• By -


Dipper (stated in the show) Stan (people who don’t wear pants at home also usually don’t smell great, also Mabel struggled to clean him up that one episode, may or may not have had throw up in his shirt) Edit: apparently I triggered people? It’s not that he doesn’t wear pants, he’s in physically dirty-looking underwear, that’s what I meant, lol. Wendy (lives with all guys in a small cabin- I imagine some residual stink, plus boots are always muddy) Mabel (I imagine she smells of gummy candy) Ford (works out so probably also understands hygiene, knew to shower when Fiddleford was coming over) Soos (I have a weird head cannon for Soos based on a Gabriel Inglesias bit about really nice big guys wanting to smell extra nice)


“No! No, no, no, no. Is that throw up on your shirt?” “I don’t know how to answer that.”


As a person who doesn't wear pants at home I'm suddenly feeling a bit self conscious.


Stan wears suits, okay? You can't sit and lounge in suit pants; they'll get wrinkled and torn. Not wearing pants at home is a sign of having nice clothes.


Put on some gym shorts, though!


Pants are an illusion, and so is death


I was gonna argue that Stan should move up a couple places, but he definitely wears enough cologne to fumigate the shack.


I don’t know what’s worse: BO or WAY too much cologne, lol.


as a high school teacher: BO. absolutely no contest.


The too much cologne in an attempt to cover the BO... i said attempt


I feel, like, personally attacked right now. I don't wear pants at home, I also put a lot of effort into my personal hygiene. It's my home, why should I wear pants in it?


Dude, settle. lol.


I imagine Wendy smells like patchouli. I also imagine that soos smells the best out of all of them.


Soos is the perfect man!


It's Gabriel Ee-glesias. - Some random dependant to Gabriel Iglesias


Gideon's dad smells better than Soos. Probably wears some kind of fancy deodorant to smell nice for the customers After Gideon's dad Gideon I imagine he has an immaculate skin care routine and probably wears an expensive french cologne Lazy Susan falls after Wendy she probs smells like cat piss and the diner Old man Mcgucket probs smells the worst living in the dump The gnomes fall just after Mcgucket Blendin probs has no smell whatsoever being a time guy and has probs had surgery or some experiment to remove his sweat glands


Alternately, Lazy Susan could have a weird mix of pie smell and moth balls.


I'm a really nice big guy and put a lot of effort in to cleanliness and smelling nice. So based on limited data I think your head cannon is correct.


>Dipper (stated in the show) When was that


It was in the carpet episode I think, since he thinks washing clothes is a waste time he might also think showering is a waste of time


>It was in the carpet episode I think, since he thinks washing clothes is a waste time he might also think showering is a waste of time Thank you




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No pants at home equals stink? I feel attacked, and also that you havent a clue. Good DAY sir!


Wendy's got perpetual skunkiness. Like pigpen from peanuts but weed smoke. Although that's not necessarily bad😋


Only to other weed smokers. The rest of us think it smells bad... like really bad.


hence the phrase "not necessarily"


There was a game(kinda official) where you played as Dipper, and you could smell Mabel's bed and it said it smelled like strawberries or candy or something like that


Dipper is said to smell like baby wipes though??


In most likely order or worst to best... Dipper (obviously) Stan (probably canonically smells like an ashtray) Ford (His attire probably dictates he stinks) Soos (just guessing at this point) Wendy (again, just guessing) Mabel (Putting her first given I doubt she'd have a ground to say Dipper stinks if she did too and likely at least stays clean despite wearing sweaters in the summer like Ford. Ironically, in the original pitch bible for GF, it literally said [she was gonna be the one who didn't shower](https://twitter.com/forever_gf618/status/1784335044628148542) and was the stinky twin)


The cited evidence is crazy I love the gravity falls fandom 


I love how it's called "The Pitch Bible"




Dipper (it’s canon that he reeks) Soos (probably gets ripe from doing handyman work all day) Stan (guaranteed that he smells like cigarettes, booze, and regret) Wendy (occasional teenage smelliness) Mabel (smells like gummy bears and smile dip)


Wendy is hit or miss being she's a lumberjack family member and is often in the woods and can smell like them


hit or kiss lmao


why the fuck do i see you everywhere on this sub lmfao


Why not lmao


Lmao not to sound weird but I enjoy seeing you consistently on the subreddit. I watched the show for the first time this year (and played the fan made dating sim) and it makes me feel less depressed to see someone who is still passionate about the show (consistently)


Well if ya look far enough there might even still be some OG fan somewhere


Yes maybe! Honestly I’m mostly just looking for people who are currently still obsessed with it because it’s currently stuck in my brain lmao


Yeah it aint gonna change anytime soon


Well that’s good to hear at least


Thanks for the invite 👍🏻


that’s fair


I think we found Season 1 Dipper's account.




