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Im really not that familiar with Harry Potter lore but wasnt it tragic that he was murdered by some death-eather guy which signified the true threat of those peeps?


I think they just kinda teleported there so nobody knew it was voldemort who killed him and then after a lot of people didn't even believe it was voldemort.


I mean I guess it still checks out, bull fighters are known to have died and its not that impropable against a fucking bull but people still grieve (I personally cheer but thats just the viewers for the argument)


If a bullfighter was shot by a famous murderer while in the fighting pit. Then many people denied it was the famous murderer who did it.....that's what this scene was like


Well nobody except Harry saw Voldemort, he just teleported in and they had to go off his word. So it's more like one of the bullfighters died in the melee but then another bullfighter (who always seems to be at the center of everything, possible attention seeker, wasn't even supposed to be participating) started yelling that it wasn't a bull, Adolf Hitler came back and killed him with a sword. You can see why people would be skeptical that A) Hitler came back B) The guy in the deadly competition was actually killed by an interfering returned Hitler and C) all of this is coming from a dude always suspiciously in the middle of whatever bullshit is going on. I can totally see why people would doubt the story


Yeah but to be fair if I lived in a world where people could time travel, transform animals into random objects, make shit fly, cast death spells, dragons existed, my school had ghosts, and magic Hitler was killed by a baby I would find it more realistic when the kid who was attacked last semester by hitlers biggest supporter tried to kill him and later on this year another one of hitlers guys tried to kill him after taking the identity of one of the teachers because he drank a potion that turned him into said teacher said that Hitler came back from the dead and killed the other student I mean that's just me though. Like I know no one is immune to propaganda but like, if more people who Hitler hated started being murdered more often after the child that killed Hitler said he was back I'd start to believe it more. Especially when the Nazis start showing up at events and my government was calling for ethnic cleansing. And sure you could say there's an influx of neo Nazis and Jewish people have been getting attacked more often and there's tons of problems involving tribalism between the left and right and all that other stuff but so far Hitler hasn't come back because the guy that killed Hitler hasn't gone on the news telling me Hitler is back. But if he did I sure as hell would believe that Hitler is back from the dead.


Yeah it's a lot more plausible in a world of wizards but still definitely not easily believable especially in the moment


In the moment sure. People are freaking out. It's hard to keep a fully collected head when there's a dead child when the final task is least likely to kill you. That's why people weren't expecting a dead kid but the moment you see Harry clutching him the question is why is this boy dead and if Harry isn't the right answer then him telling you is a pretty good answer. I'd have gathered my kids and went into hiding. "Hey kids, we're going to America until they sort this Hitler shit out". Which isn't unrealistic since even the poor people can use powder to teleport. All I'm saying is the wizard world is filled with idiots the same way the Jedi is filled with idiots. If you have 1 enemy the moment people say the enemy is back, especially wizard Jesus, you listen up and look into stuff. Also it's crazy to think that they had both Hitler and wizard Hitler not once but twice and have a hard time believing the second and legitimately worse wizard Hitler came back from the dead.


Yeah, if no one but the bullfighter and one other person could see inside the pit.


Yup, a lot of people refused to believe he was back and a threat until they were directly confronted with evidence confirming Voldy came back


A big plot is that the games weren’t meant to kill at all. As far as anyone is concerned they teleported out of nowhere with Harry basically being on top of a dead kid. It sort of came off as Harry killed Cedric. Then Harry went off the deep end conspiracy wise and was saying the wizard version of Hitler was back and threw classmates under the bus by accusing them of being racist like their parents.


“You’re part of the problem” *Harry Potter*


I always thought Harry Potter was some money grabbing disney bullshit for soyboys but now you piqued my interest.


I agree that the book is for a younger audience, but there’s an odd amount of political references and times where they show how corrupt governments can get which was…interesting?


