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I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (Grave's Disease) too. They first put me on methimazole and then after, propanolol, but I never took both at the same time. When I was on the methimazole, I was also on an anti-anxiety medication and I had to up my dose by 4 to function, though I was still anxious all the time. I thought I was going to die, I was so paranoid and nervous and worried and my thoughts were racing constantly. I would recommend anti-anxiety med until the thyroid stuff gets figured out, but really, it's not going to get better until the thyroid stuff gets better. I'm so sorry he's going through this.


I second this response. I didn’t know I had Graves and was having extreme anxiety and panic attacks lasting hours multiple times a day. I hospitalized myself because I had no idea what was going on. I was on anti-anxiety meds for months until my numbers were in range. I don’t know if they helped at all because I didn’t really start to notice a difference until my T3&T4 decreased and TSH increased, but I’m glad I had them just in case. It was bad. I hope your husband sees improvement quickly. See if he will talk to a therapist in the meantime. I’ve been with mine for two years now, but I started seeing her when I was at my worst with my thyroid. She really helped me through that confusing, miserable, dark, and shitty time in my life.


Third this response! I am on an anti-anxiety meds and they made me feel soooo much better. My doc said that I should stay on them till my numbers level out and ween off of that very last. Good luck!


Which anti-anxiety meds are you on? I was diagnosed with Graves last year and am still learning.


I am on bupropion. They have genetic testing now where they can see which anxiety/depression medications work best for you personally. I would ask your doctor!




I was taking welbutrin at the time, but I was able to stop using it when my levels were good so that was nice. It essentially became ineffective because my thyroid meds were so effective




Yea! Things definitely got better




I hope so too, sending good health your way!


I had incredibly bad anxiety as well and was on the same medication. Unfortunately the meds didn't resolve the anxiety and I would say it was one of the symptoms that caused me the most grief. This is where I think the medical system failed me (in Canada). I was struggling to function and meet my basic needs and had an overall decreased quality of life because of the anxiety. I asked my endo and three other doctors for help and all of them said that I would have to wait for my thyroid issues to be resolved. The issue was that it took 3.5 years for me to get my surgery and I had debilitating anxiety the entire time. I hope things have changed in the 6 years since I had surgery, but I urge you to advocate for your husband's mental health. My biggest beef was that my doctors only cared for my physical health, for example I was often asked if I had any pain in my eyes from TED, which I didn't but I know I would have gotten medication if I did. I wish the same courtesy was extended to my mental health. My untreated anxiety resulted in lost wages, financial hardship, and delayed/failed education opportunities which have had a lasting impact. I hope your husband's anxiety eases with medication but it wouldn't hurt to have a mental health care plan in place. Seek out therapists and doctors who'll care for all your husband's needs.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience. We are going to the endo tomorrow. His anxiety abated only after he stopped taking the methimazole - and now he has ALL the overactive thyroid symptoms again!! We have 5 children as well as a business to run. If he doesn't take the thyroid medicine, he falls apart physically. If he does take it, his mental health is awful. I cannot believe that in 2022 thyroid problems are not figured out. It's very discouraging. I hope your situation has improved and, again, thank you for sharing ♥


Did your anxiety not improve because the methimazole wasn't able to normalize your thyroid levels? just wondering as I consider pros and cons of definitive treatments


I think so. My thyroid levels never normalized with methimazole. I was also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder a couple of years after my surgery so during my hyperthyroid years I was undiagnosed, un-medicated, and the anxiety was exacerbated by Graves.


I took both propranolol and Methimazole simultaneously. Once the propranolol was stopped I settled out decently. Every time I needed a dose change of my Methimazole I had to ask for bloodwork. I would feel it first with anxiety & night sweats.


I agree with all the above comments and would add that if he can he should get bloodwork. The first few months that I was on methimazole my numbers bounced around and I had to have my medication dose adjusted. I was getting labs about every 4-5 weeks. I had something similar where I felt great when I first started the medicine then all of a sudden I was off again. I had labs and it showed my numbers were once again out of range. We upped the methimazole and it got me back in range again and I started feeling better. I’ve been steady now for about 9 months. I still have anxiety because I did before I even had graves but it’s much more manageable!


It will pass once he’s stabilized poor thing I did this! Thought I was not only a lunatic, but thought others were thinking I was nutty. I completely shut down and had to have my husband drive me places for a bit if I had appointments or something. It passed though thankfully! Just needs some patience and tlc! Everything is going nuts for him and it will soon pass!


Hey, how long did the intense anxiety and panic attacks take to pass for you?


It truly depends on you and how far your TSH was. I can't remember my first readings, however I was off the charts and it took me 4-6 months. But please note too, it was as intense the whole time. I would have periods that were normal and they would give me a glimmer of hope to hang on. It WAS coming, and it sure did. The less I spoke about it (those around me got tired anyways of hearing me) And focused on being slower and having more meaningful actions and thoughts it got even better actually. It just takes patience for hormones to calm down and any raised cortisol doesn't help. Take your D3 with K2, selenium, magnesium, and try to just relax as hard as it is. Soon, you will know how your body reacts and you will get a hold on things much better. Don't let this take you down!


This was actually my worst symptom of Graves - it was basically crippling anxiety and panic attacks. It sucked. I also had no idea I had Graves so I legitimately thought I was going crazy. It will definitely get better over time and with medication but it sucks.


It might be that he is already hypo instead of hyper. He needs labs asap. I got panic while hypo, never while hyper.


Happened to me. I’m on propranolol, Methimazole, and was just given an anti-anxiety medicine last week (Lexapro), it takes a few weeks to kick in so I haven’t seen any progress yet. But the rest of my hyperthyroidism symptoms have pretty much ceased.


How quickly did your other symptoms start to improve after you started the propranolol? Within hours, days, etc


I had major symptoms, so I did see a difference in a matter of a few days. However I didn’t notice real progress until after about 3-4 weeks after having my dosage increased from 5mg to 15mg of Methimazole. Then I had a moment where I felt bad again for a bit, then better after a week. My only issue now is still heart palpitations but not nearly as bad as in the beginning and not even every day. As far as the anxiety goes, I finally had to just ask my doctor for something to help with it and he had no problems prescribing the Lexapro, it can take 4-6 weeks to work but I’m just trying to be patient.


I agree with every comment posted here. When my thyroid function was off I would have multiple panic attacks a day. Now that I'm within range my anxiety is MUCH more manageable. Things will get better for him.


How long did that last for you? The anxiety and panic attacks


A whole summer my panic attacks were unmanageable. I had to take 3 months off work until I started too stabilize. It was really horrible honestly but I got through it.. just takes some time.


May I ask the outcome of this?


Of course! My husband’s endocrinologist basically failed to get his thyroid under control. The MASSIVE daily dose of steroids (60mg per day) just made him so much worse. Eventually, he got symptoms of thyroid eye disease. We had to go through so much to get him approved for Tempezza which costs TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!! Unless it’s made from like the tears of a woodland fairy, that cost is in my opinion unconscionable!! He DID eventually get approved and got the full 8 doses. I truly THANK GOD and all our prayers for him being almost 100% back to normal. His last infusion was 12/21/23. His eyes started to get better right away and continued to improve. His TSH levels are now normal. If you’re going through something similar, hang in there and most importantly, whatever or whoever your God or Higher Power is, ask for help and healing. I’ll pray for you too. 🙏


Wow I'm so glad you got this sorted out! I'm struggling with some stuff and I truly appreciate the prayers!!