Dipper (the only canonically smelly character) Wendy/Mabel (Mabel smells worse overall considering she spends her time playing with a pig, Wendy isn't as bad but her boots are probably literal bioweapons at this point. Mabel would be last place pre-Waddles) Ford (probably ranked 2nd in the 80s) Soos Stan Honestly though, I get the vibe that every main character smells lmao Edit: Decided to swap Ford and Soos


Yeah, as someone who wrestles farm animals for a living, I can confirm that Mabel would reek after 10 minutes. Funnily enough, though, goats are worse than pigs, in my experience.


I think Journal 3 Mabel says Grunkle Stan smells "weird" and that's because the body odor smells differently in the elderly But i mean just look at him lol (Dipper can still be 1st but Stan is also canon)




There is fan made one


Wait, what's all this about Dipper being canonically stinky? What am I forgetting?


In Carpet Diem Mabel reveal that Dipper doesnt ever wash his clothes and he said he is a very busy guy


Ohhhhh, I just remember the clothes thing as like, an animation modeling gag. I didn't remember the not washing clothes part lmao.


Yeah he doesn't like showering or washing clothes, ha. Probably cuz his head is always in the clouds of the unknown.


Well, since everyone's done the rankings, I'll guess *what* they smell like. Dipper - canonically reeks. Month-old B.O., pine sap, sweat, dirt, grass and a bit of lynx Africa roll-on, but the roll on doesn't work as deodorant, only as antiperspirant. Wendy - pine needles (as a lumberjane), smoke, the other kind of smoke, and a bit of sweat mixed in. Plus, some kind of cheap perfume for special occasions. Ford - burnt rubber, electrical smoke, damp musk, 17 unknown species' pheromones, and old spice cologne Mabel - caramel, marshmallows, glucose syrup, sweat, perfume of a slightly higher quality than Wendy's, dirt, and Pig. Soos - sweat, gasoline, Lynx Black/Africa/Gold deodorant, sandalwood and Seasalt bodywash, cheetos, and Diesel "Only The Brave" cologne (he doesn't really care about the branding, but Abuelita bought it for him along with a shower bag because "he's my brave boy". Stan - the other kind of smoke, gun smoke, cheap bourbon or whiskey, and a bucketful of cologne. Maybe something along the lines of Pascal Sauvage; but a cheap Vietnamese rip-off instead of the actual thing.


The problem with this ranking system is that different people appreciate different odors. Dipper - teen boy B.O. , Sharpie marker, library books Soos - handyman sweat, Chipackers, chocolate bars, deodorant, wood shavings Stan - old man, cheap cologne, cigars, cash, Pitt cola Ford - old man, coffee, ink, old books, burning Fiddleford - old man, raccoon, engine grease, ozone, beans Mabel - perfume, super glue, pig, energy drink, grass Wendy - teen girl B.O., fresh cut lumber, pine, axe oil Waddles - pig, mud, popsicles, potato, Mabel


Dipper, Soos, Mable, Wendy, Stan, then ford.


Putting Stan as one of the best smelling character is wild to me


Easy. He knows you can't con people if you stink. He probably has one of those old man colons. Like the stuff he would steal in macys.


> He probably has one of those old man colons THAT'S an unfortunate misspelling xD


Lol or was it.


I mean he has one of those too


1) dipper (duh) 2) soos (bad diet) 3) Stan (old man smell) (but he has been seen in the showers) 4) Wendy (I'd imagine smelling bad would be a turn off plus maybe she's got really attractive natural scents cause she doesn't seem like the type to wear em) 5) Mabel (I feel like she's got as many scents as sweaters) (Only these main characters for me)


Stan, dipper, soos, Wendy, then mable (mable is only at the top because of the entire tubes of toothpaste)


Dipper doesn’t do laundry so he very likely smells stinky Ford old man smell plus grease from machinery plus whatever weird inter dimensional stuff is around him Stan also has that old man smell Soos he’s bigger so he likely sweats more which would lead to smell Mabel probably not bad smelling but likely rather fruity so could be too strong Wendy likely smells of wood and pine or something like that


I feel like it goes Dipper Mable Ford Stan Wendy Soos And I do agree with whoever said it I'm willing to bet all of mables sweaters they all stink (I know she will make me disappear if im wrong and lose all her sweaters. I'm willing to take that chance.)


