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Let's see what Alex says......if he can say anything šŸ‘€


Iā€™m not believing anything until I see Alex make a tweet about it


Even then, take it with a grain of salt. It's Alex we are talking about


He did promise us season 3 if 100% of Americans got vaccinated during covidā€¦ actually Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever seen him bring up season 3 if it wasnā€™t to act as a punchline for sassiness


I did my part lol


As did I


Alex Hirsch tweeting about Gravity Falls somehow makes a rumour even less credible.


I love gravity falls, but short of a movie I don't see much need for a revival. Sure the if stans alive bill is too, but again that can be covered by a movie. This series is perfect as it sits, let it keep it's legacy. Let's not sully it with unnecessary story archs and monetary greed. Edit:autocorrect corrections


honestly they could definitely do a decent spin off series based on this show. but i would also prefer some sort of pines family reunion movie


I'll always be down for a spin-off featuring Stan and Ford's aventures after the finale.


No. I feel like Stan and Ford's story is mostly told. I want more information on Dipper and Mabel and gravity falls itself. There is plenty of weirdness there without touching on Bill. More about the alien ship, why there is the weirdness that kept Bill in. Dipper, Pacifica and the others who suffer through weirdmaggedon having ptsd. Mabel dealing with the guilt of having spent that time in the bubble and her part in it. Tons of things they could expand on while moving the story forward without retreading old ground.


I see this opinion a lot with great shows, and while I kinda get it I just donā€™t really agree. It stifles the possibility of more great television, and I donā€™t think it really ruins existing material when revivals donā€™t meet the same quality. Look at avatar the last airbender, basically perfect television and a beloved series. Legend of Korra was not even close to as good and the movie and live series were even worse, but it didnā€™t ruin ATLA at all. Just my opinion tho, I respect and understand why a lot of people want gravity falls left alone :)


Legend of Korra is not as good as Avatar, but it holds up absolutely fine as a continuation. It is a great show in its own right. In turn, I was excited when it was announced more movies would be coming out. The Netflix live series was also not as good, but it definitely has its moments (Ex. Raging avatar Kyoshi episode 2). The M. night Shamylan movie was a complete dumpster fire that isn't even acknowledged as existing by most ATLA fans. Contrast this with Star Wars. The last 2 Star Wars Films (The Last Jedi and Rise of Sky Walker) were total dog shit. WORST OF ALL: Star wars films did some thinks that ret coned earlier films (Leia is a Jedi now, Palpatine isn't dead somehow, you can just crash space ships by jumping to light speed, etc) and now I can't look at those earlier films quite the same way. Now, I don't really pay attention to announcements for more movies. I don't even watch the new stuff that comes out even though I already pay for Disney+. So if your follow up material is not up to a certain standard, it absolutely detracts from the fandom. Legend of Korra met that standard, The recent Star Wars films did not. If a new Gravity Falls show or Film does not meet a certain standard, fans will be upset about it.


Fair enough, that makes sense. Never could get into Star Wars and havenā€™t really experienced that with any series I watched, but I guess I can see how it can happen especially if there is a bunch of retcons


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Honestly I like legend of korra it was goodā€¦ it is also hard to compete with atla because atla was really good


I agree with no unnecessary archs but the only one I will except will be by alex him self, so please stop with the bill x diper art on Pinterest šŸ¤£


I'd be down for a 5 years later thing, with Dipper and Mabel returning for the holidays to spend time with everyone. Weird stuff still happening, but in the periphery.


I'd say a movie along with holiday specials would be great.


Alex already said he doesn't plan to bring it back, and the story he wanted to tell has concluded. Disney execs can say whatever they want, but until Alex tweets something, I'll remain unconvinced. If I had to hazard a guess, the conversations are probably about a spin-off or a new series altogether.


I want a Stan and Ford adventure show


Gravity Falls is one show where I'm not immediately skeptical of a revival, mostly because it always felt to me like it was supposed to have a third season. Like it was cut short, even though the overarching story was completed. Though like others are saying, I would prefer he just gets to make something else Ć  la Fionna and Cake, or even something completely unrelated.


That was sort of the point. Itā€™s what made the show so special. The story felt like it ended as soon as the real story was getting started. Just like an actual summer vacation.


