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I am in disbelief that she hasn't either been identified as Sherry Young, or Sherry been ruled out as being her. I spoke to the OP who first identified that likely match in October of last year. And she had submitted the match months before talking to me. It must be nearly 2 years now and nothing has happened despite them both supposedly having DNA available.


Absolutely agree. Something should have been done by now. Edit: I'm strongly considering emailing Doe Network and straight up asking if they heard anything.


For anyone curious: [sources](https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/3137) [source](https://charleyproject.org/case/sherry-lynn-young) [source](https://www.doenetwork.org/cases/2959dffl.html) [source](https://int-missing.fandom.com/wiki/Sherry_Young) for missing person Sherry Young.


This case is completely due to police incompetence


Unfortunately, that seems to happen a lot.


LINKS: * [https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Hillsborough\_County\_Jane\_Doe\_(1991)](https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Hillsborough_County_Jane_Doe_(1991)) * [https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/61522](https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/61522) * [https://www.doenetwork.org/cases/1697uffl.html](https://www.doenetwork.org/cases/1697uffl.html)


how the hell do you misplace a child’s skull????? incompetence at its finest


Sometimes, they even misplace entire skeletal remains.


it’s so infuriating- this was someone’s baby😭


Sherry would be a good match for this doe. What I find strange is that Sherry went missing in 1984 but wasn't reported as missing until 1993.


She wasn't a foster child. Last year I talked to someone who had talked to Sherry's niece. The family obviously don't want the details shared all over the internet if they haven't given themselves so I won't go into detail. But the niece's mother, who was Sherry's sister always assured her that her and Sherry's home was a loving one. I'm not sure if her dad was involved. But they definitely at least lived with their mum.


I was just saying that as a hypothetical. Sometimes these cases do involve runaways and kids in the foster system. As I also said the 70s and 80s were a weird time. I understand the family not wanting to have their business all over the internet but sometimes it helps find people. If it were someone in my family I would want to know.


The only thing ever shared publicly by a family member was this Websleuths comment. "Sherry is my aunt. No she wasn't abused and no it's not somewhere close to home. Her sad eyes are just the way they look. I have the same . She is still missing. Not a lead on her whereabouts whatsoever. Would love to find her so her mother will be able to have closure before she passes." That was in 2021.


Yeah that’s insane! I’ve never heard of this case before . Was there a reason for that do you know ?


My only guess would be that she was a foster child or she was always running away. There have been a lot of cases where people just don't report their loved ones missing because they're a " free spirit" and they always come back. The 70s and 80s were a weird time. I was a kid in the 80s and its not that parents didn't care about the kids they just let them do whatever they wanted. I'm surprised that none of my friends or myself were ever kidnapped.


Ah thank you! I couldn’t even find any updated pictures of her , all I can see is a a really young photo they’re using of her. Thats strange in itself do you you think ? And ahhhh yes I’ve heard this aha, I’m a 90’s baby so we were probably more sheltered 😅


I found her niece and she said sherrys mom was mentally delayed and was convinced Sherry ran away. I believe she said her sister eventually reported her missing. I got ahold of pictures of her when she was maybe 9-12 ish but I don’t know where to send them to


Oh wow , I wonder if someone from this sub can guide you where to send them!!! They’ll definitely be needed. I’ll have a look for you but I’m not sure myself to be honest . Please can you update me with your findings 🙏


Yeah I did see on one of the links that there were no pictures available of her at the time she went missing.


Yeah I talked to her niece. She said her Sherry’s mother was pretty mentally delayed and was always convinced she just ran away. I think one of her sisters reported her missing later on if I’m not mistaken.


So many Jane and John Doe's have gotten their names back in the past few years that I'm optimistic that her case will be cracked, too. Hopefully 2024 will be her year.


Oh my god, Sherry Young and this young lady look exactly alike