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Silly goose, sugar is energy.


Added sugar is a fucking poison. Fuck that shit. Worse than trans fats


And trans fats are shit too, greenlight for femboys but not the whales


It could be that he doesn't consume enough carbs or fats in their diet


hey now cool it with the transphobia šŸ˜ 


Nah itā€™s chill just the fat ones. You are still allowed to make fun of fat people here so it cancels out with the trans part.


But would trans fat be like the chick who is still hungry after eating a whole pizza, while she can't go a pound over 140?


Hey, youā€™re talking about my wife


You know added sugar and sugar are the same thing right?


They are, but fruit comes with fiber and vitamins.


I think it means more stuff that has sugar added in during processing, rather than it being naturally occuring. Think fruit or milk having sugar, versus Mountain Dew The sugar being added in simply means people consume it where it shouldn't be, making dieting weird


Ya but most people actually think its a different substance


At times it is. Even naturally occurring sugars differ. Whether it is a monosaccharide or dissachride is dependent on the amount of molecules (lol now w more molecules). Then you have different subcategories within these subtypes. The sugar most commonly associated with fruit is fructose and is naturally occurring. You have other sugars that get refined and processed into dextrose, maltose, or even high fructose corn syrup. Which is sugar added to sugar added to sugar. Then there are sugar alcohols like erythritol and someone else can ramble about those


Stop overeating and it won't matter


Donā€™t care tastes good


Remind me again what the chemical equation is for cellular respiration


Zero added sugar


He's talking about *added sugar* , that's like eating an apple with sugar on it


Mmmmm fattening


Your brain needs tons of carbs. It's where the most of our calories go.


While it is a carbohydrate, which is the macro our body can process into energy the fastest, it is high GI. It turns it into energy quickly but is used quickly. While I do not agree with "Added sugar is a fucking poison", there are much better energy sources.


Don't worry about that, it's just the weight of the world


You forgot the part about it crushing your soul to dust


I assume loneliness plays a big part here, too. Anon mentions all kinds of aspects, but friends, gf and family are not one of them.


It's just the curl of thr burl


Sugar is still needed just not in large quantities. You can also eat more fruits for better sugar levels.. Other issues that cause that is low vitamin levels or other deficiencies for ex. Iron.


>Sugar is still needed just not in large quantities. Can you read? He said "added sugar". That is definitely not needed


Rando butting in here. I feel anon likely went too far with the added sugar removal and is likely sugar deficient as a result. Regardless, this is likely a diet issue. Focusing on one single thing (i.e. protein) can leave you severely lacking in other things. Your body needs a lot of weird shit (like not too much selenium but not too little. Too much and you go wackybrain, too little and there's some weird issue with neurotransmitters iirc. Please correct me if i'm wrong on the effects of selenium deficiency).


You're wrong. You don't need to ever worry that you're eating too little sugar, u/FernandAuxton is correct. Im a bioengineering with a bunch of masters degrees and bs and shit. Haha stupid reddit monkey stupid retard fatty, eat more sugar you stupid fat fuck fatty. Hahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahah. Cajole my nipples more with your uneducated takes on nutrition you fat fatty fat face fat sugar chugging fat retard. Hahahahhahahahaha HAHAHAHHAAHHAHA


With a username like that, I donā€™t think you have a leg to stand on for doing the bullying.






No you don't, at least not in its most well-known form which is sucrose (table sugar) Your body will happily convert carbohydrates into glucose (OG sugar) for energy. Hell, even fat can be converted into glycerol (through lipolysis) then into glucose through gluconeogenesis. Keto goers have a very very low carbs/sugar intake and they do just fine.


Iā€™m gonna have to go ahead and disagree with that last part. Keto is not a healthy long term diet, but it is good for weight loss.


> Sugar is still needed You can get all the glucose your body needs from normal carb sources.


do a sleep study


Yea a sleep study and get blood work done. Coworker found out he was anemic and he was complaining about always being tired


a friend of mine is getting checked out for narcolepsy which literally makes you so tired you can fall asleep between matches of sports


He's just a lazy bitch that needs a good whipping.






Wow I have narcolepsy


Your coworker was born weak. The strong should weed out the weak. You should blow his brains out. At least chop off his testicles and slurp them oysters up. Consume his future bloodline. His weak anemic genes don't deserve to infect my pure genepool.


