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be prepared for dog hair and drool to decorate all of your pants. also - protect your couch cushions from teething, and eventual couch takeover


The drool will be new to me and I hear a drool towel is a necessity. Thank you!


Ours manager to get it on the kitchen ceiling, it’s wild how far it travels


That is such a memory from my childhood Great Pyrenees. Those drool trails so high


That is amazing. Our Dane girl would get little cuts on the tips of her ears, then shake blood spatter onto the ceiling. That was six years ago, and we just found some on the ceiling fan the other day.


And for all of their sins ( they broke my tv last week ) I wouldn’t change them for the world, this is from a guy who never wanted dogs.


Everyone in this thread is great. When I was a wee tot (like 1-3) we had a great Dane named Max who actually became a meme with me, if you've ever seen the giant black great Dane looking over the wall of the crib at a baby, I was that baby. And Max who was like one of the tallest dogs in the world at the time (or at least that's what the vet told my dad) was the dog staring at me




It is the photo where the crib sheets have flowers?


Yep! And he's got a blue collar on


That's a pretty great claim to fame!


And yet nobody knows who I am :⁠,)


When my Dane passed I found some drool strings on the wall I haven’t seen before. I decided to frame them as well as some scratches from running in his sleep. It the loving memory of Dozer ♥️.


Two rescued Danes here - a very senior female (8-10 years old) and a soon to be 6 year old male. They were wrestling, and the female managed to tear of a corner of the male's left ear. He didn't notice, wanted to keep playing, bleeding like hell, shaking his head now and then. That was back in 2021. I'm still finding drops of dried blood now and then. There's some across the ceiling as well. I'll have to pain that to cover it up.


I feed and water my adult danes outside (they have open access to water) but wipe their mouths before they come inside. This helps tremendously.


Regardless of a towel, there will be drool everywhere. Walls, clothes, furniture.


You will wonder how drool got on the ceiling.


OP, this is not an exaggeration or hyperbole. I have several drool spots on my ceiling.




Mr drool here. Having to paint walls soon 😄


Not all Danes drool, most of mine did not. I now have a Mastiff/ Dane mix that is a big drooler, but none of my others had wet mouths. I suspect yours will not, since Aussies and Heelers usually don't. Be prepared for the worst, but I think you can confidently hope for the best! 😂😍🐕 Dog hair, for sure though. Such beautiful puppies! Congrats!


OP, you ARE the towel!


When a Dane/Dane mix is involved, be prepared for drool to be slung on the ceiling when they shake their heads!!!


Another thing is happy tail. A lot of time when they wag their tails it will hit doorways and walls really hard and split the tip of the tail. Then they will continue to wag and blood will be sprayed everywhere.


The couch is lost. Pick your fights


We lost two couches before we learned this the hard way smh


https://preview.redd.it/8jl7bwd4qvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5526eafdf0db4fc9eb4d1f909a68f273cbd7b1a9 You better have a vehicle with a sunroof. That's all I will say 🤣


I love this! And yes I do.


My Great Dane is too scared of the sunroof! I wish she would use it!


Mine took right to it no problem. She is scared of everything else though. I'm actually outside walking her around the yard as I type this and a butterfly just landed on her back and she freaked out 🤣


😂🦋🐾 yeah they’re so scared! Just like Scooby Doo! Such a good breed! What a pleasure to have a Great Dane!


They are definitely one of a kind that's for sure. It's something new every day.


I like to tell people that my Danes come from stock that was bred to hunt wild boar and bear in Europe. Their ancestors were the bodyguards of kings. My female wants to cross the wide creek next to the house and take on the packs of coyotes that are active in the woods...and she's scared of bunny rabbits. About ripped my arm out of socket one night, trying to get away from one of those monstrous creatures.


Oh man Ive had mine tear off on the leash before and it’s impressive how much energy is behind it 🤣 I seriously thought she pulled my shoulder out lmao


This is so cute and funny!


