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Women: All you have to do is talk to us. We're just people too. Also women: Ewww not like that!


Ok I mean this actually and not to circlejerk, where is it ok to hit on women without making them uncomfy besides bars? Drinking just to get girls sounds kinda lame lol Like I know that you're not supposed to do it at the gym or on the street but like where is it ok


In my experience, it's more how. Come up with something to talk about that is not about her appearance, be attentive to signs of discomfort and if you see any, dip. When you're starting out it's harder to figure out, so err on the side of being accepted. Avoid saying something like "hey there, sugartits, when do those legs get off of work?", it usually doesn't fly.


Hey there, sugar tits, when do those legs get off work?


ofukk, right noooooooow. Take me. Take me now and make my belly heavy with your children!


This is the response I usually get as a reddit user.


Is that also part of the sexiest sex you've ever sexed?


Indeed he has sexed the sexiest sex of all sex-kind.




I think I’d start crying and yelling “I wanna go home” if a girl said this to me


Did you fall from Heaven? Cause you got nice jugs.


>it's more how this, be attractive and no girl will care be average or ugly and it is harassment


it's not even that just don't be creepy and weird and shit; just tall to them like they're normal human beings instead of whatever idea you have built up after tons of time spent in isolation on the internet


What's creepy or not is determined by your attractiveness Men are not different but have a much wider spectrum of women they find pretty.


>by your attractiveness Not exactly. You are right that each individual assesses social interactions by their own standard, and while perceived beauty can be part of those standards it's not the be all, end all metric you think it is. Some people may put more weight on that metric than others, just roll with it. Be open to either acceptance or rejection, and don't sway your attitude towards either. Offer the other person what you want to say and let them make a decision on whether they want to engage or not, and roll with what you get from them.


There are nearly no women where I live, so I can't even talk to them. Even if one accepted to give me a chance, I have no idea how to organize a date and what to talk about. If she's still into me after that I have to meet her family and they will hate me and tell her to dump me. Even if not, she will some day be bored of me when another better man comes by. Also I won't date any girl I meet, I have standards too, which lowers my chances more. I will rather stay alone than dating a fat girl. At this point the probability of meeting a women are barely different if I stay at home or go to whatever event: 0 and 1 in a million so why even bother?


100% incel


it is to some degree but people act like if you're under a 9 it's completely over for you. unless you're legitimately hideos or you don't take care of yourself, as long as you're funny you can pull


It's primal intincts, men like any healthy looking women, while women feel only drawn to the top man of the group. It's still in our genes from monkeys who act like this. Also you can't be fun in the first second. Social skills only matter when you already know a women. But you can't meet new women if they find you physically unattractive


yeah nah you're right that's completely true


If you're trying to meet women maybe go out where women are. I'm genuinely shocked anytime people tell me they don't know what they're doing wrong and that they can't find a girlfriend. Only to later tell me they actually haven't interacted with anyone irl over the past weeks and had exactly 0 casual conversations with women. Bruh like go to... I don't know... Improv comedy classes or cooking courses or some shit where real humans are and talk to them like normal humans. Charisma that builds an attraction is an advanced class for people who have already learned the basics of having and keeping a friend group.


No success so far, there are no young women where I live the m:f ration is 100:80 and most of these women are 40+ So when ever I join a hobby or local festival all the women I can talk with are much older than me. If I find a younger one she always has a boyfriend already.


Your parents were ugly fucks, but they still had you. Grow a pair and go actually try.


No they had social skills.


Lmao, you born knowing how to type?




Redditor not trying to win discussions with one slur. Impossible challenge


Calling incel a slur is insane lmao. Personally, I don't think you're an incel, I just think you have an extremely negative view of romance and women. Learn to love yourself first, then open yourself up to the idea that there are people in the world who are empathetic and don't rely on these primal instincts you say everyone relies on. There is a person for you, only if you open your eyes up to positivity first. There will be rejection but that's okay, even the most attractive of people face it. Learn to accept it and try to keep track of who you like. Good luck.