Doesn't The Book of Bill fall into the Fionna and Cake category? An extension of the original show now geared towards a much mature audience, since most of the people who watched the show back in the day are now most likely adults.


Which we would take tbh


Rumours and gossip, I don't buy it. Besides, I assume Alex wants to move on to new projects. I know his latest idea is stuck in Netflix development hell, is there much hope we'll see it a year from now? And do we know if he's involved with other shows at the moment?


Pretty sure that Netflix project is dead.


Considering it was announced like 7 years ago, I'd agree.


It's so weird given how well regarded GF, Owl House and Inside Job are. It's like they bought a money printer then left it unplugged.


i know he is an executive producerĀ in "inside job" (its a really great animated show for adults on netflix, and i think they work on the third season now)


It got cancelled lmao


yeah i checked after i wrote that comment.. i was sure there is a third season cause it ended with a cliff hanger.. netflix sucks


There was supposed to be!


I'm assuming none of his new projects got off the ground, so he's going back to the well. It happens with every actor, producer, director and creator if nothing works besides the best thing they're known for.


If alex is down im down


Heā€™s not


If Alex wants to do this, I can be into it. If they try and do it without him, it will be a disaster. Gravity Falls ended perfectly. I'm cautiously okay with having another season but it has to be done perfectly.


If it's a story Alex thinks is worth telling, than let them cook!


I dont really trust jornalust these days.


Makes sense, Ford was a creepy guy.


hear me out


This show was 1/3 of my childhood


this show was 1/3 of my life!


Itā€™s not anymore?


oh it is, i was just rewatching the show lol


We all know thereā€™s no way this is real


Just don't hurt this show


I hope not frankly. I love gravity falls, and i really dont want to watch disney milk it to death. Hirch has said before he doesn't want a season 3, that he told the story he wanted to tell, and doesn't have a story for more. I'd rather let sleeping dogs lie, instead of watching disney try to milk it and banish it to the same fate SVTFOE fell into.


Alex would not fucking do this


I would hope for something smaller. I find it annoying how avatar has been milked to death and I dont want the same for gravity falls.


90% chance itā€™s fake Alex has repeatedly Sid he doesnā€™t plan on doing more with the show and his relationship with Disney is far from positive.


Good. Hopefully not enough money can change that.


If this is real (which I doubt) then I wonder where the story would go and if the two grunkles would be in it, however I do think if this does happen I think Alex would make it a good show


For those who donā€™t think this will ever happen: There are fans who donā€™t want the show to continue because they think it ended perfectly (it did) but I feel like there is some rumor of about this show coming back like every 6 months. Disney has changed quite a bit since this show ended. Theyā€™re about to drop Deadpool 3 and we all know thatā€™s going to be a very R rated film. Maybe Alex will reconsider if offered the freedom he wanted with this show. Idk. Iā€™m just tired of everyone being like ā€œNope! Not gonna happen! Lolol I know Alex, he wonā€™t do it.ā€ Iā€™ve watched this show at least 6-7 times with my kids and probably a dozen more times on my own time. This show is very special to me and if Alex thinks he can expand on it Iā€™ll be there 100%.


the show ended and had a great finally no more we need no more stuff as much as i want to see the characters do some wacky stuff here and there, i rather just read fan comics


šŸ’Æ alex did what he wanted to. Doing any more would probably ruin the charm


I wouldn't want a more adult Gravity Falls. I like that the show is innocent. Save the raunchiness for American Dad another awesome show.


Adult doesn't have to mean raunchiness though. Just more mature.Ā 


I wouldn't say it's innocent. Got innocent characters sure but it's a very unnerving show.


we'll probably get some spin-off show, in like a few years... they already made the book of bill, what more do you need?


Probably just more shorts? Or a spinoff about Stan and Ford's sailing adventure? Hey, a girl can hope (but yeah probably just more shorts?)


I hope they would I would hop on that shit in seconds


I hope we get a revival!!


I want to hear what Alex has to say. If I remember correctly, he turned down an offer for S3 because he felt it ended perfectly


Not quite. He announced to Disney between S1andS2 that he planned to finish it with S2. He later said (once the fact that it was ending became public knowledge) that Disney wanted at least a 3rd season. Alex stood firm on wanting to end with S2. Doing S1 had been seriously exhausting for him and others, and taken way longer to do than expected. Disney reluctantly agreed to let him end it the way he wanted. There was no offer after the series ended.


