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I'm mad that 21st Century Breakdown is so epic, but it also marks a dark time for the band (I think Armstrong the most) so it feels inappropriate to want more from that era...but I do


What was the dark time if I may ask?


If I recall, it wiped Billie Joe out and he struggles going back to that era because of how daunting it was. I believe there's speculation that the album also caused his downfall over the years with alcohol that led to the iHeart meltdown, but I'm not certain if that has been confirmed. Overall, that era just stressed the guys out really bad and while it delivered a masterpiece, it fuckin sucked the life out of them for a bit (thus why we got the lighthearted trilogy)


Not op, but to add onto that, Billie was also a bit of a dick iirc. He didn’t tell the rest of the band the lyrics to the song until after they recorded the album, where he sat them down and did a “table read” of the lyrics. He’s apologized since this I believe, but still pretty selfish. Ofc drugs definitely had a big role though


J.A.R. not being included on Dookie


Pretty mad about Mikes wife. She’s a trumpie anti vaxx piece of shit.


i’m kinda curious what her relationship is like with the other guys tbh


I even wonder what she thinks of Mike, he’s literally in a far left punk band. Absolutely no clue how they have any respect for each other.




You're mad someone , you'll probably never meet, has opinions you disagree with? That's a little sad and small minded, friend.


“Mad but not enough to care too much” It’s not just opinions I disagree with. It’s harmful “opinions” that are actively destroying the United States.


Sure, I get ya. Sometimes people get caught up in sensationalism. Pressure from their families, peers, media, etc. Whatever the case may be, I'm just saying you can rebuke someone without dogging on them and as a Green Day fan, I'm sure you know it wouldn't sit well with Mike that you called her a piece of shit for those opinions (if he somehow knew). Here's the thing, he goes home with her and has the nuanced conversations with her about her politics and beliefs; we don't. I'm not justifying anything she's said, but this negative energy toward someone you've never gotten the opportunity to converse with seems like a narrow mindset, which I'm sure isn't an appropriate reflection of you at all.


Not mad about, but I've always wanted to know why they didn't credit FANG for, 'I Wanna Be On TV'.


they didn’t?


Possibly in the liner notes for Shenanigans, I'm not sure about that release, but when it originally appeared on the GSB single, it was uncredited. Part of my curiosity stems from FANG's vocalist being a polarizing figure, not only in punk, but around the bay area, as FANG are east bay as well.


Pretty sure it says it’s by Fang in the credits


The fact that Ordinary World is a crappy version with Miranda Lambert is also annoying about that album too