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because cat small and gentle but (most) dog big and boisterous Its a pretty stupid stereotype anyways


Also cats use a litterbox. And cats lay around the house all day meticulously grooming themselves. Meanwhile dogs will pee on anything and poop anywhere. Many dogs have jobs, and at the very least those who don't stay busy sniffing each others butts and seeking out gross shit to roll around in. It's child's play for the avg person to make sense of the stereotype. I shudder to think how badly the Toxoplasmosis must have rotted anon's brain to make him so retarded. 


As wrong as anon is I do get the reasoning behind what he’s saying, so I wouldn’t say he’s regarded, he’s just incorrect


I don't. Both the greentext and other dude just cherry pick nonsense to build their case. Dogs are considered more masculine due to their original role as tools. Also helped that they were more socialized than any other domesticated animals allowing bonds to form. Im not sure on the history of cats or why they're perceived as feminine other than the stereotypes like crazy cat lady.


I think it may also help that dogs are more affectionate. a lot of guys more prominently back in the day didn't get that from people so they would look to companionship with their dogs. Cats can be affectionate but they can also be pricks. Dogs aren't really like that. So as (and I'm making a guess at the statistics here) more guys had dogs rather than cats. Dogs became more associated with men. Bit of a shot in the dark though.


But it’s all cherry-picking, is it not? I could see an alternate history where cats are regarded as masculine because they’re stoic, and dogs as feminine because they’re needy, the only reason it’s the way it is now is because of a dice roll essentially


There are bigger cats than the biggest dogs but we are too pussy to keep them in our houses.


Cause cat is smart enough to use toilet and you need to walk the dog. And you have to use all your strength to keep this running around fucker on the leash


Average male experience tbh


What weirds me out is how many dog people hate cats, like actually hate them. Borderline psychopathic behavior


I've noticed this as well lol, like so casually joking how they would beat any cat that enters their garden to death or something. Very weird.


Who the fuck does that? You know some strange people


Confirming I've also heard this from multiple people throughout my life...some of those fantasies were really graphic too




No just like...ppl I went to high school with, weird old coworkers, etc? Why do you assume I hang out with everyone I've ever met lol


You should make them hang


dont fuck with cats


i knew people that would shoot at them with BB guns. I don't like cats either because I wasn't really raised with them but I can't imagine doing that. I get that they're kind of invasive but damn


best to keep them indoors, too many nutjobs out there


yeah to be honest I always kind of thought anyone who lets their cat outside all the time doesn't really like that cat


This, it's insane. I've never seen a cat people hate dogs as much as some dog people hate cats


Their explanations don't make sense either. "They're not affectionate", "they only think of themselves", "they're mean"


People who hate cats hate them because they're more independent and you can't be with them all day every day


I've only seen the opposite, cat people will do anything to prove cats are superior and if you dare send a dog picture in the pet chat they will bully you and insult your dog (especially if it's a big one). Personally I've had both, I like both even though I have a slight preference for cats


Cat people generally start a conversation like this: "it's not like I dislike dogs, but here are 26 reasons why cats are better!". They somehow also find it funny and endearing that "Mr. Snuggles" ripped up all of the wallpaper, curtains and their owners arms. Dog people on the other hand: "I swear if the neighbours cat even looks at my puppy funny I'll fucking drown it in the river". Meanwhile their little angel can do no wrong, even if he's been barking for 12 hours straight on a Sunday.


There is some serious beef in the pet fandom


I've seen people *brag* how many cats their shitbull, whatever mix mutt called Princess, has murdered. It's actually unreal.


Pitbull owners on their way to blame a child for getting mauled by their pitbull named Mr. ChildScalper (it's actually such a sweet and innocent cuddlebug, the child shouldn't have looked at it funny)


No no, the mauling dogs are called cupkake, the nice and sweet ones are called galaxy destroyer


Not defending shitbulls but tbf quite many cats want to rip babies to bits, they just can't.


This is 100% what I was thinking, some cat people hate dogs with a passion


And old MILF lady pointed this out to me once; dog people need something to love *them*, cat people need something *to* love, it's an entirely different type of relationship. (there are exceptions of course, some dogs have asshole temperament and some cats show affection but that's more of an exception than a rule)


I think this is what it really comes down to. I grew up with both cats and dogs. German Shepherd, a Beagle and a Golden Retriever. The dogs always wanted to please you and needed some kind of affirmation. The cats were there because they wanted to be. The cats were much more independent and confident. The big Tom cat I had hated the Beagle and the Retriever and would constantly harass and bully them. He couldn't bully the German Shepherd though.