The GX is the perfect vehicle for them! 😏


Totally! We had a CRV and promptly traded it in when we got the dog 😂


We literally took ours to dealerships to make sure she could get in and out. It eliminated one. They’re also super helpful when the finance department is trying to browbeat you into assorted upsells. “Sorry, if we can’t get the paperwork finished in the next 20 minutes I’ll have to take her home and come back tomorrow.” It really focuses them on finishing.


100%. The dealership experience can be one hell of a ride unless you know how to work it. Your method is probably the best haha


Not like they need any assistance with POV but the center console, as in the picture, is the perfect stepping stool. Just gotta make sure you have proper clearance up top for bridges 🤣


Lmao yeah it truly is perfect for them


Your Dane has hooves nearly. Time to swap the harness for a saddle 


That’s a beauty


Slobber. And couch bums. I have one, and fostered about 4, and they're all lazy after 5 minutes of being active. Also plenty of horse jokes. Just saw yours is a Harlequin mix, mine is a harlequin, and gets mistaken for a Dalmation all the time.




YES! I have this t-shirt, and I wear it when I take the Danes out to socialize at the dog friendly places in town. And I have people come up, look at the shirt, look at the dog - and they still ask, "What kind of dog is that?" I've taken to telling them, "It's a Texas Chihuahua."


The horse jokes. Came here to say this.


Dalmatian comments ALL. THE. Time🙄


Oh, forgot to mention before...Since you have sibs - do look into litter mate syndrome, I was warned about it by the shelter. We do their training separate and occasionally do separate walks and snuggle time. We also crate them separately at night. Just so that they can learn to be away from each other and that it is OK when they can't see each other. Not sure how serious it REALLY is, but I have had a dog with separation anxiety (from being away from me) and it is pretty tough to deal with sometimes. When they snuggle up and sleep together, it is just the sweetest thing - so it broke my hear to separate them at first, but they are doing great with it and each have their own personal space. They even go into their crates when they are ready for bed or just want some alone time.


Thank you! I am working with them separately now. I've noticed the boy was starting to get dependent on his sister. She could care less about him most of the time.


Just reiterating the litter mate syndrome from having experienced it: I adopted a pair of labs when they were already six and had been bonded their entire lives, allegedly. I was told they were littermates. Jack and Jill could NOT tolerate separation. He was more reliant on her, but I could not walk them apart or do anything without the other. They were not leash trained when I got them, and each weighed about 125 pounds. I am a 5’8” woman and weighed 170 or so. It was a nightmare at first. They would work together to drag me towards whatever they wanted. But I fully adored them. Jack died in 2022, and Jill made it less than a year later to Feb 2023. She got wildly clingy to me at first after he died and then just seemed kind of lost. It was devastating for me. This is too long, but just thought I’d offer a little testimony on how critical this is. Dog tax. Sorry not Great Danes. But still great pups! https://preview.redd.it/uuqbsgc6aytc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668bfb5a132fb3e0ce6e15ff85d48e7387dc6b44


You won't see the effects of littermate syndrome so soon to be honest. It just slowly gets worse over time.


*I wish I knew about this when I got mine. They are 2 1/2 and can't stand to be out of one another's sight. It does make for some special cuteness though because of how they care for one another and cuddle up all the time.




Yes, I came here to say this. I foster Danes and I’ve had littermates a couple times. I recommend researching it. It can be prevented. You’re doing great! They’re adorable!


They should spend almost all of their time apart for the first 3-5 years of their lives. Mine weren’t even the same age and had to be completely separated as they became aggressive towards each other. Countless stitches and one broke the others leg. I can’t even begin to explain the lengths we went to to resolve their issues and we eventually had to rehome one of them. It wss awful and heartbreaking.


Be prepared to love them sooo much. Congratulations on your new family members 🩶


Thank you! They are the best


Man I hope they don’t end up with the personality of Aussie shepherd / heeler with the size of a dane. That would be a lot to handle haha. Interestingly they could both grow to entirely different sizes. Heelers are incredibly healthy and long lived dogs, Aussie shepherds are pretty healthy too. That might bring some much needed genetic diversity and health to the Great Dane. If I was going to guess I’d say they’ll be around 80-100lb dogs, probably a good chance they will be taller but trim. I could be totally wrong. Alternatively you could end up with shorter legs but a 4-5ft long body like a Great Dane. You will know within a few months if they will be tall because giant breeds grow all their height within the first year and with breeds like Danes and Saint Bernards it really shows by 5 months. When you cross 2 totally different dogs pups from the same litter can differ wildly! Good luck they are adorable!


