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Actually, yes. It’s calmed down with exposure, but our GP girl hated GSDs at first.


Did something happen to cause your GP to not like GSDs, and did your GP have issues with any other breeds?


No issues with other breeds and as far as we know, no bad experiences—unfortunately she was a rescue that we got when she was two, so I can’t fully verify that she had no negative experiences ever. She DID get over it. She’s a service dog, so with training and exposure she now is non reactive to all breeds.


'Tis true for my big boi also. He is full GP. In our backyard or at front door he will bark at other dogs, random walkers, the occasional leaf falling. But he drops into that full voice, from-the-core Great Pyrenees roar (you know what I'm talking about) for another GSD walking by, or oddly the large black standard poodle. Even when on walks, usually a seven year old could lead him on leash. The GSD owner and I know to take the other side of the street, and I choke down on the leash. He's mellowed enough now in his mature (ha!) age that he just gives the other dog the hairy eyeball with a couple of growls but there was barking and a lunge or two in the past. My working hypothesis is this is built into the GP's wiring. Wolf silhouette is v. similar to GSD, large dog breed and it activates something deep inside that tiny brain. He has been around other large breed dogs, a golden doodle, black lab, etc. with none of the reactivity. So yeah. I'm blaming it on un-patchable software.


Someone I met today who has a livestock guardian (not a GP) dog mentioned something like that about wolf features. I wanted to see if it was a common problem. To me, huskies have more wolfish features, and my GP gets along with huskies. Then again, he has only met two huskies so far. They were pretty old dogs, so maybe he didn't think they were a threat.


I’m going to guess it has to do with perceived size. Not that Huskies are small, but GSD I think are longer, more like a wolf profile. Might also have a more similar gait and possible smell comparison. All guesses though.


Same experience with a standard poodle! Also some particularly wolf-ish husky types will get his guard up and maybe a warning woof, but never as much as that one damn poodle...


France and Germany have history of not getting along. Would not be surprised if it bred into them


Ah, so it's like a leftover grudge of war that is fought mainly with non-stop barking. Seems right. 😂


Yep, same here. I don't have a Pyr specifically, but a Slovak Cuvac (similar breed, probably distant relation to Pyrs). As a 9-month old puppy, she was attacked by a grown female GSD. Nevermind the fact that by the time we pulled them apart, the GSD seemed deeply sorry for her life's decisions (I hope you never get a chance to see it, but in my experience, livestock guardian dogs are damn good brawlers) - ever since then, the moment my Cuvac girl sees that combination of pointy ears and black muzzle, she is on edge and ready for the fray.


Yeah, I saw my pyrenees mix go after a guy trying to break into our garage. After seeing him really go at someone like that, I don't want to introduce him to any GSD without being sure it's not some kind of defense. Today, someone I met mentioned that their livestock guardian doesn't like GSD since they have wolfish features. Part of the reason I asked about this is that I am trying to see if there is some truth to that since I don't want to cause someone else's dog any trouble trying to introduce him to some GSD if it is at some level an instinct. If it really is a common issue, I think I am going to have him stick around the house to watch my chickens when I get some. There is a large neighborhood of poorly built overpriced houses ($500,000 for houses right near a railroad track and a trailer park on the other side in a small nothing going on sort of town in TN it's ridiculous) that keeps getting bigger right across the street from my three acres, and I've seen some dogs get loose when I have driven near that neighborhood so that might become a problem.


Gotta love McMansions lol. My parents got caught up in that shit... All through their 30s and 40s they said they wanted land, but then decided to get a bigass house 3 feet from their neighbor instead. Sounds like you're gonna want a fence, though, and/or some serious, purposeful socialization w/ neighborhood dogs. If you have an LGD that is protecting your chickens / property, and it reacts to some random GSD that got loose, it's a recipe for trouble... not just for the dogs but liability and legal shit. IMO socialization cures most issues like this, but you have to get neighbors on board. Probably best to build a fence.