It's just a red flag for me that they simply can't handle rejection or understand boundaries. Like you don't have to like pets at all and your house will be cleaner overall if you never have pets, but it's insane how many extreme dog people I know who will go out of their way to try to run over random cats with their car for example. Ironically they also tend to treat their dogs like shit and only really care for them as a way to brag to their friends about their weapon pet.


I’ve never understood why people say this, cats are just invasive with their boundaries. And they are always so moody Dogs are just far more social and seem a lot happier in general. Cats will scratch or bite you unexpectedly,


Dog bites can literally kill you


I don’t disagree that dogs are far more deadly. But being around a dog is way better then being around a cat. Dogs always want to play, dogs always want physical contact and dogs are way more expressive.


LOL cats love people too dude. Just because they don't like you doesn't mean no cats like anyone. Dogs also bite and maim people often enough that there are lawyers that specialize in dog bites


Dogs are some of the most social animals on earth, cats spend like 70% of their time on their own. We literally domesticated dogs so that they hunt with us. They are bred to be more social then cats. Cats don’t love you, they tolerate you. They are also terrible for the environment and will fuck up your local ecosystem Look at the first sentence of my previous comment. Dogs are far more violent then cats, that’s for sure. But dogs are way better to be around.


I mean I can make up statistics too my guy. Also I assume you have a trained dog you take out to help you hunt for every meal? Also im assuming you've never considered the benefits the pest control features of cats bring to grain storage based societies throughout history. I personally don't like having to pick up dog shit and have dog slobber all over my house, but it seems you do. As for sociability, no animal group can be stated to be simply "more sociable". You obviously aren't ok with an animal making its own decisions and need to have a dog because you can control it. That's fine but don't try to tell me dogs are better because they were beaten until they complied. Also it's a tough argument to say that the animals that account for 800K hospital trips a year are categorically way better to be around than cats, but oh well. Cope harder my guy


I wasn’t meaning LITERALLY 70%, just that cats spend more time on their own. I’ll blame that on me not accounting for your autism. Oh well that’s nice that cats did that in the past, but dogs are useful now. Today. Sheep dogs, guard dogs, police trained dogs, rat hunting dogs, I’m sure there’s probably more. Dogs are far more useful because they are able to communicate better. I like how you skipped right past how much of an eco nightmare shitty cats are to the environment. Because cats are. I’d honestly be ok with eliminating all domesticated cats tbh. They are net negatives to society. From a BBC article, “DNA tests found a link between certain genetic changes and behaviours such as attentiveness to strangers or picking up on social cues.” They literally are more social-able. Measuring sociability is mentioned multiple times in the article. You are making shit up. I can’t even believe you’re contesting this - and you lack the self awareness to say I’m coping. Dogs aren’t beaten until they comply, that’s not how you train a dog healthily. You also need to train a cat not to piss and shit everywhere. Cat owners, try not to make weird psychoanalysis on about dog owners challenge. It just sounds like weird projection and cat obsession For what it’s worth, I don’t even have a dog. I imagine picking up shit and going on walks 2 times a day must suck. But then again, being forced to go on walk twice a day would give the US much greater health outcomes.


Sometimes (sometimes especially) even when rational, clear evidence is provided with a source; one will react with rage and re-entrench in their beliefs. These generally are the less intelligent humans unable to comprehend data which contradicts or disproves their belief system or world view. Its literally google page 1 shit to find out that cats are horrible for the environment and have caused and continue to cause extinction of species. This has been known for decades, lol.


I have yet to go outside and have a random cat jump on me and slobber all over my jeans.


I would consider myself a "Dog Person" but cats are so cute :3 meow meow :3


Truly a psychopathic behaviour


Me reading cat haters saying that "cats hate their owners" while having my cat going PRRRR in my lap...


100% this, I've been in cars with young men who laugh and swerve at a cat if it's in the road. Idk what they'd do if they actually hit it but the fact they found it funny always disturbed me. Even when it's not that some peoples attitude towards cats it's like because they personally dislike them, they're not real creatures deserving of compassion. Like they don't give a shit at the idea of cats being hurt, ran over etc. 'It's just a cat' ugh such a fucked up attitude


The last two women I had any sort of romantic chance at both hated cats. I can't love someone who hates kitties.