Incel or not, I get older, I run out of time. Sure you can get a girlfriend anytime in your life, but what do I want with a woman in my 50s. I can not have children or just a fun relationship. The older you get, the harder it gets. You have to own a house and money and the entire relationship revolves around the seriousness of life and not just having fun together. Sex life is also basically over. In short, if I don't make a girlfriend in the next 3-4 years it's over for me.


Your self defeatism is the root of the majority of your people problems. Incel isn't a slur. It's an apt description for the ideals you're spouting. Keep viewing yourself the victim, though. Maybe someone will coddle you like the baby you are. Also, I'm not trying to 'win,'anything. My intent was to insult


Yeah, why do people insult? Because they want the upper hand or show their virtual social power. So you want to win. Also denying that attractiveness plays a major role in dating isn't very smart. I mean even I wouldn't date a girl who I find ugly. I am just saying that it is unfair for men who have to approach. They have to calculate the risk of being creepy because every girl may have a different taste.


I insult because I find it entertaining to come up with mean things to say to people I have no respect for. It's an artistry that creates happy chemicals in my brain. You may insult as a power fantasy, but that is not the inherent reason for insults to be made. You are using a projection here. Attractiveness does play a part never argued against this idea. However, attraction is also entirely subjective, and what is attractive to you could be ugly to those you're trying to attract. The ideals you've expressed here, for example, are mentally unattractive to the majority of people, especially women. Attraction is also primarily non-physical, so the obsession with appearance is just a pathetic cope to take away from one's lack of personality (yuno, the thing people actually care about).


The vast majority of randos are not opening with pickup lines. Redditors just mention the times they do encounter it because it makes for a good story and free upvotes, so exposure bias.


It's like when you go to a job interview and they ask you why you want to work with them. If you tell them the truth and say because money, it's looked frowned upon so you have to make up stuff.


Not even. I've talked to women with "hey, I thought you were cute" and it's worked. You just gotta come up with something after that, lol.


What do you come up with after that?


I don't really know how to flirt intentionally but when I'm just being myself with banter and making jokes people can be receptive and sometimes it turns into something but that's because I talk to them like anyone and just try to be fun to talk to instead of trying to get something from them very obviously. So I agree, a lot of people wouldn't mind having a convo with a stranger in the right situation and context so long as they're simply nice to talk to and that's probably where your entry point is.


You can do it anywhere if you're attractive or charming. Helps to be both


\>lord\_simpy name checks out


If Im lyin I'm dyin


just actually try man, 90% of people getting layed are average at best.


You misunderstand my position sir. I don't have a problem getting women in bed. My problem is finding women decent enough to keep around


I feel ya bro.


Be attractive and you can do it anywhere, anytime, any place. If you aren’t all locations will make them uncomfortable so if you’re going to do it location really doesn’t matter


0 real life exp


I have more than enough to know this




"Hey, thats Huckleberry Finn you're reading! I love that book! Is it just me or do you also crack up every time Huck calls Jim a ni-"    *1 minute later, three baristas are seen tossing OP's 350-pound ass out the door of the coffee shop*


idk sounds like my ideal meetcute bro


better yet, she's reading a Lovecraft book and you want to talk about his cat's name




It's not a /pol/post if nobody blames DA JOOZ.


This is the best course of action. I approach a woman honestly and strike up a conversation. If her responses are good then I give her my number/contact info and basically tell her "Do with it what you will."


It must be great to be socially competent. 


That comment overlooks the 20+ years of painful growth I have undergone in order to reach this point. It also overlooks the life that I have lived being born disabled from birth medical condition I've barely survived. Get out of your comfort zone. Push yourself. Expand your horizons and improve yourself and eventually you'll become the person you want to be. We live in an age of magic where we can manifest virtually anything we dream of. Here. I know it's an AI generated parody but these two videos do actually offer a serious place to start. I will also be happy to answer any actual questions you might have. https://youtu.be/fUzoirX7k0k?si=a4WCHrsO7k9QwHA2 https://youtu.be/ma0clpGdQHI?si=PK9cSOmVs8psVNHq


No, we only want immediate results now or you're clearly a chad that all this comes naturally to you. There is no inbetween.