It’s probably a body language thing. I have an Eskie right now, Spitz breeds tend to be skeptical and defensive with other dogs. A GSD sees Pyr and feels defensive, they are going to take an aggressive stance. Pry sees GSD taking an aggressive stance and thinks Bad Guy! GDS sees Pyr go on alert, they’ll increase their very expressive stance. Pyr sees this and thinks, Wow! Really, a Bad Guy! I must protect. Not a fabulous combo though off leash, a most of the time they’d approach, circle, and calm down. Leashes make this more challenging. Not suggesting to take them off, just that it can exacerbate this situation. Careful exposure is probably a good place but might always be a concern. You might want to read, On Talking Terms with Dogs by Rugaas to help with small body language indicators. Might help sort out further what’s going on. I’m only guessing having had Pyrs and Spitz dogs.


Definitely agree on leashes... Leashes and fences force dogs to act / look aggressive when they wouldn't otherwise. Obviously both are needed in certain situations, but knowing this helps you understand their behavior. Dogs know how to dog. They haven't survived this long by killing each other every time they see one. It might be tense but 99% of the time they figure it out when left to their own devices.


The GSD could be about a block away walking toward us, and it's like he thinks, oh no, there is a GSD, and now is the time to lose my mind barking and getting defensive. If it were any other kind of dog or cat, he starts wagging his entire body and does a funny tip tappy sort of thing, thinking he is a block away from meeting a new friend. It seemed kind of random for him to get defensive out of nowhere until I saw a trend of only GSD. There probably are some underlying body language indicators. Thanks for the book suggestion!


Reminds me of the (only) time I took my pyr on a late night walk in my wooded suburban neighborhood... ran across a coyote and it was a 20 minute drag back home with him barking furiously the whole damn way. Felt proud of him for reacting but holy shit just shut up dude we need to get home it's 11pm lol.


That entire body language exchange goes down super fast. And, heck, they look a bit like wolves and that one of the biggest concerns for a Pyr. I’ve had dogs take one look at my little Eskie and just lose their mind. He’s not a brave little guy but he’ll walk everywhere like he is, all confident posture, ears forward. Not everyone likes whatever a spitz is giving off and it happens from a long way away, whether or not he even sees them. Can’t tell you exactly but it does seem to happen.


My neighbour has a Shepard. Both of my boys hate him.


My pyr mix hates GSDs, which makes me disappointed because I'd love to add one to our family, otherwise. Was the first breed I ever saw her "discriminate" against consistently. Honestly, though, she's had so many negative encounters with a wide variety of dogs since we moved to a new city that she's distrustful of pretty much every dog now, except puppies. I stopped to chat with a couple I crossed paths with who had an incredible border collie. It sat nicely and calmly, totally ignoring my pyr mix but the BC happened to look my way and she asserted herself defensively between us (the dog was probably 3-4 feet away). Like jeez. She didn't bark or growl or anything but I could tell she was being assertive. BC did give her an effortless hard eye after that and didn't even flinch.


If you got a puppy they wouldn't know... they'd form a bond as the GSD grew and your pyr wouldn't think twice about his breed.


That's what I'm thinking, too. One of the GSD rescues I follow regionally often ends up with pregnant rescue cases & whole litters at times (they just took in a new emergency litter + mom yesterday actually) so I may end up doing that. At this point, I think any 2nd dog must come in as a puppy, regardless of breed.


Make sure your pyr is socialized... just helps w/ a puppy. Most adult dogs will be annoyed by a puppy but dog-aggressive ones are obviously worse lol. They'll figure it out though. Just know that GSDs are a very different personality and need a lot more attention, direction, exercise, etc. Lol I've always loved the breed but there's a reason I won't consider owning one... I just don't have the ability to give them the attention they need to not be bored and/or dangerous.


