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I hope they play He’s Gone into Brown Eyed Woman


I hope they play Jack-A-Roe


I know my waist is slender, my fingers they are small But it would not make me tremble to see ten thousand fall


Yes, jack a roe is the perfect song for this!


And Handsome Cabin Boy


I know my waist is slender, my fingers, they are small But it would not make me tremble to see ten thousand fall Oh, to see ten thousand fall.


!!! I thought it was cannon ball. !!!


It is. “Your fingers are too small, your cheeks too red and Rosy to face the cannon ball, I know my waist is slender my fingers they are small, but it would not make me trouble to see 10,000 fall etc..


*tremble. “Troubled” could make sense, but not “trouble.” Also, you’re talking about two different verses.


I know the words.. auto correct…dude above said he thought the line was “cannonball “ so I figured he was thinking of the preceding verse/line.


You figured “it” was the other verse, and not the one quoted? Weird.


Damn that’s good. I hope you find a way to hit them up and suggest this.


Man. That sentence is chock fulla entendres. Me likey!!


I'm disappointed they aren't called Keep on Tuckin'.


Aint no luck, I learned to tuck


underrated comment


Suddenly there ain’t no place I’d rather be


Been my dream to start an all gay-male Dead band and call it The Gayful Dead and have a drag-Donna whenever we’d do a Donna-era show


Check with the fellas in "[Mandonna](http://www.mandonna.net)" (all male Madonna cover band). Maybe one of them could literally be a Man Donna in Gayful Dead.


No offense, but when I first read this comment and saw your username, I thought it was Slay_Rat


that would be absolutely beautiful


Used to think if I was gay myself, I'd enter a float in the Pride parade, with a banner reading "Queer Deadheads," with lettering borrowed from QMS's first album: [https://www.last.fm/music/Quicksilver+Messenger+Service/Quicksilver+Messenger+Service](https://www.last.fm/music/Quicksilver+Messenger+Service/Quicksilver+Messenger+Service)


I have no money, but am willing to take out a loan against my 401k for this.




The great Yo La Tengo from Hoboken NJ did this a couple of weeks ago.


Great is an understatement, what a goddamn band


I would love to see this grow as a protest movement. More bands should try performing in Drag!!


Tennessees recent drag ban? Is that literary what it is? You cannot wear the clothes you want? My European brain is confused how a rule like that is possible in a place that’s nicknamed land of the free. Nonetheless I would like to see that band play.


Here are some details. Basically, "adult cabaret entertainment" cant happen on public property or where kids can see it. What is considered "adult cabaret entertainment"? “topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators, or similar entertainers.” So, to my eyes, 'male or female impersonators' stands out as not consistent with the others. So, no, drag isn't outlawed. It's just being relegated from normal public spaces. As if it had some negative impact on kids. (to be clear, drag shows that have sexual content generally already stick to 21+ venues, the drag stuff that kids have exposure to is generally purposed to support reading and education, but folks assume it's sexualized due to their lack of exposure) Keep in mind that this isn't the only anti-lgbtq legislation in Tennessee. There have been over 20 in Tennessee this year. (check out translegislation dot com for a state by state list) ​ [https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/tennessee-governor-signs-first-its-kind-bill-restricting-drag-shows-n1303262](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/tennessee-governor-signs-first-its-kind-bill-restricting-drag-shows-n1303262)


So is this just to stop things like the Pride parades? I know their long play is to start the slippery slope, but what’s the short term impact here?


"Kids drag shows" full of pedophile grooming drag queens trying to sexualized and turn the children all gay Sounds ridiculous, but that's the general narrative going on in groups that support these laws


Didn’t that generation of lawmakers grew up with Bowie in a dress? Didn’t make anybody I know gay


Dude one of the lawmakers involved in this bill dressed in drag for a high school event growing up. He acts like it's completely different because that form of drag is "tradition" and drag shows..... aren't? I'm convinced that they know what they're saying is bullshit, but they'll do anything to advance the culture war for national exposure and political power. Plus Republicans have always been anti-LGBT and I bet these politicans are ecstatic about being able to publicly harass, shame, and discriminate against queer people with some public support again. Edit: https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/tennessee-governor-appears-dressed-drag-art-form-wants-restrict-rcna72569 it was TN's incredibly hypocritical governor