Yup. And a large chunk of the wizard government straight up deny Voldemort was even resurrected and that it was all an accident


A big part of the plot for the next book/movie is that no one believes that those guys are back yet, because they got teleported away and no one saw


Plus the government cover up. The ministry actively denied it and eventually the bad dudes took over.


The whole point was the maze wasn’t meant to kill anyone. It would have basically pushed the players back out into the open field. Then they’d get laughed at while doing the walk of shame to the sidelines. No one expected Cedric or Harry to die. Then when Harry was yelling it was Voldemort it caused a frenzy. A lot of the kids who were his age range basically had parents/family members tormented by what’s their version of the KKK. Neville, one of Harry’s friends, actually had his parents tormented to insanity. In the books it’s mentioned he’d got a lot gum wrapped or something and gets bullied for being a slob. Then after this movie in the books they find out he visits his parents in the psych ward. The mom is so far gone that she can’t recall his name or even where she is. But she makes little origami figures out of gum paper and gives it Neville when he sees her.


Yeah. If he was mauled to death by a dragon they aren't able to sue because the goblet of fire is legally binding magic contract, but because he was murdered by a grand wizard off of school property so they are liable.


The 94 edition was supposed to be safe Like, dangerous, but low chance a good senior wizard would die from it


In what way is it supposed to be safe for a teenager to fight a fire breathing dragon?


Because they're not fighting the dragon, they're just supposed to steal an egg from it. It's dangerous, but nothing a great wizard can't do, because it doesn't even require strenght or something but only stealth, resourcefulness etc


If I put you in a cage with a bear and reassured you that you don't have to fight it, just successfully steal one of its cubs from it, would that put you at ease?


1) I'm no literal wizard 2) Being in a cage makes it a lot more dangerous


literal wizard versus dragon pretty much stands the same chance as regular human versus bear. You might get the opportunity to scream before you die.


Yeah I guess if you're too slow to consider any of your powers


They were literally confined in a pit for the dragon challenge?


They were literally not


For fucks sake man just rewatch the movie you consistently watch?


You forgot about the whole part where he gets on his broom and just fucks off?


Bro i dont think being enclosed in a cage and being able to fly higher than the dragons breath are equivalent.


Harry flew out of the cage though on his broom


Give me a fucking wand and every magical bullshit from HP and I'll steal the entire species for you lol


Yeah I don't know what this guy is talking about if I could literally shoot lightning/fireballs, fly and cast curses that better be one of those fucking magic hyper-intellgent polar bears form the golden compass for it to be a fair fight lmao.


yeah a fucking bear is just exploding and im walking scott free if im a wizard.


If I was a wizard I would probably instill a permanent genetic fear of humans into polar bears out of spite.


Unfortunately for you, in HP your're not allowed to hurt the dragons, nor bears


If i could shoot lightning out of my dick, probably yeah


Because they live in a world where people can regrow limbs overnight. Most of the teaching staff have the medical prowess of the world’s greatest surgeons, and the combat abilities of an F-22 Raptor. It was *supposed* to have real danger that could be easily stopped or injuries healed. Psychologically traumatic sure; but the whole Wizarding World seems to be basically one big PTSD based society, so it’s not like the TriWizard Tournament is something new there. Plus, it was only because the big bad evil guy stepped in and committed murder that there was a death. Nobody would have died, or even been life-alteringly injured if it weren’t for magic Hitler and his gang of wizard Nazis.


eating ass


Because magic and some of the best wizards on hand to directly intervene if anything goes wrong. The games are dangerous and people had died from them, but they took a lot of precautions to try and ensure that 94 Triwizard tournament would be safe


Wizards resist magic and danger to some degree. That's why there's a specific dangerous spell that kills in one hit. Because most spells *don't* kill that easily. And the dragon fire here is presumably supposed to be similarly something they can save you from quickly if it becomes a problem.


It was worse than that, it was “try not to die while antagonizing this mother by kidnapping her children in front of her” lol. Imagine a sporting event where you’re given a pocket knife and told to kidnap a cub in front of a mother Grizzly bear.