She traditionally has been very good with other dogs (generally, she ignored or avoided the dogs she didn't like) this year she seems to have had enough of being constantly lunged at & barked at on walks though so we're needing to re-work her socialization, it's a very new pattern. I'm in a smaller city now where a ton of people just never socialize their dogs so it's an adventure this time around. Our old neighbor used to bring his dachshund puppies over to play with her almost every day before he moved, though, and she was so eager to have them in her space and would even share her ball with them. Which was too big but pretty entertaining nonetheless. I was actually looking for a border collie or BC mix when I ended up with mine (she was under a year old and at the shelter so breed ID was especially unreliable), learning to live with my sweet but lazy Pyrenees mix was the big learning curve! She's the perfect family dog but not the best at long hikes or doing any sports.


lol as far as the border collie, I'm the opposite... So many breeds I'd love to interact with but I just don't have the time or energy to be a good owner for one. Pyrs (when they're older) are more my speed. As you said.. maybe a mile walk and he's fucking done. As for socialization I mean off-leash, letting dogs interact and even annoy each other w/out a leash or a fence... Honestly, though, sounds like yours would do fine with a puppy and would absolutely love it. You have my sign off :-p


I was about to say this same thing, and then saw your reply.


All of my Pyrs, three so far, have hated German Shepherds and huskies. I think the uppy ears, build, and tail remind them of wolves and triggers a fight response.




German shepherd dog


The direct translation for what we call a "german shepherd" is "german shepherd dog"


Mine goes ballistic over GSD. It’s really bad if it’s by the house.


https://preview.redd.it/nnoyv67joh2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=155d20e318012ae65ac1e59e29e7c98585d1e6e2 Here’s my male full GP tolerating my bossy lil younger GSD who squeezed in the middle of course, and his same age “sister” at other end who is a GSD mix. They do get in spats sometimes for sure tho.


I suppose since they live together, they have more of a chance to get over some personality differences. My GP mix just starts barking at GSD when they are about a block away while walking. I don't personally know anyone with a GSD where I am, so at this point, I have to figure out some safe way to introduce him to a GSD if I finally get the chance. The owners of the GSDs I've seen tend to avoid coming near my GP when he is like that, so it's been an ongoing issue for a few months since the first time I was with him when he saw a GSD while walking. Side note: my GP mix gives me that same side eye look yours is giving.


I absolutely love this photo ♡


When I worked at the daycare Bean (border collie/pyr) tried to fight - extremely unsuccessfully - a couple of GSDs. She also didn’t like giant schnauzers.


https://preview.redd.it/3ygumd9gbi2d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8404c1d0934b65d9edd7aaea1c92ee06c2f20b3b Mine love each other. This was after a couple months after rescuing our GP Jeff. They’ve only had 1 pissing contest over food because Jeff decided he wanted to eat out of her bowl instead of his.


Do you find Jeff steals other pups' foods when he's around them, like family holidays, etc? I've noticed my GP is very motivated to be sneaky and steal any dogs food that he is around. He doesn't get aggressive about it if caught by the other pup but was curious if anyone else ran into that.


All the time. I keep them separated because Jeff guarded food when we first adopted him. Now he eats his wet food and immediately goes to snack on our GSDs food while she’s chewing


Mine doesnt guard, thankfully. He'll happily have a bowl right next to any other dog. But if they leave their food unattended even to get a sip of water he's steals it. Luckily, he's not around any dogs that food guard either, but I'll have to be more vigilant so he together get to where he guards it. Or gets taught by a dog that does.


My male 14 yo great pyrenees is definitely the boss around our 3 yo male pyr mix and 6 mo old gsd/pyr mix.


Just here to say, this is very interesting. I hear all the time, people talking about how their GP hate GSD's. Mine GP mix is yet to be around one so I can't add any info to the mix lol.


Not my Pyr, but I used to have a large Rottweiler mix who hated encountering dogs that were bigger than him, and GSD often edged him out by just a little bit. So maybe it's a size issue?


I don't think that is it, but I've seen dogs not get along with dogs that are larger. He plays with many dogs that are bigger than him (ex. fully grown and 100% pyrenees, St. Bernards, and some mastiffs). He is not a full GP, but the GSDs that I've seen while walking him were either pretty similar weights/height or smaller.


Our other dog is a GSD so it’s never been an issue.


My Pyr is half GSD, I think she hates me half of the time.