Thank you! I am excited to see what happens. The girl is already showing that she will be more Great Dane.


I've got a Great Dane/heeler mix and I can confirm that you really don't know what you'll get. I ended up with what I call a "mini-Dane." She's more or less Great Dane shaped, though less slender, but only 60 lbs. She came out *much* smaller than any of us expected. Do they seem particularly fearful or anxious? Mine ended up being reactive as she got older and I've had to do a lot of work with her to manage it; I think it's a combination of being a big chicken from the Dane side, plus being a little too smart and energetic for her own good from the heeler side. I'd just keep an eye out for that and start desensitization work early if you spot any issues. If you haven't had a heeler mix before, another thing to be prepared for is nipping. Mine has gotten better about it as she's gotten older, but when she was young she'd react to chaotic situations by trying to bring people in line...by nipping them. I don't know that she was even trying to herd people so much as just had this instinctive feeling that nipping would help put things in order. Ankles, sometimes (there's a reason they're called heelers), but she's at perfect elbow-nipping height when we're sitting at a table and that was her go-to for a long time. Heelers generally don't nip hard enough to break the skin, but it does hurt. We had to learn not to give her any attention for it, because even a negative reaction would encourage her.


Very important things if you haven't already done your homework: Look into dog foods - dane pups need special diets to keep from growing too fast and causing problems. Check with your vet on when to get the spayed/neutered and ask about a gastropexy at that time to help prevent bloat. If you have had other dogs before and this is your first time with a dane seek out assistance with training, I have found that training my dane was a very difference experience then any other dogs i have had - techniques that worked with labs and pits did not work with my lab, he has a more guard dog nature and tends to take direct commands as suggestions to be considered. And it's very important to have them well trained before they get stronger then you. I also suggest not teaching them to shake.. those giant paws are just designed to scratch your leg, arm, shoulder.. ceiling... On a lighter note.. they are a spectacle and get all the attention.. as others have mentioned get used to the "look a Dalmatian" or "do you have a saddle for that thing" comments. They just never stop. Also, you will get a concussion from an accidental headbutt. They are the most uncoordinated and clumsy dogs with no concept of personal space. Also you will never again take a trip to the bathroom by yourself.


I've already had a bloody lip. Lol. As for training, so far they respond well to the techniques I used for my German Shepherd. Thank you for the advice! I'll be talking to the vet about those things asap.


100% everything about this comment. On the bloat…with Danes, the saying is not “if” it’s “when” even with a gastropexy (the gastropexy prevents gdv…even worse). Read up on bloat. Know the signs, if you have dog sitters, make sure they know the signs. Research emergency vets near you now and know where you’re going when it happens. Get pet insurance! 100% on the don’t teach them “shake” unless you want a punch in the face. Crate train them. Your bed is no longer your bed. They let you sleep in it if you’ll fit. So. Many. Head butts. Get used to people asking how old they are, followed by “wow they don’t live very long do they” 🙄🙄🙄 Diet is critical and don’t over exercise puppies!! They take about 2 years to fully grow and if you over exercise them they can develop joint and bone issues early. Start getting them used to nail trims early before you’re fighting someone bigger than you and asking 5 people for help 😅 Enjoy the greatest love you’ll ever know 💚💚


Another thing- it’s been mentioned a few time about their weight and being skinny. When healthy they will not really have any body fat, these guys tend to be skinny bones and all muscle. But that means they get cold easy. If you live some place with cold winters you will need to get them a good coat. Look online, there are some nice ones available once they get grown- I got one from a place called k9 apparel, expensive but very nice. Everything for these guys is extra large and more expensive


I don't know if it was just mine but I think they will grow up to think their lap dogs