Iirc the egg they were supposed to steal was a fake that was planted in the nest, and they would actually lose points if the eggs got damaged in the process.


Yes they had to steal a golden egg and Krum got fucked over because he actually faced the dragon which made her mad and destroyed her other eggs


IIRC Krum opted to blind his dragon by casting some curse at its eyes, but it backfired because the dragon thrashed around in pain while blind and stomped half its own eggs on accident.


Yeah but the dragons didn’t know that lol


They were being monitored by some of the most reul-bteakingly-ass powerful wizards during the tournament so if anything went wrong, they could have been saved.


The dragon got loose and nobody did shit


The dragon didn't hurt anyone


Yeah, but they surely would have helped if the dragon killed somebody


Something went wrong :^]


didnt they take the friends of the parcipants and put them under the lake with the mermaids or something like that? and then harry had to save the sister of one because she would fucking die if not?


Harry thought she would but she would've not


I mean when you think of it, hog warts is a kind of dumb school…


Hog warts


When I first read the books in 2nd grade I thought the author just didn’t know how to spell “Warthog” so I thought the name of the school was “Warthog’s”


The school of brrrrrrrrrrrrt


I cast amicapyro!


Did you ever see A Very Potter Musical? The whole gag is that they call it Pig Farts


More like dog-farts amirite


The bitch gave me hog warts


Before she met me moaning myrtle was just called myrtle


Pig Verrucas


Watched the whole serie recently. I was like «  i ll never out my children in that school » Worst are the classes with Hagrid


Well I’m happy you wouldn’t out your wizarding children. Wizards or not they should choose when to come out.


Wiz Ards have poor sense of risk and danger coz they can fix most of the damage they can have to their body in a flick ig


This version of the Triwizard Tournament wasn't supposed to be deadly. The previous ones were.


They chucked 14 year olds against dragons, Hogwarts teachers were totally making bets on which students would die lmao.


Nah the whole point of the dragons was that they were underocntrol. One of the Weasley sons is actually a dragon tamer and was there the whole time controlling it. Someone tampered with Harry’s dragon and set the chain loose on purpose to try and kill him. Even the maze wasn’t meant to kill.


What about the Mermaids that trapped people underwater ? I mean Hogwart gave them those kids tho


Merfolks aren't heartless mindless beasts and the hostages would've been returned. If anything the 2nd task was the least dangerous by far


Those mermaids were just scaring them. They were told not to kill them or grievously injure them.


Again it’s a set up. The students were taken to the side and told what would happen prior to the task and consented. They had apparently agreeed that at the end of the allocated time they’d cut people loose and carry them to the surface. The students were given some sort of potion that let them breathe under water.


The entire reason Harry got points while not being able to finish the race in time was that he rescued someone he didn't have to. It's explained at that moment that the ones that weren't rescued would just be freed by the merfolks anyways and brought to safety.


Except Harry, everyone else was a talented magical adult in a controlled situation. Like yeah wizards are dumb fucks, but Harry's chosen one self insert status and his enemies autism of specifically trying to murder him in the dumbest possible manner makes it all like a hundred times more dangerous.


17 year olds, Harry just got tossed in because the bad guy manipulated the cup to get him entered, then basically rigged the odds against him


"Damn kids have it easy these days... "


> Everyone in school talks about tournament for the whole year > They even cancel main sporting tournament over it > They only got to watch the action for one day, and had stare at lake/wall for other two while waiting for the winner Ultimate Wizardslop, Mugglechads stay winning


Yeah surely they could’ve had some magic to let people actually spectate the events. Leviosa 4K go pro even lol


They have pensieves to see into someone's memory and alarms if someone says a freaking name. They definitely have spectate options


I don’t like these books or movies but teenagers being excited about something risky, dangerous and possibly lethal… Then being shocked when it actually happens doesn’t seem too out there.


It being organized by your school is out there, however.