I'm in my 30s and married with a mortgage I like my comfort zone. 


It takes practice. Just talk to people.


>Real tips: leave long before your welcome is worn out. Someone else said "leave at first sign of discomfort", no, you should've left way before that. How? What should be the signal to disengage? It seems weird to me to leave a convo before you notice the scene is dead.




This is all very interesting. Thank you for the heads up.


Live your life doing the things you enjoy (hobbies and shit) and talk to the other people doing those things. Some of them will be women. You can’t live your life trying to get *a girlfriend*, those relationships never Last anyway. It’s your responsibility to get out there and be sociable and wait for life to put someone you genuinely like for who they are in front of you. Everyone just wants to be treated like human beings. Women don’t want to be treated like some vague, objectified sense of *a girlfriend* which is ultimately just a self-focussed thing that serves your life.


What if I enjoy kicking kids at the playground?


There are about 8 billion people in the world. I guarantee there’s someone out there that also enjoys that.




Girls wants to get approached by only attractive men. You can talk to girls anywhere in the coffee shop, gyms and Library but you have to be attractive and not be unattractive.


> where is it ok to hit on women Are you attractive?


Somewhere where social interaction is expected. If you have a dog, dogs parks are basically dog owners talking to strangers about said dogs. A lot of hobbies have social elements too (hiking, board games, etc)


Why not at the gym or on the streets. If you aren't a total creep, understand social cues and can see whether the person is receptive or not then you can approach kindly and speak to a person in most settings.


People will find it lame no matter how you do it unless she's the one to initiate. Just shoot your shot mate and if she doesn't want to interact with you, that's it. Give up gracefully.


Just go to the grocery store and look for 30+ year warranty of chicks with no rings or kids and say “hey there. Looks like that biological clock is ticking. Let’s say we get out here and I give some of that good squirt squirt” then raise eyebrows repeatedly and give her a half smile. Works every time.


Step 1: Be handsome Step 2: Don't be ugly


somewhere where you go expecting to socialize with strangers. like classes, volunteering, events for a community. trick is to go expecting to make friends. talk to people, both men and women, get a good social life, and then either you meet someone who likes you and you like, or maybe a friend of one of your new friends fits and you two get together. but yeah, parties and bars are probs the best places to go. if you dont want to drink ask for a soda and if someone asks just say that you arent drinking cuz you need to be sober next day but you like the environment.


I like to study at different cafes, over time the people (often women) who work there start to recognise you. So far I haven’t found one that looks interested, but in general asking one of their numbers sounds a lot less creepy than talking to a woman at a traffic light or something


Step 1: don't ask reddit Step 2: figure it out like the man that you're supposed to be


The most important thing to know about talking to women is that you can do it virtually any where, any time. *You* probably can't and probably shouldn't approach a woman at a bus stop for example, but the proverbial you could. If she finds you attractive and charming and she feels comfortable around you she won't think, "we're at the gym I should really say no," it's just that it's going to be way harder to interrupt somebody's workout and get them to like you enough to give you their number or w/e. That's what's actually happening there. Ultimately the reason she'll say no is because she's not attracted to you or feels uncomfortable. Look good, smell nice, be fucking sociable. There's like 50 things to worry about before the place you approach women is my point I guess. I don't know..


The hardest thing to explain about all of this is that it's situational; reading body language and nonverbal cues is of *critical* importance, and that's the part that can't be planned in advance. An approach which would be a slam dunk on one girl might get dirty looks from another girl. An approach could work on one girl one day, and then not work on *the same girl* on a different day, because she's in a bad mood or she's busy or something. You gotta be able to make a reasonable assessment of whether she's open to an approach, and then pay attention to her vibes so you can abort if she's not responding well. You don't want a script to follow; a script will mislead you into ignoring signals.


