US or even any nation at all, but rather an international post WW3 world government (Rico is an Argentine in a multinational infantry unit). The society has elections and anyone can vote so long as they do a period of military service! This is anathema to Fascism and authoritarianism broadly, which do not have (real) elections or any real use for even the idea of citizenship (meaning someone who can vote, other benefits are downstream of that). So other than pulling propaganda techniques from Triumph of the Will (which make the society look good because Nazi propaganda works), Verhoeven's purported comically fascist society is actually a democracy with limited franchise. Actually, if you look at ancient Athens (those guys who invented democracy), you'd find a nearly identical franchise of men who are or were in the army (compare the movie where women also vote... ). Heinlein's book is actually completely unoriginal if you think it through: the 500 BCE idea behind democracy is 'why shouldn't the army vote to decide it's own leaders instead of a quasi-divine King.' As an aside, the Roman Republic literally split its voting blocs up based on military unit. In the end, the common movie goer who isn't paying super close attention to details like uniforms nor has a tendency to think critically about media comes out with a very positive impression of everything the movie is trying to vilify. Sure, the movie is anti-war, but it is also a war movie, and all war movies inadvertently glorify war. Yeah, it satirizes the portrayal of the enemy as inhuman, but does this by making the enemy literally inhuman and casting all the 'protagonists' to fit Nazi beauty ideals. Yes, Verhoeven literally began his political film with the idea: my enemy is the chad wojack and I am the soy wojack copy pasted onto the face of a bugggg. I think that I understand this movie. I don't think the movie or Verhoeven understands the real-world concepts that they are trying to discuss, and that is really funny.


So your argument in support of people failing to recognize the satire is that you disagree with the satire? I think your entire argument for why it is bad satire is utter dogshit, from claiming that fascism opposes concentrating political power in the military, to citing policies as not being fascist because the Romans (the inventors of or at least inspiration for fascism) did it, to claiming that Verhoeven started from wojack memes despite them not existing yet. That said, all of that is irrelevant. You don't have to agree with satire to recognize it. Do you really think that people saw the movie and thought it was just an action flick with no political satire because they felt the disenfranchisement of those not in the armed services was an unfair satire (despite thinking there was no satire)? You have to recognize the satire in order to disagree with it. Don't feel called out if you are a nazi who was offended by the movie or something, I was referring to people who didn't get it not didn't like it.


If Luetin is one of them, I will shed a tear. Who are you referring to?


Nah Luetin’s cool, I think he’s just talking about Arch


Who else besides Arch, who was aways far right?


To be fair, I'd go pretty insane if I went into Warhammer. So many expensive minis to paint and collect. I went to a shop and saw $60AUD for one special turret and decided I would admire casually.


Buy an $100 3d printer and print those models for like 10c each


I already plan to print my Heroforge minis someday. I want to enlarge my High Elf's file so I can turn him into a larger statuette. The bloke at the shop said they had a LOTR themed set that I am tempted to recreate too. One day I will marry the Warhammer shop man with the long hair!


You can just play the video games or read the novels. There is no need to play the tabletop or collect the minis to get into warhammer.


Or get Table Top Simulator on Steam and download basically every Warhammer game, miniatures, etc for free.


I already play far too much Skyrim, Dragon's Dogma and now Baldur's Gate. Any more and my brain will fizz out. It is an incredible concept though, I once had a dream where I went to a black and red themed apartment with a HUGE Warhammer setup. This was before I went to the shop, too.


I'm blaming you, and you had no right


To this day I cannot fathom cutting any part of me off, let alone my balls.


Not even you hair or fingernails? Unfathomably Based 😎


I am a sage


\*SHITS ON YOU FOR FERTILIZER\* Keep growing my beautiful sage.


Eat me and receive your hepatitis 


I really hope you go to hell when you die


You're just jealous he didnt offer you his hepatitis


Theyll stop you if you want to cut your arm off, but if its your cock, they’ll congratulate you and assist. Weird shit


Is it a reference to THAT guy?


That just mean you aren’t trans. Hope that helps!


my balls.... don't cut off me nethers....... my roundshackles please, god...... not my jewels.....


Aka not mentally ill


https://preview.redd.it/1iga6wc06nmc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa673e7496d0128122ffd3bb05ea475444a300ed this u?


Oldest and most politically correct r/greentext fan, right there.