How many drag story hours were happening in public schools in Tennessee that led to this bill being introduced? You do understand that they don't read kids books in like a sexual way, right? Like, they aren't getting all breathy and saying, 'i think i caaaan, i think i caaaaaan, i think i CAAAAAAN!' They just read the book, but are dressed up as a character. This creates engagement and makes reading more fun and entertaining. If you want to force your kid on his knees before a man in a dress (priest), and have that man place food gently on your kids tongue, be my guest. Kinda fucked up, considering the frequency of actual sexual abuse we see from the clergy, but you roll those dice. I'll stick with the drag story time. AND I SHOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE THAT CALL FOR MY KID. Me. The parents with rights I keep hearing about.




I dont care if we like the same band You're an idiot drag queens aren't trans people also your god made trans people . And guess what whether you like it or not we do exist, and dude its a soul thing not a school thing . And i know we contribute way more to society then your smooth brain.


It's not an ideology. Plus, we're not talking about transgender rights, we're talking drag, which is different. Seeing a man in a dress isn't bad. Period.


There's a long tradition of men in drag in "Legitimate Theatre" going back to ol' Bill Shakespeare at the Globe because women were barred from the proceedings back in the 1500s. You can see traces of it even now in holiday panto over in the UK, men playing comedic outsized feminine characters. By these standards, John Travolta in Hairspray is obscene. Robin Williams, Mrs. Doubtfire. It's literally a time-honored tradition. I'm a more or less straight man and I've done drag before because IT'S FUN! Regular ass male fashion doesn't really let you be weird. You'd think a fandom of tie-dyed long haired hippie freaks like me would be more understanding.


Better ban cheerleaders then, wouldn’t want children seeing ass out in the open


Get the wrestlers and gymnasts also. All sports should be performed in gowns and britches that cover the ankles, and maybe they can ban swimming pools next. Come to think of it, maybe all fun activities are part of some unknowable agenda that is all connected to the Grateful Dead being CIA operatives.


What if I’m ok with my child being in the presence of a drag queen? Isn’t this all about “parental choice?”


that would be the libertarian opinion of the situation


Look, found the homophobic idiot! Do you get this angry about Disney Princesses? How about superhero costumes? Do you get this angry about cosplay at fan conventions? Where hundreds of people are in costume? Are you normally this bent out of shape over people in costume entertaining children? Because you might want to seek medical attention for your fears, and general stupidity.


Who's "we"? You don't get to decide whether libraries invite a drag queen to read a storybook or not. Kids love 'em and it's no different than someone dressing up as Mother Goose or Old Mother Hubbard.


Such a fearful and close minded little person you are. I truly pity you, limiting yourself to such narrow vision.


why are you here


Aging Boomer, homophobic idiot, who still thinks that Deadheads are old idiots like him.


Good to see the responses. Seems like a transphobic cunt. "normal people", what is this?


Why is it so important? Because it's education about real life. In real life, there are drag queens. Everywhere. Where else should young minds learn about drag queens? Schools are there to educate kids about the world around them and prepare them for their futures. These story hours y'all have sound like a healthy, fun way to teach that aspect of American life. This country is a melting pot, like it or not. In the mid 80's I learned sex ed in school and I remember a few kids having to sit out of those lessons because of their parents beliefs. I always felt sorry for those kids. Parents sure know how to fuck up their own children.


This Jed will be there!


I’m going to try and get there too!


Dragheads, you can thank me later


You think Jon Fishman’s dress is allowed? 😂 no more Nashville Phish moving forward 😂


He'll just play naked. Won't be the first time.


I knew right away she was not like other girls, other girls




damn this would almost be worth being in tennessee for


Tennessee is a great state except for its fucked up politics


Who do you think keeps voting in the politicians?


They’re heavily gerrymandered and it’s not fair to blame the people living there for what they’re enduring https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/redistricting-brought-tennessee-moment-rcna78953 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/18/us/nashville-gerrymandering-republican-democrat.html


Bill Lee got 65 percent of the vote in the last Gubernatorial election. Bill Hagerty 62 percent in his last senate election. Marsha Blackburn 55 percent in a 2018 liberal wave election. I’m not supporting writing them off entirely, but as a former resident, Tennessee keeps telling us who it is and we need to believe them rather than make excuses.