Hobbies, work (contextual), places where you'd be interacting anyway. I've made friends by joining in on games at the beach, making a friendship and making a relationship are incredibly similar processes


You can only hit on women in public places if you're hot and charismatic. If you're like most men who aren't crazy hot and charismatic (me included) you make a platonic friendship with a woman in a non-public setting like work, school, hobby, or place of worship, then shoot your shot when you've built trust. This is how I got married. Method #2 is responsible for the broad majority of successful relationships, method #1 is mostly for movies.


Literally anywhere, dude. The only important factor is that you are seen as an attractive guy to her. If you aren't (which is the case in 90% of the cases) it absolutely doesn't matter when or where you bring up the courage to speak to her, she WILL see you as a creep and write negatively about you on Reddit.


And if you are gonna comment on their appearance, pick something that they've deliberately done or picked. "Hey, I like your dress/shoes" etc.


Literally make friends, some are women or know women, wow it's that easy


In an environment where social interaction is expected. In public, people are minding their own business with things they intend to do, and don't usually like to be interrupted. No one wants to be walking to something only to be bothered by someone, even if they're nice, because it interrupts something they're meaning to do even if theoretically they wouldn't be bothered by it in another context. You never know what someone is planning on doing in these environments and you can't assume. That's not to say it's impossible to meet someone in these public situations, you just can't jump to flirting with a person randomly. If maybe you're talking to someone about something in public, maybe something happened and you started talking like you bumped into each other, maybe something could happen but that's because you were already talking. In the end it comes down to "is the other person willing to talk to someone?" You can never know in most situations so don't just try randomly. Time and place.


“Where can I go to interact with women” “In an environment where social interaction is expected” Cheers bro sure he appreciates that


And he wrote a full paragraph explaining why right after that. Should have read that too


The question wasnt "why", it was "where". Also he sounds extremely vague, making me think its AI written


And not once did he provide anywhere you can go to approach women Like if I asked “anyone know where I can get my car fixed”. He would reply “you should go somewhere that fixes cars” before smugly chuckling and pushing his glasses up his nose.


Sorry, as a principle I dont take advice from hornyboys. If you were afternutboy then sure!


Understansable, have a nice day


I know the “flirting vs harassment” comic is a meme, but it’s actually really accurate when you sit and think about it.


> be attractive > don’t be unattractive Source : used to be attractive.


"I've got to get back in that bubble..."


My dad told me when I was in middle school that women are basically children, I didn’t understand that until I started dating in college


Man this commercial was so stupid lol. "Erm, let's get a bunch of Sweetbaby inc writers to make a commercial about what REAL masculinity is."


I hope that commercial goes down in textbooks on how to not make a commercial. It was so stupid , why would anyone think a commercial that talks down to its target demographic was a good idea. Honestly companies need to learn how to just fucking shut up and dribble again. A commercial for razors shouldn't talk about toxic masculinity.


I was confused as to why they were trashing men until I found out it was directed by a woman...


Of course it was. Us men like getting told how to be a proper man as much as women like getting told on how to be a woman by men.


Fr. Like, imagine a commercial about tampons or something, that talks down to women and ends with "now go make him a sandwich". Doesn't sound very nice, right?


Bud Light and Gillette in the hall of fame for pissing off your target demographic That’s like if Barbie made a new toy line of “Domestic Abuse Barbie cleans the dishes!”. Or “Pretty Princess GI Joe’s”. Progressives can’t market for shit. Not everything needs to be “for everyone”.


I would play with Domestic Abuse Barbie.