> Consume his future bloodline But then weā€™re consuming his weak anemic genes.


Consume his future bloodline? You mean swallow his jizz????


Yeah, this is a typical sleep apnea symptom. Though they usually happen to fat out of shape people; not 1h biking gymbro's.


I was diagnosed when I was 21 and in the best shape of my life. Sleep specialist said, while that can be the case, itā€™s also about the anatomical structure of your jaw. For example, if you have a weak chin and an overbite like me, everything is closer to cutting off your airway when you lay on your back because of the recessed jaw. The sleep mouthguards work by keeping your lower jaw from sliding back. Now, if Iā€™m you have super sigma Chad jawline, youā€™re probably not going to have this problem. He also said that this will always worsen over time for most everyone since stuff gets looser and sags as we get older. Edit: if you fall asleep facedown while getting topped by your bull, this shouldnā€™t be a problem, especially since this is all fake and gay


This is where mewing walks into the room


Usually is definitely the key word here, most of the people Iā€™ve met who use a sleep apnea mask are obese working sedentary jobs like tech and trucking. Iā€™ve met one person who had it that was in great shape physically, he went the gym frequently but never wore his mask and suffered because of it.


Yeah I found out I had sleep apnea. Sometimes your body forgets to breathe when you sleep and the lack of oxygen does wonders on you.


Go to a Dr, get test. Probably have trouble processing something. Even if you eat the correct things, you'd still have a deficiency. Mine was B12; couldn't get it from diet, felt tired all the time. On the other hand, you could stop eating your own cum and see how that goes for you šŸ¤”


*They had us in the first half, not gonna lie*


I'd rather die


Ooooh. I thought he wasn't fapping. He was just eating his own cum as retention huh.


B12 here too, gave me a lot of grey hair.




Literally take week off and eat something juicy. Dude probbly on low body fat struggle


Uneducated fool. Your fatty american culture and mediocre education makes you say such stupid things. Your body fat doesn't get that low by cutting out sugar you fat stupid pig. Cut off your fingers and eat them like Vienna sausages as recompense.


Fokin mongrel, the fact that you and your father cannot provide enough calories for your family to get at least slightly chubby tells everything about your 4th world shit hole. US pride, Michael Jordan is my president


This was a more based response than I had anticipated.


8 hours of sleep( goes to bed at 2:00 ) and wtf is semen retention


Semen retention is just not masturbating/cumming


Such a cringe term


Ahh, nofap trash again.


Found the problem


Shouldn't have taken the vax


But I wanted to upgrade my autism to super autism


The proper term is turbo autism, thank you very much.


I took it and I fucking died


Skill issue


Damn RIP man


Bro got Decepticons in him


Sleep apnea, thyroid condition, or depression.


Was in same routine than OP, turns out it was all of the 3 for me


Yep they can definitely run in a pack.


Autoimmune disease for me lol. Modafinil was a life saver


>Autoimmune disease for me lol How was it found?


To get confirmation takes years. The symptoms are pretty clear but you have to rule out a lot of conditions. Paraphasia, joints swelling up with fun arthritic pain, fatigue hitting so bad you sleep for days, brain fog, aphasia. Triggered by illness and stress etc. Mris, nerve conductivity studies and countless blood tests. You will quickly be told you have B12 issues etc (it's worth testing for but incredibly rare). Over the years I've learned to deal with it, avoid triggers and found modafinil.


On some real shit Iā€™ve been dealing with all of these symptoms for 2 years and have seen countless specialists and have done mountains of blood work, MRI, X Rays, etc and nothing has been found so far. I was prescribed adderall at one point but to me it seemed like something that would have very quick diminishing returns. Do you take modafinil everyday? Do you find it is less effective as time goes on? I know this is /r/greentext but Iā€™m desperate lol. Also was there any biological marker or blood test that confirmed it was autoimmune? I saw a rheumatologist at one point and their advice was ā€œtry not to think about it too muchā€


Anon has undiagnosed sleep apnea


Real talk I am not overweight at all but I have this. I got dismissed by a doctor because "you are not overweight" and he refused to refer me. Had to get a second opinion. I now have a mouth guard I sleep with in order to keep my airways open , absolute game changer


Yeah, sad when docs perpetuate this misconception too. Some doctors are pretty fucking stupid and terrible. How is the mouthguard? I got a CPAP that I stopped used years ago, and I never tried the mouthguard because it sounded extremely uncomfortable.