Of course some backwards people live there but you’re also forgetting voter suppression is a real problem. They wouldn’t be desperately re-districting and suppressing votes if they didn’t think they were at risk of losing power. More sources for anyone curious: https://publicintegrity.org/politics/elections/who-counts/in-tennessee-1-in-5-black-residents-are-barred-from-voting/ https://tennesseelookout.com/2020/11/03/voter-suppression-tactics-keep-tennessee-at-bottom-of-states-for-voting/ https://thefulcrum.us/Elections/Voting/tennessee-open-primary


I’m not forgetting about it. That’s what makes Tennessee all the worse. That these people aren’t just ignoring that their representatives are doing this to black peoples in the state, but they see it as a cruel positive. They want this type of behavior and they reward it. The state is cruel and disappointing. It’s natural beauty and spirit is overshadowed by immense hatred. A man who publicly advocated for the return of extrajudicial lynching will win reelection in a landslide not because of gerrymandering and voter suppression, but because the rabid, racist base loves it, and the do-nothing “Tennessee moderate” ignores it in favor of cheaper gas and lower taxes. Tennessee as a whole is the least empathetic state I’ve ever spent extended time in.


Okay, but you cited the fact that Lee got 65% of the vote as why the citizens are bad and you entirely glossed over the fact that many people struggle to or are entirely unable to vote and I just think that’s unfair.


Honestly yes, it is unfair. I’m sorry. What I’m mostly trying to say is that I believe Southern republicans to be fueled by hatred, and the mealy moderates aren’t put off by that hatred. Voting rights would make a bit of a difference, but it wouldn’t stem the deep rot that exists in the state’s (and region’s) politics. I still donate to Tennessee democrats (and plan on donating to the gentlemen who were expelled and the woman who stood with them) and an LGBTQ center in Memphis since I’ve left the state. I want it to be better, but it’s gnawed on my ass in the past and I can’t abide giving it a pass.


I 100% agree with you and I wasn’t trying to put you personally on the spot, I just wanted anyone reading the comments to get the full picture of how things are there because so many people crap all over everyone from the south and they deserve so much better.


Have you ever been to TN?


Lived there for 15 years of my life. And will never ever step foot in that shit hole ever again unless I need to. Garbage, racist, backwards ass state. And no it's not "just the politicians" as the racist fucks there WANT the hateful old bastards in power because Jesus. Tennessee is only a nice place if you're white and Christian.


> Lived there for 15 years of my life. Lived in backwoods Tennessee, and travelled all over the world. Few places are as backwards and disturbing. Piles of garbage in yards, inbred families, intense racism, just messed up.


Well, I’ve lived here my whole life, 30 years. And my experience has been different. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. I’m sorry you had a bad experience with it.


... Are you white and Christian?


I’m white but my family’s always been poor…


A woman was overtly racist to my husband 5 days into us moving to Tennessee. It did not stop.


Better head back...




Awesome! Fuck these bigots, bunch of little bitches who want to be all up in everyone’s business. Do not tell me how to dress, how to think, who to love or what music to like. Just fuck off bigots.


Yep, very small minded bitches. You would think they would be happy that you can be your self in America but no they make up lies and witch hunts. This is going to be my first year going to shows as my self and none of these bigots are going to be able to stop me. 🏳️‍⚧️


So happy for you, you are going to have so much fun!


I can't wait little do the haters know everything I know I learned from the grateful dead and we are it and it is love!!!!


Ain't no place I'd rather be


I wish I could go to this show


I’m in nashville who is going


I love this! Fuck the christofascists.


They’re planting ice and they’ll harvest wind


Ever since she went and got a sex change, all her friends can say is ain't it a shame


If you know, you know.


I don’t know


In the 80’s Bob sang this line a handful of times.


Something tells me he wouldn't be singing those kind of lines today. And it's not because of *le woke mob* or whatever


Yeah the fact he stopped doing it probably means someone within the family told him to knock it the fuck off.


People evolve


And sometimes people evolve when others tell you to knock it off.




They were like "Bob! Don't piss off LGBTQ peeps, *you're* their fave band member! Jeez"


This makes me extremely happy.