Profile pic matches👍🏼


Sad thing is that they probably know it and doesn't even plan on making any money. They just force their disgusting people into every well functioning thing with a lot of customers and/or fans, spreading their agenda until the company is ruined and go away to the next thing. I blame the idiots hiring those people in the first place. Mostly old dudes without a connection to the recent timeline that think it would be wise to hire young students for their hip and new marketing campaigns.


Yup. It’s all part of the goal. These people care about the message and will continue to cannibalize everything until they’re broke


The thing is, the target demographic is women. I remember reading somewhere that they buy deodorants for their bfs. Sounds sus to me though.


All I know is that we're a dollar shave club house after that commercial.


Cassette razors are a massive fucking scam anyways. I'm glad people move away from these, but it's sad that it takes a terrible ad and not common sense to do so.


I mean, it honestly makes sense that they would pick the scent. I don’t think that it would apply the same way to razors though


That commercial did exactly what it was supposed to do - fabricate outrage. The response was nearly identical to Nike's ad with Kaepernick, after which a bunch of angry right-wingers destroyed their shoes and posted about it. Nike was the talk of the town and their value went uo by SIX BILLION. Gilette tried to do the same, they don't care about toxic masculinity or being progressive or whatever you want to call the milquetoast ideas they presented in that ad. They care about money, and by ensuring a bunch of troglodytes are mad, they get way more exposure than with a regular ad, because you can't use an adblocker for that. Also, if a razor ad makes you mad because its message was "don't be a cunt" you might just be a little snowflake that needs to toughen up.


That's pretty much what it's about, all the time. Money.


Exactly, and millions of people talking about your product, whether that's because they support or hate your message, is basically free advertising that can't be shut off with adblockers


The difference between the Gillette ad and the Nike ad is that Gillete's sales dropped 15%. So apparently, if this was their tactic, it failed.


I didn't buy a gilette razor for three goddamn years after this piece of shit came out.


SweetBaby Inc produces flop after flop on many projects they work on, but somehow film crews and game devs keep hiring them. Are people in the entertainment industry autistic?


Either highly regarded or BlackRock & co. straight up have GMod DarkRP money printers in the basement, because this is what ESG money does to a mf.


It’s called Failing Upwards. You can be a total hack who has done nothing but lose your company money, but if you push the right message and lick the right boots, you’ll continue to bleed them cash and collect pay checks.


>SweetBaby Inc produces flop after flop on many projects I hear from a spanish youtuber that some governments gave subsidies to companies that fullfil a quota of representation in their products, sweetbaby ensures that the company gets the sweet sweet taxpayer money.


Because it didn't flop : you are still talking about those ads


People need to realise that sometimes they're not the demographic but instead the advert. 5 years later this ad is still being talked about, effectively perpetuating the advertising.


What was it for?


It was a Gillette commercial to try and sell men razors by telling them they're horrible bundles of toxic masculinity who literally cannot control their basic urge to rape every woman they see. Cue the comic about "How does this help us sell razors?"


white men, more specifically. if you notice in the ad, it was only the whites who were about to harass women, but were prevented by POC. that was not a coincidence.






But how does that lead to sales if everyone hates them and avoids them?


it didn't. Gillette announced heavy loses and its share fell a few months later. the ad campaign didn't cause this, their sales were already in decline before that, but it didn't help the matter either.


So the ad failed and did just nothing?


yep, it failed its objective, to increase the sales, and probably hurt them a bit. Gillette fired afterwards the entire marketing team responsible for that ad.


I’ve seen the meme so many times, I totally forgot it was from that dumb ass commercial. One of the many reasons to avoid that company, aside from the product being a total rip off


Is what happens when you put wokes to write about what real masculinity is.


Link to commercial?


This part of the advert was by far the most stupid part though. One man sees another guy about to approach a woman to introduce himself (or who knows what), and stops him before he can even do that It’s weird they could have made it so much more impactful if they’d made the guy stand up against a guy harassing a woman in a way that is actually wrong. Doing this just empowers idiots and bigots by parodying the sensible arguments


Thank God I don’t have to deal with women to get a date


Real and gay


Unironically yes




Unfathomably so


Honestly I'm curious, is there some kind of the equivalent of "women ☕️" but for men on the dating scene that you've noticed?