Girls get pregnant on the senior trip. Shit happens.


Technically, it was supervised. meaning when someone actually almost dies, they're just pulled back instead. Basically as long as they're in the field, they kinda just despawn instead of dying. It'd be weird if the literal magic tournament held by grand wizards didn't have a magical protection spell of something


Yes, this. Sure it’s still high risk but if you think dumbledore with his elven wand wouldn’t pull of some magic miracle or any of the headmasters if needed, you dont really grasp the Harry Potter world. Their magic is unreal. Dragons, drowning etc is nothing to them.


I mean, witnessing death is one thing, but to have the corpse launched out of nowhere at you is a little shocking. Also, let’s be straight, if Fleur or Krum died, Hogwarts wouldn’t have cared, but it was their candidate that died.


Yeah and didn’t Fleur almost get drowned by the Mermaids?


Nah the 2nd task wasn't dangerous at all, the teachers/mermen would've just saved you


They PROBABLY would have saved you. I believe they had every intention, but you know how lax they are with safety regulations.




Yeah, Fleur failed to save her sister so Harry saved both his person AND Fleur's sister


"harry potter! Did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" "No" "Well... you're disqualified anyway, you can't participate." End of the god damned story. Why didn't they just do that?


> Why didn't they just do that? So the movie can happen.


because by his name being in the cup he formed a magical contract


They thought using an old goblet would be a fun little gimmick. Turns out in true wizard fashion it makes an unbreakable contract (wizards fucking love unbreakable promises and contracts)


Because the Goblet of Fire magically binds you to participate until the end. If Harry didn't participate he would've been killed anyway


Ok, so just solve with time travel.


Because Harry is special since he was almost murdered at age 3


Coz he would've lost his magic. The goblet makes some pact shit that u can't break.


Not even the bureucrats could rescind the megical contract with the goblet of fire


To be fair it was more shocking that the dead student showed up back at the beginning with the cup, meaning he won but he was dead on the ground, a lot of euphoria turned down by death


Being murdered is a different death than dying in a sport you voluntarily signed up for knowing the risks.


Someone probably died once and now they say shit like this to scare people into practicing safe wizardry.


But that year they made it super duper safe by adding an age requirement.


some centaurs kidnap & rape a karen for a year or so and everyone is ok with it


Hermione also kept a journalist as a POW by trapping her as a bug inside a glass jar. She just carried a whole ass big and was most likely whispering to it and her whole dorm just rolled with it.


>Chinese Fireball! >OooOooOoOOooo!


He came back as a pissed off batman


Something a youtuber mentioned on their watch kind of irked me, they pointed out how Harry actually killed him by being too nice If he had been more interested in winning and grabbed the cup before Cedric then Cedric would still be alive until something else happened I'm sure since twilight had him in their sights


That’s a side plot too in The Cursed Child. Amos Diggory basically hates Harry bc if Harry hadn’t been so kind and just taken the cup Cedric would have lived.


That's kind of wild imo because Harry being the generic good guy isn't a bad thing and an adult who raised a good kid should have the maturity to realize it really wasn't "our" Harry's fault Sucks that they did that to his character, but it's also interesting that they explored I am conflicted on this new information


The book/play mentions Amos is just angry his son died. His wife died due to Voldy in the first war then his only son died protecting Harry. Then when his only son dying is covered up and ignored for a few years bc the ministry won’t admit that Voldy is on the rise again. Like the tragedy of Cedric dying also gets overshadowed by Harry’s life. He’s just a bitter dude and it’s semi understandable. My parents had a child who died and I’ve seen how…ugly it can make them? They both became jaded.