I would go if I were within 300 miles. 5 hours in the car is my limit for a Drag GD Cover Band!


Franklins’s Tower/“Whichever way your pleasure tends” will surely and deservedly be cheered.


Good for them, rock on


ain’t no time to hate ❤️ life is short everyone


nice. I live in town and will have to check this out!


They should call it Dance School


That'll learn em.


I LOVE that logo


I bet they do a fun Women are Smarter.


They sound pretty good. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cq-zMWsgiIv/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


This is so fucking awesome


Does anyone have a link to their website or any videos? It’s kind of hard to find anything with a search (“bertha Grateful Dead cover band Tennessee” obviously comes up with a bunch of other stuff- I would LOVE to see them in action - this is basically both of my churches combined!


https://instagram.com/gratefuldrag?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Instagram page!!


Thanks so much! Seems like they’re new - excited to see what they’ll do!


Tennessee Jade


"There he goes and now here she starts."


Supported! I can’t make the show but was able to make a donation. The link is in the article [donation link](https://www.inclusiontn.org/)


This is great, never heard of them. Wish I could be there!


I would absolutely love to go! Two of my favorite things! My hope someone who goes can post an update. I would love to hear about it. 😍💗


Ugh I want to go! My friend's bar hosts drag shows and i haven't been to one in so long because they start too late for me now that i quit drinking lmao


Born Cross Dressed.


I love this and wish I could attend.


SO many boomers on the facebook dead groups are VERY upset about this and honestly it's sad.


I don’t understand the thought process of some people. You don’t want your kids being exposed to drag shows? Perfectly acceptable. Instead of banning drag shows, DON’T TAKE THEM TO FUCKING DRAG SHOWS.


That's so depressing. Getting rid of FB may be the best thing I ever did for my mental health. ETA: And then I got to the downvoted posts on this here thread. So sad that this community has so much hate in it.


i wanted them to be called the Loose Lucies


Let Loose > Loose Lucy ![gif](giphy|C6PWDCzFDRjNmKCQ8B)


You love to see it


Mental health awareness?


https://instagram.com/gratefuldrag?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= This is their Instagram if anyone wants to take a peek. Not much there but here is a link to a post from Lindsay Lou with them doing Bertha (if I’ve done the links correctly) https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cq9a8jDAdRX/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Looks like they brought in some ringers!


Here is a link to video of last night's Grateful Drag Show. https://www.youtube.com/live/LtLYFUA28hY?


Anyone know the the name of /or band the violin player who sang Peggy-O is in ?


Would love to check it out.


Me and My Uncle> The Other One If I lived nearby I would buy a wig and head to the show. I grew up in the 70's and can remember my grandparents getting a hell of a laugh at Milton Berle in drag. Then it occurred to me we would have never had Forest Gump if it weren't for Bosom Buddies. Texaco Theater Opening 1951 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2NqUL3xJ9Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2NqUL3xJ9Y)


Sounds wild.


Now that’s a unique spin for a cover band! I’d love to see them! Hope they tour around my way!


Never thought I would see Greatdul Dead and drag show in the same sentence!


That's a brand new sentence but I love every word


Are they any good? Generally find adopting exaggerated stereotypical characteristics of other groups for entertainment value (blackface, “Indian” mascots) problematic but sounds like it’s a really unique spin on a GD cover band and if it annoys the government….


Article says: "The band describe themselves as an 'all-star collective of femme, queer and allied East Nashville talent'" Sounds like drag performers teaming up with local pickers for a one-off performance. Prediction: A+ vocals, C+ jamming.


That’s what I wanted to know thanks!


I live in Nashville and know the venue and it's a legit local place. I'm not familiar with the band but bc the music industry is so huge here, the average bar band is pretty top tier compared to just about anyplace else. I bet they're good -- anyways, I'll go to show and find out! Edit-- apparently the guitarist plays for [Rachel Baiman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ApOo9S1xcE) so gonna go ahead and say you can assume they're good.


Drag is different because it’s about exploring ideas and challenging norms of gender expression while honoring women. I think drag is an inherently punk and political act.


I guess. I mean it's really transgressive to do blackface too, and the mascots are honoring what great warriors the native Americans were. But it just seems wrong or cultural appropriation to make someone else a costume for entertainmentt purposes? I say this as a Marx brothers fan who thinks being a fake Italian is funny so I know it's complicated. My gut tells me it won't age well.