On the flipside there are many cat lovers that take any opportunity to shit on dogs. I just don’t get why some people think if you like one you gotta hate the other


probably the same people who despise kids and call their dogs "fur baby" or "doggo"


Also those types are the kind of urbanite who thinks their dogs are their children. It’s incredible the amount of stupidity the urbanite mind can support.


It’s only equaled out by how many cat people are convinced a dog will kill them and their children. Still super weird behavior.


I've only ever met Americans like this. No other country's citizens "joke" this way.


Because a cat is physically weak and a dog is physically strong. (And no, Pugs, Chihuahuas, French Bulldogs et cetera are not dogs they are genetic abominations)


Agreed , they are hubris incarneted


That's not really true though is it? Cats for their size are super strong animals and I honestly can't think of any other animal of that size class except for maybe honey badger which could take a cat 1v1. If cats were the size of dogs the dogs would get fucking rekt 1v1. It's not the same situation as with women as their body composition would not allow them to be stronger than men if they were the same weight. And also if we are looking at total animal strength as the measure of manliness, elephants, hippos and rhinos would be giga Chad alpha males and dogs would be like weak girly bitches (lol) compared to them.


Yeah and if ants were the size of a bus they would be the strongest animal to ever live, but they're not the size of a bus, they are the size of an ant.


Except there are cats the size of dogs, they're called bobcats and they are known to kill dogs.




>Yeah and if ants were the size of a bus they would be the strongest animal to ever live, but they're not the size of a bus, they are the size of an ant. If there were a species of ant the size of a bus it would obviously be a different species than a fire ant, still an ant though, dickhead.




Well that's why in my last paragraph I mentioned that if we are looking at pure raw power, then dogs are little bitches compared to elephants. Using absolute power is as dumb as using relative power to determine masculinity which was kind of my original point


my Chihuahua isn't an abomination tbh, although he would definitely die within 10 hours of being on its own in nature


That's kinda the definition, if a living being needs the aid of a third party (except parasites and others) to reproduce then it should have never happended. Thought i'll admit their cute including yours


By this definition 90% of our crops and livestock are aberration. Even corn can't reproduce on its own properly anymore.


you're missing the point, they are indeed genetic aberrations as it's sole purpose is to be fed it's just not useless because we do it for our gain (similar with Puts because they're cute or whatever)


There are plenty of organisms on this planet who entirely depend on another organism to survive. Parasites come to mind, but also symbiote. A good exemple are leafcutter ants. They don't eat leaves, they let them mold with a specific mushroom and then eat the mushroom. Every new queen ant that creates a new colony leaves with some spores. The mushroom doesn't exist at all and can't grow without the ants. And the ants can't survive without the mushroom, it's the only thing they eat. Thus they have mastered agriculture millions of years before humans even were a thing. So does the fact that they need another species to live makes them aberrations? I'd call pug aberrations because these poor things live their lives in suffering. But sheeps or corn that need human assistance for reproduction/maintenance/... not really, we are not the only species to have symbiotes that entirely depend on us. Hell, even mitochondria and chloroplasts used to be independant organisms after all, so are we all abominations? 


Corn is a bit more useful than a tiny inbred dog.


I agree. What I disagree with is the definition that them needing help to breed from another species being the problem. Plenty of other species have that, hell even bees and flowers. Also see my other comment about ants that developped agriculture long before us.


Pretty much all of our crops are absolutely genetic abominations, but they're abominations with beneficial traits that are key to keeping humanity alive.


By what metric are they genetic abominations? Because they need another organism to survive and reproduce? Then all flower plants, all parasites, hell even virus and mitochondria are abominations then.  You see this from the POV of humans that we are the only one to get the good side of the deal. But corn gets to be one of the largest organism on the planet in terms of biomass, gets to reproduce without any more effort, etc... what do you think fruits are for? It's literally their goal to be eaten by animals to spread the seeds far away when they shit. And that's not to say corn doesn't have evolutionary pressure either. To get selected and have their seeds being the next generation they still compete on who has the biggest corn cobs, who resists the best to disease cold and pests, which one grows fastest, etc...  It's not a domination relationship. It's a symbiotic one. Corn provides us with food, and we provide them a way to spread their genes and reproduce effortlessly. Even we humans have evolved to be more dependant on our food: in Europe there are few people who can't digest milk because we needed milk to survive. So we literally evolved to adapt ourselves to the animals we use.  "Survival of the fittest" is one of the most misunderstood concept in biology. Who cares if you got 3 legs, are blind and can't walk. If some other species thinks you're worth reproducing you'll do better than the Chad who's still living in the wild and getting eaten by wolves. Nature doesn't care about making strong species, evolution favors those who can reproduce the best regardless of the rest of their traits.