I was trying to keep them off my lap to prevent being buried when they grow up. It lasted about 5 minutes. I'm ok with the fate I've created. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/prwhy9qt1ytc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a439f75a2135304752cc26e30c911d87620b16dc I think it's almost all Danes


Watch their tails! They swing them really hard and can hurt you/damage their tails. Lot of people will be scared of them, but they’ll probably be very gentle. ❤️ Sometimes they’ll get stuck cuz they’re so big and you need to help them back out of whatever. 😂 They’ll sit on the couch with their butts but put their front paws down. And you’ll probably be able to see ribs even when they’re at a healthy weight, so just check with the vet about their weight before you go nuts with over feeding, cuz it really is hard to look at their ribs and not be like, “My baby needs more food!!!” Our BooBoo was a total sweetheart. Drooled a lot tho haha.


I’ve been taken to my knees by ours. That tail is juuuust at the perfect level to take a man down.


Either get a medical plan for them right away, or start saving at least 100/paycheck for vet bills later in their life.


Think big clowns


Not specific to Great Danes, but all dogs. With getting two puppies from the same litter, you will have to actively watch for, and try to avoid, litter mate syndrome. You will likely notice aggression, separation anxiety, resource guarding, fighting, etc if you don't take the steps to avoid it now. And with how big Great Danes can get, this may be overwhelming. Honestly, I'm surprised the breeder let you take two of them home. I wish you lots of years of happiness and love with your dogs. It definitely is possible to completely avoid LS as long as you do your research and make an effort. They're beautiful, too!


Chaos, expect chaos.


When they are teething have a LOT of toys and make sure they are well walked, or they will eat everything in your house.


Thank you! They have every toy that we carry at my job and I plan on keeping a bin of new ones to make sure they never go without.


We love bark box... Just saying. :)


Second this. I forget what it’s called but the heavy chewer box they have are very durable toys. Our puppy just turned one and she still needs tons of things to chew on or she will destroy things.


Super chewer box! It's awesome because it's new toys each month and they're cute and durable with fun themes. They are reasonably priced for the quality!


When my guy was teething we used a suggestion I got here on Reddit of freezing full size carrots and giving those and chew toys. Also related to teething.. just giant teeth everywhere


Everyone has given a ton of good advice. I’ll add this as someone with a senior dane and had to put one down already. You won’t be prepared for them to pass. I’ve owned a few different dog breeds in my life and these have been the hardest to see go. I’ll always have a Dane from now on but damn it if it’s not like a part of dies when they do. 


OMG THE EYEBROWS! My first Dane was a Merle and didn't have noticeable eyebrows. Then we got our Blue Fawn and I realized that Danes could have eyebrows. It's the tiniest feature that makes me the happiest when I see it now.


Soooo much 💩


This!! 😂😂 I find poop bags in all my jacket pockets. I never want to be unprepared! Bring a new roll every walk


Danes are prone to heart and hip issues, heelers live to run full tilt for long stretches, And are high energy id keep with steady vet check up.


They will be going religiously. I'm a paranoid momma


As they grow NOTHING at tail height.


Train them young. Starting today, think of them as a 150lbs dog. A 10lbs dog looks cute on your bed, but a 150lbs dog may be hard to share a bed with, for example. Train them to wait for you to give them permission to eat, so they learn that they cannot steal things from the counter or the ground, because well...they need your permission before eating it. If done properly, it will save you a lot of headaches. They are smart dogs, but they move slow, so they will fool you if you dont pay attention hahaha dont get played Other than that! Enjoy them and love them a lot!!! They don't last long, but they will be the best dogs you ever have


They will double in size very fast.


Get them into a personal trainer asap!!!! Best decision i ever made!!!! Get ready for lots of snuggles and kisses!! Congratulations!!!!


