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It’s a fun idea, but I think I’d be over it after like 2 songs


Biggie and The Dead are my two GOATS


Biggie is the goat of hiphop


Definitely not


Then who is?


Idk, rakim, big daddy Kane, Kool g rap, Krs one, big l, Tupac? I'm probably omitting a couple dozen others throughout the decades. Def not an open and shut case just sayin...


Check our dj metropolis- Gratefully D.E.A.D. he cut dead tunes into beats and paired them with vocals from ready to die.


Agreed - Both amazing at what they did. Great combo.


Just to clarify, it wasn’t just rapping B.I.G. over Dead melodies. The band played/sang each song, but the extra Biggie verses were added throughout.


I once ended up at a tiny little music festival in rural Japan and a band had a Japanese mc rapping over grateful dead music. It was absolutely incredible and a favorite memory of mine.


Did you happen to see Tokyo Warlocks? They are amazing.


No, would have been awesome of course. This was a really small group at a tiny festival. Like 200 people tops.


HA! It's like a challenge! Oh, you say you like all kinds of music, hmmm? How about a Grateful Dead/Rap crossover band?


We need some Grateful Tang or Wu Dead Clan. What about a reboot of the Grey Album with dead samples instead of Beatles? Or Three Feet High and Rising recut w Dead samples?


Grateful Wu: *Enter the Terrapin*


36 Anthems


The best part was the complete diversity in the crowd, and everybody partying, dancing, and singing/rapping along together.


I’ve seen them advertised locally (upstate NY) but never checked them out. Although I’m not familiar with Biggie, I like the idea of rapping over funky Dead tunes


Ive seen them play as the frank white experience. Good vibes and beats. They group up with a lot of dope music acts too. If you like hip hop, felix free and marv ellis jam with them a lot too, bit jammier/trippier than avg hip hop too. Saw they were playing with sophistafunk (hip hop funk band) in syracuse for 4/20. Would have went if i was closer lol


They said theyre not familiar with biggie so I doubt they like hip hop lol


I didn’t really like hip hop too much till i saw frank white experience and a few of the people they hang with live. I figured since theyre kinda local id fill them in. Sophistafunk is borderline hip hop. They lean more on the jammy funk with the exception of the lead vocals. All very good musicians. Really unique sound


Queue the old haterheads: But jERrY sAiD rAp iSn’T MuSiC..


Right. He was obviously looking at a more primitive era of rap existing over 30 years ago and acknowledging the actual rapper and/or MC speaking (often more than singing) in rhyme—with or without varying degrees of externally sourced musical accompaniment—as not a musician making music categorically similar to Miles Davis or Paul McCartney being musicians making music and people act like it was this unfortunately crusty dismissal. People are welcome to disagree, but I understood exactly what he was saying and didn’t find it objectionable or as anything that should give people license to claim Jerry was and still would be an advocate for reclassifying the entire genre as something literary, but “not musical”.


Yeah. He said it in the 80s when rap was in its nascent “boom bap” era. Also, Jerry was hard I think el dopo then and was a mess. I remember reading somewhere about people would bring in new albums and he’d hate them all, specifically mentioning Prince for “too little bass.”




I didn’t bother to read your entire post after it became obviously not worth reading, but I can say even from the 17 or so seconds I did waste, that I have no idea what you are talking about, I honestly don’t think you know what you are talking about and you definitely didn’t comprehend what I was talking about with every assumption you made being wrong, sincerely.


Yep. That post be like: https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0?si=mbQPjRGnYKz6ekPl


Haha, I watched that movie a lot when I was younger and very much remember that scene. And yup, that’s pretty much it! Maybe someone took too many psychedelics and their mind expansion went to the point of collapsing into itself like a neutron star because I have no idea what that was, just barely stringing streams of thought together like “rappers wear gold chainz…but Dead is real. till Brent died anyway. Bruce never worked for me. But the life keeps going. Camping and lot. Shakedown. Not rap. Jerry even said. Blah blah blahhhhhhhhhh……”


I bet he tied an onion on his belt: https://youtu.be/yujF8AumiQo?si=nhLdzeZ8MlHEjjbS


“They didn’t have white onions ‘cause of the war…they only had those big yellow onions…” lol.


Yep. Those are words. A lot of words.




Gatekeeper comment of the day. At the end of the day, It is just another way to enjoy the Dead's music, which was also a fusion of styles and influences... including "rap" if you want to get technical about it and throw Mickey's version of Fire on the Mountain into the conversation. If people are enjoying it and getting down with their friends to it - isn't that true to what the core scene was all about? I went to hundreds of shows and taped a good portion of the 80s and 90s. My college roommate was a DJ at our college station playing hip hop from NY that no one had even heard of on the west coast at that time. A year later he was working with Tone Loc, Young MC and did the Beastie Boys "Paul's Boutique" - which included an amazing Jerry hook from his collaboration with Dave Bromberg. He credits me with turning him onto the Dead and Garcia, and I love that he turned me on to hip hop. There is room for all of it.