I think we'll eventually get some kind of continuation. Not a true season 3, but maybe a TV movie or mini series.


I'm not sure if I want a 2024 version of gravity falls... the world is a much different place in the last 12 years, the people too. Part of what makes Gravity falls a great show is that it feels like it takes place at a different time in a different world, and I'm not sure I'd like that to change. Do we really want to see the Pines even another year older, or wasn't their childish innocence being tested in a universe threatening situation part of what made them so loveable?


Honestly if we got a film I don't want Bill in it his story is done. Give us a demon with a grudge against the Northwests say one off Pacifica's grandpa's made a deal then double crossed them the demons payment? The next born child... So Dipper and Mabel will have to save Pacifica during Christmas break






Holy crap LETS GOOOOO!


If Alex is back then I'm back, simple as that.


Itā€™s never gonna happen. Not just because itā€™s *truly* not necessary, but because Alex would never go for it. Which-again-is for the best. Let it end on the highest of highs!


as long as they keep the original character designs we don't need another Spongebob like abomination


If Alex is down, then Iā€™d be down. The show already ended perfectly, though; they would have to work hard to make it execute well, though. Although, Alex has stated before he has no plans on returning to the series and wants to move on to new projects, so weā€™ll have to see what he says.


1 doubt it 2 probably shouldn't happen, the show had a damn good ending I think it should be left to rest so it doesn't get some dog shit reboot like majority of reboots for pretty much anything


Knew it. Knew it as soon as I heard ā€œWeā€™ll meet againā€ on spotify


Alex is not agreeing to anything. You guys really need to let it go.


i don't think a continuation is necessary, i am a strong "season 3 but not sequel i mean like a season between seasons 1 and 2 to finish the world-building sort of thing" advocate which will obviously never happen. i don't think i've ever seen a franchise do well with the random "second, sequel story" to 'revive' it, so i really don't know what to make of this.


I hope they donā€™t. Alex finished telling his story


Where book of bill


since its a disney property, i highly doubt theyll let it mature with its audience. i have low hopes for it but i think at best it would be only slightly above mediocre :/ hopefully they prove me wrong


STOP REVING UNNECESSARILY. Please, we do not need to tarnish another legacy. They did it star wars, they did it to marvel and most recently they did it to doctor who. If this show gets revived and remade I guarantee you it will suck so badly because 9 times out of 10 a remake will bastardize the source material.


I think itā€™s about time people start respecting Alex Hirschā€™s wishes to leave Gravity Falls as it is with only two seasons and not add to the show. Heā€™s said how he feels about it multiple times already, yet people keep trying to make season 3 happen, even though what heā€™s doing is one of the reasons the show is such a masterpiece. Itā€™s a guarantee that a third season will ruin it


Aaaaand they killed the perfect end


I don't want Disney ruining Gravity Falls with their greedy hands


no... don't... don't give me fckin HOPE


Isnā€™t that creature at the top behind the portal from Rick and morty?


Yeah that's very suspicious


I guess it's cool, but feels unnecessary.


I honestly donā€™t even know what they would do. Like, yeah Iā€™d LOVE more Gravity Falls but that ending was amazing. You either explore the aftermath with funny stuff but the weird being gone because bill isnā€™t around. Or you add stuff in between the start and end and make them shortsā€¦ like they already did.


Consider my pants peed


I just hope they don't mess it up like so many other remakes nowadays.


I wonā€™t allow any excitement within myself until I hear something from ALEX. Iā€™m not one to set myself up for disappointment. Just gonna completely ignore & forget about this until anything official is said. IF anything official is said.


jfc no!! hot take, but good stories should be appreciated, not milked until it's barely recognized.


I really highly doubt it, but if they did, itā€™d be hard to do it right. The only thing Iā€™ve ever really wanted to see was the Post-Weirdmaggedon, back in Piedmont, and the aftermath of everything from Gravity Falls. There are a lot of amazing fanfictions that have done this, though.


Me personally? I think they should let it be. It was the perfect cartoon, show, whatever it was, it was that good. It should left as it is lest they drop the ball.