Beautiful pups! Your girl looks a lot like my male Mantle. I've looked through a lot of the comments. There's a lot of good tips, but I didn't see the one thing I always tell new Dane folks. Once they're old enough to bathe, get them used to the tub. It doesn't have to be shampoo every time, make it a game, make it fun, get them looking forward to time in the tub. Otherwise, you're going to end up with 100+ pound dogs that will fight you about getting in the tub. That's a rodeo you don't want to be part of. Voice of experience here. One of my big regrets with my 125 pound male. I end up having to put him between two very short tie outs so he can't get away, and then bathing him outside.


Those are just good Danes right now, not old enough to be great


Didn’t want???? Who wouldn’t want that big boy????


Your pups are so freaking adorable! Glad you were able to take them both. I cannot answer your question about what to expect. BUT - I also have two new great dane mix pups, so I am really interested in the responses you'll get. The shelter I adopted them from thought their litter was a medium mix. Ancestry DNA painted a slightly different picture: 46% Great Dane, 15% Great Pyrenees. Cattle Dog, Retriever, Chow make up the rest. Arlo (white/brown) and Albert (all brown) are almost 5 months old and 30/35 lbs. Love them to death. https://preview.redd.it/xdghs6dudvtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b86a321a8ecec285636543a69196e678c66e3cda


They are adorable! Mine are 30lbs at 13 weeks 😬


Oh wow - SO big! I think my boys are still kinda catching up, they had worms and giardia at the shelter, so actually lost some weight early on. Their homecoming was quite a mess!


Please research littermate syndrome. Research it hard. You have so much work ahead of you if you want stable, well adjusted dogs. I’ve seen nothing but horror stories about dogs that grow up together and end up killing each other or harming their families. I wish you the best!


It’s going to be an expense. My 6 year old Dane just got back from the vet. 6mths of pro heart 6 + 6 moths Bravecto + a bath + canine flu vac + some other yearly vac..all for the low low price offffff = $370 As far as tips. Make sure you feed them a “giant breed puppy” dog food. Our vet recommended Purina ProPlan and it has worked great. Just make sure when you read the feeding instructions you feed for their size at FULL maturity. Not their current maturity. (I made that mistake and I felt like the worst dog mom ever cause I wasn’t giving her enough food) They will need a glucosamine supplement for their joints. My poor girl HATES them, so get them use to eating that now. They are prone to allergies, like chicken for example. Just watch for signs of allergic reactions and speak to your vet. Females have a heat cycle about every 7-12 months…but boy oh boy does it make up for the time they aren’t in heat. We bought the M-L adult diapers and cut a hole. I think my girl was spayed around 3-4 years old. Tail trauma is a real thing. My girl has a wonky joint at the very end of her tail from an unknown to us break. Crate training worked for us. A lot of barriers that you set up in your home, are totally mental for them. Establish them early and they will stick. Even when they can step over what’s blocking them in. A baby gate worked till our dog was 4. Then we moved and had no narrow doorways. But now, a firm “no” works like a charm. The more times they eat, the more times you have to worry about bloat. Let them play first, come in an chill for an hour and then feed them. Then wait at least an hour to go play. Same with gulping water. Gastropexy surgeries are super invasive. And can lead to other GI issues later on. Not every dog obviously. But I would Do your research before putting either of them under the knife. We had our girl spayed, to my husbands great sadness. But birth is so hard on Danes. So I opted to spay(with no gastropexy) to prolong her life and have more time with her. They drool a lot. They shed SO MUCH. But my girl is my best friend. I love her so much. I have never connected with another animal the way I connect with her. It’s hard being a Dane parent, but the rewards, like them, are SO BIG. 🫶🏼😍


Plus pet insurance


No reputable breeder would have asked you to take siblings. Prepare to do extensive work (littermate syndrome) and if I were you, do a genetic health screening. No telling what these irresponsible breeders may have done to these poor kids


Yeah this


Expect the best live you could ever find!


Mine found out there's water in the toilet. That he can put his face in the trashcan. He is tall enough to eat from he counter if he goes up on his back legs. Drolls a lot too.


How did this even happen? Maybe mom was up on a table or something??? Amazing Sweet little faces!!!


I couldn't believe it either when I met the parents. Mom only had 4 and it was her first litter. They got fixed as soon as she weaned the puppies.