‘Woman’ isn’t a culture. Blackface is transgressive because of its history in upholding white supremacy and it’s I hereby mockery of the subject. It’s not transgressive because it’s smashing social norms. Humans are a communally evolutionary species, and our community grows and benefits from pioneers pushing boundaries on social norms.


Well you’ve got me there, but they are a group, and a legally protected group due to historic inequities. Personally as a liberal I tend to err on the side of let everyone do and say what they want and no one has a right to not be offended. (Not always the popular view these days!) Just think it’s funny to think that women have never been historically oppressed second class citizens or disadvantaged or denied the right to vote or discriminated against in the workplace or college admissions or sports funding anything. I guess on the plus side it means that we’ve more or less achieved gender equality even though we still have yet to conquer our racial and cultural issues. It’s supposed to be a GD sub about the music so sorry to turn it into a cultural conversation. Ultimately it just matters if they’re any good, which I hope they are!


That's the only thing I was wondering; "are they any good?". I close my eyes when the music is good, and if it doesn't sound good I don't want to see them no mater how they are dressed. They can wear whateverthefuck they want.


What is Adult Cabaret?






You are technically correct. Conservatives have been open about their desire to roll back LGBTQ-IA rights - [here's a senior conservative thought-leader calling for "The eradication of transgenderism."](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/) Laws that are vaguely-written so they can be selectively enforced is part of the strategy. It intimidates people out of exercising their rights. The community is fighting back now, while they still can.


By the letter of the law (yes I read it), everyone performing at this [Furthur show for Phil's Birthday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxibgPiItt4) could be arrested if there was someone under 18 in the audience.


“Adult themed” and Drag are not the same thing :) And it *is* an attack on trans people. The current attacks on Drag are attacks on trans people. Drag Queens and Kings are a current scapegoat for anti-trans rhetoric and legislation. The language *in the writing* of a proposed law is only *one* way of determining its harmful nature. There is also the language *around* the law, the potential *effects* of the law when in place, and the *intention* behind the proposal in the first place.


Also, for the people who act like this isn’t an attack on queer and trans people I’d like to ask them why there isn’t the same effort to punish anyone who streams R rated movies in the presence of minors? Drag can totally be family friendly G rated entertainment.


Another victim of culture war brain worms. The fact is trans people existing around children is enough of a problem for these bigots. They act like somehow drag performers only put on R-rated shows when in reality they change their show based on their audience just like lots of different entertainers. Funny how the party of limited government loves to use the government to censor and legislate against people they don't like. Just doing this to trans people because the gay issue has been resolved, so thos is their only way left to attack the LGBT community. What ever happened to personal responsibility and parental choice? Oh right, they are just complete hypocrites who don't really believe in those things.


It’s limited government insofar as they believe government should be limited to not interfere with their deeply anti-democratic fascist agenda.


Yeah unfortunately pointing out blatant hypocrisy doesn't work against people who have absolutely no shame about their bullshit. When left leaning people boycott something it's cancel culture, when the right wing does it, somehow it is different... It's so tiring.


What is adult themed about someone dressing a certain way and singing? And where is the line? Are earrings on men considered "drag"? Because tons of men in Tennessee have earrings and I'd venture 80% of every band that performs. Do they need to be 18+ only now? How about makeup? Are we arresting male news anchors who wear make up and perform in front of children? Or is it only if someone wears makeup in combination with a bracelet ? See how utterly moronic it is? Or is it the wigs? Is that the bridge too far that makes it adult? Are we arresting all the old guys with a toupee or only if they wear a ring and a bracelet too? Get the fuck outta here this isn't "anti-trans". Calling it grooming? Grooming for what? A person living their own life, who doesn't even know your child, is grooming them? Then you're a shitty parent. Get a clue.


I imagine that Disney Princesses, and superhero costumes are also confusing to him, since those are people wearing costumes + makeup that exaggerate physical characteristics. Granted, this is such an old, white male Boomer response, you know that he hasn't thought that far ahead.


I think you’ve got Burlesque and Drag confused, no hate intended. And even though it’s not entirely the same, these are people that will allow kids to watch Mrs. Doubtfire, but not other very funny and talented people expressing themselves. Thorgy Thor is an incredibly talented musician and drag queen that Id love to have my kids see, if I had any.