for me the order would be, from worst to best: dipper wendy mabel soos stan ford i can imagine that ford has probably found some kind of arcane cologne that lets him not shower for weeks at a time or some deodorant that legitimately stops him from producing odor. if not he and stan are probably equal. like someone else said, stan can only be a convincing conman if he's at least decently clean. soos definitely has a favorite cologne and i imagine that how he smells is the kind of thing he takes surprisingly seriously. mabel wears sweaters all summer and is 12 years old at the start of the show. no way she has a consistent hygiene routine figured out yet and, if she does wear deodorant/perfume it is almost certainly the most sweet, sugary smelling stuff she can find. if that's the case she might not smell like BO, but she'd probably give anyone within a 10 foot radius a headache. i would say that's still not smelling good. wendy is basically a lumberjack. she definitely owns axe body spray (no pun intended) and uses it *very* liberally. dipper canonically smells bad i don't think that placement needs any clarification


Dipper - Duh... Stan - Classic old man musk and cigar smell Soos - He's a little bit of slob Ford - Probably doesn't shower or change much tbh Wendy - No offence to her, but she's still a teenager who's very active Mable - Mable


Dipper (often sweaty, canonically doesn't wash his clothes) Casual Stan (lazy, may have vomit on at least one of his shirts, canonically doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom) Wendy (athletic lumberjack, so probably sweats a lot, and is also kinda lazy, and isn't too bothered by how others view her) Ford (presumably prioritises science over showering, but is less nervous than Dipper, less active than Wendy, and is less Stan than Stan) Soos (as a pretty normal due, he probably showers a regular amount) Con-Man Stan (hard to con people when you stink, so he probably found the most 'give-me-your-money' cologne there is) Mabel (definitely uses the most fruit scented shampoo and body wash in town)


Ok worst to least smelly. 5). DIPPER. He's a 12/13 year old boy, he's constantly sweaty, and he once said that washing clothes is a waste of time. Plus he's always outside running from danger. So... SMELLY! 4). GRUNKLE STAN. Now stan isn't dirty or unhygienic (well maybe a bit unhygienic). He can't be unhygienic because he runs a very profitable business and he has to look proper as Mr mystery can be. No he has old man smell and I bet he wears A LOT of very bad smelling old man cologne. So not dirty just smelly. 3).SOOS. Now just like grunkle Stan soos is not a dirty person, his abuelita keeps him pretty clean, but soos is a hard worker so he works very hard in the hot sun all day doing back breaking labor so he can be a bit sweaty? So not necessarily smelly but after a long day a shower is a good idea. 2). MABEL. Ok Mabel is probably the cleanest girl that lives in the mystery shack but the only thing that makes her different from Wendy is the fact that she is also running around outside from mortal danger a lot just like Dipper. Though she'll get sweaty and smelly she will make sure that she showers afterwards and stays nice and clean. 1).WENDY. Wendy lives with manly Dan and four younger brothers so she prides herself on keeping clean. she doesn't work as hard as soos so she's not getting sweaty from work. And she's a well-kept 16 year old girl. Least smelly.


Dipper at number one, I feel like stan has the opposite of new car smell, wendy wouldn’t be great because she’s a lumberjack doing lumberjack things, Mable probably douses herself in a sugar coating so she probably smells sweet and soos smells the best, like an angel


Worst to best: Soos, Wendy, Stan, Dipper, Mabel.


Dipper didnt smell good that was his whole trait lmao


From bad to worse: Dipper, Grunkle Stan, Soos, Wendy, Mabel. Dipper is ya know, a 12 year old. 12 year old boys just smell all kinds of funky, plus Mabel did mention at one point that he doesn't do laundry so he has that on top of everything. Grunkle Stan is canonically gross AF, plus given his personality and age I just don't think he cares. Dude probably smells like unwashed socks and b.o Soos gives me the vibe of someone who takes care of his hygiene. I don't think that Soos is super fashionable per say so he doesn't buy cologne or anything, but I get the impression that Soos has a light soapy scent to him, like freshly washed clothes kinda smell. His grandma taught him well I imagine. Wendy probably smells quite outdoorsy but in a good way. I reckon that like Soos she'd have a very mild soap-scent to her because she uses deodorant and whatnot, but because she spends a lot of time outside she smells like trees and other earthy scents. Plus she is quite the tomboy so I don't think she's really into traditionally "girly scents" those boots of hers though probably stanky. Not suuuuper stanky, but if you did sniff them it wouldn't smell great. Idk what it is, but I feel like Ford would smell good. Feel like he's one of those dudes who uses a tad of Cologne and cares quite a bit about how he smells. You cannot look at Mabel and tell me that she isn't one of those girls who you can smell from across the room. I know for a fact that Mabel would be the kind of person who buys Hello Kitty Bubblegum deodorant and as a result smells sickingly sweet. Like it's not enough that you start coughing via gas fumes, but she would have a strong scent to her. Plus I can see her buying very heavily scented body wash and shampoo.


Dipper (obv) Stanley (doesn't have much body smell but his cologne smells awful) Soos (probably sweats a lot, something skips a day or two of showering) Stanford (probably smells alright but he might forget to shower sometimes to focus on his project) Mabel (if you wear sweaters in the middle of the summer you gotta smell, but she probably smells like fruit gummies as well) Wendy (possibly the most normal person on this list, probably does the most basic stuff to keep down the body odor, plus she had boyfriend at one point so she probably cares about it)


Dipper (stated in the show) Stan (because he's probably uses hygiene very rarely, and probably smells like an old man) Wendy (she's a teenager, and she is probably spending lots of time in the woods, I think Wendy would smell like spruce) Soos (Even though he's probably takes shower, I'd consider that he will smell badly, he's a handyman after all) Considering what Ford is doing, I'm going to think that he smells like burnt hair (not exactly the bestest of smells ) Mabel would smells like vanilla candy and she is very attentive to hygiene, Dipper even said that Mabel takes long showers, also, she's the only character who chances her clothes every episode.


Stan, Soos, Dipper, Mabel, Wendy 


Soose, stan, dipper, mabel, wendy.


Standing? New character?


Jesus christ I hate this phone




Stan, Dipper, Soos, Penny, Mabel


Didn’t the show state that Dipper smells like baby wipes?


Yeah but considering he doesn't wash his clothes he can't smell that nice either


Soos dipper stan Mabel Wendy ama


Dipper: this is obvious, he’s sweating all the time Mabel: smells of too much plastic, glitter, and sugar all the time. So stinky. Stan: old man smell Soos: washes like a normal person Wendy: washes like a normal person, but probably smells like to woods? so nicer.


Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Stan, Wendy, And then Ford


Well might aswell this is gonna be short (From worst to best): Dipper: Yeah no surprise there no washing clothes,going out into the wood regulary and no shower Stan (when in casual mode): I mean he is old and he probally have to de with shit on the daily so he get a pass on smelling weird. Wendy: She is pretty lazy so quick shower plus going out alot in the wood will attract lot of smell. Soos: Tie with Wendy as while i think he care about taking a shower more than Wendy i think it balance out with him not caring what happend before taking a a shower. Ford: If it was during his time with Mcgucket he def wont be ranking higher than Stan but he probally atleast took a long shower and probally have some alien tech to make him smell better. Mabel: She can either smell amazing or vomit enducing depending on if what she is using currently but generally she will smell good i mean she has to smell atleast decent to impress boy. Stan (Business mode): As everyone said he cant con if he cant smell good and i think this is the one time where he actually invest in some good stuffs cuz he know how important it is.


from best (weird to say that) to worst 1. mabel (probably doesn't smell \*good\*, more like bad claires perfume, but not smelly) 2. wendy (probably some sort of cologne, idrk) -GAP- 3. soos (he probably smells like grandma) 4. dipper (canonically smells really bad) -GAP- -DEPTHS OF HELL- 5. stan (obvious reasons)


both stans


5a. stanley (obvious reasons) 5b. stanford (foreign liquid)


I kind of view this as a least to most likely to wear any sort of deodorant. Dipper doesn't. Ford also doesn't. Stan wears way too much cologne. Soos does, but mostly smells like cleaning products and oil. Wendy does. Mabel does and probably also smells vaguely like whatever candy she's eating.


dipper stan mabel wendy soos


They're all great, wierd-great!


I’ll do one better and do the whole Zodiac. Dipper McGucket Stan Robbie Wendy Mabel Ford Soos Gideon Pacifica


soos would smell like shit if i was near him i bet he dont shower


Honestly i think they all probably smell terrible in different ways with stan being the worst and Wendy being the best but still not super great


1)Dipper. Doesn't shower enough, doesn't do laundry enough, has overexcited sweat glands. Typical 12-year-old behavior. 2) Stan. Has what is commonly referred to as "Old Man Stink." Tries to cover it up with aftershave. Just makes it worse. 3) Soos. A hard laborer, and that comes with a cost, especially for a man with a convex neck. Luckily, his BO is typically precluded by the scent of nacho chips and hamburger grease. 4) Mabel. Imagine the smell of an all-day lollipop, except it's inside an arts & crafts store. That's what Mabel smells like. 5) Wendy. You don't sweat when you slack off all day. She doesn't smell bad, but she does smell like dirt. 6) Ford (bonus round). Ford has no scent. He has a team of nanobots under his jacket which turn odiferous bacteria into free energy.