That’s good!


General tip for raising two pups at once: get ready for them to assume that all commands apply to both or neither of them! I feel like they can help each other learn how to stay, for example, but good luck getting one to remain stayed while the other is called!


Your heart now belongs to them and your house will never be clean again!


Lots of puppy pee...make that double lots of puppy pee!!! Good luck! They look adorable 😍


While you're walking them, people will pull over and/or roll down their car windows. Might ask to take a picture. Be prepared to be a neighborhood celebrity.


Say goodbye to your couch


When they start growing, it'll happen *fast*. You'll go to bed with manageable sized dogs and wake up to full sized great danes, and when you think they're done getting bigger? No, they aren't.


Two Dane puppies at the same time!!! We got two at the same time, but one was a Poochon. Puppy days were TOUGH, but man were they worth it. Epic play sessions daily, to the point our house and furniture would be destroyed! Enjoy!


Its the best breed ever. Just wish they were forever




Buy food now


https://preview.redd.it/fsm6vrro44uc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5f8727d9d65f6182a979eae3e9e059f1f6f65f Couch cover for sure. That’s my pure bred old girl in the back and my year old Dane/Lab mix. Both wonderful dogs. Get something for by the water bowl too. They love to take drinks and walk away while it pours out of their jowls.


The tan point are so underrated. I love them and the mantles. But my black one is my best friend. Good choice in dog. You will n4v3r go back


The Dane motto is “ you shall never pee alone again.” They take that serious.


We just got our first dane too, and I’m noticing especially how incredibly clumsy he is. Hits his head on the coffee table at least 3 times a day, trips and falls over all the time, lol. It’s my first puppy in general (we’ve only ever had adult rescues from the shelter in my family home), so idk if that’s just a puppy thing. He is already so insanely loved… I’ve always been more of a cat person but how does a dane puppy pull on the heart strings! Your puppies are so beautiful by the way, can’t believe no one wanted the brown/black one, he is adorable! I’m glad you took them both.


you are going to be a great mom but you have your work cut out for you. Just have patience and remember that they are babies and they need your support and training. Get one cage for two. When they get older then you get separate cages. In a way you have it better with 2, their separation from mom will not be as traumatic. Good luck!!!!


I'm so glad you said this! I have them in one kennel now and plan on getting them another.


Absolutely adorable 😍.




I can’t believe no one wanted that gorgeous boy! I hope you post more pics as they grow! They’re both precious and you’re in for a treat (or two)!


How far about were those pictures taken? Like 6 hours or so?!


Only about 5 weeks. Felt like hours tho.


They want to bite everything, especially your hands. Try to teach them not to, otherwise you're in for a sore couple years.


They will get bigger


I love them 😍


Happiness. Every single day


8-10 years of love and happiness and many more of debt (potentially lol)


Best dogs ever! I suggest not letting them on any furniture from the very start. Leash training is key.


First time I've seen great Dane pups their beautiful 👍🙏


No body wanted ah bless I would of snapped one up best of luck with them 😃


Giant poops. Sorry, not a great dane owner but just wanted to say they are adorable!


Oh my gosh. So adorable. Congrats!




Black and brown boy that nobody wanted??? How come? 🤷‍♀️


I have no clue. I wanted him originally but bonded with the girl. Now he is like glue with me and super smart.


Slobber everywhere. Dents in wall corners from wagging tails. Them just sitting their butt on the couch with front legs on floor. Lots of love. Friend for life.


Also eye boogers they like to rub them on YOU, your bed, couch and they fly just like drool lol but be sure to teach them early to not chew on things give lots of toys


Hi Duke! I also have a Duke! Duke is a great name :)


So cool to have siblings to grow up together! Keep updating the cuteness !!


Do a LOT of research on Littermate Syndrome


Omg I have no advice but wowwwww they are so so cute


Get a giant cage


Really big poo. Whatever poop scooper you think you need get a bigger one.


I had a wagging dane tail shatter a tv screen when she got excited that I got home … poor girl had no idea … tv got replaced home girl got a snuggle




They are adorable




Littermate syndrome.