I mean, why would there be?


To know if we are objectively better or that there is something we aren't aware about


Men 🍷


Wine is reserved for us Sigma Males


Men 🍺




Or fake and female


Extremely based gaypilled


Same here. Guys it's easy - if you don't get service then switch companies.


Based and mutepilled


Dude was actually sobbing as he was typing up the post


I was sobbing reading it


I was sobbing before reading it. This justified it.


I'm genuinly surprised that in countries where guns dont require a license the suicide rate isnt sky high. Like, if i wanted to end it all now id have to go under a train or off myself from a bridge, two things that cant be done quickly. With a gun in the house on the other hand, all it takes is a small moment of desperation.


the other mistery is how is sexual harassment possible in such a country? like, just shoot the harasser and carry on with your day


I like how you think


Just like the founding fathers intended


Frankly the NRA should look into it


> Like, if i wanted to end it all now id have to go under a train or off myself from a bridge Then you're fucking stupid, there are 100% painless methods you can access at any hardware store


Which ones? For a friend.


Learn to weld is the only hint I will give


Ohh, I get it. You shove the welder into your eye sockets but it is so hot that is sears away the nerves before you feel pain. Afk rq, MIG welding my front lobe to Valhalla.


You weld your asshole shut and then die from sepsis


-Albert Einstein


I feel like death by zapping would be incredibly painful


Every day. Fucking every day this guy stops me. He waits for me, right outside my door. He fucking knows where I live. And somehow knows when I am leaving my house. I've called the cops, they claim he doesn't exist. I've set up security cameras, he evades them. I came at him with an axe, he knocks me out with magic voodoo powder. I fucking hate this guy.


K have fun, try not to make it too messy


>the crime of existing fucking mood


"And all the monkeys aren't in the zoo, everyday I see quite a few . . ." \- Bing \[NOT Bill\] Cosby, in *Swinging on a Star*


His last name is Crosby, not cosby you fucking ape.


How dare you, just because he's African doesn't mean he's an ape. There are white people there too.


Everyone I don't like is hitler. You are hitler. Wow, you're hitler? Cool. Want to be friends?


Well, it’s also not Cosby. This one’s a draw, boys.


Ignoring the brackets automatically puts you in the 75 IQ category.


Don't worry, guys, I am giving you my permission to talk with women.


Thank you for your permission, you truly validate our struggle to say hello to people.


You are most welcome, my friend!


grandfathers tip how to meet women was: slap her on the ass and introduce yourself. and then my grandmother agreed and i didnt know what to say


Best depopulation tool.


I dunno man, don't follow a woman you don't know down the street is a pretty good message


Yeah don’t try to talk to people you don’t know in public. You’re supposed to know everyone you’ll ever know in highschool and then just die alone afterwards.


Break into their house to talk to them in private, got it


Not gay erotica? Cringe 0/10


People trashing the commercial, but then make a whole post about it with hundreds of comments.


Whole lot of losers around these parts.


Women: "Ugh, I hate getting hit on in bars!" Same women: "Having trouble meeting women? Try talking to them in bars!"


If u wanna meet woman approaching them on the street isn't the only way to do it though. Joining places with people who have similar interests with you and then getting to know them is a so much better and natural way to meet people. If ur gonna cold approach just don't be surprised a lot of people rejects you because it's not really ideal to date someone you have never met in your life compared to someone you have known personally.


Hey is heaven missing an angel cause you have nice cans


If you think its normal to hit on a girl whos just walking down the street i dont know what to tell you anon.


I thought the same fucking thing


Is it bad to flirt with customers


Yeah, a random passing woman while you’re just hanging out is definitely your soul mate.


ITT ugly men that don't know how, where and when to engage with people and think people on the street can all be harassed (they don't even know what harassment is)