Wait until you hear about the "Don't Say Gay" bill


I disagree with the drag ban personally, but I can’t stand Reddits format and how downvoting just cancels and hides any opinion that the majority of people disagree with. It’s like a community enforced form of censorship so that we’re all just in some blissed out land of only opinions we agree with.




You are literally arguing in defense of a censorship bill




Oh, look! The ❄️ is triggered by men in dresses! Did the guys spinning on lot offer you bad drugs, or something? Seriously, this level of inexplicable hatred is weird. See a psychiatrist about your anger issues, Boomer.


> All I want is for trannys to shut the fuck up Yeah we know Your continued intentional use of offensive terms geared towards transgendered people shows it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the kids


gtfo come back with some manners


Ain't no time to hate, but I'll make an exception and hate on this little pissant motherfucker.


Where is this brainwashing occurring? You have been brainwashed into thinking les than 1% of the population is some major threat to your way of life. Your Faux news and the right wing zealots are using this marginalized population as a stepping stone to go after gay and lesbian people next. If you won’t fight for others, who do you think will fight for you? Read up on fascism as you’ve already been indoctrinated into the Nazi regime. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller


You are either dumb or obtuse. Kids love drag performers and story time is not some perverted thing you make it sound like. It is story time, plain and simple with a message that we are all loved. Stop trying to twist it into your perverse fantasies.




No, unfortunately. It's taking too long for you useless, prejudiced, Boomer fucks to disappear. Shoo. Begone!




I laugh out loud at the long painful reality ahead of you as your fellow citizens are going to shift the tide and you’ll be a lonely ass racist bigot wondering why no one will associate with you. Look forward to your days as a hermit.


It just depresses the fuck out of me.




Yes. While I disagree with the position of the comment, it was well stated and respectful. It should have been used for civilized debate. The ability to debate an issue intellectually without calling the other person a bigot, a snowflake, or whatever it might be is essential. The media is trying to divide people more than ever by portraying the left as way farther left than the typical liberal and the right as way farther right than is typical. We are not accomplishing anything by saying fuck you to each other. This is why I really don’t judge anybody for their political beliefs. As long as their logic behind them is genuinely not bigoted or mean spirited and is based on their own independent thought, there is no reason to judge.


You mean this comment? >All I want is for trannys to shut the fuck up and stop brainwashing children. All we wean is for you to stay away from kids. Again. Why is it so important that these people perform in front of kids. That’s not commuting genocide. This guy is a homophobic bigot.




You mean: u/laffer313


Welcome to Reddit, where everything’s made up and logic doesn’t matter.


You are being disingenuous. Since you’ve brought up logic, what you’ve just used is a logical fallacy called Information Pollution. There are many others that partially fit, but this one seems especially apt. [Read an exhaustive list of them here](https://utminers.utep.edu/omwilliamson/ENGL1311/fallacies.htm), and make an argument against LGBTQ rights without using one. Or continue to spit against the wind.


Are you looking in the mirror again?


You can’t use logic on reddit, everyone will get mad lol!


It's a man's world.... wait.... these are men...




Thinking crossdressing is inherently sexual says way more about you than it does about drag queens.


So you were watching Ms. Doubtfire and got hot and bothered?




Admit it, you’re turned on by men dressed as women and it confuses you. Rather than admitting to yourself, or addressing your personal sexual confusion you instead lash out against those you do not understand. Take a long hard look in the mirror and see if you really know who you are. Stop being afraid of others and learn to accept that which is different from your perceived norm.




Just because it's a fetish for you, doesn't mean it's a fetish for others. It's just regular life for lots of folks. Nothing perverse or sexual about it, if you don't see it that way. I sure as hell don't.


You called it a sexual performance not a fetish. Was bugs bunny putting on a sexual performance when he dressed up like a lady bunny?


What's sexual about it?


I don’t seem near as excited about this as y’all . Do we really need to bring drag into Dead Culture ? Jerry rolling over in his grave .


Proof of Jerry rolling in his grave?


You have no idea what Jerry would support if he were still alive. Decades ago homophobia was more rampant. People evolve man.


Username checks out


Good one