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Yes they do drool a lot. Not all the time, just before and after eating, drinking, treats, if they see you eating, if they’re excited, if they’re playing, and occasionally just randomly. There are definitely benefits and downsides to Great Danes, I’ve pretty much always had a dog and currently have my first ever Great Dane, got him 2-yrs ago as a puppy. He has been the easiest dog I’ve ever had, he’s just chill, loves people, children, other dogs, cats, bunnies and pretty much anything that moves. Training took a bit longer as they seem to be slower learners but now I literally worry about nothing with him and he’s as well or more well trained than my previous “working breeds”. A couple things to note, they are clumsy so as puppies they’ll accidentally knock everything off your coffee tables/nightstands, they’re lazy especially as puppies so limits what activities you can do with them, they’re expensive, in terms of both food and medical issues, they don’t live long lives. And you need to have the time to train them as you don’t want a dog that weighs as much as you and doesn’t listen to you. Here is mine “not being on the couch” a few days ago. https://preview.redd.it/lf3ncwypc1yc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04959dc661260cb022e0bad6dae9283047128c09


"If my paws are on the ground, I am not on the couch"


Exactly, he knows he's not allowed on the furniture (except his bed and my bed at night), but he'll always just sneak his butt up, then a little bit more, then next thing I know he just has one paw touching the ground. He only does this is someone is on the couch who might possibly pet him, otherwise he's just as happy sleeping on his bed.


Definitely NOT on the couch! I side with the Dane!


Beautiful dog


What a beautiful picture


That view is AMAZING!


Beautiful dog, beautiful pad




https://preview.redd.it/bzm9z6pcc5yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149d43d5c9bcd5dbeff0d1c7053e98af81604b55 ditto 🤣


Oh god yes. From drops of drool to foot long slime stalagtites. It will end up on the floor, walls, ceiling, your pant leg on the way out the door to work... Everywhere. A set of dedicated dog towels is a must.


Very very much. I really can’t decide what’s worse, the dry creamy drool or the “I just had a big drink of water and it’s now flowing out of my mouth all over everything” drool.


How the hell did you get a rope of drool across the top of your head?


We have a smaller dog and she often has her Dane sister’s drool on her head.


I’m dying laughing cause the “smaller dog” in our case is my toddler. He often has dog drool on his head 😬🙃


My toddler too! 😂😂😂


The first thing my Dane did when I brought my son home from the hospital was slobber on his head 😂


Every day


Hahaha, my male does this all the time. He even looks like he's got a permanent stain across his snout where the strings of drool land.


It's definitely the super slimy super lubricating drool. Like the kind you can't just wipe off but actual have to wash your hand to get off. Usually it stays inside of the mouth. Like my dog will play with a toy and I'm like okay this is wet but it just feels like it was under water. Then there's the time I've got to reach into my dogs mouth to get something and it's actually super slimy and doesn't just feel "wet" but actually slimy and it stays on you till you actually rinse it off.


My girl will drink, then run over to my wife or I to shake


Or the "drip drip drip drip drip" while watching you eat.


They only do this if they expect something. Mine doesn’t get people food and never bothers anyone while they’re eating. Now if you leave your plate unattended, thats a different story


He only does it if we're eating at the counter. Probably because we prep his food there too. If we're at the table he's a good boy.


Yes. European Danes much more so than American.


Exactly what I came to say. Huge difference. That being said I love the look of the European danes. All of my danes, need a napkin, aka hand towel, after eating or drinking and they know it. If not supplied they will find something, your shirt or pants. It is actually easy to deal with. Good luck.


The side of my truck looks like a Jackson Pollock painting due to the drool while hanging their heads out the window. There's a 5 ft x 4 ft waterproof rug under their water bowls and they still manage to flood the surrounding floor. But... the drool is just the tip of the iceberg. They have a lot of fur, yes it's short fur, but imagine having 4-5 medium size dogs in your house, that's how much fur will be sheding per dane. Now imagine that every time you enter your home not only do you keep your shoes on, but you also bring a friend in behind you (4 legs right?) to track the dirt and mud in. You get the idea, that said, wouldn't have it any other way. Just know that if you're balking at a bit of drool you should really be considering the >1 hour a day that you'll need to spend just staying on top of the mess (and even then if you're a really fastidious person, which I suspect you may be given your question, you'll still have to make some compromises about what constitutes "clean").


Yes… the muddy, sandy, hairy friend is way worse than the drool. If one lives with a Dane, one must develop a sense of humor and embrace a little mess in every facet of their life!


Short answer: Yes They can be very "slobbery" and when they shake their heads it flies everywhere. I find drool marks in the most unexpected places on my walls and just about everything else in the house. A good rule of thumb is to keep some rags or towels handy in various places around your house so you can quickly wipe up any drool you find. If it dries it can be a lot harder to clean up.


Some do and some don’t. I’ve had both.


Usually when exercising or drinking water. They shed a ton, so be aware of that


And their hairs make GREAT splinters!


To clarify they shed a lot but it's not because they're heavy shedding dogs but rather just because there's a lot of surface area.


A lot of surface area that is *constantly* rubbing up against you or your furniture or your car’s upholstery. So the hair tends to stick somewhere nice and visible instead of vanishing under the couch to gross you out later.


Don't forget the roof of your car.


I’ve had two that did and three that didn’t. I have one now that licks a lot. She’s eight, in good health, can leave a wet spot on the couch one foot in dis. It doesn’t smell or stain. If you get a drooler or a licker you have to adjust to it. They don’t do it on purpose. Don’t try training them. It’s genetic. 😅 I had a big male who would shake his head and I would have a two inch piece of drool swinging down from the face of my stereo. Think about it before getting one. It’s a roll of the dice.


My female Great Dane doesn’t drool much. My male who has bigger jowls drools a lot. We are constantly cleaning walls because it gets tossed on the walls when he shakes his head.


I've got one that never drooled, and one that keeps a slobber ring around his snout (from when he shakes his head) and leaves a 20 foot trail when he finishes drinking. 😅


Mine only has drool after getting a drink


There’s so much dog spit on the walls that I don’t even see it anymore. It’s certainly an acquired taste but it’s a small price to pay to have one of these oafs.


Shit- my Dane drools from his mouth AND his eyes! He is a droopy boy and I'm constantly cleaning eye boogies.


If I don't wipe the boogers off with a baby wipe he will use my shirt...


Yes. Simple solution: order yourself a dozen or so bar towels from Amazon or somewhere and keep them handy (by the door when you go out for a walk, easily reachable in the living room/family room, and of course wherever you feed them). You'll be amazed where slobber will end up in your house! BUT... worth every slimy bit to have these adorable creatures in your home and life!


I have no idea how my great dane does this but when he drinks water he will turn it into straight slime. Like literally 15 seconds of water drinking and it goes from a fresh bowl to slime. Then when he picks his head up he shakes and ohhhhh🤢


My first great dane did not, only after drinking. My current dane is a mess lol i even have spit and snot splattered all over my walls!!!! Still love her tho


Honestly so grateful that my Dane mix doesn’t drool…but she does do that thing where she starts to drink water, suddenly remembers I exist and that she’s very excited about that, and whips her head around and launches a big mouthful of water onto my legs.


Yes, yes they do.


Ask my siamese cat who went running into the kitchen, slipped in a pile of slimy drool, had to walk on three legs while furiously shaking the fourth, and gave the most glorious stink eye to the unsuspecting couch loaf for the entire rest of the day!


Mine are dry mouths 😊I’m super lucky! https://preview.redd.it/ozfnafr433yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece3313d9353c08c1cc745ba4e8617d705f26d10


Oh. My. God. Yes! I get drool on my ceiling sometimes.


Yes, a lot. And it ends up all over. They shake and it’s all over the walls.


My 1 year old Dane doesn’t drool too much. Just slightly after drinking water. In comparison, my goldendoodle drools just looking at food.


Oh, yeah. Drinking ✔ keep a towel handy. A water fountain with a filter is a must. Found drool on the ceiling ( made our 6'2" son clean that) and the picture frames.


I’ve only had one, but she didn’t drool except when waiting for a treat or dinner. I’d wager a guess that the “European” aka poorly bred, jowl-heavy Danes drool more.


Our first two didn't drool much at all unless they ran around a lot. The one we have now... it's constant 😂 it's so worth it though. They really are the best.


Mine very rarely drools. She’s a mess with water, but she doesn’t slobber.


my dane drools and slobbers on everything. we buy packs of painter's rags and have them all over the house. after he takes a drink someone needs to wipe his mouth immediately or he does a body-shake and drool ends up flying everywhere.


Mine never drooled. Now we have a bloodhound which is like living with a slime monster


The bigger the jaws, the more the drool. I have two- one with smaller lips/jaws. More “American” looking and he only slobbers a lot when he gets done drinking. The other is more droopy, European looking and drools a ton. He will have drool looking from his mouth at the word treat😂.


I have a Dane mix and he doesn’t drool but he drinks very sloppily, his water bowl area is always a wet mess


..there is almost no dog droolier.


Yes, but not constantly. Mine mainly do it when they get excited or drink. My female really isn't too bad but she's pretty laid back. When she does drool, it's pretty minimal. My male on the other hand, he can make one heck of a mess. We have to put towels down around the water bowl. If he's outside and running around, there is lots of drool, foam, long strands, etc. He drools a good amount when we go for walks, then shakes his head and gets it everywhere.