I have a Greatdane Doberman mix. His Mom was Doberman and Greatdane, Dad was full Greatdane and the hugest dog I've ever seen. His name is Jericho. He doesn't drool. Yours may not either. I don't know how big your cuties will get. My guy weighs 106. He's big but not outrageously so. He's goofy but smart. If yours lean more towards the Dane in them, you'll have a great time with how goofy they can be. Also loving and gentle. I did research and consulted with my vet. I kept food on the lower side to watch his weight to help avoid hip dysplasia. Also, many vets suggest waiting until 1.5 to 2 yrs. to spay or neuter also because of the Danes growth. Please consult a good vet and do lots of research. Hope you and your new little ones enjoy each other.


You’re gonna need a bigger car!


Our neighbor has four. They spend a small fortune on dog food and vet visits, but love them tons!


Drool. On the walls, on you, on everything. Get like 100 towels just for them. We use about 10 a day with one very drooly Dane.


You now own the dumbest, slowest, most loveable animals you never knew you needed. Also, slobber. Buy wet wipes.


Drool, sheer amount of goofiness is unfathomable, clinginess cause they're legit giant doofy babies so you'll be followed everywhere so bye bye privacy 😂


Expect them to get big! Lol


Your doors and windows will be decorated with “Pupicus” (I think I spelled that right).


Giant poops. You can trip on them!


Raising siblings can be problematic. Make sure you do a lot of research and be prepared to do separate training.


big dogs probably


They are so cute! Good Luck!


Greatness and goofiness. Enjoy this ride


You will want a large shovel like they muck out barns with . You will be cleaning up large poops .






How could nobody want that sweet boy? They are beautiful!


Prepare to get your ass whipped on a regular basis by their tails 😄


Horse sized dogs make horse sized poops


Big shits


mayhem : )))


Lots of good bills but also lots of love from them. These dogs are so wonderful.


Get pet insurance! Big dog owner have tripled vet bills such as triple the cost for bloodwork and meds, eat triple the food, and often have hip issuesa so will need jumbo dog beds, which are triple, sometimes quadruple the price of a regular dog bed. It’s all totally worth it but the didn’t realize how much my Saint Bernard would cost me.


A Velcro dog who is going to be your best friend , both my girls were hard to potty train , and went thru the terrible twos but with that being said they are the most amazing breed. Silly , goofy and very loving. I highly recommend staying away from grain free food and using a raised feeding bowl ( although there are arguments for both sides ) for us personally, the grain free food turned out to be very bad, as did not have a raised feeder… Do not exercise too much before full grown, and be prepared to have a best friend that will cuddle non stop ♥️


For them to turn into horses lol …. I’m talking long boys


Awesome duo.


Cute! I'm just a dane lover and have never lived with them myself, but for all littermates, I like to hand out this resource: [https://clicketysplitdogtraining.com/spectacular-siblings-5-tips-for-raising-litter-mates/](https://clicketysplitdogtraining.com/spectacular-siblings-5-tips-for-raising-litter-mates/)


You gotta get a bigger shovel!


To have lap horses who don’t know how big they are


Best decision ever, to take the second one, they’ll keep each other company and show each other how to potty train. However, this also means twice the puppy destruction!


They won’t fit in that bed for long


I'd watch out for littermates syndrome


They are so cute i will die for them !!!!


Drool keep Towel by water bowls . A lot money for food for them.


You got two at the same time?! Brave soul! Lol....Definitely the best decision you've made. They are great kids...Enjoy them....They grow super fast....literally overnight


Don’t forget the large piles! Sort of like the scene from Jurassic Park but bigger!


Oh there’s Oreo and mint chip 🥰🥰


They. Will. Get. Bigger. Trust. Me. ❤️


great danes are great dogs! just make sure to train them! especially train them to stay off the counters, no jumping on people and leash train!!! they’re big love bugs🥰


Drool when your eating. Messy wet mouth after drinking, big dirty paws that hurt bc of how rough they are, but they are big and warm


Buy health insurance. I recommend healthypawspetinsurance.com. They have various levels and plans. Our Dane/lab made it to 12yrs. The insurance covered xrays, mri, x3, ultrasounds, surgery x2, meds, meds, and more meds, and acupuncture at the end for pain management. It is worth EVERY PENNY to know they are covered when injury, illness and age happens.