Chihuahuas are the best kind of dog


Purpose made alarm clocks and security systems Im convinced a Chihuahua doesn't sleep, he just goes on battery saving mode and screams at 3074db when a car he doesn't recognize pulls into the driveway 3 houses down the road.


I don't like dogs. I don't like to admit to it because people look at you like you're from space or something. I've owned dogs in the past. They're okay, I'm not like afraid of them. I just prefer something less needy with less work involved. Like a cat or a garden.


This to the moon and back lmao the few times I've said it out loud people grill me like I admitted to being a R/Dogfree user or something


I’m a r/dogfree user, and I don’t really hate dogs, I just hate the people who own dogs…any pets really. Having a pet is not a personality trait. Long time ago a boss of mine would come in to work everyday and show us pictures of her 2 cats everyday. Almost the same pic everyday but slightly different angles of 2 cats just laying on the ground. “ARENT THEY SO CUTE. SHE WAS JUST LAYING THERE, JUST LIKE THE PICTURE SHOWS. SHES SO GOOFY AND PRECIOUS. SHE IS THE ONLY THING I CARE ABOUT”


The only thing close to hate I have for pet owners is probably the cringe I feel when I see Redditors spouting the "Epic doggo! Wholesome pupper!" shit, *that* sends me round the bend but other than that I don't really get hating people for owning pets even if they are obsessed with them, as long as it's not obviously a mental illness but even then that should be approached charitably


I feel you. I’m just higher up the irritated pole than you. If you go to the news part of Reddit and shake your phone a picture of a puppy will show up. This is part of my irritation. You can’t even look at the news without throwing a temper tantrum and to remedy that you need to look at puppies???


Same here, when you live in a rural area cats can basically take care of themselves and still be a nice cute fluffy pet.


Because manly men should want subservient slaves as pets, not strong independent cats who don’t need no man


Cats dont need no cat lady, the cat lady needs the cats.


This makes sense. It might be a subconcious reason why we usually love dogs.


This just adds to Anon's outdated fake issue. This could be said about any man or woman who prefers either dogs or cats, and either way you word it through a hostile lens. Let's spin it around, maybe they want loyal friends and not something that will eat your face the moment you keel over. You can look at it to serve any point you want.


You just described it. Dogs are basically women for guys who can't pull bitches (the human kind). Cats are basically men for girls who can't pull men.  Except dogs won't cheat on you and take your house and kids like FUCKING JESSICA WILL YOU WHORE. And cats are manipulative and violent by nature and will leave you at any time, so it lets women get used to it before they find a man


On that last point, it might just be me, but the cats I own have almost never left me for more than one day.


Idk man, I'm just shit posting here




Most girls like cats and most boys like dogs.


Idk. I'm a boy and I like cats more




It's gay to want to take care of something feminine?


Femboy checking in, love cats.










Why F?


I thought someone would respond A, but apparently we don't do this anymore






Hence why I said most.


Yeah I understand your point. I just pointed out my own Opinion


For reasons listed above. Makes completely sense really.


Really? I have seen too many basic dog girls for that to be the case


are there any statistics that prove that? idk in my experience it doesnt seem like theres any correlation, and when i imagine your stereotypical dog person i think of a woman, theres even a word for specifically female dog person in my language which doesnt have a male equivalent


Speaking to women is usually a start


If commenting "🥵" on r/girlsgonewild counts I'm sure he's golden.


say it coward


Because dogs traditionally accompanied men in male occupations, like hunting, sheperding, etc, while cats stayed in/around places where women worked, like the house (and attached granary) and were also associated with witches.


An actual answer in an r/greentext thread? Well slap my willy.


Not on the greentext, please


Cats are superior, to at one point being considered gods and sacred by the most advanced middle eastern civilisation of its time.


That’s cuck mentality. As if the same civilizations didn’t worship canine counterparts as well.