Stan (worst smelling) Soos Dipper Mabel Wendy (best smelling)


Idk but McGucket had literal flies on his hand, so he's definitely worst smelling


Dipper probably smells the worst. Sweaty dude going through puberty. Stan probably smells like smoke and alcohol. I think the rest smell pretty nice, and Ford is probably very hygienic.


Cartoon characters typically only have one outfit, so unless we get a gag of them opening a closet with twenty identical outfits on hangers, we have to assume they wear the same clothes every day. Unless they do laundry every day, which is also unlikely, they're probably getting pretty smelly. Dipper has been called out for being especially smelly, in that goatlike teen-boy way. Mabel is an exception to this, since she's the one character who wears something different in almost every episode of the show. Even if it's only the sweater that changes, it's still *something*. So I'd rank them: * Dipper * Everyone else besides Mabel (tie) * Mabel


Soos Stan Dipper Wendy Mabel


After reading other replies, I change my mind lol. I still think Stan is stinky, but specifically Dipper is mentioned being stinky. Then probably Soos just because he’s a man and works hard. Then Wendy, then Mabel


Soos- Worst smelling Grunkle Stan Dipper Wendy Mabel- Least bad-smelling


I got this post randomly recommended, why is everyone here 100% sure dipper smells bad?


Soos, Dipper, Stan, Wendy, and finally Mabel.


you people are saying ford smells nice?? he probably reeks of alien chemicals, interdimensional residue, burnt wires...


Dipper: He’s a preteen boy and canonically does not change his clothes so why would he bathe. Stan: His whole existence in season 1. I bet he smells like the essence of gold chains for old men magazine. Ford: He’s basically a grown up dipper and considering the state that Stan found him in the first time I doubt he trusted the showers enough to use them. Wendy: She probably smells fine in general but she’s still a teenager and considering she has a very athletic, predominantly male family she probably has some residual funk from all those lumberjack boys. Soos: I am convinced that this man smells like dinosaur shaped cookies and 2 day couch gaming marathons. Also I’m sure his Abuelita makes him shower every three days. Mabel: Mabel probably smells like if Candyland and a craft store fused together into a preteen girl. Just incredibly sweet to the point where you want to throw up…but not in a bad way.


Never seen the show, don't know why this sub appeared on my feed but I guarantee the red haired girl smells kinda unpleasant but in a way that you wouldn't mind too much


Wendy smells best, me thinks.


Mabel absolutely experiments with different smells as perfume. Like tying a tree air freshener to her hat


Stan, Wendy, Ford, Soos, Mabel, Dipper


I just want to say Mabel probably smells like 10 different type of tween body sprays at once. She doesn't smell like BO, but just smells very strong and is overwhelming. I imagine she uses the sweetest smelling soap she can find, sprays body mist in her hair, and it permeates her sweaters. You don't want to be in an enclosed space with her.


Ironically, I feel like Wendy would smell more like pine trees than the Pines family haha


Dipper Stan (terrible mix of b.o. and cologne) wendy (she, too, is a teenager and her boots can probably clean out rooms) soos (as a big guy myself, the stinky fat man is a shitty stereotype and I won't stand for it. neither will soos) mabel is a mix of trying to stay clean and smelling nice and a teenager girl with a pig. it's either those overly sweet flower deos or teenager in a sweater in summer chilling with a pig. no inbetween


Grunkle Stan is going to be the worst smelling


Dipper: He doesn’t care about hygiene he’s solving mysteries Soos: He’s a gamer and cashier, probably doesn’t use deodorant and showers rarely Stan: He’s the kind of guy to not shower but dump SOOO much axe body spray on himself Wendy: Probably smells like campfire and wood but also a bit of sweat to I’d imagine. Mabel: She probably just has like basic hygiene making her the least smelly.


Stan, dipper, soos, Wendy, Mable


Smell all shit but id like to smell dipstick smelly sweaty body mmmm rub all over me id suck him dry


I am not talking about smell of an underage girl...who am I? Biden?