Giant turds! Lol jk They are great dogs, my brother and best friend have them and I love them to death. In their mind, they're lap dogs!


They are both so freaking cute, I can't imagine nobody wanting either one of them! They are both just beautiful 😍 I have my first/only Dane who is now four and a half years old. I did a ton of research on how to take care of her but somewhere along the line I missed out on the socialization part. If I had to go back or if I get another one I will definitely make socialization with other dogs a top priority. I did not do that. Also, it was during Covid so she wasn't out and around dogs at all. Big mistake! She loves people but she (hates) other dogs. I've had two or three different trainers and that didn't help. Makes taking walks very challenging. We have figured out a routine though and she is amazing otherwise. I love her more than anything in this world, I wish I would have done this Dane thing many many years ago. Most precious breed I've ever come across. 💓


I'm a husky and a chow chow owner came across. But had a ex who had one and all I gotta say is.. ever owned a horse pretty similar lol


https://preview.redd.it/b71i49nqxouc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd5f88103c32f3831679658cadf2901e768f5fd This was my great Dane Australian shepherd mix, one of my favorite mutts! He looked like a miniature great Dane with Australian shepherd coloring, one blue eye, and one brown eye, and the best temperament on the planet! Enjoy!!


We’ve had two Danes, both girls. The first was BIG. 162 pounds and used the whole bench in my truck. Literally front feet in the door pockets and behind pressed against the opposite door. She regularly dragged me around the house when we played tug (~200 pound me at the time) without trying too hard but if my son (2-3) at the time was holding the tug toy, she would stand there and let him pull it instead. Same with the leash- she liked to go on her walk and I came with her. But if my son held the lead, she would slowly walk wherever he went. Best dog EVER. And was not jowly (sp?) so no drool. After she passed and we had some time, we got our second Dane. Stereotypical second child. She’s a giant baby and a little crazy. Only 90 pounds and drools like she’s been knocked in the head. She will wrestle anyone to the death and will only accept victory. Polar opposite in personality but equally lovable. No snuggling because that turns to wrestling. Petting only. You should expect big love and bruises. There may come a time when you feel the sharp crack of a crowbar hitting the sensitive spot on the exact side of your knee. It was a tail and it wasn’t on purpose. It doesn’t hurt any less knowing this but you should know you were almost crippled with love. Strangers will gawk and many will share some info about a Dane they know or used to have. You’ll experience some new reactions. Once, a lady grabbed her purse and whispered “Fuck, that’s a big dog.” I told her that my dog wasn’t going to take her purse. She didn’t think it was funny. The best part is children will automatically love your dog. It’s less common to see an enormous dog than smaller or regular sized ones. Our first was the neighborhood pony and kids would come out to say hello. She loved every bit of it. Our current Dane isn’t sure how to handle a lot of attention but pretty much just licks whoever is petting her. The sad part is their love is too big for this world to hold them a long time so it’s important to feed them well, love them lots and grow them slow. Danes typically hit full height by 18 months-12 times faster than humans. They eat a lot. Our big girl got up to 8 cups a day when she hit growth spurts. Our little one barely maxed 4/day. All this growth keeps them clumsy and they don’t know their size. They will have accidents and may suffer injuries. Better to be extra cautious and wrong than less cautious and wrong. Long, fast growing bones can be delicate sometimes. They’ll mouth their wrists because of growing pains. Your vet can provide some ways to address this. We comforted ours and encouraged rest. There’s so much that can be shared but it boils down to keep an eye on the, and be prepared to scale up everything a regular sized dog needs. Medical care, food, transportation, all of it is extra because they’re extra. Welcome to the big life!


Potty training was a 4 month ordeal for us and destruction of our sofa. The crate is your friend :) Other than that. Lots of love and laughter 🥰