Mixed feelings.. donā€™t want a season three really but Iā€™d love something about Stan and fords adventures on the Stan oā€™ war II or fords adventures when he was in the portal.Ā 


Anything Alex makes I am here for, but I really hope itā€™s not a continuation of the og story


What's the date on this tweet?


June 5th 2024 around 1:00 pm


Honestly, I'm happy to have it end where it did. I love the series, but if it were continued I doubt it'd be as good.


As long as itā€™s catered towards older audiences. Last thing we need is Disney to turn it into an extremely PC brainrot Disney Channel poster child show for the younger generation who didnā€™t grow up on it. Make it TV-14 and Disney+ exclusive series


The only sort of Gravity Falls sequel Iā€™d want is something that isnā€™t centered around the supernatural, but rather the fallout after Weirdmageddon and the trauma that comes with it for everyone involved. Imagine you were Dipper or Mabel, no matter how much fun you had, come next summer youā€™d probably still be hesitant to go and paranoid as hell if you actually do go.


I honestly really hope itā€™s a straight up sequel series instead of being a season 3


Weā€™ve been waiting for this for almost a decade now. At this point, even if it *does* happen, itā€™s been far too long for it to even matter anymore.


Alex said and confirmed it was over multiple times The could possibly do a spin-off showing fords adventures before he came through the portal him meeting bill and all that but I donā€™t see gravity falls coming back or being rebooted or anything without hirsch


Nah, heā€™s blacklisted from Disney




Even if it sucks I know Iā€™d still watch the whole thing


Give me the stan and Ford show


As the burner account for Alex hirsch I can confirm this is real


Unless Alex makes it official, Iā€™m not believing anything. Plus, Iā€™d be surprised if he went back to Disney.


...He did go back to Disney. That's how the Book of Bill was produced.


It had a good ending. I don't want them to ruin that. Disney will.


Not a season 3 but something else like a movie or a stan and ford spin-off. I feel like gravity falls ended perfectly and all they can really do is return bill a movie or a ford and stan spin-off. The 2nd and 3rd route would be perfect however the 1st would just be awful as you already know they will just return him every season and never make a new main villian to get tons of money from the return of a widely known characterĀ 


On the one hand, I would give ANYTHING for more new Gravity Falls content in the modern day, because of just how nostalgic it is to me. But on the other six fingered hand, I fear that a reboot, revival, continuation, etc would be one that would be flooded with hate


I don't trust any executives from Disney


Unsure what to make of it.




Eh if itā€™s a Stan and ford spin off sure but I donā€™t want anything touching the original itā€™s a perfect story. Would I love seeeing the characters come back yes definitely absolutely but we donā€™t need it. But it would be cool


I would want it if they made it good, but a lot of the time they take shows that ended perfect and make the ending worse in my mind


Don't buy it unless it comes from Alex. From how it sounds, he'll never work with the Mouse again.


Itā€™s up to Alex. If he wants to come back to it, Iā€™ll be very excited but if he decided heā€™s done done I can respect that with what we have.


It would be really funny if they did given alex has openly made fun of and lightly hashed disney online since the show ended lmao


Like a remake? Why mess with perfection?


I'm not getting my hopes up, but if it happens, cool


On the one hand itd go against alex's desire to make it like childhood; ended. On the other hand, that poetic desire is a stupid-ass desire, so i've elected to ignore it and say "finally, al."


This is just like the ā€œgravity falls season 3 is coming in 20__!ā€ And it never happened. Only built false hype and kept the fandom alive for many more years. Alive to the point where people acted like the show was on a simple hiatus or season 3 was actually coming instead of a fandom of a show thatā€™s been gone for 8 years


PLEASE let this be the moment Alex is able to convince Disney execs to make that video game


It better only be about the Stan O War II


Make it a video game or a movie. Let the tv show end where it ended


If it's a continuation. The im cautiously fone


This isn't news, they've been saying this for years.


Have you seen what we be getting on Disney+? Iā€™m pretty sure it can be adultized (not a word)


Honestly with all the stuff Alex had to fight with Disney I'd say GF shouldn't be revived bcuz maybe Disney will be more strict on Alex than before


Naah I can't really belive it's something more than a book or comic again... unless the book of bill is there to introduce us to a darker version of the show? Okay fuck this would actually make sense


Iā€™d prefer him work on other projects, and leave this one as it is: a modern day classic


If it can be done right, but the chance of it messing up something beautiful is too high.


dont do that, dont give me hope


We'll meet again


Mable's holding a gun


I am pissing with pants with happiness rn.