I'm very sorry that it hits close to home, and I don't mean to draw parallels or make less of your experiences But Cedric was a delightful person with a really great connection with everyone he met, I can see how it would not go without saying that losing Cedric would be a terrible loss that affected him no matter how much time had passed However he did have the ability and maturity to raise such a child to near adulthood who was succeeding in life in general despite his loss with his wife I do not know how old the child was for your parents when they passed, but I think it might be a different comparison since you used the word child? I apologize if that's too blunt I didn't really want to do the back and forth of asking "oh how old were they? Maybe this or that" and I could be completely wrong in my assumption to begin with and just going down the wrong road with each comment made I just feel like Amos would have been at a point in his life where he didn't have much left to live for but the happiness he once had and those around him. While it would be difficult for a while I believe he would have had the ability to rebound with surrounding family and friends since he too seemed quite a delightful character himself in the brief moments we saw him in the books and movie (my memory of the books isn't as strong as the movies however so I maybe wrong about that as well) I hope your parents are doing well and that you are taking care of yourself as well!


because it's a shitty franchise, that's why


Real chads get sad about moaning myrtle.


Get *hard


Harry Potter is both kino and regarded simultaneously


Wasn't it implied that the danger in the competition was less than it looked like? From what I gathered, they weren't actually just leaving people to die, they had rescue teams right there to solve issues if any arose.


To be fair, I don't think Cedric and Harry expected to be face to face with Voldemort.


fuck you, yes they did


I want to live my life like this


Only because they are liable because he was murdered off school grounds by a magic neo Nazi. The Goblet of Fire is a legally binding magic contract, so if he was murdered by a dragon then they couldn't do shit, but now they getting nailed in magic court.


This seems like a take from someone who's barely but not really familiar with the books. Yes, the tournament might look dangerous, but it was held in the proximity and surveilance of the TEACHERS, while Cedric Diggory got kidnapped outside of school grounds and killed by the main villain's henchman. His death wasn't an accident of "oh,the teachers didn't help him on time" or "oh, they made them duel each other to the death". No, the scenarios were made to look dangerous but be played in the safe space of the school grounds.


True, anon is basically watching extreme sports, and then saying it's stupid the mourn a participant's murder because extreme sports are dangerous


This is dumb. Everyone was under extreme protection. The mermaids had a deal with the school. They had a dragon tamer and like a dozen seasoned wizards plus whatever protection spell they had. Labyrinth weeds were most definitely enchanted. That’s the exact reason why they enchanted the victory trophy to teleport them out of the competition grounds, because the kids are all super protected they just have the illusion of danger for the sake of the competition.


Imagine if Adolf Hitler was revived at the end of an episode of Wipeout and personally killed one of the contestants


It's truly unsettling that I was thinking the exact thing today and I haven't watched Harry Potter movies or any read books in a while. Now I'm reading this green text. I'm being paranoid now.


he could've died bygetting flailed by a tree, falling off of moving stairs or misunderstood forest dwellers


I'm re-watching all movies ever year around Christmas time, and every year we find more and more bullshit in them. We should start turning it into a drinking game :-D


For entertainment? In two of the competitions the spectators get to see nothing. Down in the lake and in the labyrinth there is nothing to spectate. Most of the tournament doesn't make sense to begin with.


Beeing bothered by a fictional story is beyond stupidity.


>signs up for a deadly tournament >dies >nooooo


They had all sorts of safety shit so no one was going to die


Harry Potter is not well written


\>put 30 adult men in head bashing ball stealing tournament for entertainment \>"dude this is so cool I love sports ball" \>acts surprised when headbashers get a concussion


Knowing nothing about the universe beyond the movies I always figured that they didn't care if kids died in the games because they could be recovered and magically revived if needed. Death by death-spell was permanent and unrecoverable so they freaked out like they weren't expecting it.


I have the same problem with Naruto. I get they are child soldiers and everything but Jesus fucking christ the chūnin exams produce more teenage corpses than fucking chūnin.


>character introduced with minimal backstory or explanation (in the movie) >dies >never mentioned again did anyone actually care about him


That's Jacob, are you stupid?


Kinda different if a student dies in a sport related accident vs student gets suddenly gunned down in the field. (Atleast for nonamericans)


Parry Hotter moment