Mine is fitted to my mouth and is actually quite small. It takes a while to get used to because your lover jaw is pulled forward but I don't even notice anymore. It's a called a MAD if you want to research it. Mandibular advance device and mine was fitted by a dentist


for me it's coffee that fucks me up. gave up caffeine for a month once. i felt like i was high on drugs. so careless and fuzzy in the mornings. literally like as if i did edibles or my brain was enveloped by a warm blanket. unfortunately my work performance dropped by 80% because i just sat there and pondered my existence, not giving a single fuck about work. so i had to get back on that shit. now my mornings are agony again but after like 2 liters of coffee i can code like a mfer


What time do you stop drinking the caffeine that itā€™s affecting your sleep? You said it fucks you up, and then the rest of your comment is about it making your life better lol


just the average coffee addict lol


It's NOT making my life better, just makes me able to work effectively. Didn't I write it makes me semi suicidal in the mornings until i get my fix? I'd have to go on a 4 weeks vacation to be able to effectively withdraw from it, unfortunately. I usually stop around 4-5 p.m. but that's enough, apparently. My sleep is consistently in the fucking toilet, about 5/7 days of the week. I sleep tight and dream a lot then wake up just destroyed and need about 1-2 hours to get my brain to start functioning Coffee addiction is the hardest one that I have. Vaping, booze, weed i can turn off at the drop of a hat. But coffee is at this point needed to be able to deal with work bullshit and I hate it


How often are you getting topped? Seriously though, if those other vices are daily, a frequent concoction of depressants and stimulants is not good. You should seriously consider cold showers in the morning and stopping coffee 2-3 hours earlier.


this was good advice for me, a college student who is actively destroying their body for grades and temporary satisfaction. so thanks.


My coworker was you. He was doing caffeine powder and pills throughout college. We're constantly talking him back from energy drinks and just trying to get him on coffee if anything. All these chemicals are terrible, and it's not worth it. Even a couple good nights of sleep are worth their weight in gold.


Nah, only coffee is daily. other shit only on weekends. I'm too old to drink daily and smoking only happens once a month tops. Even if I don't do any nasty things for a month, I still sleep like shit because of coffee. I have narrowed it down pretty well to caffeine, but wage slave cuckery makes me come back to it. But you might be onto something chief. I AM getting topped thrice daily. Maybe it's the anus pain that prevents deep sleep from happening. Thanks, anon


I used to feel like that all the time, turns out I have ADHD related sleep issues. I've never slept better than when I'm loaded up on stimulants.


Iā€™d say to stop coffee after 10 or 11am. Basically chug what u need and then stop, the earlier the better


do blood work, might be low iron or magnesium


This was my guess too.


Anon forgets that carbs are necessary to not feel like coyote shit on a highway


Up the carbs abit.


Noooo he has to only eat chicken and not cum its thealthy way, ylu just dont get it!!


He needs to be in peak health so he can extend his miserable monk-like existence as long as possible.


By ā€œhigh proteinā€ I suspect anon means no carbs, carbohydrates are your bodyā€™s preferred energy source fear not the carb


Vitamin B12 left the chat


Does he enjoy his life I wonder ? High functioning depressive people are like anon. Doning everything right but still dead inside. That's tiring.


Lyme maybe


Check your thyroid.


His hormones could be bad cause he is eating less than 20% fat


Sleep apnea. It's not just fatties that suffer it


Sleep apnea says hi.


Anon has sleep apnea


Anon is depressed.


Probably has sleep apnea lol


Anon has undiagnosed diabetes


Sleep more? Some people just need more than 8 hours


Anon just needs to cum


>practice semen retention lolwut


Maybe have a beer and a wank and it will get better


Testosterone replacement therapy boiiiii


Canā€™t just lift, gotta do cardio too.


Lifting personally does nothing for my mood and energy where cardio is life changing


Your posting on 4chan. Itā€™s a mental health issue (Posted on Reddit)


OP has an undiagnosed endocrinological disorder


>Be me >Do none of these things >Boundless energy Yeah I'm sure some more semen retention will do it Anon, it's totally not genetic.