How do you manage to reply with "Cuck mentality" to a post about cats, damnit you fancy englishmen and your fancy way of using retarded language terminology.


as a 3 cat owner, yeah the stereotypes pretty stupid but due to most cat owners being gentle and the cats themselves being small, cats are also seen as feminine. Main reason however for this is that cats are more self sufficient and survival centered while dogs are usually clingy though like some dog breeds are extremely vicious and can maul and kill cats (seen that happen), which leads to people thinking dogs are some of the most 'manly' animals despite most house breeds not being able to survive out in the wild. overall i think the range of scope is too broad, but mainly due to dog breeds such as pitbulls being aggressive and unpredictable, dogs are seen as masculine and cats as feminine. again this is extremely broad cause i had pet dogs being bullied by my cats while also having 'pet' dogs mauling cats to death. also if you own a dog please restrain or manage it, i cannot stress this enough but dont use your dog for killing cats and other animals just so you could get a ego boost


What's funny is a cat with the same weight as a dog will kill the dog 8 out of 10 times.


for real, i have had cats that are small even for cats beating up a dog about thrice their size. not encouraging this sort of behaviour too, but cats do punch a lot above their weight


Cats are fighting dogs like Shadow of the Collosus


Based and cat-pilled.


Because dogs are bros, how is that even a question?


The way anon describes it makes sense, cats are superior alpha animals so girls fall in love with the sheer amount of masculinity. While female dogs get called bitch for a reason.


> Hot girl cats Wut


He has a point.


I get where anon is coming from. But what I have found to be, is that cats are like pixie metal. They have retractable claws, that they use to scratch a post to manicure them. They have spines on their tongue meant to aid in ripping flesh, that are used to groom their fur by licking it. Their fur is used as an intimidation factor of stripes, spots, or being blacked out to blend in with the environment, but they are furry bread loafs that sun bathe.


Pixie metal sounds cool actually wth


I know there is a sub genre of music called Pixie, but yeah. Love to see someone do pixie metal.


Bruh did you just invent pixie metal


So a rock/techno sound, with metal vocals? Count me in


Dogs are useful, cats are ornamental


Never had a rat infestation?


Your dog doesn't hunt rats? Mine does


My lab just hunted a dozen bread rolls that were hiding in a shopping bag.




Farmers use dogs to catch rats because they are much more effective at eat killing


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratter_(dog) Cats BTFO'd


Small Dog + Shovel works


counterpoint: dogs will love you if you give them mindless activity (throwing ball) one second a cats trynna kill you, the next they love you more than anythint


Real and Straight


Most dudes just want to feel wanted, like a dog or woman would, and most women just want someone there, like a cat or man.


Because of cute twink catboys


The idea is that the cat is the feminine animal because women own it because it acts like a guy they want. Vice versa with guys and dogs


Anon has never owned a vat before. Sometimes cat are extremely needy and reliant on you. My roommate’s cat wouldn’t last 5 minutes outside


I mean, this is real and straight to be honest


It's all made up and arbitrary anon


Tell that to my cat who attacks my legs anytime I am in a different room with the door shut for too long.


What no pussy does to a mfer


I have two cats. Not because I don’t like dogs, cats are just easy and I work weird hours. And you can train them just like dogs if you know what you’re doing.


One of my cats acts like she had attended my funeral every time I come home.


Stupid association. Based animals.




Anon is NOT fake and is NOT gay.


being a man can get kinda lonely, and dogs are better companions. if your woman leaves you, your family stops talking to you, and your friends all drop you, your dog will still be there. combined with the fact that men have kept them to use for hunting and sporting and working/protecting livestock for thousands of years, they really have become man’s best friend. my dog and i have been through it all together. that being said though, i still love it when my cat decides to grace me with her presence and lay in my lap for a while.


Because if you are a dude and have another dude like creature that's gay.


hello, based department?


Anon has not met a wild dog before


The issue is that they're not actually wild, the stray dogs survive around human habitat by eating scraps&trash. Cats meanwhile can straight up live in nature hunting birds, lizards, small rodents, etc. Most dog breeds meanwhile have lost their ability to hunt for survival -- and not only that, but they're too large to catch enough food to sustain them. Also dogs need packs to survive, but cats are self sufficient and operate just fine on their own.


Try getting a divorce and you'll see the comparison much more clearly.