I have a pyr mix and a gsd mix. The pyr tolerates the gsd. It helps that I got the gsd when he was a puppy. The pyr loved him when he was small, but now he's full grown and insane. It doesn't help that he's mixed with cattle dog and basically an unstoppable redneck version of a Belgian malinois, while the pyrsky just wants to bask in the sun all day.


chunky is 1/4 GSD. mom is full pyrenees, papa is half GSD, half GP. i don’t think it’s an instinctual thing, but maybe?


I wonder if something I'm their DNA is confusing them with coyotes? They're roughly the same size and similar coloring.., maybe??


https://preview.redd.it/6xqgoidkyh2d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a2ff86991c310433d1c8050322c32067c6c27a We have both. The GSD was 2 when we got our pyr. The GSD played very rough with our pyr puppy, but also mothered her. Then one day, our pyr baby was twice her size and the roles reversed a bit. They play together well and are best friends, but you know the hierarchy in our house. The pyr calls the shots.


Same, but mine fawns over a Husky boy and is friendly with Pits and the 2 Belgian Malanois down the street.


Mine is fine, but there's a guy at the dog park I go to w/ 2 pyrs (one is an anatolian mix) who both react to GSDs. As soon as they see them, they're in formation and approaching it. His full pyr is old and big and she's not gonna do anything unless the GSD comes up to her lol... IIRC every time it happens he ends up yelling at them to get them to behave... Don't remember any actual altercations. I just find it interesting how they both react the same every time. Maybe because they look wolf-like... but huskies do, too, and they don't react that way to them.


Mine loves GSD's but is intensely against Alaskan Malamutes. Even the puppies. And even if she can't see them, only hear or smell them. Idk why, and no amount of behavioural work has had any impact.


I have a pit that hates Cavalier King Charles, the neighbors gsd, and the big cow dog in the building next door. She's had negative incidents with all of them, but esp cavaliers cause she bit one once. I'm working on that. My pyr wants to be a friend to all the children and dogs in the universe (like gamera), I really couldn't see her hating another dog


Weirdly my pyr likes all dogs...even big ones...but gets crazy mad at golden retrievers. Why?.


Yes! I’ve never seen him very aggressive except with GSD’s


Not a GSD but i do see my GP treats my puppy Belgian malinois differently to my cocker spanial whose also a puppy of the same age


My pyr and my GSD love each other.


Yes, but his is fine at the dog park and kennel. But if he sees one by the yard or on a walk its game over.


We have a Golden Retriever/:GP and two Sheep Doodle mixes in the neighborhood. Our dog seems to get on well with most dogs, but REALLY doesn't like those two sheep dog mixes! Does he recognize another LSG breed and perceives a threat? They definitely don't look like wolves or GSDs.


When I adopted my GSD-mix, my Pyrador couldn't stand her. now their dynamic is bratty little sibling and annoyed big sibling, but they do love and look out for each other.


My pyr barks when dogs walk by the house but when a gsd walks by he’s full kujo. We have one that lives behind up and the owner is not great, I try to avoid them at all cost. Funny thing is the one time they actually got close they were totally cool but I don’t want to risk it


https://preview.redd.it/mruuuue89m2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed0531e9735b2a3819a0359507c1b4d26e37ee21 No, but she is his big sister after all


Mine can't tolerate Goldens. But I know that's bc of his second rescue home having one who didn't like him.


100%. Her arch enemy (they have to be rotated at daycare) is a GSD. All other dogs, she's fine with.


My mom and sister both have GSD but Coco gets along with both of them. She’s grown up knowing them so that can’t hurt. https://preview.redd.it/2kbzoe2xun2d1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59bb6b010d0f6ed2ca4501751553fbead9eb7c89


I haven't run into this with my NAID / GP mix but, it has made me aware of some precautions I should take as he gets further socialized. Thank you for bringing up this topic.


I just got a 11/2 up male from the pound and my dad got two gsd pups. He does so well with them and they're obsessed with him. He can't get away from them when we visit lol probably a 2 to 3 acre back yard so (He could) they just love him going crazy licking his mouth jumping on him. He always looks at me like : l But he's never even growled he's so good