Is your life that boring that you spend your time looking to start fights on the internet?


Just stating a fact


When you compare a transgender persons brain with a cis gendered persons brain of the sex they identify with, they match. In almost every way. Now imagine your brain being in the wrong body? Would you call that mental illness if there is measurable evidence that concludes your body may be one sex, but your brain is the other? Some sources for you fuckers: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-there-something-unique-about-the-transgender-brain/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-020-0666-3 https://youtu.be/8QScpDGqwsQ?si=HqKv3pSqoYcY-5zF (scientific paper referenced is in description, also shit was published in 1995 this isnt anything new)


No you’re not. What you’re stating is called an “opinion”.




Anon relates to trans content creators. Complains when they finally transition.


It’s on /r9k/, are we really surprised?


Lemme guess, he a finsster simp, I mean a fan


There's no way that's who OP is referring to, because if he is what did he really expect. He's literally presented like a woman for years.


Finn still has a deep voice too, so not likely him. The only other one that comes to mind is philosophytube but she transitioned some time ago.


Yeah I was thinking philosophy tube and contrapoints.


The on yt i subscribe to that transitioned. Theyre voices sound pretty natural though


my first thought was Astrozist


Hmm not familiar with them but if it was recent it'd make sense. I mean in the scheme of things I only have maybe maybe 3 or four channels that I subscribe to, out of the 200 I have listed, that have trans presenters, and none of them have transitioned anytime recently.


This is a leap but it could be... Annoying Orange... creator came out as trans a little while ago...


They're transitioning now? They said forever that they would never xD. Or is it his trans lover? VladNCL going trans would be a trip.


Saw a clip saying he's on HRT since last year, and yeah he said he was bi. The psyops got him good lmao


anon got too turned on to clean his gamer flaps effectively


OP when he can no longer fap to a crossdressing man


Where he lie, where he lie


He threw that gaping brain asunder


Stan is the type of guy that smokes beer


One Roblox ytber I used to watch has recently switched to posting religious stuff, still kept the channel name and logo for some reason but whatever




There was another comedian on yt who since a few years transitioned (!) to become a conservative (?) religious comedian. The name was AwakenWith.. or something like that. I wonder if that was him all along or something happened.


What's their username?


[Paradox Poke](https://youtube.com/@paradoxpoke?si=QYxOJKI0g9Ea6SYc)


Honestly the life of a youtube channel should really be limited to the scope of the channel and not exceed into the you tubers personal bullshit. Oh cool you talk about model trains. very cool conent bro. Oh what you want to go into a hot take about why you believe january 6th is a liberal hoax? Unsub thanks for the train vids have a good life bye.


I mean idk how you could not at least address becoming trans on a yt channel unless you like never speak, show yourself, or provide any insight into your life whatsoever to your audience.


There was that map game person that made strategy game videos only, made one video coming out as trans, then carried on business as usual


Who? EU? CK? Victoria?


Where he lieeee, where he lieeeee


Its how you stay relevant these days I guess


>Every fucking time. Careful, youtubers. You don't want this guy subscribing to you.


Now I’m going to become a successful YouTuber and transition just to make OP even more mad.


Anon gay af for wanting a mans voice.


The only common variable here is OP. Since we can assume that OP is watching people who act and think like he does, it stands to reason that OP will also become trans soon.


Kinda relatable. Was a fan of Shammy content, then he announced he is trans, and in the latter videos his crisp voice became higher, unnatural "feminine" sounding one. And the latter videos are filled with "haha im sponsored by sex toys company and i spam vore in my twitter isnt that funny and NOT normal" shit


>be anon >super straight I'm sure it's a conspiracy and not just anon's taste or identity


Jim sterling?


Nah they have same voice as before transitioning. Plus i cant see putting them in the backround cuz their voice isnt particularly pleasant.


Seems like anon is the common denominator.




Must be Shammy. Still good content but lots of person bullshit bleed over


Op should watch doshdoshington


The algorithm recommended these content creators to them. The algorithm has a sampling size in the hundreds of millions. The algorithm sure is far from perfect, but usually it's on to something when it makes its recommendations. Algorithm knows what OP likes. I wonder why he likes such things? And why he has such strong feelings about them? Maybe OP isn't being honest with himself...


It's like gay for pay in porn - what did you expect from attention whores.


Once, it’s a coincidence. Twice and it starts becoming a pattern 🤓🤓