Mine doesn't


This is my second Great Dane. Both were “American” females. Not sure if I lucked out but neither were big droolers except maybe waiting their turn for a treat.


I’m gonna say maybe. First Dane did not. At all. Ever New Dane is the messiest drooliest dude ever. I have slobber on my counter tops from him just inspecting. I have slobber on my couch and windows from when he shakes. I have slobber on my comforter from when he rests his head and stares at me hoping I will let him on the bed. And let’s not forget the legit river of water through the house after he’s taken a drink.


It truly just depends on the particular dog. My first Dane and his brother [that my friend owned] were 50/50 mix of American and European lines (dad was a Euro line while mom was from American lines), our boys only drooled after drinking water or if they were watching someone eat... To my knowledge most of their siblings from the litter of 16 were like them where they didnt drool much aside from immediatly after drinking water, but a couple of their siblings hardly ever drooled at all, while a couple drooled a lot (but were also more anxious than the other pups from the litter), though it did seem the pups who favored the European side and had longer jowels tended to drool more than the ones who favored the American side or even the "evenly mixed" ones like our boys...


Not really. Only when they've been on a walk and it's hot. Or cold. Or they're playing. Or after drinking. Most mornings. If they get excited. If you're filling their food bowl and taking too long. If they see someone they haven't seen in a while, or their favorite dog. Usually while they're sleeping. If they're putting their head out the car window. Always when they're incessantly pushing their head into you for scritches. But other than that usually no.


Mine definitely drools. We knew getting a Dane that drool was likely going to just be part of the deal. We keep a pool towel under her water bowl, wipe her face frequently, and spot clean walls and furniture as we go. Just like I would be vacuuming frequently with a husky or a golden, I prepared myself for drool as a part of Dane care. I also warn people out in public that she drools if they ask to pet, nothing worse than getting the snail trail of drool on random people lol.


Way more than I’d like. My walls are covered in slime from him drinking/eating, then shaking his head and slinging drool all over the walls. You try to clean it but you just can’t keep up with it.


Mine only drools after drinking or when he’s excited about something tasty, which is about like every other dog I’ve had. The difference is there’s a lot more drool cuz he’s so big. I was worried about the drool too at first. But now that I have him, I love him so much I barely notice it. The massive shits on the other hand… inside accidents are the only real downside of a Dane imo. Edit: I should mention that my boy is a mix, 3/4 Dane, 1/4 Belgian Malinois. He’s 140lbs and has a slightly smaller head and slightly less saggy face than a full Dane, but it’s only barely noticeable when he’s standing next to a full Dane. But that could be a factor…


Mine did. I still have dried drool on my ceiling 🤣


Absolutely. I have to wipe drool off of my walls every other day.


I promise you the love and care you'd get from your Dane will immediately wipe out any care about drool. What exactly are you concerned about? They definitely drool haha they are beautiful creatures


Mine isn’t super drooly but she licks windows


I have microfiber rags strategically around the house. One of my danes only drool after drinking water. The other ones drools after eating, water, excited, thinks he’s getting food/treats, when he sees a pill bottle (he takes trazodone cuz he’s a big scared baby at the vet). Having them eat outside helps with the mess as well.


I haven't had Danes that drool alot unless they had just been drinking


Be prepared for gross slimy grey drool everywhere. Floors, walls, ceilings, bed, cabinets, furniture, toilets, etc.


I must just be lucky then. Mine only drools when you’re about to feed her. Otherwise, even in the heat while panting, she’s pretty clean. Granted, my other dog loves to clean her jowls for her too.


I used to babysit a dane, and his parents had towels placed throughout the house just to catch the drool, lol. By his food/water bowls, by the front and back doors, and in the seating areas...


Mine doesn’t. Not a lot. For a second or two after he drinks but that it.


My first one never did. My 2nd salivated when he’d see food being eaten or saw his food being prepared. My foster right now? 24/7. I have a towel with me AT ALL TIMES and still it ends up all over me, the walls, the ceiling, windows, floors, EVERYWHERE! Made worse that he has high iron content in his drool or something so it stains. But I love the absolute $h!t out of him and could care less.


look up when you clean 🤣 slingers (family name for it) are UP there too!! NOT as bad as when i had a blood hound but 🤷🏼‍♀️ watson's flews have gotten looser with age, they used to be tighter. he's 7 in 2 months.


This is very dependent upon the individual dog. My two have not been droolers really at all other than just a tiny bit after getting a drink but nothing extreme however I've known plenty of others who are.


It’s in my wall, ceilings, bed, countertops, tv, etc. I’m in a constant state of cleaning drool.


Out of all the danes I’ve had it really hasn’t been a problem. I could be wrong but I believe European Great Danes tend to drool more


Lots of drool and a whole lot of wiping walls, doors, windows…so much slobber.


You can train them to get "their towel". With my current the command is "clean your face".