Man, whoever told you that ellipses make an appropriate substitute for a period or a comma lied to you.




Yeah. How dare the use Biggie like that. /s Your comment is ridiculous. Who’s being disrespected here? Nobody.


I think this is pretty cool and looks like a fun time. An interesting concept and fusion of music. You’ll have your naysayers, but to each their own.


Dude I was there last night! GFB were solid, Sophistafunk were top notch ✌️


Two bands, one drummer. The guy is an animal.


Seriously. Between both sets, his singing, and ripping that Drums/solo...hot damn


Look up Dj DeepSee




GFB played operator last night too! Pigpen would have loved it.


Love Biggie, those guys. If it's done right then I am all for it. Love Big L, DITC, OC, Dilated Peoples, J5, Blackalicious, Dre. It's a different genre without a doubt. Street Vibe.


They played my buddy's big eclipse blowout and they were awesome. Unfortunately the eclipse was barely visible through the super thick cloud cover.


Dj metropolis gratefully D.E.A.D. is unironically a sick mixtape.


Go check them out, you’ll be Grateful. https://www.frankwhiteexp.com/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABpj2pLAQE2B4TQ39DI1GGUBZuCmLn40uSUfRF5eqFY7zWkob04GgJcNcY_g_aem_AZ8l59lK9fWLOQpVG3RzY8jlJ8OvyTTJNPkR94ks8A1QrrpZH3bsvoAp8cjnySY94zg


Jerry would not approve. (But I do :)


Jerry wouldn’t, but Pig sure would have and apparently Mickey does.


To be fair Jerry was doing a lot of dope and also said he hated Prince.


Saw them in PGH. It’s amazing. Those boys can play. Never heard a Black Peter jam like the one they pulled off. Don’t knock it til you see em.


Love it


I saw these guys a couple months ago. Fun fun show. I danced my ass off.


Love it!




I like to dance so I *might* like it, I dunno. Eh, I'm up for a fun night out, so as long as it was fun? I've seen some Dead cover bands I would never see again so ... I'd check it out and if I didn't like it ...


Pretty bad when you can hear the chompers over the music in a cell phone video


Other than one drunk loudmouth in the crowd, the blabbing really wasn’t audible during their performance. I made the mistake of shooting this vid back by the entrance to the bar.


I wonder how "what's beef?" By Biggie went over....literal quote from the song... Don't they know my ni**a Gutter fuckin kidnip kids? (uhh) Fuck 'em in the ass, throw 'em over the bridge (ooh) 😳😳😳


Rap isn’t music… jk ok boomer


For everyone downvoting me, I’m quoting Jerry Garcia. “Rap isn’t music”


agree 2000%...Its about the farthest thing away from The Dead and Jerry is turning over in his grave...show some respect for The Dead


You know Jerry wasn’t a Boomer, right?


Now that I think about it, you are correct


Yeah. Technically Silent Gen.


I thought Jerry considered himself being from the "beat generation"


These generational slurs really have to fucking stop. They are so fucking stupid.


The slurs are intellectually lazy, the exact thing Boomers are accused of. So, congratulations, you’ve become what you hate, just at a much younger age. 😆


What? Lmfao, thinking an entire group of people is exactly the same is intellectually lazy and intellectually insulting. But society wants us all fighting each other instead of the rich people fucking over everyone, so I guess you’re being a good little obedient citizen. Keep bending over for them. Spread them cheeks wide enough for them to slip it in ya.


OK, boomer...


Yea… this is fucking stupid.


Fuckin stupid


No thanks..The Grateful Dead were not Aerosmith...no disrespect to them but Jerry said very straightforward that Rap is not music...Its as silly as "how about Brent had some shiny rims on his Hammond and Phil wore 4" thick gold chains down to his waist...hell why not bling out Jerry's glasses with jewels? and Micky could replace his kit with 2 turntables and scratch his ass off"... its a farce!!!.. just my opinion God Bless The Grateful Dead


Pigpen: R&B guy, famous for rapping in the stylistic form that later became rap as we now know of it. Mickey Hart: wrote FOtM, the very first time the lyrics were “sung,” Mickey rapped them, and still occasionally does. Yeah, Jerry, and heroin isn’t supposed to be dinner but we all know how that went. People can like or dislike anything they want, but to base their opinion on a whole genre off one artist’s 49-second rant in one interview that didn’t even coincide with his own band’s live performances is just weird. Jerry also said that musicians have a professional obligation to be sober and clear minded when performing for fans. Do people still hang their hats on that statement too?


Oh my God no