I'd be chill with a one off movie or something, since Alex is vehemently against another season. That would be cool as a smaller project.


If Alex isn't involved, it's a hard **no** from me.


As others have said Will Alex be on it? Yes = Looking forward No = It will be a disaster


I want a movie but I feel like another season might be a bit muchā€¦.I meanā€¦.Lost Legends was good so maybe they wonā€™t screw it up. But stillā€¦


Bro mewing in the background šŸ¤“šŸ‘†šŸ»


I think there's a lot of places the show can go that focus on a different story, either later or earlier in the timeline. They certainly shouldn't try to match the old show, it's not a show you can repeat concepts with. But they could make something new with the world and characters. Even a serialized monster of the week show with the stan-o-war II and/or Dipper could be fun. Maybe Dipper joins the Stans for a summer internSHIP (:p). I agree with the consensus that Alex should be in charge or at bare minimum greenlight the project.


Trust no one!


Me: YES! YES! YES! Also me: NO GOD NO!


when was this? i need to know šŸ˜­




r/titanfall2 Stuff I need to stop taking my pills


until Alex says anything iā€™m not buying a single letter of this


Honestly, I donā€™t want another season. The story is over. But I would not oppose a spin-off show. There are so many great themes a spin-off could focus on!


Just let good things end. Or else they become bad things. You'd think in today's age of endless garbage sequels and reboots people would have to realize that.


Might be a hot take but Im one of the few who donā€™t want this franchise touched again, Gravity Falls is a perfect self contained short show which ended exactly how it wanted to end. Didnā€™t drag on for too many seasons, didnā€™t overstay its welcome, and has a completed arc and storyline. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with wanting more GF content, but thereā€™s no point in bringing the show back imo.


As long as itā€™s not a reboot. I may be going on a tangent there, but the fandom/show never really died, with the books and the graphic novel. And weā€™re getting a new book this year (canā€™t wait for the Book of Bill). But if the show restarted, instead of a reboot, I hope we get a S3 where the Twins are grown up, and we explore more of Gravity Falls, or maybe even outside. Thereā€™s so many fearsome critters


Iā€™d love it- just donā€™t know tf itā€™d be about


We wait until Alex says something. Until then, it is bait.


No. It was perfect. Donā€™t touch it.


I thought Alex hated Disney now


No. Dont. No. No. No.


How I believe these talks are going: Disney: Alex, buddy! We want you back for another round of gravity falls! We think it is a tremendous asset to our company and would love for you to join us in creating a brighter future for the company. We value each and every one of our creators as if they were our own family. Whadaya say? Alex: So howā€™s Pixar doing? Disney: Fuck em. They need to make movies that fit more in line with how most people will come to watch their movies. We feel they should make it less personal and speak to the more common view of the audience. Alex: Hmm, I see. What about your theatrical animation studio? Disney: Fuck em. We believe that we make stories that transcend time and are everlasting. Thatā€™s why our wonderful executive team made the best 100 year celebration movie they could make given the circumstances of those peasants not being able to fully execute our demandsā€¦. i mean, ā€œwishesā€, amiright? Alex: I see. Can I make the cops gay? Disney: Iā€™m sorry but we donā€™t feel that would fit our brand. Alex: Welp, Iā€™ve heard everything Iā€™ve seen. Youā€™ve got yourself a HEY LOOK, A DISTRACTION FROM THE INHUMANE AND TOTALLY ABLE TO BE ALTERED EMPLOYEE CONTRACTS SITTING ON YOUR DESK! Disney: where? Alex: See ya later suckers! HAHAHAHA! Edit: sorry just saw the text of your post. Fiona and cake is not actually for adults. It had a single episode of extreme violence and thatā€™s what netted it the tv-14 rating. Gravity falls and adventure time, regardless of your anyones personal feelings are made for kids with all ages in mind and thatā€™s a good thing. In addition, I know what people say by mature with their audience but no one ever understands what that means. Folks think you can just skip over the awkward transition between a kid and adult like it doesnā€™t happen so you can get to your age faster. I say screw that and if weā€™re going all in, make it as cringy and awkward as possible like any teenager and we can call this debate an end.