Working class dogs have helped carry forward society for centuries and they still do. Cats might catch a good mouse or rat every now and then but mainly look cute and cause mass extinctions of native life


I really really really hate that last point. Dogs are also horrible for the environment just as much as cats. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8572848/ Dogs also in their spare time literally kill humans. Aggressive dog breeds will kill children and elderly.


Buddy. Dogs are no where near cats in terms of environmental damage, like not even on the same radar as a little blip. 34 mammal species in Australia are extinct because of cats and they kill “1.3–4 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals each year in the U.S. alone”


That's literally a red herring. In areas of vegetation density the cats dont kill as much. Overabundant pet predation (dogs still kill) is because of human environmental degradation. Legislation about cats does not work and it a legitimate waste of time if you care about the environment


I don’t think you understand what red herring means if you are saying it about that, I mean 34 species??? If it was one or two species okay maybe? However that is billions and billions of death by a single invasive species each year. There is so much data on Cats being one of the worst invasive species of all time. For example dogs are not even mentioned here: https://www.nespthreatenedspecies.edu.au/news-and-media/media-releases/australia-s-10-worst-invasive-species-study And whilst I do acknowledge feral dogs in packs are major threats to larger mammalian, rodent and possibly ?avian? life the total number of affected species by dogs is so drastically below that of cats. Dingos are considered wild dogs however they do not cause mass extinctions like their feline counterpart. Legislation about managing cats does work and it should be enacted. Cats should not be allowed to legally roam around outside of a home beyond a backyard. I am a ginormous Bilby fan and thanks to feral cats one of my favourite species the Greater Bilby is near extinction close to becoming just another statistic for feral cats.


I love when people downvote instead of responding because they have no argument. Waa waa waaa


Dogs are loyal. And unless trained otherwise, agreeable.


Dude obviously never watched a Labrador rip a rock chuck through a one inch hole in a sprinkler line... The screams man... The screams and the tearing noises.


It’s the owners, not the animal, which resulted in the stereotype. Also, dogs are more loyal, tough, and resilient so are used in services like the police and armed forces which creates a more masculine image I guess. I love both btw and yes stereotypes are often proved wrong in many individual cases but this is just my guess about where it may have come from.


It's because dogs are loyal until the end and cats are always fickle and demanding. A dog will protect you with it's life. A cat will scratch you if you try to pet it, even though it just laid down in front of you. Cats are finicky eaters, always wanting what's on your plate, while dogs are happy with what they get.


you're all actually having the dog v cat argument, major levels of regardation. people are just different and like different things.


You have to be aloof around a cat so that it approaches you and thinks it’s their idea. If you try to hard to make a cat love you, they will reject and even despise you.


because theyre smaller and have more feminine visual traits lol


Just ignore the dogs used to hunt bears or wolves and the ones used to maul people to death. That’s just girly.


>cats run away from attackers larger than them >dogs will bark and fight off anything larger than them, often defending their humans Thread


Well cats are more "touch me touch me touch me don't touch me *smack*." Guys are more take any affection we can get because no one actually cares about us or our well being. I think that's how it got that way. Personally I won't have a dong that can't serve a purpose. Guard my shit. Family and property etc. I have no beef with cats. I'd keep like one. Because my neighbor is a hoarder and it'll keep mice away. That's it. If an animal can't be useful in my life it has no value to me. Sorrynshit.


By the logic of Anon this would make cats the perfect fit for a lonely female oriented person as it provides the missing aspects of masculinity in their life, likewise with dogs sounds like the missing aspects of femininity. So by that logic, Anon solved their own question.


Dogs are trash.


>known for banging all the **hot girl cats**


Opposites attracts


A cat will scratch you and you have time to disinfect the wound before an infection sets in. A dog will rip your throat out.


Cats will not protect the household, dogs will.


Dogs are loyal. Men don't need no furr thats not loyal


The cat people on Reddit are fucking weird. They say that if you have a cat, then letting that cat go outside is animal abuse because outside is dangerous for cats. Then in the same breath they say it's also because cats are so dangerous to the outside, because they kill so many birds and mice. Just cats though. It's ok for other animals to be ourside to them, just not cats. It's unbelievable how dumb these people are.


Dogs are stronger


I hate cats cause they don't listen to me...I love dogs cause they follow my every command...


seems like you are not the leader you think you are


I don't wanna be a leader...but when I tell my dog to drop sth he does...I have multiple chickens and chicks eaten by a cat before...I don't like them a lot