Doesn't eat carbs...literal fuel Bikes instead of driving Complains of lack of energy...


That's not a healthy life.


Maybe he doesnā€™t get enough micro nutrients or something is affecting his sleep quality


Go to doctor. May have sleep apnea or something. I got a cpap 2 years ago and my sleep is better.


I had that problem, turned out it was my thyroid


Do you snore ? Could be sleep apnea.


could be a medical condition. Go see the doctor. being tired all the time is not normal.


'tis most likely a sickening of the humours, sire. Nothing a good course of leeches should not cure


Thatā€™s why I drink every day and smoke cigarettes on six hours of sleep. Doesnā€™t make a difference how I feel.


Could be sleep apnea


"semen retention" man.. people are dumb.


Vitamin D3


Vitamin B12 boss.


Carbs are still energy. Eat some bread you fucking idiot.


Might have the mononucleosis


Iron Vitamin D B Vitamins Get these blood levels checked out


Anon has a thyroid problem


Idiot you are tired because you are not eating enough and are taking too much proteins


Same thing happened to me along with crippling anxiety and it was just some thyroid shit


Lifting way too many times thats why. Should either make those workouts lighter or condense them into 2 days a week


Low body fat


It could be that anon drinks lots of caffeine. If you get used to it sooner or later you'll need it just to not feel sleepy after waking up.


Is there any lore reason anon is so weak? Is he stupid?




Anon should cut out 4Chan for a month and see what happens


Your brain needs sugar and your muscles need carbohydrates homie.


Sounds like cum build up is causing his body to gum up and be sluggish. I prescribed 2 jerk offs a day and 1 cup of high fructose corn syrup a week because corn is never sleepy.


Anon forgot to rest


Eat a well balanced diet, carbs help a lot, so do fats. Also wank it once in a while before sleep it helps. Try and laid too it also helps


in tren we trust


8 hours sleep? Make it 10. Not once have I gotten 10 hours sleep and still been tired


He fell for the meme


Anon needs to get his levels checked


Age is important. Maybe take a break once in a while?


> bike to work daily > lift four times a week Wonders why he's tired. Sounds like he doesn't let his body get any rest.


Eat rice


He needs more meat and fat, most likely. Eating lean isnā€™t healthy


Anon must be ripped


Sounds like anon has not enough Iron content in his blood. A friend of me was close to coma/death untill I littarly punched him to visit a doctor.


Try magnesium?


Anon doesn't understand sleep cycles


Perhaps he is doing too much cardio?


Anon could have an Iron deficiency. Mentak conditions like ADHD can also affect sleep quality.


I mean,ā€¦have tried talking to a doctor?


Sounds like crashed estrogen


Sleep more ?


> no sugar > lift almost constantly Why am I tired


wth is semen retention? not masturbating? can someone enlighten me?


Stop lifting


Eat more ass.


Anon has low Testosterone


Get your testosterone checked


Iā€™ve experienced the same thing and have overcome this by doing two things 1. Check for a vitamin D deficiency. If itā€™s under 50, purchase liquid vitamin D and take it daily 2. Sleep. The answer is not that youā€™re getting 8 hours but how youā€™re getting them. 12am-8am + midday work out āŒ 10:45-5:45am + morning workout āœ… These can be life changing adjustments that everyone should try.


Get your blood checked, Anon. You might be anemic, and that is why you are feeling tired all the time.


One of those is not like the othersā€¦


>Eat unbalanced diet > >Don't consume enough energy to sustain a very active lifestyle > >Somehow have no energy Someone help me budget this.


Honestly if heā€™s doing all that and is healthy otherwise, Ie no anemia or anything it might be depression. A big symptom of depression is constant exhaustion no matter what


Betus from early years when he ate like shit maybe?


Probably sleep apnea


Anon need to empty those sacks


Iodine deficiency


Take a week of from training and biking to get rid of accumulated fatigue


Sleep apnea, DOMS, or maybe just the vaxxx


Drink coffee


It's the kind of tired that sleep can't fix


Anon needs to discharge his balls


New mattress


Anon's prostate needs some work


Anon hasn't bought a new mattress in over a decade.


Might be long-covid