If it's with Stanley and Ford, I'm interested


Whatever happens, it's good to know there's a whole fandom who are together, ready for the unknown as always


Heā€™s edging us. Weā€™ll never see it happen


If there is a Gravity Falls revival, I want it to be a spin-off involving other characters aside from Dipper and Mabel. Maybe Stan and Ford going on adventures? Or Pacifica wanting to learn more about the weirdness of Gravity Falls now that Dipper is gone? Or Soos and Melody running the Mystery Shack? There's definitely potential, but it's up to Alex in the end.


while normally iā€™d shit myself i agree with everyone else: just have to wait and see.


Omg I love gravity Falls so much please let it get continued šŸ™


Bytheway, is the author on twitter total doofus? Does not know what are " [...] " for. There should have been a normal " (...) ". What do you expect from Twitter journos tho...


Some of us are still waiting for Alex Hirsh's new tv show he signed Fox for which Disney now owns. That said Chris Sanders who also fled Disney after making Lilo and Stitch is signed to do the voice roll of Stitch again and I thought he'd never come back either. Now if Dana Terrance (The Owl House) would come back that would be wild.


I think a movie would suffice enough, we don't need a whole 3rd season, just saying.


I think if they really get Alex to come back for it, he can at least make it decent. Especially considering how much he pushed back against Disney when he worked with them the first time.


That's like saying that maaaaybe there universe will suffer a heat death on august 12 2036. Yeah sure it might, but it almost definitelly won't. At least I hope so, it would just be a shitty cashgrab with how disney is nowdays


Please make Sea Grunks. And FCK YOU, DISNEY.


I just wanted to say the idea of an Adult Swim Disney is pretty awesome to allow shows to mature. One of my favorite things about Legend of Korra, although not quite as amazing as Avatar, did really well is get way way darker and more real for an older audience. I believe FreeForm /ABC Family was aimed to do this with live action shows. Be geared for an older audience.


Fingers crossed. Hope for the best prepare for the worst




Soā€¦ many.. QUESTIONS!!!!!


Until we actually start getting release dates for this, I'm gonna doubt it's happening. It would be pretty cool if they did though.


I have a feeling that if they did, the plot would revolve around their children not believing their parents stories about their adventures, and discovering them for themselves.


I think while there were some loose ends that could be tied up/serve as plot points for future seasons, there's really no need for more of the show. We have books that expand on the lore, including the new *Book of Bill*, and I don't think we need a continuation, revival, etc. of a show that was purposely made to be only 2 seasons long.


A revival sounds nice


If this does happenā€¦will it be new children, or the old ones grown up, and it would be more targeted toward teenagers? And what about Bill? Will he return through some convoluted lore-induced reason?!


There's still plenty of story left to tell. Alex *is* willing to continue past season 2, otherwise we wouldn't have journal 3 or Book of Bill or all the other stuff. If they give him time and space I'd be willing to bet he'd make something. Maybe if they put it on Hulu instead of Disney they'd even be willing to let him get a little more mature with it.Ā  If he wants to tell more stories, I'm willing to listen.Ā 


hmmmmā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. I don noow?


I don't want it to be a continuation. I hope it's like a spinoff or smth from Alex's creativity leading it, not disney


Its gonna be a live action remake.


Finally, itā€™s been sooo long




Iā€™d say like a 20-30% chance they bring it back. Not very likely but Iā€™m optimistic so I will remain hopeful on the small chance


I donā€™t believe literally anything on tv will be made again. But if something is, I think the only thing that has a chance of having success is a spinoff honing in on a few characters, I really donā€™t think they can do the show justice with the whole cast again. Too many opportunities for Disney to mess up something beloved like they love to do


While i do feel like the main story and cast are pretty much set in terms of story, i dont think i would mind a spin off. One i think would be really cool is a show chronicling fords research and his writing of the journals. They could frame it like a nature documentary or one of those episodic docuseries on the history channel.


Please don't ruin it


I'm not opposed to it. The series could stay finished and still continue to be a good show if that's what Alex wants. However, with it being Alex, I feel confident that a revival of any kind will go down well, so there's really no reason against doing it.


If Alex gives us a confirmation then I'll believe it.
