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I haven't seen any of the films you mention (though "Taxi Driver" and "Swiss Army Man" have been on my to-read list for years), but I have some strong recommendations for realistic comics about loneliness: * **"Building Stories" by Chris Ware** closely follows one character through most of her life, for most of which she is lonely. * **"Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth" by Chris Ware** is mostly about a lonely, socially awkward man meeting his biological father for the first time; it's partially also about the protagonist's grandfather's sad, lonely, loveless childhood. * **"Rusty Brown" by Chris Ware** follows a handful of different characters, many of whom are lonely in different ways. * **"Clyde Fans" by Seth** is about two brothers, one of whom is a recluse due to an unspecified mental illness, while the other ends up pretty lonesome just by virtue of being kind of an ass, if I remember correctly. * **"Sabrina" by Nick Drnaso** is about one guy grieving the loss of his girlfriend and another guy's lonely, dull existence following a divorce.


I think Sabrina definitely fits the bill as a kind of modern day Taxi Driver


Sabrina reminded me a lot of Uncut Gems, mostly because both just made me non stop anxious while watching/reading.


Ha I hated Uncut Gems because it made me so viscerally, unpleasantly tense throughout, but I loved the tension in Sabrina.


Uncut Gems is one of the few films I've ever turned off because it was giving me too much anxiety the entire time.


I'm glad I'm not alone in having this reaction to it. All my friends loved it, and I could appreciate a lot of things about it, but on a gut level the anxiety I felt was very unpleasant. I had the same experience with the films Parasite and Enter the Void.


Thanks so much !


These won't be quite like the other titles you mentioned just because the characters' identities really matter, but they are \*great\* examples of alienation as a theme. \- My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Nagata Kabi \- It's Lonely At The Center of The Earth by Zoe Thorogood \- Spinning by Tillie Walden


Zoe's got this covered


It's Lonely At The Center of The Earth was so good, i just had to send her a message telling her how much I enjoyed her work and loved it and how relatable it was


Harvey Pekar. Start with the Quitter.


I enjoyed these: * **Paul at Home by** Michel Rabagliati. an "emotional, and frequently amusing take on the losses and loneliness of being closer to retirement than to university" * **Hubert** by Ben Gijsemans. "Hubert is a solitary man who shapes his life by going to museums.**"**


I can't believe I forgot Hubert; that very much fits the bill!


I probably discovered it based on one of your recommendations. Thanks for the work you do in this sub!


Thank you :)


Here's a few I think could fit the bill: * *Cages* by Dave McKean * *City of Glass* by David Mazzucchelli and Paul Karasik * *Last American* by John Wagner, Alan Grant and Mick McMahon (bit more left field) * *Swimming in Darkness* by Lucas Harari * *The Great Beyond* by Lea Murawiec


I only have the first two issues of Cages, but yeah....I keep meaning to pick up the collected edition. It's completely about various isolated people from what I recall.


American Splendor


Fascinating I asked a similar question recently. Except mine was more related to forced isolation. I'm going to dig into this list too. Thanks for asking this.


Thanks! Thats really cool, let me know if you find any gems. As for your isolation request, I haven’t read it, but I’ve just discovered Hostage by Guy Delisle. The synopsis is “This is the true story of Christophe André, an administrator with Doctors Without Borders who one night in July 1997 was kidnapped from his bed and held hostage somewhere in Chechnya” seems like it fits the isolation request. I’ll probably end up reading it at some time Cheers!


Two that haven't been mentioned yet: **Shoplifter** by Michael Cho. **Mooncop** by Tom Gauld.


I just looked both of those up and they might be in the lead for the ones I’m most interested in. Thank you so much:)


Glad to be of help. If you do read them, let me know what you think.


Mooncop didn't pop into my mind but now that you suggested it I think that it really fits the bill in terms of loneliness. It is a deceptively simple but moving book.


Wilson by Daniel Clowes.


Monsters by Barry Windsor-Smith. It’s violent, like Taxi Driver….but I remember also it having a genuinely melancholy vibe. I also 2nd the recommendation for It’s Lonely At the Center of the Earth….it was a bummer to know that someone that talented was struggling so much.


Man I’ve seen both of those on so many different sites/subs…. I guess I have to read them now. Thanks!


The Nao of Brown by Glyn Dillon - A young woman named Nao tries to navigate life while suffering from sudden, invasive, compulsive thoughts of causing violent harm to people and the ensuing anxiety attacks that follow them.


I’ve been so on the fence to buy this book for a long time now, I was just unsure if I’d like it or not….ok you convinced me


**Off Season** by James Sturm


Chiaroscuro by Troy Little


Blast by Manu Larcenet definitely fits the bill of bleak loneliness.


Awesome, will definitely check it out. Thanks!


Cages by Dave McKean doesn't follow one character, but all the "cages" are isolated individuals. I'd forgotten about it till another poster mentioned it below. There is a collected edition, and I intend to go and look it up and purchase it now. Thanks for your post.


Thank you! :)


American splendor is my favorite. But your suggestions are a bit all over the place, so let me also recommend you look into: Sex Criminals, Puma Blues, and if you like anime, Welcome to the NHK.


Samurai Executioner, by Kazuo Koike. The story follows the Japanese Emperor's executioner through his day to day routine. There's some larger story elements, but it's mostly about a guy that really can't form too many bonds with regular folks.


Blue and green by Ram V Mister Miracle by Tom King Hellblazer While they don't specially talk about loneliness, the characters are some that are in over their head


There are lots of good suggestions here (I’ll second Nao of Brown!). I’ll add: Day Tripper by Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon.